Qiaoyin drank and rushed out.

Gu Mengxue was also stunned at this time, what's the situation?

Whoops, I'll go, I forgot about this.

Jiang Lin patted his forehead. He forgot to give Qiaoyin a vaccination.

"Qiaoyin, this is Mengxue, not Jade Remnant Flower, you are mistaken."

Jiang Lin grabbed Qiaoyin and calmed her down.

Being pulled by Jiang Lin like this, Qiaoyin was also stunned for a moment, and she realized that Yu Canhua had been beaten long ago, and she should not have appeared here.

"Are there really people who look exactly the same?"

Qiaoyin stared at Gu Mengxue carefully, and it was difficult for him to accept this fact for a while.

Jiang Lin asked the three daughters to sit at the stone table in the cave, and told Qing'er and Gu Mengxue what had happened in the past six months.

"Xianggong, you like the new and hate the old, and people love Yan'er with you. Now you talk to Qing'er and Sister Mengxue about love each other and forget about them."

Qiaoyin's face was full of taste, and now Jiang Lin hugged one on the left and one on the right, leaving her out in the cold.

"Silly madam, you are the bride. When I have you, I have not forgotten Qing'er and Mengxue. If there are others in the future, how can I forget you."

When the three beauties heard Jiang Lin's words, they immediately put their hands on their hips and said in unison angrily, "Huh, do you still want someone else?"

Gu Mengxue had a bit of jealousy on her face. She knew that Jiang Lin would have a new wife in the future. After all, she still had a phantom body outside, but what Jiang Lin brought back this time was not her phantom body, but her phantom body. other beauties.

Jiang Lin smiled and said to Qing'er, "Little Qing'er, you should be worried that there will be movement when you break through, so you keep suppressing your cultivation. Come on, husband, I'll take you out and protect you."

Since Qing'er's cultivation base is enough, Jiang Lin also wants her to break through as soon as possible. If there is any emergency in the future, Qing'er can also protect Gu Mengxue and protect herself.

He also planned to keep a few of the instruments he had slaughtered from Zhong Kui and let Qinger and the others beside him.

If Qing'er breaks through to the level of the demon king, at least she can use those magic tools to deal with the evil spirits of the demon emperor and even the demon ancestor level for a while.

Qing'er nodded and followed Jiang Lin out of the cave.

"Xianggong, you have provoked Heavenly Court this time, which is more terrifying than angering Jiuyou Ghost Venerable. After Qing'er breaks through, will Qing'er follow you?"

When she got out of the cave, Qing'er shook Jiang Lin's arm. In the cave, she had goosebumps when she heard Jiang Lin talk about Jiangliu County.

She is no better than Gu Mengxue and Qiao Yin. She is a fox demon herself, and she knows what the risks Jiang Lin is taking represent.

It's just that Gu Mengxue and Qiao Yin were present, so she didn't show much.

"Qing'er, my husband knows you're worried about me, but I still can't take you. It's not my masculinity, it's just that I'm afraid that you're by my side, and I can't protect you. If I'm alone, I'm in any danger. I can deal with it calmly, but I can’t worry about having someone by my side.”

Jiang Lin shook his head, if it wasn't for Zhong Kui's dream to inform him that Heavenly Court noticed something was wrong and would invite the Eight Immortals to investigate the corpse, he would have left the jade flower behind this time.

If you want him to bring Qing'er, he will never agree.

Seeing Jiang Lin's resolute attitude, Qing'er didn't insist any longer, so he could only be careful about everything in the future.

Jiang Lin took Qing'er to fly thousands of miles to a desert. He set up a hiding formation in the desert and let Qing'er enter the formation to make a breakthrough.

When Xiaobai, the snake monster, broke through, Jiang Lin just stood by and guarded it, but in this Daluo Immortal Realm, the sneaky breakthrough of the monsters will cause a lot of movement, and it is easy to attract evil spirits to pick up the leaks. Jiang Lin has to take precautions.

