After spending half a day digging a cave at the bottom of the deep canyon, Jiang Lin and Qiaoyin settled there.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin looked at Qiaoyin who had fallen asleep, and took off his clothes and put them on her.

After that, Jiang Lin walked out of the cave and contacted Zhong Kui with the Nether token.

Jiang Lin didn't tell Qiaoyin about the Ghost Eight Immortals. Zhong Kui originally planned to use the Ghost Eight Immortals as his hidden power, so Jiang Lin naturally wouldn't reveal it to others.

It didn't take long for the space in front of Jiang Lin to have mosquito coil-shaped patterns. After a while, Zhong Kui walked out of the distorted space.

"Brother Jiang, you are truly a genius!"

When Zhong Kui saw Jiang Lin, he gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up.

Niu people, don't accept it.

Under the supervision of Heavenly Court, and with an immortal around him, Jiang Lin still did what he told him.

And it hasn't caught the attention of Heaven.

Although there is help from Heavenly Court Faceless Immortal, this main role is still played by Jiang Linyou.

Now, although Tianting noticed that the inspector did not return to Tianting to return to his life, he sent someone to Jiangliu County to investigate, but nothing was found.

The result was that the Ghost Eight Immortals and Yuan Detai were both beaten and scattered.

The immortals who investigated also searched the memories of insiders, and found nothing tricky at all.

Wutian knew about the Ghost Eight Immortals and Yuan Detai's spirits, and he couldn't stop laughing.

Anyway, he didn't instruct him. Whether it was from Heavenly Court or Nether Ghost City, he didn't have any guilt.

It is precisely because Jiang Lin faced the unexpected twists and turns and got things done, so Zhong Kui is very polite to him now, and even the title has changed.

"God's wool, there is a monitor on it, and there are angels next to it. If I'm a little bit unlucky, I might burp."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, this time if he didn't have Feng Xianlu on his body and wanted to get things done, it would have been easier said than done.

And once things don't go well, others don't mind, but Yu Canhua will have to be beaten into the animal realm.

That's a lot of blood, and he's going to take a bitch or a sow back.

Zhong Kui had never said before that this matter would be so difficult to handle.

After a dry laugh, Zhong Kui said: "Cough, brother Jiang, I owe you a big favor this time around Zhong. If you need Zhong's help in the future, just ask."

That's more or less.

Jiang Lin nodded and released Zhu Qi and the others' souls from the ghost-sealing bag.

He didn't release the souls of Yuan Detai and his wife for a while, and he had to invite Zhong Kui into the cave and explain to Qiaoyin with Yuan Detai.

As for Yu Canhua's soul, he also hid it, at least after Yu Canhua and his rice were cooked, he would let Yu Canhua leave.

After Zhu Qi and the others came out of the ghost bag, they were all confused. After the karma in their souls was eliminated, the memories of the past gradually emerged in their minds. Now they still don't know what happened.

As soon as they saw Jiang Lin, the last memory in their minds appeared, and they rushed towards Jiang Lin viciously, wanting to continue their revenge.

"Enough! Not shameful enough?"

Zhong Kui snorted, now that the karma on Zhu Qi and the others has disappeared, and they are still affected by this life, it's really embarrassing to throw him to his grandma's house.

Then he slipped another conch from his sleeve and blew it.

"The past is already known, and it won't be time to return!"

Zhu Qi and the others heard the voice of Faluo, and they were shocked, and they completely understood the cause and effect.

Awakening together, Yuan Detai in another ghost bag and Jade Remnant Flower in Zhihe.

"These are your natal instruments. I spent a lot of effort to steal them back for you. After you fuse with the natal instruments, you will be able to obtain your previous cultivation base."

Zhong Kui threw out eight magic weapons from his sleeves, curled his lips again, and said, "Look at the two of you, it's embarrassing for me, and let you go to the heaven to lurk, but all of them are caught, and I have to give them to me. You wipe your ass."

Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing, what Zhong Kui said was really good, these goods are really shameful enough.

Their original cultivation is not weak, even stronger than the ghosts of the same level, otherwise they would not go to heaven.

But in the end, it was really bad for them to mix one by two.

Going to be a pig and a dog.

Jiang Lin didn't smile, but Zhong Kui felt that he couldn't hold his face even more with this smile, and continued to point at Zhu Qi and the others to reprimand: "Look at people, the eyes of the sky are watching from above, the angels are guarding by the side, and people can still deceive the immortals. Heaven, let Heavenly Court find nothing. At this moment, Heavenly Court doesn't even know that you have been rescued by others.

Zhu Qi and the others were so maddened by Zhong Kui that they all remained silent.

Really feel ashamed.

If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. Compared with Jiang Lin, they will lose face to the hometown of the first generation.

