The Venomous Spider Woman made an extremely hoarse voice, and then a few shadow feet appeared beside her legs.

The figure is like a phantom, and the poisonous spider woman is almost like a teleporter, swimming around Jiang Lin, and at the same time greets Jiang Lin with various tricky demon light attacks.

However, these attacks were all blocked by Jiang Lin's spiritual power and magic talismans.

Suddenly, when Jiang Lin resisted the next few attacks, and the spiritual power was too late to continue, the poisonous spider woman suddenly rushed in front of him and slashed Jiang Lin's neck with her sickle arm.

Jiang Lin raised his sword and blocked it at the critical moment. Just when Yang Yan was about to erupt in his body, he suddenly heard the poisonous spider woman's wicked smile.

Then, there was severe pain in his shoulders, and the poisonous spider woman immediately retreated.

"Boy, you are a bit capable, but I am not what you think I am, I only have the means just now."

The voice of the poisonous spider woman became even more hoarse. Jiang Lin endured the severe pain and looked over, only to find that the old witch had changed.

Her ugly face has grown a lot longer, and there are more compound eyes on top of her eyes, and the surface of her skin has begun to look like old tree bark.

Uglier than before!

The most conspicuous thing is that there are two more sickle spider feet on the back shoulder of the poisonous spider woman, swaying slightly in the air.

Demon Qi increased?

Jiang Linxu narrowed his eyes, the second uncle, this ugly woman actually transformed herself.


At this time, Jiang Lin let out a long hiss because of the pain.

The blood holes on his shoulders were injected with venom, and the venom corroded her flesh and bones, and the wounds above were expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jiang Lin felt that if it wasn't for the increased vitality of his body, the blood hole on his shoulder would have grown bigger than an adult's wrist at this moment.

"Boy, your physique is also very good, very good, but this kind of transformation of the old man can still be carried out three times, and the strength will continue to increase each time, how do you struggle?"

The ugly woman grinned at Jiang Lin with her mouth wide open, and then her body turned into an afterimage and attacked Jiang Lin again.

She has already injected Jiang Lin with poison, and she will be more refreshed when she eats it after the poison has completely spread in Jiang Lin's body.

For a time, in order to use Yang Yan and Corpse Poison to defend against the venom in his body, Jiang Lin could only retreat, and his body wounds one after another.

"I'm knocking mom! Are you the only one who transformed?"

Jiang Lin let out a roar, and the Yang Yan in his body exploded instantly, blasting a hole in the ground where he was, and at the same time blasting away the poisonous spider woman.

Chapter [-] Are you transformed? (middle)

After blasting away the poisonous spider woman, Jiang Lin quickly forced the venom out of his body. With these venoms, his body's self-healing ability couldn't function at all.

"Jiang Lin, can you do it? Why don't we withdraw first!"

When Yu Canhua saw the blood hole on Jiang Lin's shoulder, and heard that the poisonous spider woman still has a backer, she felt that Jiang Lin was no match for the poisonous spider woman.

If it was the previous demon spider poisonous woman, Jiang Lin could still deal with it, but at the moment, Jiang Lin probably couldn't do anything about it.

If the stalemate continues, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable.

Better to retreat as soon as possible.

"You'll know if I can do it later."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes at Yu Canhua, none of his wives dared to ask him that.

As a result, Yu Canhua, a wife who had never visited, actually asked such a question.

"You kid, you really surprised me."

The Demon Spider Poison Woman saw that Jiang Lin forced the venom out of her body and burned it, and her evaluation of Jiang Lin immediately improved a lot.

Under normal circumstances, even if a cultivator who formed a golden core encountered such a situation, he would almost lose his combat effectiveness, but Jiang Lin only had a weak breath.

"Old witch, it's more than that surprised you."

As Jiang Lin spoke, his whole body relaxed. The corpse poison in his body flowed in the bones, and then the silver veins under his skin were like sponges, inhaling the corpse poison and refining and transforming it.

The first change of the corpse, the purple zombie!

Jiang Lin's body refining technique has been upgraded to the level of hair stiffness. It no longer only enhances the physical strength and vitality, but also increases his combat power in a short period of time and quickly refines the corpse poison in his body into spiritual power.

In addition, the silver veins in his flesh and bones can also become the accommodation of spiritual power, increasing the upper limit of his spiritual power capacity.

Jiang Lin's cultivation has remained at the peak of the Celestial Master because the capacity of his dantian's spiritual force liquid mass has reached the upper limit.

Now that the flesh and bones can accommodate and store spiritual power, his momentum has risen by a section.

At the same time as Jiang Lin's momentum increased, the pores and seven orifices around his body also spewed out a thin purple wave.

The tresses on Jiang Lin's head were scattered, and the hair that was not too long was swept upright by the air waves, swaying from side to side.