Qing'er has never made a breakthrough, and has scruples in this regard.

With Jiang Lin on the side to protect the law, and the supply of cold marrow and forbidden materials, Qing'er's breakthrough was relatively smooth.

After half a day, Qing'er successfully broke through to the level of the demon king.

Qing'er changed from the blue-eyed fox body back to a human body, and came to Jiang Lin's side with a look of joy, and asked, "Xiang Gong, what are you laughing at?"

"I have another demon king wife, don't you make me laugh?"

Jiang Lin smiled. Now his family has four ghost king-level wives, and now he has another demon king wife.

Of course he was happy.

"Master, what do you think this is?"

Qing'er closed her eyes and concentrated, and then a mysterious pattern appeared between her eyebrows.

"This is?"

"This seems to be the bloodline symbol of the Tianhu clan. It may be that those rare treasures you left behind changed my bloodline and made me return to my ancestors. After breaking through to the level of the demon king, I have some of the Tianhu's blood. The ability to travel through space and break barriers. It’s just that the bloodline is not too pure. If you can absorb the demon pill of a demon king, Tianhu, it is estimated that you will be able to completely master Tianhu’s innate ability.”

Qing'er explained to Jiang Lin that after her cultivation level was improved, her strength increased greatly, and with these abilities she acquired, even if she faced Yan Ying of Gujian Villa, she would not be afraid.

Is that so?

After hearing what Qing'er said, Jiang Lin really wanted to take Qing'er to Heaven to steal some elixir after his breakthrough in the future.

It's just that, we have to wait for Qing'er's blood to be further purified.

Chapter [*] I am a coercion

"Qing'er is so beautiful."

Jiang Lin stretched his finger and clicked on Qing'er's bloodline symbol. Qing'er was already bright and attractive, but now that the eyebrows have such a pattern, they are even more beautiful.

"Xianggong, can you leave after a while, sister Mengxue and I really miss you."

Qing'er leaned into Jiang Lin's arms and acted like a spoiled child. She knew that Jiang Lin would leave her, but she only hoped that she could spend more time with Xiang Gong.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Jiang Lin scratched Qing'er's clean nose and took her back to the cave.

For the next ten days, Jiang Lin reunited with Qinger and the others. In his spare time, he taught her some techniques that Qinger could learn.Now that Qing'er has made a breakthrough, his cultivation has improved a lot, and he can also learn some of the thaumaturgical arts he possesses.

On this day, Jiang Lin went to the underground river at the end of the cave and planted some blood orchids and lotus seeds in the river. If he leaves this time, he really doesn't know when he will be back.

He didn't plan to come back if he didn't break through to a higher level, lest Qing'er and the others would be discovered by Heavenly Court.

The underground river in this cave is a piece of living water, and Qing’er and Gu Mengxue usually eat the river water and the fish and shrimp in it.

In the future, with blood orchid and silver lotus born in the river, it can also attract some fresh water, so that they don't have to worry about food.

At least for a few years.

Of course, Jiang Lin will also take precautionary measures, so as not to let the breath of Cai Bao be completely exposed, so as not to attract some monsters.

In the cave, Qing'er, Gu Mengxue and the three sisters Qiaoyin were chatting, Gu Mengxue asked, "By the way, sister Qiaoyin, why did you look at me like an enemy that day?"

During this time, all of Gu Mengxue's heart was on Jiang Lin, and he forgot about this matter.

"Sister Mengxue, if you don't ask me, I almost forgot. If I tell you, you may not believe it. In our Jiangliu County, there is a bad girl who looks exactly like you. Her name is Yu Canhua. Killed my parents, but because Xianggong broke the situation, my parents were freed from the control of heaven."

Qiaoyin added another sentence: "It's the same as Sister Mengxue, which was carved out of the same mold. It's really a miracle in the world. I just recognized it at the time."

"Like me?"

