After Yuan Detai recovered his past memories, his temperament also changed a lot.

When he thought of his experience in the mortal world, his eyes shone with a cold light.

He looked at Jiang Lin and said, "Good boy, this time a certain family can avoid the fate of falling into the animal realm, thanks to you."

"Cough cough, future father-in-law, I haven't lost any money, at least I have made a good money to be my wife."

"Haha, okay, Qiaoyin is my daughter in this life, and I handed her over to you before I died. You can't treat her badly in the future, or I won't forgive you."

Yuan Detai stroked his beard and smiled. He was very satisfied with Jiang Lin's junior.

With such a low level of cultivation, he was able to help Zhong Kui to do something that was difficult for even an immortal to do. The future was bound to be limitless, and he was relieved that his daughter had such a support.

After that, Yuan Detai explained to his wife's soul, and even Mrs. Yuan didn't know what was going on.

Mrs. Yuan sighed and said, "My husband was such a capable person in his previous life. I am really lucky."

Yuan Detai nodded and said, "It's not just you, our daughters are also lucky. Jiang Lin is a bold and careful person, given time, he will definitely not be an ordinary person. The boy who dares to play chess under the eyes of the heavens will be good in the future. ."

"Brother Yuan, you and your sister-in-law will go to my ghost town in the future. You have never had a partner before, so let your sister-in-law accompany you all the time. This Jiang Lin is also your son-in-law, so please help my brother. His cultivation base is still low, but his physique is special and he has great luck. He can do some things that are inconvenient for us, and the success rate is not low. This time we will overthrow the heaven, and we may have to use his power. I am I'm sorry to speak to him again."

Zhong Kui gave Jiang Lin a toothless smile. Even if Jiang Lin eliminated Jiuyou Ghost Venerable before, he was not too shocked, but what Jiang Lin did this time was too unexpected.

He almost witnessed Jiang Lin creating a miracle that even he thought was impossible, which directly raised his evaluation of Jiang Lin to a higher level.

He felt that this time against Heavenly Court, if Jiang Lin's arm helped, there might be unexpected gains.

"You're joking with me! It's okay to let me bully the sky, and you still make me go crazy?"

Jiang Lin was really convinced, he dared to fall in love with Zhong Kui, this was a slap in the face, and he wanted to beat him up.

He has hidden the game and saved Yuan Detai and the Eight Immortals in Heaven's eyes. He has already taken a big risk, and he may become a thorn in the side of Heaven in the future.

Now that Zhong Kui is so good, he still wants to turn the world upside down.

It's like he's a god!

Chapter [*] You are not kind, then don't blame me

If it wasn't for the elders, Jiang Lin really wanted to give Zhong Kui a middle finger, what would the scheming guy say he was too embarrassed to speak.

Really a bit old shameless.

Sorry to speak, you let others speak, different things?

"Let him participate in the overthrow of the Heavenly Court? Now that the Ghost Eight Immortals are out of the Heavenly Court's control, they must be like me. They hate Heavenly Court to the bone, and you are almost the same. Besides, Jiang Lin's cultivation level is indeed too inferior. What's the big difference?"

Yuan Detai frowned, wondering what was the significance of Zhong Kui's letting Jiang Lin participate in the rebellion.

In his opinion, although Jiang Lin has done a big thing this time, his ability to play is not in combat at all, and Jiang Lin's own cultivation is limited. This time may be purely luck. In case of any trouble, Jiang Lin will Lin couldn't handle it at all.

Yuan Detai thinks this way, mainly because he doesn't know Jiang Lin well. If he knows some things Jiang Lin has done in Middle-earth, it is estimated that his views on Jiang Lin will be completely different.

"Brother Yuan, you underestimate your son-in-law too much. If nothing else, he once sealed the extraterritorial demons, and in your Yuan family, the guardian angels sent by the heavenly court were planted in his hands. Come on. He's probably very patient."

"Is there such a thing?"

Yuan Detai couldn't help but glance at Jiang Lin more, the angel who dared to coax him was made to disappear by Jiang Lin.

"Father-in-law, don't listen to his nonsense, those are just my luck."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, now that Zhong Kui saw his fortune, he flattered him vigorously, just wanting him to take risks and work for the ghost town.

Do you really take good luck once or twice as the norm?

"Judge Zhong, you let me participate in your affairs, so what do you offer me?"

Jiang Lin also didn't plan to talk nonsense with Zhong Kui. If Zhong Kui wanted to use his power again, he had to pay a price to make him tempted, otherwise he wouldn't talk about it.

"What else do I have to offer, the Eight Immortals are missing one, what else can I offer?"

Your boss Jiang is such a man who loves his wife, what can you compare to your wife?

Zhong Kui raised his face at Jiang Lin, and even kidnapped one of his subordinates to be his wife, what more do you want?

Jiang Lin: "..."

Second uncle, you are really shameless.

Jiang Lin really wanted to write a big costume, so he took Yu Canhua, because Yu Canhua was Gu Mengxue's phantom body, and Yu Canhua should have been taken away by him.

This Zhong Kui actually took this rightful thing as a benefit he provided.

Since you're not being kind, don't blame me.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "Judge Zhong, you don't need to mention this. Don't say that my father-in-law doesn't speak. Even if he does, I won't go."

