Yu Canhua was stunned for a while at Shang Jianglin's gaze, and at this moment, she suddenly had a very strange feeling.

It seems that a lonely boat has found the harbor, and it is like a lost girl who has found the door.

Realizing that something was wrong with her state of mind, Yu Canhua immediately shook her head vigorously and said, "I... I don't need you for revenge. You send me back to the Netherworld, and I will be able to restore my cultivation by merging with my lotus leaf Qinglian. When I raise my hand, I can make her disappear."



"Really. But after we get married."

Jiang Lin showed a wicked smile. If you don't marry me, will I let you go?

Jade Remnant Flower: "..."

"Don't run around here, I'll set it up. Don't use your brains, I'm giving you a chance to take revenge now. If you don't appreciate it, I'll let you turn from a yellow flower girl to a lady tonight."

Jiang Lin gave Yu Canhua a smart look, and went to set up a barrier around him.

He didn't know whether the poisonous spider woman had a big connection with the heavenly court. If the poisonous woman knew that the jade remnant flower was going to be beaten into the animal realm by the heavenly court, it might leak the secret.

Therefore, he needs to consider this section carefully, even if the poisonous woman knows everything, he can ensure that she cannot contact the heavenly court.

After Jianglin walked away, Yu Canhua really didn't run around. She had an intuition that if she didn't obey, she was always pure and clean, and she would really become a woman overnight.

An hour later, Jiang Lin arranged an isolation formation around [*] meters from the poisonous spider's lair.

This isolation formation was originally used when he made a breakthrough to isolate the movement caused by the breakthrough, and now he has set it up around the poisonous woman's lair in the Poison Spider Mountain.

"By the way, when I think about it now, that monster spider poisonous woman should have a level of cultivation at the level of a monster emperor. Can you deal with her if you haven't even got this linking pill?"

When Jiang Lin returned to Yu Canhua, the latter asked.

Because she has never seen Jiang Lin show her strength, Yu Canhua only asked this question. Although she has lost her previous cultivation, she still has eyesight. Jiang Lin has no golden pill at all. If she wants to deal with the poisonous woman, that is leapfrog challenge.

Jiang Lin might not really be able to deal with it.

"Are you worried about me?"

"Who's worried about you? If the wind blows your tongue, I'll be unlucky, too. I don't have any mana."

Yu Canhua gave Jiang Lin a blank look, but even though she said so, she still felt a little worried about Jiang Lin in her heart.

After all, Jiang Lin came here to provoke the poisonous spider woman, and it was for her anyway.

Although she felt that Jiang Lin was like a big bad wolf, it was one thing.

"Don't worry, I said that I will bring you to take revenge, then there will be no problem, let's get out that monster spider poisonous woman."

Jiang Lin looked at Jade Remnant Flower and raised his face at the exit of the Demon Spider Poison Woman's cave.

Yu Canhua waved her arm and released two ghostly energy, which bombarded the entrance of the hole.

"Which crooked bastard is courting death!"

After the ghost chirped the entrance of the cave, an old roar came out from the cave, and then a streamer flew out, turned into an ugly old woman, and stood by the entrance of the cave.

It is indeed the demon emperor.

Jiang Lin glanced at it. Although this demon spider poisonous woman was extremely ugly, her own strength was not weak at all.

Maybe even more difficult to deal with than the bald-headed Lan Dali in the trio of Silly 13.

"Old witch, do you still remember who I am?"

After Yu Canhua saw the poisonous spider woman, her pretty face turned cold.

"You? Yu Canhua? It's your little girl's cousin. What? Did you know that your mother-in-law, I'm not happy these days, and she brought me to the door to let me vent my anger? Hey, why did you little prostitute die? It's no wonder that you have such a skin. , was played to death by a dog boy and a pig man."

After the poisonous spider woman recognized the jade remnant flower, an extremely perverted look of jealousy appeared on her face.

She herself is extremely ugly, but the jade remnant flowers are more beautiful than the gods, forming an extremely sharp contrast.

If she hadn't dared to do anything casual back then, when this little girl hadn't grown up, she would have ruined her appearance.

"Keep your mouth clean!"

Jiang Lin's eyes froze, his body teleported directly, slapped the old face of the poisonous spider woman, and then teleported back.

"Really relieved."

Yu Canhua glanced at Jiang Lin and smiled, this was the only thing Jiang Lin did today that made her feel comfortable.

"Stinky mouth, it's time to smack! Swear at my future wife, and let you slap her face with your own hands later."

Jiang Lin snorted and scolded his future wife in front of him, and the scolding was unpleasant, so he slapped his lips before speaking.

Jade Remnant Flower: "..."

On the opposite side, the Venomous Spider Woman is still in a state of being stunned by the palm of her hand.

Her previous focus was on Yu Canhua, and she didn't pay attention to Jiang Lin at all.

As a result, Jiang Lin went over and gave her a slap.

"Look at the ugly face of your old witch, today is the day you will pay me back!"

After giving Jiang Lin a big white eye, Yu Canhua looked at the poisonous spider woman coldly.

Just now Jiang Lin unexpectedly slapped the old witch, making her feel that Jiang Lin should be able to deal with this dead old woman.


After the poisonous spider woman reacted, she laughed angrily. She looked at Yu Canhua and sneered: "I said how dare you come to me, it turns out that you are looking for such a concubine. You have to publicize this matter, you were originally The incomparably cold and arrogant female fairy in the sky is actually broken by such a brat, haha...

