"Are you still laughing? She takes me as an enemy now, and even cuts me off with a sword, making me her father-in-law."

"No...haha...don't get me wrong...haha..."

Zhong Kui smiled while hugging his stomach. Although he wanted to hold it back, he couldn't help it.

He knew that Jiang Lin wanted to find the masculine girl's phantom body, and he also knew that he wanted to bring them all home.

In other words, if it weren't for such a coincidence, Yu Canhua would also be Jiang Lin's wife in the future, but now Jiang Lin said that Yu Canhua would castrate him with a sword.

This is so hilarious.

Seeing Jiang Lin's dark face, Zhong Kui forced back his smile and explained, "I don't even know that he is the phantom of a masculine girl. If I knew, why would I hide it from you, what good would it do to me? ?"

"I don't care about these. You can think of other ways for me to kill my future wife. Can it be any more outrageous?"

Jiang Lin also knew that there was no point in pursuing investigations now. The important thing was to think of other ways.

"This, there's really no other way, you have to know that they have all been to the heavenly court and absorbed the spirit of the fairy there, and Wutian used this to control the people of the heavenly court to prevent them from mutiny. This is what I learned later. , There is only one way to get them out of the control of Heaven."

Zhong Kui shook his head and said that there was no other way. If Jiang Lin hadn't cut off the karma from the Ghost Eight Immortals, they would have entered the realm of beasts after they died, and they would not be human beings.

"You said that you are in charge of the reincarnation of Da Luo Xianjie, can you not handle this?"

"You're joking with me, don't talk about Da Luo Xianjie, it's our Middle-earth world, isn't there such a situation? Your fairy wife Chi Xiaoyu, she also went to the kind of place that men like to go to. It's not All living beings can be managed by the underworld, and in the Daluo Immortal Realm, the same is true."

After being attacked by Jiang Lin, Zhong Kui also blew his beard. If he could change, why would he need to go around in such a big circle and ask Jiang Lin to help him.

"Okay, the Eight Immortals are about to be executed now, and the Heavenly Court should step up their investigation. You don't want to show any clues. As for that...the matter of killing your wife, ahem, after you kill them, talk to them again. In love. Haha..."

Zhong Kui laughed when he said that he killed others, beat them to pieces, and then fell in love with them.

There's no one left!

I'll go to your second uncle!

This time it was Jiang Lin's turn to be the bottom of the pot. Can this be any more outrageous?

Do you think it's a dog blood costume romance drama?

"Ahem, Director Jiang, since Yangnv's main body and two phantoms are with you, it is estimated that Yangnv has a special fate with you. You are so attractive, are you afraid that you won't be able to conquer it? When the time comes If it's a big deal, I'll come forward to mediate and serve as a matchmaker for you."

"Who cares about you as a matchmaker?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, since there was really no other way, he could only rely on himself to make Yu Canhua willing to follow him in the future.

"Director Jiang, I have nothing else to do, I will go back first, and I will congratulate you in the future when you and Yu Canhua get married."

"Go on, I'm going to sleep."

Jiang Lin raised his middle finger at Zhong Kui, this guy kept laughing and kept wanting to see his jokes.

After Zhong Kui left, Jiang Lin rested and slept until noon before he and Er Wu set out to the execution ground.

Behead Zhu Qi's head.

Because Yu Canhua had robbed the prisoner before, Zhao Zhaotou dispatched a lot of officials to surround the execution ground to prevent Yu Canhua from reappearing.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the county magistrate ordered the execution, and Zhu Qi beheaded by Twenty-five.

As a result, Erwu was really throwing the material, and he went down with a knife, stuck the golden law enforcement knife on the back of Zhu Qi's neck, and didn't cut off his head.

In the end, Zhu Qi became mad and made a scene at the execution ground. Seeing this, Jiang Lin rushed up and kicked the hilt of the knife, causing Zhu Qi's head to fall to the ground.

Suddenly, Jiang Lin felt a gaze converge on him, he turned to look into the distance, and found a vague figure in the distance.

It was in the pavilion in the distance that he was looking at the Jade Remnant Flower in the Dharma Field.

"Okay, Jiang Lin, I'll make you slash with a thousand swords!"

Yu Canhua looked coldly at Jiang Lin's figure from afar. Zhu Qi was the one who loved her the most among her righteous brothers. Now that she was killed by Jiang Lin, she must avenge her seventh brother.

Chapter [-]: Revenge from the Future Wife (Part [-])

Not long after Zhu Qi was escorted to Jiangliu County, Yu Canhua followed him. When she got here, she inquired about the man who prevented her from saving Zhu Qi, and naturally found out Jiang Lin's information.

And she also knew that Yuan Detai was going to ask Jiang Lin to execute her after she was arrested.

So, now, she hated Jiang Lin to the extreme.

Hold the day!

Jiang Lin's mood at the moment is extremely depressed. He and Yu Canhua already had a grudge, and now, Yu Canhua counts the hatred value on him again.

