
Twenty-five was stunned for a moment, Jiang Lin said nothing wrong, the government solved the case and would never admit that there was any sneaky revenge or something.

It was absolutely true that his master and wife were beheaded by Jiang Lin, and he would definitely be arrested in a few days for questioning.

"Senior brother, you are Master's eldest disciple. I will leave this house to you in the future."

Jiang Lin left this sentence, and continued to leave the courtyard with Qiaoyin on his back, and went out of the city.

After leaving the county town and reaching a place where no one was there, Jiang Lin released the golden wheel of the sun and drove it to the mountain forest where the corpse of Jade Remnant Flower was buried.

When he arrived at Yu Canhua's tomb, Jiang Lin slammed the ground with a palm, and after putting the coffin in the ancient mirror, he did not delay at all, and flew away from Jiangliu County quickly.

Run away, run away.

An hour after Jiang Lin left Jiangliu County, Heavenly Court re-checked the situation of the Yuan family with a treasure mirror.

"Zhong Kui is very cunning. If he hadn't probed the post, there would have been a problem."

Wutian sat on the stone bench in the pavilion and snorted coldly.

Fortunately, Xingtian asked him to check other places. Sure enough, there were people who rebelled, but those who rebelled were only scattered ghosts, and on the surface, they had nothing to do with Zhong Kui.

Xingtian nodded and said, "That fellow must be sending the vanguard troops that he can't find out. If we don't notice, then the ghost soldiers and ghost generals from the ghost town may come here in the future."

"That's right, but it's settled over there. Let's see how the Eight Immortals are."

Wutian cast a spell to make Baojian appear, showing the situation of the Yuan family.

But he found nothing but the two bodies of Yuan Detai and his wife.

"Since Yuan Detai is dead, it is estimated that the inspector has taken them and the Eight Immortals together and sent them to the animal realm."

Wutian stroked his beard and felt very happy. Without the help of the Eight Ghosts and Yuan Detai, Zhong Kui would not be able to hold the ghost town sooner or later.

He never imagined that he had missed the most important process long ago, and during this process, everything changed.

The first thousand four hundred and forty-eight chapters are turbulent

It seems that there must be some turning point.

Xingtian glanced at the picture displayed by Baojian, and felt a slight sigh of relief.

The Yuan family yard looked very messy, it should have been a battle, like the ghosts of the Eight Immortals and Jiang Lin fought fiercely.

If this is the case, then the inspector is probably in some trouble, otherwise, there is no need to let the Ghosts and the Eight Immortals make trouble.

It's just the specific result, and he still needs to verify it to be sure.

"Xingtian, I'm going to deploy soldiers and generals in a few days, and I'm going to attack the ghost city. What do you think? I want all the primates in the Daluo Immortal Realm to know that the top of the immortals is proud of the world, and there is only me and no genius!"

Behind Wutian's hands, he snorted, since Zhong Kui couldn't get the help of the Eight Immortals and Yuan Detai, he wanted to take the Netherworld as soon as possible.

How many of you can blow!

And you have no talent.

Xingtian's heart is crooked and crooked, this Wutian has established a heaven on his own, and really thinks he is the God of Haotian.

However, despite the slander, Xingtian still said: "Your Majesty, will it be too early?"

Wutian shook his head and said: "It's not too early, there will be a sun calamity in the immortal world soon, the heavenly court immortals will also be affected, and the monsters and monsters will be increased by it, much stronger than the normal time, maybe the ghost city I'm ready to strike at that time. I'm going to strike first, if I hesitate, I'll probably overwhelm others."

"Your Majesty is wise."

Since Wutian has already said so, Xingtian can only follow his wishes.

After that, Heavenly Court began to gather Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to fight against the Netherworld.

When Zhong Kui knew that Jiang Lin had successfully completed the task, he also felt that there were signs that the mountains and the rain were coming, and he arranged ghost soldiers and ghost generals in the ghost town to prevent the heaven from attacking.

That's why he didn't go to Jiang Lin for the first time.

Jiang Lin is now riding the golden wheel of the sun, galloping into the distance.

He didn't know that before the sun robbery came, the heaven and the nether world were going to fight each other.

He didn't even know that what he did during this time would affect the balance of the war in the future.

At this moment, there was movement from the Nether Token in Jiang Lin's arms.

"I can go to your second uncle!"

Jiang Lin took out the token and read the information from Zhong Kui above, and let out a foul language.

Zhong Kui informed him that it would not be long before Heaven and the Nether Ghost City would fight.

I still think about going to the ghost town in the future and being able to stand up straight.

The corner of Jiang Lin's mouth twitched, this time he helped Zhong Kui a lot, thinking that he would be bolder in walking in the Daluo Immortal Realm, find some treasures or even steal some treasures.

But now Zhong Kui told him that Nether Ghost City might fight with Heavenly Court, and the Nether Ghost City would probably be overwhelmed by this war.

"The situation is turbulent."

Jiang Lin sighed. He didn't expect that when he came to the Daluo Immortal Realm this time, he actually ran into the turbulent period of this realm.

At this time, Qiaoyin, who was carrying him, also opened his eyes and woke up.

Seeing herself being carried by Jiang Lin, flying in mid-air, Qiaoyin slapped Jiang Lin on the shoulder and cried, "Who the hell are you? You are not an ordinary person at all. Why did you kill my parents!"

