And Jiang Lin's pupils are also one that emits black light, and the other that blooms white light, which is more evil than before.

"Can it really change?"

This time, not only the poisonous spider woman, but also Yu Canhua was stunned. She also thought that Jiang Lin was deceiving the poisonous spider woman.

I didn't expect it to be true.

"Boy, this time you won't let you die easily if you want to die. If you don't hand over this secret technique, Laoshen will torture you for thousands of years!"

The Demon Spider Poison Woman's eyes became even more greedy. Jiang Lin's strength had increased by at least [-]% compared to the initial time.

"This is Super Saiyan II."

Jiang Lin stretched out two fingers and introduced his transformation to the poisonous spider woman.

However, even after the transformation, Jiang Lin did not increase the strength of the Demon Spider Poison Woman as high.

He couldn't change continuously, he had to get used to it for a while.

Otherwise, he will attack directly, and he will just put it there to show a super change when he has nothing to do.

"Jiang Lin, you can change and then change, and now you are not her opponent."

Yu Canhua reminded Jiang Lin loudly on the side that since Jiang Lin can transform again, that means what Jiang Lin said before should be true.

Since it's true, then it's three consecutive transformations. What time is it to delay here, if the monster spider poisonous woman attacks and gives him no chance to transform, then it will be troublesome.

I can change early and continuously.

Jiang Lin pouted, do you need your future husband to teach you?

Complaining in his heart, Jiang Lin took out an instrument from his arms and sacrificed it, blocking the attacking monster spider poisonous woman.

Then the corpse poison in his body entered again and was absorbed by the silver veins in his flesh.


Jiang Lin gritted his teeth and forced a rapid transformation, which increased his body load a lot.

There was severe pain all over his body.


The air waves under Jiang Lin's feet suddenly blasted the surrounding sand and rocks in all directions.

"It's a little green on the head, this is the legendary Super Saiyan? Chuanchao?"

Jiang Lin saw the hair hanging down on his forehead, because it was rendered by the air waves, which made his hair look green.

And the green stiffness caused the muscles all over his body to swell up, like a big man.

"Don't leave it here to disturb me, I have to transform!"

Seeing the poisonous spider woman blasting away the magic weapon, Jiang Lin's body turned into an afterimage.

He flashed to the poisonous spider woman, and a turtle wave blasted the old witch into the sky.


After blasting away the poisonous spider woman, Jiang Lin's muscles were knotted, and the silver veins inside continued to extract the corpse poison from his bones.


Jiang Lin's entire body was like a blower, releasing waste gas transformed from corpse poison to the surroundings.

This time, because the air released by the pores was too large, the air flowed along his hair and continued behind the hair strands.

In the eyes of Yu Canhua in the distance, Jiang Lin's hair seemed to have grown a lot longer and was draped around his waist.

Hey, except for the hair color, it's really a bit like Super Saiyan.

Jiang Lin chuckled as he looked at the muscles that had returned to their original state.

Then he looked up at the poisonous spider woman who had not yet fallen in the air, and rushed up like a cannon.

He can now completely use this old witch as a sandbag to train his hands to adapt to the increase of the corpse transformation.

Before, Jiang Lin upgraded Mao Zongbian to the fifth level. Now, in his state, even if he encounters a Jindan cultivator who is about to break through, he will have the power to fight in a short period of time.

After all, in addition to his own cultivation, he also has a corpse and various abilities.

"Old witch, you can die for me!"

Jiang Lin rushed into the air, and an eight-meter-long Yang Finger Sword sprang out from his left arm, stabbing the poisonous spider woman in the abdomen at once.

The spider web in this guy's body is extraordinary, and it is stained with highly poisonous. Even if he burns it with Yang Yan, he must first burn off the venom on the spider web before the spider web can be burned.

Now he is just a little more imposing than the current monster spider poisonous woman, and he has to destroy some of the latter's restraints and auxiliary methods.


The navel was pierced, and the Venomous Spider Woman screamed in agony. The eight scythe spider feet and the life-changing weapons in her arms all moved, stabbing or slashing at Jiang Lin.

For a time, all kinds of fire pillars, demon lights and sword qi shot downward, and the entire Poison Spider Mountain became a mess, with smoke and dust everywhere.

The battle situation was not generally fierce. Since Jiang Lin cultivated Dao, this was the first time that he had used his own hard power to fight a demon emperor.

Not an ordinary demon emperor.

At this time, the poisonous spider woman, who had improved her strength through secret techniques, was already close to the peak of the demon emperor.

"I have been in the world for thousands of years. I didn't expect to meet a little cultivator like you today! It actually hurt me like this."

About half an hour later, the Venomous Spider Woman and Jiang Lin stood facing each other, and the countless compound eyes on the former's face were filled with incomparably malicious eyes.

