"I don't know either. Let's see when the time comes. Master and I are always strong and vigorous men. Maybe we can't get close to us if we are sneaky."

Jiang Lin shook his head and could only comfort Qiaoyin like this.

However, he also knew that the bloody plot was about to come. If he made a successful attack, then Yuan Detai and his wife would be "destroyed" by him.

Time passed by, and when midnight came, a gloomy wind began to blow in Yuan's courtyard.

"Yuan Detai, take your life! And that Jiang Lin, his brother's, also gave me a knife!"

Several ghost figures fell in the yard one after another, among them, Zhu Qi's ghost screamed in the yard.

"Several of them really look down on me, little old man, and they still miss me when they die."

Yuan Detai walked out of the room and looked at the eight souls in the yard with a calm attitude towards death.

He came out with Yuan Detai, and his wife. Mrs. Yuan knew that Yuan Detai was doomed, and she was unwilling to survive alone.

At this time, Jiang Lin and Qiaoyin also walked out of the room.

Erwu and the inspector also appeared in the courtyard.

"Heaven... Heavenly Immortal?"

The Ghost Eight Immortals and the others immediately took a few steps back when they saw the supervising envoy in a fairy-like look.

"I don't care about your injustices, but I don't care about innocent people."

The inspector folded his arms and glanced at the Eight Immortals. He had to do what he had to do, and when he was done, he could go back to do business.

There are eyes on it, and there are immortals around, Zhong Kui, what kind of work did you arrange for me!

Jiang Lin's brows were furrowed, and now he seemed to be swallowing a hedgehog.

At this time, everything in the Yuan family's courtyard appeared in the treasure mirror in the Heavenly Court Cloud Palace.

"Haha, it seems that there should be no action in the ghost city of the Netherworld. After all, if they dare to do anything, they are destroying the order of the heavenly court. With my order, I can crusade the Netherworld."

Wutian looked at the picture in the treasure mirror and laughed loudly. At this moment, the supervisors have all gone down. If the ghost city dared to do anything, it would be a blatant treason.

"Your Majesty, I feel something is wrong. There is no reason for Zhong Kui to let himself lose so many arms. He hasn't moved yet. Could it be... Could it be that he has bigger plans? Let's take a look at the guards around the heaven, and monitor the ghosts. The outposts of ghost towns are better, if our attention is focused on here, but we ignore other places, that may be the case.”

Xingtian narrowed his eyes and gave advice to Wutian.

When Wutian heard this, he was also stunned, he really didn't expect this.

So, he immediately pointed to Baojian a little bit, and asked him to explore other places.

What I can do, I have already done, it is up to you how to play.

Xingtian looked at Jiang Lin's figure in the treasure mirror, and now, he could only put his hope on Jiang Lin.

"Fatty Jiang, the eyes of the sky are gone."

In the Yuan Family Courtyard, Bao Yi in Jiang Lin's arms noticed that Tian Court's investigation had disappeared, and informed Jiang Lin through voice transmission.

Surveillance gone?

Jiang Lin raised his brows, but then he suppressed the emotional fluctuations.


The inspector suddenly glanced at Jiang Lin. Now that he was not far from Jiang Lin, the fluctuation of immortal power in Jiang Lin still caught his attention.

However, just when he wanted to investigate in detail, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the air and rushed towards him.


The charm that was sent over.

When Jiang Lin went to Cang'er Town, he once set up a teleportation array there, just to prevent himself from getting out in case of any accident, and in order to avoid accidents, he also left a charm spirit in Stay there.

Now, finally used.

The sudden change in the hospital surprised everyone except Jiang Lin, and the inspector was also stunned.

Just as he flicked his sleeves and blasted out an immortal force, Jiang Lin instantly hid his figure and teleported over.

Take advantage of it and make a bad move!

But in the eyes of outsiders, he didn't move, and in the moment before the action, he also used the ever-changing abilities.

The invisible Jiang Lin took out the Netherworld token with one hand, swiped beside the Superintendent, broke through the Netherworld passage, and slapped the Superintendent's body at the same time.

Originally, even if he was unexpected, he couldn't shake an immortal with his unfinished Jindan cultivation.

But he has a seal of immortality in his hand.

This immortal casket not only has spiritual power, but when Jianglin went to the underworld, he specially sought out Niu Tau Ma Mian and the others and filled it with immortal power.

If you count the top ten yin commanders of the underworld, they are also at the level of ghosts and immortals, and naturally they can also form immortal powers through special methods.

This immortal casket was specially prepared by Jiang Lin for the possible appearance of angels in Middle-earth, and now, it just came in handy.

With Feng Xianlu, the inspector received Jiang Lin's palm, and the immortal power in his body was instantly imprisoned. It was also because of this that he was an immortal being blown away by Jiang Lin's palm.


