An embarrassed yet amiable smile appeared on Zhong Kui's face again, and he took four magical instruments from his sleeves with a painful look on his face.

Jiang Lin, you are cruel!

Seeing Qiaoyin smiling and not holding back, Zhong Kui took out two magical instruments with a heartache.

Chapter [*] The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall

Qiaoyin held the six magic weapons and returned to Jiang Lin's side.

Jiang Lin put it away, and said to Zhong Kui with a smile, "Uncle Zhong is really cool."

"That's right."

Zhong Kui smiled without showing his teeth, the teeth in his mouth were grinding.

Jiang Lin took some spar and drove it into the top of the cave to make the cave brighter. After that, he went to the depths of the cave and cut a lot of stones with his bone sword to make tables and stools.

After the arrangement, he took a lot of candles as red candles for the wedding.

"Judge Zhong, take out some cold marrow and use it as a wedding wine."

Jiang Lin took some lotus seeds and dried dragon meat from the ancient mirror clock and placed them on the stone platform, causing Zhong Kui to bleed again.

No matter how dark Zhong Kui's face was, he could only pinching his nose to recognize it.

He only regretted his previous idea of ​​playing Jiang Lin's fortune.

In the past, Jiuyou Ghost Zun was planted three times in the hands of Jiang Lin, but this time he was slaughtered three times in Jiang Lin.

Heart is bleeding.

It didn't take long for the cave to be filled with a festive atmosphere. Jiang Lin and Qiaoyin didn't change their clothes, and just bowed in front of Yuan Detai and his wife.

"Jiang Lin, Qiaoyin, we're gone, we will live in the ghost town in the future. Jiang Lin, you have to be kind to Qiaoyin, otherwise my golden sword will not agree. The golden sword is on you, just like I am by your side. , if you make Qiaoyin sad, I won't forgive you lightly."

"Don't worry, father-in-law, I will take Qiaoyin very seriously."

"Father, mother, when you arrive downstairs, how will my daughter see you?"

Qiaoyin has tears in her beautiful eyes. Although her parents will live well in the underworld in the future, she will not be able to do her filial piety in the future.

"Silly child, they are all married, so they don't want to cry. We can entrust you with dreams in the future. If you are happy in the world, your father and your mother can rest assured."

Yuan Detai comforted Qiaoyin and said to her and Jiang Lin, "This happens to be a cave, so we won't disturb your bridal chamber. You're newly married Yan'er, so we won't stay any longer."

After that, Yuan Detai opened a passage with his wife and Zhong Kui and went to the Netherworld.

"Qiaoyin, father-in-law and mother-in-law will have a good time down there. Don't worry about it."

Jiang Lin took Qiaoyin into his arms, Qiaoyin nodded slightly and pressed his face to his chest.

Seeing Qiaoyin's flushed face due to drinking the cold marrow tonic, Jiang Lin's heart swayed, and he hugged her and went to the depths of the cave.

The bridal chamber.

The next morning, Jiang Lin covered the sleeping Qiaoyin with a quilt and kissed her on the forehead again.

After setting up the soundproof array next to Qiaoyin, Jiang Lin began to set up the teleportation array in the cave. Apart from leaving a backhand for himself, he also planned to send Qiaoyin to Qingerhe after the array was arranged. Go to Gu Mengxue.

The road ahead is dangerous, and he cannot bring Qiaoyin with him.

For the next half a month, Jiang Lin was busy with the transmission of the magic circle, and was pondering the ten magic tools that he had slaughtered from Zhong Kui.

Each of these instruments is not inferior to the Haotian Mirror and Tianlei Double Sword of the Emei School.

In addition to being busy, Jiang Lin and Qiao Yin greasy lived together for a period of life as an immortal couple.

"Xiang Gong, where are you going in the future? Since I have already married you, I will marry a chicken and a dog and a dog."

On this day, Qiaoyin leaned into Jiang Lin's arms when he saw that Jiang Lin had finished setting up the array.

In the future, wherever Jiang Lin goes, she will follow him.

"I have to go far away and can't take you with me, but before that, I have to send you to your two sisters."

"My sister? Where do I have a sister?"

Qiaoyin looked puzzled, she was an only daughter, how could she have any sister.

"My sister who worshipped me."

"Have you worshipped? already have a wife?"

Qiaoyin pushed Jiang Lin away, pouted and looked at Jiang Lin angrily.

Jiang Lin said with a smile: "Yes, there are more than two or three. However, whether it is two or three or twenty or thirty, you have to marry a chicken, a chicken, a dog and a dog. You just said that. of."

"I used to be my parents' precious daughter, but... I ended up marrying you as a child. I want to tell my father that you lied to me."

"You all know that I'm not an ordinary person, so I must have more than one lady. Don't make trouble, I have to take you there. They are all in a relatively safe place. I did this for Zhong Kui and angered the heavens. It will be revealed sooner or later, and I am not too worried about myself at that time, I am afraid that you will be hurt a little bit."