The more the Demon Spider Poisonous Woman spoke, the more amused she felt, and finally she was directly laughing.

In her opinion, Yu Canhua and Jiang Lin are more amusing than the princess dedicating herself to a sloppy beggar.

"Jiang Lin, fuck her, I'll tear her mouth off myself!"

Yu Canhua's face was flushed with anger, and she wished Jiang Lin would immediately step on the soles of the Demon Spider Poison Woman's face.

Before Yu Canhua finished speaking, Jiang Lin moved.

Am I going to you!This is my future wife, and I will bow to your ancestors!

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-six chapters are you transformed? (superior)

"This magic weapon is a thing in the Netherworld, you can use it, protect yourself, don't let me worry."

After throwing Yu Canhua a body protection tool, Jiang Lin took the bone sword and rushed towards the poisonous spider woman.

Although there are many other powerful magic weapons in his hands, Jiang Lin has no plans to use them, at least he is not ready to use them yet.

Since the last time he dealt with Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, Jiang Lin has realized his own deficiencies in the battle, so this time, he also intends to use this monster spider poisonous woman as a grinding stone.

Although he had to fight a demon emperor head-on with his hard power, Jiang Lin was not afraid. After he upgraded the body training technique half a year ago, the benefits brought by him went beyond simply enhancing the vitality of the body.

Jiang Lin estimates that he should stay in Da Luo Xianjie for another two or three years. He doesn't know what kind of hardships he will have ahead. On the premise that he can't improve his cultivation for the time being, he should accumulate more experience, which is also a kind of his own strength. accumulation.

What's more, this accumulation is not staged, even if he breaks through, it will still benefit him.

Besides, there is another reason why Jiang Lin wanted to use his own abilities to kill this demon spider poisonous woman, and that is that this old woman is too kicked. If he uses foreign objects to deal with this creature, he will not Relieve.

"Boy, for that hoof, you're going to lose your life in vain."

The poisonous spider woman narrowed her eyes and looked at Jiang Lin who was rushing. Although Jiang Lin made her very angry before, she still didn't take Jiang Lin seriously.

A little cultivator, I don't know what means to put her on it, it's just to make her angry, but to make her look straight, this kid is not qualified.


Jiang Lin's arm instantly extended, and another slap slapped the monster spider poisonous woman's ugly face.

Although the poisonous spider woman was preventing Jiang Lin from repeating his old tricks, she did not expect Jiang Lin to use other methods.

Then got slapped in the face.

This big bad wolf, in addition to plotting against me, did something quite comforting.

Not far away, Yu Canhua saw Jiang Lin slapped the poisonous spider woman again, and she felt relieved.

"Small bastard, the old man will turn your bones into blood!"

After being slapped in the face by a little cultivator twice in a row, the Venomous Spider Woman could no longer laugh. She screamed, her body turned into a stream of light, and she met Jiang Lin at an incomparable speed.

Head-to-head confrontation!

Second uncle's, this old witch is really old and strong.

After the battle with the Demon Spider Poisonous Woman, Jiang Lin's face became solemn. Although he was slightly less experienced than the monks in the Daluo Immortal Realm, he was not weak at all in other aspects, such as physical strength and strength. reaction.

However, with his strength, he was unable to suppress the poisonous spider woman. One of the latter's two forearms turned into steel rod-like spider feet, and the other turned into a sickle-shaped mantis arm, which could actually fight him in close combat.

The other party is an old mother, and he is a young and strong young man, who actually stick together head-on.

However, the shock in the heart of the poisonous spider woman is no less than that of Jiang Lin. She is a demon emperor, and she became a demon emperor many years ago, but what is Jiang Lin?The little cultivator who has not reached the link Dan can actually be so fierce!This is illogical!

Yu Canhua, who was watching the battle, also frowned. Jiang Lin's strength was indeed beyond her expectations, but what she didn't expect was that the poisonous spider woman was much stronger than she imagined.

She couldn't help worrying about Jiang Lin. Although Jiang Lin was plotting against her, Jiang Lin was a conspiracy, and Jiang Lin came to avenge her.

What's more, Jiang Lin had been kind to her, but she was wrong, which made her feel a little ill-will towards Jiang Lin.

Seeing that Jiang Lin's battle situation was not good, she naturally worried for Jiang Lin.

"Old witch, your body is really like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard!"

Jiang Lin roared violently, and then the Yang flames in his body burst out suddenly, and the Demon Spider Poisonous Woman suffered a big loss when she was caught off guard.

"Good boy, the old man is wrong."

The poisonous spider woman looked at the scorched black burns on her body, and a hideous expression appeared on the old face.

She crossed a spider foot and a sickle arm, and sent two cross slashes forward. The cross demon light wrapped stones and carried sand, and plowed two deep ravines on the ground, charging towards Jianglin.

Jiang Lin's eyes and pupils suddenly dilated, and then he instantly gathered his wrists and erupted his spiritual power.

Turtle School Qigong!

With a sound of "Boom", the demon light and the pillar of fire collided in the open space, and a violent explosion broke out.

"Boy, it seems that you are more than a star and a half stronger than the average Foundation Establishment cultivator. If the old body eats your Dao Body, you can increase your cultivation."

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