Ghost upper body.

As for the remaining Ghost Eight Immortals, they attacked Jianglin Qiaoyin and Erwu respectively.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Lin used a knife to force back the rushing evil spirits, and blocked Qiaoyin again to protect her.

As for Twenty-five, he was bombarded by a ghost energy, flew out, hit the courtyard wall, and passed out directly.

"Brothers, don't do it first, let's let the enemy do it himself and let him kill his own daughter and apprentice."

After Zhu Qi attached to Yuan Detai, he screamed and approached Jiang Lin and Qiaoyin together with Yu Canhua, who also attached to Mrs. Yuan.

It seems that Zhong Kui should have exerted his strength.

Jiang Lin saw that Zhu Qi and Yu Canhua performed ghost upper body, so he guessed that this was a secret arrangement by Zhong Kui.

Better to go according to plan.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Lin decided to act according to the original plan.

Although the upper realm is not investigating the Yuan family now, if the monitoring angel sends any signal, the heavenly court may monitor this place again.

"Father! Mother!"

Qiaoyin was crying, Yuan Detai and his wife, who were walking over, had lost their original appearance. Their faces were black and blue, and their expressions were extremely vicious, as if they wanted to swallow her and Jiang Lin alive.

"Jiang Lin...kill...kill us! Protect...protect Qiaoyin."

Yuan Detai used all his strength to restore some clarity to his spiritual platform, and begged Jiang Lin to kill the couple.

He absolutely did not want to see his daughter and future son-in-law killed by their own hands.

"Jiang Lin, what should I do? How can I do this?"

"Qiaoyin, no matter what happens next, do you believe me?"

Jiang Lin protected Qiaoyin from backing away and glanced at her.

Although what he will do next will make Qiaoyin unbelievable and unacceptable, Jiang Lin still doesn't want to have too much estrangement between himself and Qiaoyin.

He can't explain this to Qiaoyin now.

Qiaoyin nodded and said, " are my future husband, of course I believe in you."

"Okay, hold me tight."

Jiang Lin carried Qiaoyin on his back, he had to bring Qiaoyin, otherwise he would not be able to protect her as an ordinary person now.

Carrying Qiaoyin on his back, Jiang Lin bowed and raised his sword, and said to Yuan Detai and his wife, "Master, Master, I have offended you!"

He rushed up, kicked the possessed Yuan Detai and his wife into the air, and kicked them into the room on the side.

Now that people are watching outside, he has to go to a place to hide before making specific actions.

"Little brat, do you think you can lift their ghosts with two kicks?"

Zhu Qi controlled Yuan Detai's body and grinned at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin didn't care about Zhu Qi's arrogant attitude, he leaned forward and dragged his knife away.


With a swipe of the knife, Mrs. Yuan's head flew into the air. After that, Jiang Lin turned around and cut again, cutting off Yuan Detai's head as well.

"Heaven Lingling, Earth Lingling, thousands of people are killed, immortal blood opens up, mortal weapons are sacred, golden swords are punished!"

Jiang Lin dipped his fingers in Yuan Detai's blood on the golden saber, and drew a talisman on the saber.

"Jiang Lin, do you know magic?"

Qiaoyin was originally sluggish because she saw her parents beheaded by Jiang Lin, but now she saw Jiang Lin used some mysterious means to make the golden knife appear thunder and lightning, and she was even more confused and didn't know what was going on.

"Now I can't explain it to you, I can only make you believe me."

Jiang Lin responded to Qiaoyin, and smeared the golden knife with corpse poison and cold marrow, making it unpretentious.

Afterwards, he rushed out of the room, and Zhu Qi and Yu Canhua flew into the courtyard after Yuan Detai and his wife were beheaded.

Now that Jianglin's golden sword has become a reality, he can let go of acting.

Even if Heavenly Court monitors again, he is not worried anymore.

Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing when he thought about it. The Yun Palace in Da Luo Xianjie pretended to be a heaven, but he couldn't find it even if he was a little guy who was acting hard in front of him.

Now the matter is basically a foregone conclusion, even if Heavenly Court sends people to investigate in the future, they will not be able to find anything, but will be misled by the people who eat melons outside.

The first thousand four hundred and forty-seven chapters are over, leave, run!

"His brother's, you are so cruel, you really dare to do it."

Zhu Qi looked at Jiang Lin coldly. In order to free Yuan Detai and his wife, Jiang Lin actually beheaded them decisively.

"I see how cruel you can be."

Zhu Qigui made a move to the two headless corpses in the room, and captured the souls of Yuan Detai and his wife in his hands.

"Do you try again? The golden sword in your hand is ferocious. Not only can it kill people, but it may also be able to slay ghosts. Come and slash again. If you kill them in the flesh, you will slash twice, and they may be gone."