Jiang Lin touched Qiaoyin's head and went to the side, ready to activate the magic circle.

When Qiaoyin heard Jiang Lin's words, the resentment in her heart disappeared immediately. Since Jiang Lin was willing to make a promise, keep his promise at great risk, and help Zhong Kui, then she and Jiang Lin are both husband and wife a hundred days a day. How could Jiang Lin not treat her well.

Be small, be small, anyway, a person can't really serve his own man.

"But Xianggong, since Uncle Zhong is a high-ranking official in the ghost city, you can send the two sisters and me there, and Daddy will take care of us."

"Silly girl, if it wasn't for the insecurity of the ghost town, I would have sent you there long ago. If the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, the ghost town will soon have a war with the heaven, so how can I rest assured that you should go there to escape? "

Jiang Lin shook his head. It wasn't that he hadn't considered letting Qing'er and Gu Mengxue settle in the Netherworld.

But after knowing that Zhong Kui was going to fight against Tianting, he dispelled this idea.

The Heavenly Court is powerful, and if it is desperate to deal with the ghost city of the Netherworld, there will be no eggs under the overturned nest.

Even if Zhong Kui knew him and would protect his family, he might be inseparable.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, Jiang Lin did not make such a plan just to avoid such a situation.

He couldn't bear any accidents with his wife.

Instead of relying on others, rely on himself.

He has the characteristics of breaking away from the Three Realms and Six Paths, and people who are closely related to him are also difficult to be explored and inquired.

Let Qinger and the others hide in a secret place, which is much safer than hiding in a ghost town.

After reaching the entrance of the cave, after sealing the entrance of the cave and disguising it, Jiang Lin took Qiaoyin's waist and walked into the teleportation formation.

With a flash of lightning, the two figures disappeared.

The teleportation array arranged by Jiang Lin also has a teleportation distance limit, and each teleportation cannot exceed ten thousand miles.

Therefore, Jiang Lin and Qiaoyin made a transfer near Cang'er Town and teleported again.

Chapter [*]: Qing'er Breakthrough

When Jiang Lin and Qiaoyin first appeared in the cave where Qing'er and Gu Mengxue were, a murderous intent suddenly appeared, and then they heard a coquettish shout.

Jiang Lin instinctively wanted to defend and counterattack, but after hearing the sound, he teleported aside with Qiaoyin.

It was indeed Qing'er who made the move.

"Qing'er, it's me."

Jiang Lin saw Qing'er with a dignified face, and hurriedly said hello.


Qing'er was stunned for a moment, then an ecstatic expression appeared on her face, and she rushed towards Jiang Lin.

"Sister Mengxue, come out, our husband is back."

After hugging Jiang Lin and kissing, Qing'er called out to the end of the cave.

"Qing'er, your cultivation is about to break through to the level of a demon king?"

Because Qing'er no longer contained her own demonic energy, Jiang Lin noticed that Qing'er's cultivation had improved a lot.

Before he left, although he left a lot of treasures for Qing'er and Gu Mengxue, he didn't expect that Qing'er would be able to break through in half a year.

Doesn't this mean that he has another demon king wife?

Jiang Lin raised his brows. He will return to the Middle-earth world in the future. If he brings back some treasures to improve his cultivation and use it for Xiaoqian and the others, plus the magical tools he got, he may be able to go directly to the generals.

However, Jiang Lin just thought about this thought. He was reluctant to let his wife participate in such a dangerous battle.

"Yes, Xianggong, people know that you are a demon, and you don't want to be told by others in the future, so you cultivated hard. The treasures you left behind have helped Qing'er a lot. Xianggong, you are so fast. Just came back? I want to die. Hey, who is she?"

Only at this time did Qing'er notice Qiaoyin beside Jiang Lin.

"She is your sister Qiaoyin and my wife. She was with me only half a month ago. Qiaoyin, she is Qing'er, and her body is a blue-eyed fox demon."

Jiang Lin introduced Qing'er and Qiaoyin to each other.

Blue-eyed fox?Vixen?

Qiaoyin stared at Qing'er with her beautiful eyes. She never expected Jiang Lin to have such a beautiful fox wife.

"People and sister Mengxue miss you every day here, and they don't even think about tea and rice. It's better for you to have a new love outside."

Qing'er pouted slightly, but she was not too jealous, she went to Qiaoyin's side, took Qiaoyin's hand, and said, "Sister Qiaoyin is really handsome, and we will be a family from now on."

"Where, Sister Qing'er is as beautiful as a goddess."

Qiaoyin smiled slightly, she thought she was a child, and Jiang Lin's wife would give her a look, but she didn't expect the other party to accept her so quickly.


At this time, Gu Mengxue trotted over from the depths of the cave and ran towards Jianglin.

"Jade Remnant Flower!"

When Qiaoyin saw Gu Mengxue's face, she was stunned for a moment, and then her anger went out of control.

Jiang Lin didn't tell her about the Eight Immortals, so she always regarded the Eight Immortals as her enemy, and Yu Canhua was no exception.

"Return my parents' lives!"

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