If Twenty-Five hadn't thrown the material so much, it probably wouldn't have been like this, but now, Zhu Qi died in his hands and was seen by Yu Canhua, then he really filled Yu Canhua's hatred.

Forget it, after the matter is over, let's see if the matter has turned around.

Jiang Lin also wanted to open it up. Judging from the current situation, it was unavoidable for her to have a grudge with Yu Canhua.

He only hopes that after the dust settles, Yu Canhua will not be affected by this life.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he will have to fight the overlord.

Maybe it's also interesting.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, and he was a little confused.

Xiaoqian, Fu Qingfeng and Gu Mengxue all have the same face. He can also try different methods to turn them into Mrs. Jiang.

For example, starting from three years, the highest death penalty.

"Junior brother, you go back, I'll go drink."

After the execution ground dispersed, Erwu greeted Jiang Lin with a disappointed face.

This time, he threw the material out again, and it was Jiang Lin who had to solve the problem.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly and went back directly.

"Jiang Lin, how are you?"

As soon as he returned to Yuan's house, Yuan Detai asked about the situation of the execution ground, and Jiang Lin told Yuan Detai truthfully.

"Hey! This Twenty-five, it seems that it is still not enough to give him the golden sword. Jiang Lin, walk with me on the street. I am going to find a shop and change careers after a while."


"That's right, although my Golden Saber Yuan said that I was working for the public, I have to say that I have killed too many people in my life. Originally, this Golden Saber of law enforcement was going to kill thousands of people, so I needed to do it myself. I have counted my fortunes and said that once this golden sword is full of thousands of people, I will be doomed, so I gave this task to you and Erwu. Now, it is estimated that I will be able to retire soon, so I plan to find A shop, do a little business."

After a pause, Yuan Detai said again: "Whoever inherits my mantle, you and Erwu, will also commit murder, but I will not let you bear such consequences in vain, so I plan to marry my daughter Qiaoyin to me. heir."

Having said that, Yuan Detai looked at Jiang Lin, he was Qiaoyin's father, and he couldn't possibly not know what was on his daughter's mind.

Qiaoyin already has feelings for Jiang Lin, and since [-] is not very useful, then the only candidate is Jiang Lin.

If Jiang Lin has no opinion, Jiang Lin will be his son-in-law in the future.

"But according to Master's arrangement, Qiaoyin is a very good girl."

Since Yuan Detai has already said this for his sake, Jiang Lin doesn't plan to say anything more.

Yuan Detai said a few good words and looked at Jiang Lin with satisfaction.

This offspring, his daughter likes it, and his couple like it too. If he becomes his son-in-law in the future, it will be a kiss.

The two were walking on the street, checking the quality of the location, when suddenly, a delicate cry for help came from a grain and oil store in front.

This voice, Yu Canhua?

Jiang Lin frowned, not to mention that his memory is very good, even Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng have been husband and wife with him for many years.

Therefore, as soon as Yu Canhua's voice came out, he had already recognized it.

However, he did not explain to Yuan Detai.

Because he can identify who the owner of this voice is, relying on it is not the ability of ordinary people.

In this last period of time, it is best for Yuan Detai to lead the development of things.

"Go, go in and have a look."

Yuan Detai rushed into the grain and oil store with Jiang Lin when he heard a woman calling for help.

Inside, several men were beating the woman in the corner with sticks.

"Don't meddle in your business. This little widow owes us money, and she has no money to pay back, so we have to sell her."

A strong man in the lead stopped Jiang Lin and Yuan Detai when they saw their intrusion.

"Please help the two uncles. The little girl is a widow for her husband and has no income. The debt her husband owes is impossible to repay."

Yu Canhua climbed up to Jiang Lin and knelt down for him, wiping her tears and begging.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin was heartbroken.

Yu Canhua thought that he didn't know her true face and deliberately asked someone to act here.

What's the matter, let's just act, and say that he is a widow.

I'm your future husband, what kind of widow are you, keep the wool, curse me!

Jiang Lin twitched the corners of his mouth. If nothing else, this jade remnant flower was still a big girl, and her body was still clean. For the sake of design, she actually said she was a widow.

The widow of your family or the pure and clean yellow flower girl?


Jiang Lin looked at Yuan Detai, everything was according to Yuan Detai's intention, and he didn't interfere much.

"You bastards, don't you know that human trafficking is illegal? Do you have the heart to beat such a weak woman?"

Yuan Detai pointed angrily with his halberd, and yelled at a few strong men, who were naturally angry and rushed up.

Yuan Detai asked Jiang Linhe to do it himself, and threw down a few goods on the opposite side.

"Jiang Lin, she's also very pitiful, take her back. I wanted to open a shop to sell buns, but I just need a bun, so let this little widow help out there. With me in control, these rascals will also be there. Don't dare to mess around."

"it is good."

Jiang Lin went over and helped Yu Canhua up.


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