Jiang Lin nodded. During this period of time, he and Yuan Detai got along, and he also had a master-disciple relationship. Qiaoyin is Yuan Detai's daughter. It is estimated that it will not be long before Yuan Detai's disaster will come, and Qiaoyin will no longer be taken care of.

That guy Erwu is a guy whose eyes go straight when he sees beautiful women, so Jiang Lin also plans to keep Qiaoyin by his side.

Anyway, Qiaoyin also fell in love with him.

"Jiang Lin, the heavenly fairy who has been exploring the Yuan family with immortal power is coming here."

When Jiang Lin was looking for Qiaoyin, Baoyi suddenly sent him a voice transmission.

Angel is here?

Jiang Lin frowned, the second uncle, the Heavenly Court was not at ease monitoring it, and specially asked an angel to come over to prevent Zhong Kui and the others from rescuing the Ghost Eight Immortals and Yuan Detai.

Immortals are blocking the road, which is a little troublesome.

For a time, Jiang Lin felt that the matter was very difficult to do. Originally, according to Zhong Kui and his plan, after the ghosts of the Eight Immortals came to find the matter, he would be able to complete the matter in one fell swoop. .

On the surface, Zhong Kui didn't do anything to break the situation, but he still used means to let the Eight Immortals on the bodies of Yuan Detai and his wife. In this case, Jiang Lin would have reason to kill Yuan Detai and his wife.

But if Tianxian is present, then things will definitely have twists and turns.

"Don't contact me for now, I'll take care of it myself depending on the situation."

Jiang Lin gave Baoyi a voice transmission, and then he pretended to know nothing and went to Qiaoyin's room.

In the hall, while Yuan Detai was pacing, an immortal old man suddenly appeared in the living room.

He was the inspector entrusted by Heavenly Court to monitor the Yuan family.

"You... who are you?"

"This immortal is an immortal officer in the Heavenly Court. I traveled to the lower realms. I heard that the Eight Ghost Immortals were harmed by Jiangliu County, and I heard that you, Jin Dao Yuan, killed all the Ghost Eight Immortals, so I came to advise me on the way."

The inspector smiled at Yuan Detai and continued: "Jin Dao Yuan, the eight ghosts you killed were all scoundrels and thieves in the past, and they were reincarnated as the Eight Great Evils. Although you beheaded his mortal body, their souls will be transformed. As a ghost, I came to you to seek revenge. This time, you are doomed."

"Are you an angel? Immortal, please point out the maze."

Yuan Detai bowed deeply to the inspector. A fortune-teller said before that his fate would be doomed, and another angel appeared at this moment, so he could not believe it.

"It's hard and difficult, even if I am a god, I can't change the number of days. The Eight Ghost Immortals will definitely seek revenge on you, and your family will not be guaranteed. Well, this immortal will give you a plan, and the Eight Ghost Immortals will take revenge, You carry it yourself, the injustice has the first debt and the owner, if they embarrass your family, this immortal will not let them go."

The inspector stroked his beard and gave Yuan Detai advice.

In fact, this is his suggestion, he just wants to make good business for himself, let Yuan Detai not resist, and he will go back to his life.

The first thousand four hundred and forty-four chapters, what about the immortals, they were still hacked (Part [-])


Yuan Detai didn't know what to say for a while. Here came an angel, what did he say to persuade him, and he persuaded him to die?

"Xianchang, since you are an immortal official in the heavens, how dare the evil spirits of the Eight Immortals dare to make trouble in front of you, please rescue me."

Yuan Detai listened to the meaning of the inspector and seemed to want to stay, so he begged the latter to rescue him.

After all, even if the Eight Immortals turn into a savage ghost, they are still little ghosts. Would they dare to jump in front of the gods?

"Of course, this immortal is not someone who will not be saved, but this immortal also told you before that immortals can't change the number of days. Listening to the words of the immortals, when the time comes, everyone in the family will be killed, and only you will bear the consequences."

The inspector saw that Yuan Detai was not very obedient, and his face became unpleasant.

"Then ask Xianchang, when are they coming?"

"Midnight tonight."


Hearing that the time was so urgent, Yuan Detai immediately turned pale and sat down on the chair.

"Xianchang, please forgive Xiao Lao'er for being rude. Since the deadline is approaching, let Xian Chang ask Xiao Lao'er to say goodbye to his wife and daughter."


The inspector nodded. He came here. As long as the task is completed, he can go back to his life. He doesn't care whether Yuan Detai entertains him or not.

So Yuan Detai went back to his room and told his wife about it.

On the other side, Jiang Lin was in Qiaoyin's room and asked Qiaoyin to bandage his wounds.

"Qiaoyin, the master said that the Eight Immortals have already subverted the law, and the golden sword has been beheaded by thousands of people. He plans to give the golden sword to me soon, and, not only the golden sword, the old man also plans to give his precious daughter to me. And me."