When the inspector was blown away, his face was astonished. Jiang Lin's invisible trick, in his opinion, was a small trick, and it didn't work in front of him at all.

Therefore, he recognized Jiang Lin.

However, he never imagined that Jiang Lin would actually blow him away.

He is an angel!

What's more outrageous is that he has been monitoring the Yuan family for a month or two. During this time, he did not even realize that Jiang Lin was not an ordinary person.


It was only at this moment that the inspector realized that the ghost city was not inactive, but that chess pieces had been buried a long time ago.

But Heavenly Court has never found it!

However, no matter how surprised the inspector was, there was nothing he could do. He had already been blasted into the Nether passage by Jiang Lin.

"Dare to move the angels! You are courting death!!!"

When Jiang Lin drew the Netherworld token to close the passage again, the inspector let out an extremely angry roar.

He was in charge of supervising the Yuan family, but was actually played by a little cultivator as a monkey, and now, he was beaten with a sap by this fellow.

An angel was hacked by a little cultivator. This is a strange story that has never happened in the world, and as the master, he was also hacked.

"Hmph, what about the immortals, they are still being hacked by me."

Jiang Lin let out a sigh and quickly teleported back to the place.

As if he never moved.

After getting the inspector, Jiang Lin spread his thoughts and let Charming fly away from the Yuan family courtyard.

As for what would happen to the inspector when he arrived in the ghost town, he didn't care at all.

Most likely will be killed by Zhong Kui.

It's actually not hard to think. He sent the inspector to the ghost town, and Zhong Kui definitely couldn't escape his involvement.

In order not to expose this matter, the most likely thing Zhong Kui would do is to kill the immortals.

The first thousand four hundred and forty-six chapters of the immortal blood open the front, the golden sword criminal industry

The fact was exactly as Jiang Lin had guessed. After the inspector was sent to the ghost town, Zhong Kui noticed it almost at the same time.

Then the inspector who was in charge of monitoring the Yuan family for Heavenly Court was out of luck, completely gg.

Zhong Kui has also been paying attention to the above situation, and he has also been paying attention to the movements of the ghost town. After all, if something happens to Jiang Lin, he may hide in the ghost town, and he needs to be ready to respond at all times.

When Jiang Lin opened the Nether passage, Zhong Kui had already made a move.

Therefore, after the inspector was sent down, he was ambushed from all sides before he found out where he was.

After finishing the supervisory envoy, Zhong Kui immediately returned to his judge's hall and cast spells on the two instruments in the hall.

These two instruments were once used by the Eight Immortals of Ghosts, and Zhong Kui needed to use this to influence Zhu Qi and Yu Canhua to cooperate with Jiang Lin's performance.

At this time, in the Yuan family compound, Yuan Detai and Gui Baxian were all stunned.

What's the situation? ? ?

Angel disappeared?

It looks like someone was attacked.

"Haha, his brother's, Tianxian ran away, Yuan Detai, let's see who can help you! This time, I will let your whole family not stay!"

After being surprised, Zhu Qi looked up to the sky and laughed, and the other ghosts and Eight Immortals also showed smug smiles and laughed wildly.

If there are angels, they can't kill them, but now that the angels are gone, no one can restrain them anymore.


At this time, the surrounding neighbors were woken up by the sound of the Ghost Eight Immortals. They came to the entrance of Yuan's house to check, and when they saw the ghost of the Ghost Eight Immortals, they all screamed in fright.

Many of them have been to the execution ground to watch the excitement, so they are not unfamiliar with the Eight Immortals.

The Eight Immortals of Ghosts have been beheaded long ago, but now these people have appeared in the Yuan family's courtyard. What are they not ghosts?

These neighbors retreated all the way and hid in the alleys and alleys to watch the situation of the Yuan family.

This is how to do?

Yuan Detai doesn't care about outside affairs at all. At this time, his eyebrows are twisted into a "chuan" character. Without the immortal pressure, not to mention he will be killed, even Qiaoyin and Jiang Lin can't do it. Get out of the clutches.

"Jiang Lin, take the knife!"

Yuan Detai threw the law enforcement golden saber in his hand to Jiang Lin. His golden saber was ferocious, and ghosts dared not take it lightly. Now he can't take care of himself anymore. He only hopes that Jiang Lin can protect his daughter. .

"Brothers, take revenge and complain!"

After Zhu Qihao shouted, suddenly, his ghost body suddenly shuddered, and there was Jade Remnant Flower who had a similar reaction to him.

"His brother, the more I think about it, the more angry I get. I can't kill them so easily. I want their couple to beg for death. Yuan Detai, I want you to watch you strangle your precious daughter with your own eyes!"

The ghost screamed, and Zhu Qi rushed to Yuan Detai, and Yu Canhua also rushed to Mrs. Yuan.

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