Gu Mengxue was stunned for a moment, and then she understood what was going on. The woman named Yu Canhua should be her phantom body.

"Yes, but she was beaten by Xianggong, and she lost her soul."

"How is it possible to be beaten by Xianggong, and if that woman is exactly like Mengxue, our Xianggong is willing to beat her up? You may not know that when Xianggong first met Mengxue, Mengxue was in danger, but Xianggong was in danger. In order to save her, I don't even want to die."

Qing'er narrowed her eyes. As a woman's intuition, she knew that Jiang Lin would definitely not wipe out that jade flower.

Gu Mengxue shared the same face as Jiang Lin's wife. Jiang Lin dared to risk his life for her. Even if Yu Canhua was a villain, he would never kill her.

When Qing'er mentioned the first meeting between him and Jiang Lin, Gu Mengxue also blushed and said, "Actually, I think what Sister Qing'er said makes sense. He, he probably won't bear it."

"Do you mean that Xianggong is coaxing me?"

Qiaoyin frowned, since Qing'er and Gu Mengxue both said so, it is probably inseparable from the truth.

And she also thought that Jiang Lin used to run to the kitchen for a while.

Thinking about it now, that's not right at all!

There is a girl who is exactly like his wife in the kitchen. If Jiang Lin wants to be like nothing, it is impossible.

"When he comes, you can ask him."

Qing'er lightly covered her mouth, ready to watch Qiaoyin and Jiang Lin get into trouble.

Just at this moment, Jiang Lin returned to the three of them, and Qiaoyin asked, "Xianggong, did Yu Canhua get blown away by your beating? You were going to break the game at that time, and you didn't tell me that she was older than Sister Mengxue. It doesn't matter if it's the same, why didn't you mention it to me later? Is there something between you and her? "

"Uh...cough cough, she just vanished after I beat her up. I...have nothing to do with her?"

Jiang Lin was asked by Qiaoyin for no reason, and when he saw Qing'er and Gu Mengxue's different eyes, he felt a little empty in his heart.

He really didn't plan to tell Qiaoyin about the Ghost Eight Immortals, but now it seems that Qing'er and Gu Mengxue told Qiaoyin that there was something tricky about it.

"You coax me."

Qiaoyin suddenly stopped relying on them. After becoming husband and wife with Jiang Lin, she also learned a lot about Jiang Lin's character. Jiang Lin obeyed them in everything and did not lie to them. Now his expression like this shows that he is not telling the truth.

"Ahem, the problem of food deep in the cave has been solved, and my husband has to leave to do business. You guys have to be good here. I love you."

Jiang Lin blew a kiss to Qing'er and the others, and went to the teleportation circle.

He had also told Qinger and the three that he was leaving today, but now he just hurried away.

"Xianggong, I want to report to Daddy!"

Qiaoyin stomped her little feet angrily, but when Jiang Lin walked to the magic circle, there was a flash of lightning, and the person was gone.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin arrived at the deep canyon, left the cave, and galloped away in the direction of Danhuo Town.

"By the way, there are still jade flowers."

Jiang Lin took out the paper crane from his arms, cast a light-proof spell on it, and released the jade flower.

"You...why did you arrest me?"

As soon as Yu Canhua came out, she glared at Jiang Lin with a blushing face. Although Jiang Lin cast a soundproof spell on Zhihe, it was something that happened later, after Jiang Lin and Qiaoyin got married.

God knows how tortured she was, a young girl who had never been hired.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I'm not catching you, I'm taking you with me."

"What are your intentions? I tell you, don't think too much about me. I have seven righteous brothers, and they won't let me be bullied."

Seeing Jiang Lin's strange smile, Yu Canhua's heart became even more hopeless, but she had no mana now, so she could only use the tiger's skin as a banner.

Jiang Lin curled his lips and said, "However, I rescued you from the hands of the heaven. Is this your attitude? I am your great benefactor."

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