Jiang Lin looked at Qiaoyin with a smile and told her Yuan Detai's decision.

Although an angel has come to Yuan's house now, he will still do what he should do normally.


When Qiaoyin heard Jiang Lin's words, the gauze and medicine bottle in her hands fell off, and her face was like a layer of cinnabar.

"Dad...Dad, how could he do this? He doesn't even ask people...people's opinions."

Qiaoyin didn't dare to look at Jiang Lin, his face was a little annoyed, but more of a shy expression.

"Then do you want to?"

Jiang Lin bent down to pick up the gauze and the medicine bottle, and then grabbed Qiaoyin's plain hand.


Qiaoyin lowered her eyebrows to pleasing her eyes, then sat on Jiang Lin's lap and pressed her face to his chest.

How could she not want to.

As early as a few months ago, her parents sometimes hinted at it in their words.

Jiang Lin gently scratched the bridge of Qiaoyin's nose and said, "Then I'll say it in advance. In the future, you can marry a chicken and a dog."

Qiaoyin looked coy, she looked into Jiang Lin's eyes, raised her face, and gave her her first kiss.

"Cough cough!"

At this moment, Yuan Detai came to the door and coughed.


Qiaoyin didn't expect someone to come when she kissed Jiang Lin. She was ashamed and covered her face, and she didn't dare to see anyone.

"Father, I'm going to sleep, Jiang Lin, your wounds have been bandaged, you can go back."

With blushing cheeks, Qiaoyin was about to push Jiang Lin out.

"Okay, what's the embarrassment for a man to marry and a woman to marry, your mother and I both plan to hand you over to Jiang Lin, what's so embarrassing."

Yuan Detai asked Qiaoyin and Jiang Lin to stand up, and then he considered his words and explained his last words.

If he doesn't say no, he will be killed by the Eight Immortals tonight at midnight.

"Father, how could this be? The Eight Immortals are evil men and women. You kill them all for the sake of the people. Why is that? Since they came to claim their lives, can't we run away? If you stay, We're not leaving either."

Qiaoyin's previous happy mood was swept away, replaced by sadness.

Originally, her father brought up the marriage with Jiang Lin, which meant that she and Jiang Lin were going to get married soon, but at this moment, her father said that there was a life-or-death catastrophe, and it was the kind that could not be escaped.

"Qiaoyin, Dad is doomed this time. Dad only hopes to sacrifice one of me, so that your mother, your young couple, and two or five will not be in danger."

Yuan Detai shook his head and sighed, since there was an immortal who came and said that he was doomed, then he could not escape.

Moreover, if he chooses to flee, Qiaoyin and Jiang Lin may be in trouble.

This is what he doesn't want to see.

"Master, if we don't leave, you just gave me Qiaoyin and let us escape. We can't do it."

Jiang Lin also rejected Yuan Detai's request, of course he couldn't leave.

Moreover, he also knew that the supervising Tianxian came to Yuan's house to prevent Yuan Detai from resisting, and after he was killed, he directly sent his soul into the animal realm.

Also euphemistically called to provide advice to clear the siege.

Jiang Lin and Qiaoyin were reluctant to leave, and Yuan Detai could not persuade him. In desperation, he had no choice but to give up.

"If you don't want to go, I won't force it, but you are not allowed to go out. Jiang Lin, I will hand Qiaoyin to you. You can watch her in her room tonight. If there is no accident, you will both Once you get married, it doesn't matter if a man and a woman don't get along with each other."

"it is good."

Jiang Lin grabbed Qiaoyin and nodded to Yuan Detai.

"Jiang Lin, why don't you let me go out? He is my father, he is in trouble, can I stay in the room and not go out as a daughter?"

"Of course I know, but if I don't agree like this, Master won't give up. Let's go out when those sneaks come."

Jiang Lin explained it to Qiaoyin. In fact, Yuan Detai's request was exactly what he wanted. It is indeed inconvenient for him to appear in front of the inspector.

How to fix this?

Pacing, Jiang Lin sat down beside the bed, thinking about how to deal with the next situation.

If it was only monitored by the above, then he could still carry out the original plan. After all, even if the above found it, it would take time to get to the lower realm.

But if an immortal is watching from the Yuan family, then he is very constrained.

It is definitely not possible to do it clearly, and it is estimated that it will be a black hand.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while before thinking of a way.

With his ability, it is impossible to deal with an angel at all, and it is impossible to let him leave.

Unless he was unexpected, he secretly made a black hand and beat the inspector into the ghost town of ghosts.

Only then can he buy himself time.

However, in this case, if he fails, then he is in danger.

At this point in time, it's not easy for Zhong Kui to make any moves, otherwise, the Heavenly Court will find out, and there will be no room for manoeuvre.

The first thousand four hundred and forty-five chapters, what about the immortals, they were still hacked (below)

"Jiang Lin, what should we do? Is there any reason for this?"

Qiaoyin sat beside Jiang Lin and leaned her face on his shoulder.

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