Now, Qiaoyin feels very unfamiliar with Jiang Lin. She has always thought that Jiang Lin is a very ordinary young man who came to their house just to learn from a teacher.

But these are all fake.

Jiang Lin was a cultivator she had only heard of in rumors. Jiang Lin deceived her and her family, not counting, but also killed her parents, which might have driven her parents to pieces.

When Qiaoyin cried, she opened her sandalwood mouth and bit Jiang Lin's shoulder.

She had mixed feelings in her heart, and she didn't know what it was. Before the ghosts of the Eight Immortals appeared, she regarded Jiang Lin as her future husband, but her future husband was actually the murderer of her parents.

Qiaoyin identified Jiang Lin as the murderer.

After all, Jiang Lin had such supernatural powers, and it was a very simple matter to save her parents. As a result, Jiang Lin still beheaded her parents.

Jiang Lin let Qiaoyin bite on his shoulder. A normal person would lose his normality when encountering such a thing.

"Why did you lie to me? I like you so much..."

After letting out her breath, Qiaoyin cried bitterly on Jiang Lin's back as if she had lost her strength.

Jiang Lin put Qiaoyin down, made him stand on the golden wheel, turned around and said, "Qiaoyin, the whole story is not something that can be explained in a few words, and I didn't mean to lie to you..."

"You killed my parents, you didn't mean it, you big villain! Where are you taking me? Kill me too!"

Qiaoyin didn't want to listen to Jiang Lin's explanation at all. What she was most annoyed about was that Jiang Lin had been deceiving her, and she still wanted her to believe him.

Hate Jiang Lin, Qiaoyin grabbed his hairpin and wanted to stab him in his heart.

She is a weak woman, and she can't help Jianglin at all. She only hopes that she will become a ghost when she dies and seek revenge for Jianglin.

Jiang Lin clamped Qiaoyin's wrist, then took her into his arms and kissed her cherry lips.

Since Qiaoyin didn't listen to the explanation, he used this method to calm him down.

Qiaoyin struggled in Jiang Lin's arms, but she couldn't struggle at all.

After a long time, when Jiang Lin saw that Qiaoyin was no longer struggling, he let go.

"You wicked man, you can fly and escape, what kind of woman can't be found, why do you want to deceive and tease me, a weak woman?"

Qiaoyin looked at Jiang Lin with tears in her eyes, and squatted down helplessly.

"You stupid girl, you don't listen to me, why am I teasing you? You are my fiancee. Also, although the master and the wife are dead, I saved them."

Jiang Lin squatted down and explained Yuan Detai's matter to Qiaoyin, even if Qiaoyin couldn't understand him.

"I don't believe it. I don't know if what you said is true or not."

Qiaoyin shook her head again and again, the words Jiang Lin said were simply too unbelievable for her.

She was a girl who grew up in a mortal county town, and she couldn't digest the information she heard.

Jiang Lin raised his hand to wipe Qiaoyin's tears and said, "If you don't believe me, follow me. After three days, I'll show you the souls of Master and Mistress, and then you'll know the truth. You too. I said that I can fly to the sky, and if I really want you to be my shelter, I will just use force, why bother with these idiots?"

It will take about three days for Yuan Detai and the others to reunite and fully recover. Moreover, Zhong Kui is lining up in the ghost town at the moment, and he has no time to spare, so Jiang Lin plans to wait for Yuan Detai and the others to recover before contacting Zhong Kui.

Whether Qiaoyin believed him or not, everything would be clear if Yuan Detai explained it. Otherwise, three days later, he contacted Zhong Kui and asked Zhong Kui to explain to Qiaoyin.

Chapter [*] Isn't shameful enough?

Hearing what Jiang Lin said, Qiao Yin looked at Jiang Lin with tears in her eyes. Jiang Lin was right at all. She was a weak and ordinary girl. If Jiang Lin had any evil thoughts, she would not even have the ability to resist.

"You didn't lie to me this time?"

"What's in it for me to lie to you? You'll know then."

Jiang Lin helped Qiaoyin get up, and sipped again on his sandalwood mouth.

"You... you are not allowed to kiss me. If what you said is true, then I will let you kiss again."

Qiaoyin pouted slightly and pushed Jiang Lin.

"When you know the truth, I will let you kiss me in front of the master and the wife."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then continued to drive the golden wheel of the sun overnight.

Now he still needs to find another hidden place and continue to arrange a teleportation circle.

Although things went smoothly this time, it was still a while before he left the Da Luo Immortal Realm. If something happened, he would have to rely on these teleportation circles to avoid being hunted.

Moreover, the ghost town has encountered war again, and he has to rely on himself to be the safest.

Jiang Lin took Qiaoyin with him, almost without rest, he kept flying away, even when Qiaoyin was sleepy, Jiang Lin also picked her up and let her fall asleep in his arms.

Now, the farther away he is from Jiangliu County, the better.

Three days later, Jiang Lin flew over a deep canyon formed by a fissure in the earth.

The width of the entire deep canyon is no more than three people side by side, and the walls of the canyon are extremely steep, making it difficult for ordinary people or animals to enter. Jiang Lin plans to build a transfer station here.

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