For many years, I don't know how many years, the Demon Spider Poisonous Woman has never experienced such a tragic battle, and she met her today.

But her opponent, Jiang Lin, has not yet reached the level of forming a pill.

However, Jiang Lin, relying on his own humble cultivation, actually injured her to the point of being covered in blood.

If this spread out, her reputation as a poisonous spider woman would be completely ruined.

"Old witch, aren't you convinced? I'm not only going to hurt you today, I'm going to blow you away!"

Jiang Lin sneered, and then he directly used the bone sword to remove the venom-stained flesh and blood from his arm. Now that he and the poisonous spider woman have fought to the most critical moment, he can no longer be distracted to resist the venom on his body. .

Cut out the easiest.

"Good boy, you are really not an ordinary person."

Seeing Jiang Lin directly cutting off the flesh on his arm, the poisonous spider woman also squinted. The boy in front of him not only has a solid foundation of cultivation, but his temperament and willpower are far superior to cultivators of the same level.

"Eight Arms Thousand Eyes!"

At this moment, the scythe spider feet on the back of the poisonous spider woman suddenly recovered, turning into human arms one after another, and in the hands of the eight arms, there are still phantoms of magical instruments one after another.

Killing move!

Chapter [-] Overturned!

Jiang Lin's face became serious, ready to be corpse at any time.

In order to accumulate combat experience, he had never used the power of a corpse after fighting the poisonous spider woman.

The Demon Spider Poisonous Woman was originally a demon emperor, and if she transformed into a monster to improve her strength, even if Jiang Lin also increased his combat power with the Heavenly Corpse Transformation, he could only gain the upper hand, and being able to severely injure the Demon Spider Poisonous Woman was his limit. , If he wants to kill him, he can't do it only with his Taoist cultivation.

Now that the Venomous Spider Woman is about to use her ultimate move, there is a real possibility that he won't be able to take it.

After the Demon Spider Poison Woman manifested eight arms, the many compound eyes on her face began to change again, each eye turned into two or one into three, densely packed and extremely strange.

These compound eyes blinked and burst into dizzying colorful light.

Jiang Lin just looked at it, and his mind felt uncomfortable for a while.

Just when he was about to use the corpse energy to form a barrier to protect his eyes, the eight arms of the poisonous spider woman suddenly moved, and each arm assumed a very strange posture.

"Buddhist evil law?"

Jiang Lin was stunned. Although he didn't hear any sound, he did feel the sound of Sanskrit in his mind.


After discovering the type of ultimate move used by the Venomous Spider Woman, Jiang Lin was no longer ready to accept the move, and rushed towards the Venomous Spider Woman at a rapid speed.

Speaking of other techniques, Jiang Lin can still see tricks and dismantle tricks, but he can't think about it.

Even in the Middle-earth world, the curses and curses in Taoism and supernatural powers are the most difficult to deal with, let alone in the Daluo Immortal Realm.

Here, Jiang Lin didn't understand the mantra at all, and it was too difficult for him to deal with it.

If he doesn't immediately interrupt the magic spider poison woman, this time he will use the sandbag to practice his hand, and he will capsize.


However, just as Jiang Lin rushed out, the phantom of the magic weapon held by the poisonous spider woman's eight arms collided, and a thunderous sound erupted.

Jiang Lin was also frozen in place, unable to move for a while.

A magical power similar to a body-setting spell!

It's stronger than the body-fixing spell.

Jiang Lin's eyes were solemn. This time, he couldn't even control the corpse poison in his body into flesh and blood.

After she froze Jiang Lin, the poisonous spider woman didn't start killing her. She herself still had a useless ultimate move, and Jiang Lin should have it too.

She wanted to kill Jiang Lin in one fell swoop.

As for Jiang Lin's secret transformation technique, she can hunt down Jiang Lin's soul and refine it.

The belly of the poisonous spider woman suddenly became larger, and in the blink of an eye, it lost the appearance of a human belly and turned into the abdominal sac of a giant spider.

With a "bang", the abdominal sac exploded, and countless spider eggs covered by water-drop-shaped fetal membranes scattered around.

After these spider eggs landed, the poisonous spider inside burst out of the membrane and quickly crawled towards Jiang Lin.

There are tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

Soon, hundreds of poisonous spiders crawled to Jiang Lin's feet, but at this time, Jiang Lin also tried his best to break away from the shackles of the curse. He immediately released the Yang flames in his body and burned the poisonous spiders under his feet.

However, what surprised him was that although these poisonous spiders were burned by Yang Yan, there were still spider skeletons left.

These skeletons are connected to each other and directly rooted in the ground, pulling Jiang Lin, making him unable to move.

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