Chong Jianglin hooked his hands, and Zhu Qi's pair of ghost hands emitted electric light, controlling the souls of Yuan Detai and his wife.

If it weren't for everything that was expected, I would have completely wiped you out.

Jiang Lin squinted at Zhu Qi, if he hadn't understood the cause and effect, he would have been able to refine Zhu Qi's soul for a hundred thousand years, just like Zhu Qi's sullen appearance.

However, he also knew that when Zhu Qi did this, it was estimated that Zhong Kui was secretly helping.

Otherwise, there is no reason for him to beat the souls of Yuan Detai and his wife to pieces.

"Jiang Lin, don't, my parents are already dead, they can't be lost, you must have a way... oh!"

Qiaoyin on Jiang Lin's back quickly patted Jiang Lin's shoulder. She couldn't accept that her parents were killed. If her parents lost their minds, she would become a lunatic.

However, before she could finish speaking, she groaned and fainted.

This is Jiang Lin's spiritual energy gathering on his back, hitting Qiaoyin's meridians, causing him to faint temporarily.

He can't let Qiaoyin say some revealing lines.

"My God, why are Jin Dao Yuan and the others so miserable?"

"Yeah, these ghosts and eight immortals really deserve to die. They were all beheaded and turned into ghosts to seek revenge."

"It's really unreasonable."

The people watching the situation of the Yuan family not far from the Yuan family sighed with embarrassment.

Yuan Detai did not know how many damn wicked criminals he killed in his life, but when he got old, he ended up like this.

Being killed by the ghosts of the Eight Immortals is not enough, and maybe even the souls will be scattered.

"Master, Mistress, for the safety of Qiaoyin, forgive Jiang Lin's actions."

When Jiang Lin heard the comments of the people outside, he also showed his acting skills. As soon as his spiritual power was forced, his eyes filled with tears.

Full marks for crying.


Jiang Lin roared and rushed towards Zhu Qi.

Next is the bloody plot, and the killing is over.

After the two screams, the souls of Yuan Detai and his wife became a light rain and dissipated directly.

However, because of the corpse poison and cold marrow on the golden knife, they are not scattered, but the ghost body is temporarily scattered.

After ending the souls of Yuan Detai and his wife, Jiang Lin rushed towards Zhu Qi and the others.

After a bloody battle, the ghosts of the Eight Immortals were killed by Jiang Lin, leaving Zhu Qi and Yu Canhua.

"His brother's, that knife... there is definitely something wrong with that knife, eighth sister, run away!"

Zhu Qi clutched the knife wound on the ghost body, and realized that the golden knife must be a magic weapon. Before, several of his righteous brothers thought that the golden knife could not cause any substantial damage to them, and they were killed.

"Okay, there will be many long nights in the future, and then we will avenge our brothers."

Yu Canhua also found something wrong, and immediately floated up the courtyard wall, ready to find an opportunity to seek revenge in the future.

But even if they wanted to run, Jiang Lin wouldn't do what they wanted. Now that he's a mountain, how could he fall short.

Jiang Lin is now like a madman with red eyes, rushing out of the gate, chasing Zhu Qi and Yu Canhua.

In addition to completing the task, he also wanted to make the movement bigger.

When this happened, he just ran away and made the matter bigger. When the heavenly court investigates, anyone can be a witness.

After half an hour, Jiang Lin dispersed Zhu Qi and Yu Canhua.

Many people who are making noises know it.

In a place where there was no one, Jiang Lin cast a spell to gather the ghosts of the Eight Immortals and Yuan Detai's scattered souls, and put them in the sealed ghost bags.

Back at Yuan's house, Jiang Lin closed the door and woke Er Wu, who had passed out.

Now that the dust has settled, he is about to run away.

Done, go, run.

"Junior brother? Where is the master and the wife?"

After Er Wu woke up, he looked around and found that the surroundings were messy, and he remembered what happened before.

"My master and my wife were all killed by me. They were possessed by the ghosts of the Eight Immortals. I have no choice."

Jiang Lin sighed and explained to Erwu, and then he said again: "However, the ghosts and eight immortals have already been killed by me with golden swords, which can be regarded as avenging for master and wife. Brother, master's reputation depends on you to continue. Now, I'm leaving Jiangliu County with Qiaoyin."


"Why else? I killed people. Both my master and my wife were killed by me. People from the government will definitely come here. Even if you can testify, do you think they will believe it? The government doesn't believe in ghosts and gods."

Jiang Lin had already figured out an excuse, and he woke Twenty-five for this reason.

Let Erwu feel that his departure is also reasonable.

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