After the conversation changed, Jiang Lin said to Yuan Detai again: "Father-in-law, Qiaoyin is in the cave. If she knew that you were still alive and that I didn't lie to her, she would have given up on me. But I don't know how to accept it now. She, you also know that I helped Judge Zhong break the situation, rescue you, and completely offend the heavenly court. I don't know how much danger will be in the future, and I don't want Qiaoyin to be a widow soon after getting married."

Having said that, Jiang Lin smiled at Zhong Kui and continued, "So, my son-in-law would like to ask his father-in-law to open his mouth and ask Judge Zhong for some powerful magic weapons for self-defense."


When Zhong Kui heard Jiang Lin's words, his face turned dark.

It's okay if Jiang Lin doesn't agree, and he slaughtered him in turn.

"That's right!"

Yuan Detai patted his forehead when he heard the words, and he forgot that Jiang Lin rescued him and the Ghost Eight Immortals. It was a risk, and the risk may always exist. Jiang Lin's cultivation base is not high. If he encounters danger in the future, there may be Doomed.

And his daughter is going to marry Jiang Lin again. If Jiang Lin has three strengths and two weaknesses, then his daughter Qiaoyin will have to be a widow.

"Master, what Jiang Lin said is true. He is our daughter's future husband. I have a daughter. You have to let Jiang Lin take care of him."

Mrs. Yuan shook Yuan Detai's arm, she must not allow her daughter to be a widow in the future.

"Brother Zhong, this is my son-in-law, give him some of your magic weapons and let him beside him."

Yuan Detai patted Zhong Kui on the shoulder and asked him to send some treasures to Jiang Lin.


Zhong Kui showed an embarrassed yet graceful smile, took some magic weapons from his sleeves and threw them to Jiang Lin.

Zhong Kui has a grin on his face, MMP in his heart.

Now that Yuan Detai has spoken, he must have to agree. After all, Yuan Detai was devastated in this world, and he had his reasons.

Jiang Lin smiled and showed his white teeth, and took a few magic tools into his arms.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, you have to meet Qiaoyin and explain to me, she treats me as an enemy now."

Jiang Lin spread his hands helplessly and asked Yuan Detai and his wife Zhong Kui to enter the cave.

"Qiaoyin, wake up and see who they are."

He squatted down where Qiaoyin was sleeping, Jiang Lin patted him awake, and pointed to Yuan Detai and his wife behind him.

"Huh? Father! Mother!"

Qiaoyin almost jumped up and threw herself into Mrs. Yuan's arms, crying.

"Father, what's going on? Jiang Lin... Didn't he kill you and disperse your souls?"

After a long time, she wiped her tears and asked Yuan Detai why.

"Jiang Lin didn't harm us, he saved us..."

Yuan Detai explained to Qiaoyin what was going on, which was basically the same as what Jiang Lin said.

"I...I really blame him."

After listening to Yuan Detai's story, Qiaoyin looked at Jiang Lin eagerly. Jiang Lin took such a big risk to save her parents, but she misunderstood him as the big enemy who killed her parents.

"Just look at me like this? No compensation? I'm your fiancé."

Jiang Lin held his arms and glared at Qiaoyin, then he pulled Qiaoyin to his side and pointed to his mouth.

"Isn't it okay if people are wrong? Both parents are here, and Uncle Zhong is also there."

Of course Qiaoyin knew what Jiang Lin wanted her to do, and her shy face turned red.

Seeing that Jiang Lin was unwilling, she could only stand on tiptoe, slapped Jiang Lin's mouth, and then hid behind Jiang Lin, daring not to meet anyone.

When Yuan Detai and his wife saw this, they smiled slightly, and Yuan Detai said, "Qiaoyin, Jianglin, we are going back to the ghost town, so let's be here tonight as a witness. Although our home is gone, our family is here. You also have high worship."

He planned to let Jiang Lin and Qiaoyin be in the cave, to marry in front of them, to get married, and to fulfill their couple's wish.

Qiaoyin blushed and nodded lightly.

Jiang Lin smiled and whispered a few words in Qiaoyin's ear.

After that, he showed a sunny smile to Zhong Kui again.

I'm so...

Seeing Jiang Lin's kind smile, Zhong Kui couldn't help but shudder.

Jiang Lin smiled and pushed Qiaoyin, and Qiaoyin went into Mrs. Yuan's arms and acted like a spoiled child, saying: "Mother, we are going to marry Jiang Lin, but he may be in danger in the future, although Uncle Zhong sent some magic weapons. , but people think it's not enough. You see, my daughter is about to get married, should Uncle Zhong express it?"

Playing coquettish to Mrs. Yuan, Qiaoyin called out to Yuan Detai in a whimpering voice: "Dad~"

"Cough cough... This... It should be. You are Dad's precious daughter and brother Zhong's precious niece, so naturally he will not be stingy."

Although he said so, Yuan Detai rolled his eyes at Jiang Lin.

You kid can really speak lion's mouth.


Zhong Kui's face is covered with ellipses this time, Jiang Lin, it's muddy!

Before Jiang Lin slaughtered several of his magical tools, it was painful enough for him, and now he is here again?

Who made you disrespectful?

Jiang Lin pretended not to see Zhong Kui's black face.

Qiaoyin walked up to Zhong Kui and said, "Uncle Zhong looks like a generous person."

Saying that, she also stretched out her hand in front of Zhong Kui.

"Ha...ha...then...that's of course, the niece is overjoyed, how can you not be polite as an uncle."

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