The corpse has a war pattern shape, and the Tao body has a corpse transformation, not bad, not bad.

Feeling his own state, Jiang Lin nodded with satisfaction. Zi Zongzi should increase his combat power by [-]% to [-]%.

"What's going on here? What kind of weird mystery?"

The poisonous spider woman noticed that Jiang Lin's aura had risen for a while, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Today's Jiang Lin's aura is almost the same as that of a Jindan cultivator.

Moreover, Jiang Lin's eyes were glowing with purple light, making his whole person very strange.

It doesn't seem like it's a way of cultivation by righteous monks.

There was a greedy light in the eyes of the poisonous spider woman. If she could get hold of this strange secret technique, her own strength would be raised to the level of the demon ancestor.

"Do you think you are the only one who has transformed? Tell you, old witch, I have it too. My form is called Super Saiyan One."

Jiang Lin smiled and pointed at himself with his thumb arrogantly.

He continued to evade: "This is the first time for Lao Tzu to transform. It is also your honor to have the opportunity to see you, the old witch."

When Jiang Lin usually fights evil spirits, he usually seldom speaks loudly.

His shoulders were pierced by the Demon Spider Poison Woman, and the pipa bone was injured, and it still needs a little time to repair and heal.

"You can force me to this point, enough to be proud of myself."

Jiang Lin learned to look like the foolish villain in some funny novels, and continued to babble there.


The Demon Spider Poisonous Woman was amused by Jiang Lin, and smiled at the opposite side.

It's really a jar, half a jar clunks, she has never seen such a ignorant kid.

Not to mention that Jiang Lin is not as good as her, even the stronger cultivator she has met, in front of her, is not so mad.

After the poisonous spider woman finished laughing, Jiang Lin continued: "Old witch, believe it or not, I can still perform this transformation three times."

In the past, because of the low level of the corpse, Jiang Lin's body refining technique could not play a big role. Now that he has reached the level of Mao Zong, he has truly become a monster corpse, and Mao Zong Zhan is no longer tasteless. He wants to see the monster spider poison. What other means do women have?

"What fried chicken is hoarse, pretending to be a ghost, and making a mystery!"

The poisonous spider woman snorted, thinking that Jiang Lin was talking nonsense on purpose. She turned into a person who was not a spider or spider to improve her strength. It was by chance that she found a secret technique many years ago.

She didn't believe that a little cultivator in Jianglin would have such a chance. Even if he had, how could he be able to transform again like her.

"Don't believe it? Then let me, Trunks Jiang, meet you first."

The wound on his shoulder had healed and it didn't affect the battle, so Jiang Lin rushed out with the sword in hand, and then continued to kill.

He has already experienced some of the methods of the poisonous spider woman, and now it is time for him to find his way back.

Jiang Lin held the sword in his right hand, and turned a one-meter-long Yang-fingered sword in his left hand, attacking with both swords.

"You kid, where did you get this kind of secret technique!"

Shortly after fighting Jiang Lin again, the poisonous spider woman regretted it. She still underestimated Jiang Lin.

Now after Jiang Lin "transformed", he could directly press her down and beat her.

Moreover, the injury on Jiang Lin's shoulder had no effect.

"Cunning boy, you were procrastinating just now!"

"Old witch, you idiot only know that. Do you know how ugly you are when you laugh? Is it because I have masochistic tendencies to make you laugh?"

Jiang Lin sneered, it's nothing to be ugly, ugly plus stupid, that's a sin.

"The old man is going to tear you apart!"

The Venomous Spider Woman screamed, and white flakes spewed out of her mouth.

An old spider spins silk.

Jiang Lin expelled Yang Yan with one palm and burned the spider silk, but the spider silk in the poisonous spider woman's mouth was only a sham, and the silk web rushing out of the belly button of the poisonous woman's belly was the real method.

A big net wrapped Jiang Lin inside.

Flames erupted from Jiang Lin's body, burning the highly poisonous spider webs to pieces.

However, the poisonous spider woman has already taken advantage of this time to change again.

Ugly old.

Her old face was longer than that of a donkey, her ugly face was densely packed with compound eyes, and she couldn't even find her facial features.

If you have intensive phobia, your scalp will feel numb at first sight.

On the back of the poisonous spider woman, six long sickle spider feet grew, dripping with venom that could corrode the air.

This old witch has changed three times in a row!

"When you change, I also change. It's like no one else. You still have it? Can you still change?"

Jiang Lin's eyes widened suddenly, and the arrogance around him began to turn black and white.

The second transformation of the corpse, the zombie transformation!

Chapter [-] Are you transformed? (Down)

This time, Jiang Lin's aura rose again, and the black and white air waves around his body were mixed together, from a distance, it looked like some thunderbolts.

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