Jiang Lin was just a little cultivator, which made them feel that their faces were thrown into their ancestors' graves.

The first thousand four hundred and forty-nine chapters is enough to bully the sky, you still make me turn the sky?

"Huh? Where's Jade Remnant Flower?"

Zhong Kui watched Zhu Qi and the others recall their natal instruments, only to find that Lotus Leaf Qinglian was still unclaimed.

"Yes, eight sisters."

"Where did she go?"

Zhu Qi and the others also looked at each other in dismay. Originally there were eight in a row, why did they lose one?


Jiang Lin touched his nose and said, "What about that Jade Remnant Flower, the matter was urgent at the time, I only cared about getting things done as soon as possible, but the result was a heavy attack, and she was really beaten to the core by me."

Who is lost?

I am fine here!

Why don't you let me out?

In the paper crane in Jiang Lin's arms, Yu Canhua was stunned, she was fine, but Jiang Lin said that she was really lost.

What's wrong, why is he lying?What are you hiding from me?

Yu Canhua felt uneasy for no reason, she smelled a bad smell.

Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin seems to have some bad intentions towards her!

However, no matter how noisy she was in Zhihe, she didn't make any noise.

She is just an ordinary ghost now, and her previous mana cultivation base was sealed in the lotus leaf Qinglian, the magic weapon of her life, and she couldn't escape from the paper crane at all.

Don't think about it too much, I tried to seduce me before, I won't let you know the consequences, and I won't be named Jiang anymore.

Jiang Lin patted his chest slightly, sending in a burst of spiritual power, which directly bound Yu Canhua through Zhihe.

"You beat her to death?"

Zhong Kui screamed in surprise, and the jade flower was gone.

Huh, that's not right.

However, after Zhong Kui was surprised for a moment, he felt something was wrong.

Whether Jiang Lin uses spiritual power or not, he can completely control himself. Without using spiritual power, he will not let the jade flower disappear.

You bad boy, you are the one who kidnapped me secretly.

After a little thought, Zhong Kui knew that Jiang Lin was definitely talking nonsense with his eyes open.

He knew that Yu Canhua was an illusory body of Yang Nv and Jiang Lin's future wife. It was still possible for Jiang Lin to hit Zhu Qi and the others with the wrong hand. As for Yu Canhua, it was absolutely impossible.

However, although he had guessed what was going on, Zhong Kui did not dismantle Jiang Lin.

Anyway, Jiang Lin couldn't hurt Yu Canhua. At most, he would take Yu Canhua to warm the quilt. This was Jiang Lin's family business, and he didn't bother to take care of it.

"Also the eighth sister's life!"

"Avenge the eighth sister!"

"A life is worth a life!"

Zhu Qi and the others glared at Jiang Lin, wanting to seek revenge for Yu Canhua.

"What are you calling!"

Zhong Kui frowned and roared, then he pointed at Zhu Qi and the others, and continued: "What are you doing here? If it weren't for others, you would have been animals forever!"

After being yelled at by Zhong Kui, Zhu Qi and the others were dumbfounded again. Even if Jiang Lin not only wiped out the jade flowers, but killed a few more by mistake, they were not qualified to take revenge.

"Okay, let me go back to the Netherworld. Now Heavenly Court intends to attack the ghost city, and then it will be up to you to beat them by surprise."

Zhong Kui waved his sleeves and opened a passage, allowing Zhu Qi and the others to return to the underworld to hide.

"The body of Yu Canhua is also on you?"

After Zhu Qi and the others left, Zhong Kui took back the lotus leaf Qinglian, looked at Jiang Lin, and asked a question.

", no."

Jiang Lin was suddenly asked by Zhong Kui, and quickly shook his head in denial.

Put the person who stole me in front of me, keep pretending for me.

Zhong Kui showed a look of contempt, and then threw a stone box from his sleeve: "This small sarcophagus can isolate some cursed power. Although the ghost karma of the Eight Immortals is no longer controlled by the heaven, it is still possible for the body and the corpse. Fucked up."

"And such a thing? Then this thing, a good thing."

Jiang Lin raised his brows, then smiled slightly, took the pocket sarcophagus and sent it into the ancient mirror, letting the treasure in the ancient mirror vacate the body of Yu Canhua.

Seeing Jiang Lin didn't admit it, Zhong Kui didn't say anything.

Later, Jiang Lin released the souls of Yuan Detai and his wife.

"Brother Yuan, Zhong Kui has made you suffer."

Zhong Kui looked at Yuan Detai apologetically, and threw out another battle armor.

This armor is Yuan Detai's previous magic weapon, and it can also restore Yuan Detai's cultivation in his previous life.

"Brother Zhong, this is my fate, but I don't think about it in Heaven."

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