Jiang Lin gave Bao Yi a voice transmission. Although he was quite excited, he still suppressed the emotional fluctuations.

Even if he now has an immortal weapon and a lot of powerful magic tools, it would be playing with fire in cooperation with Baoyi to create a dying immortal beast.

Maybe the baby was not caught, and he was burned to ashes.

Chapter [*] Dawei Tianlong, show me another one

"It's roughly equivalent to the Nascent Soul level among the monks. We should be able to get him. The strength of this guy doesn't exist in ten, and he doesn't dare to make too much noise. There is a chance."

Baoyi Transsion responded to Jiang Lin, if she and Jiang Lin did their best, the chances of getting it were as high as [*]%.

Is it equivalent to a monk who has become a Yuanying monk?

Jiang Lin pinched his chin, which was quite a challenge for him.

However, fortunately, this real dragon is already seriously injured, it has reached the point of blood, and the state cannot last long.

fuck him!

Jiang Lin used his supernatural powers to hide his figure and used disguise on his body, and then he arrived behind a boulder.

He walked out of the magic umbrella and detoured in the other direction of the real dragon, preparing to go to the mirror image position on the opposite side.

When the real dragon's attention is attracted by him, the treasured meaning in the magic umbrella can wait for the opportunity.

After Jiang Lin was invisible, his body was suspended in the air, and he gently pushed his body to move with the wind of his palm.

"Cough cough... I didn't expect my hero, Long Dawei I, to fall into such a state!"

After the transformation, Zhen Longka spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, with a melancholy expression on his face.

Originally, he also took a mighty heavenly general to kill the Quartet, but he was attacked by four ghost immortals who suddenly appeared. His lord was seriously injured, and even he was knocked down from the sky.

What a pack car, but also a hero I.

What a funny dragon.

Jiang Lin had just left the place for two or three hundred meters, and when he heard Long Dawei's words, his mood fluctuated a little.

It was this funny Bilong's sentence that exposed him.

"Who? Come out!"

Long Dawei's expression suddenly changed, and he looked in the direction of Jiang Lin.

Although Jiang Lin used a trick to hide himself, but now he is not too far from the real dragon, and he has also used his own corpse energy. At this distance, his concealment method cannot completely hide from an immortal. .

What's more, Long Dawei has been paying close attention to his surroundings, and a little disturbance can make him nervous. Therefore, when Jiang Lin's mood fluctuated and he didn't control the corpse qi, the small movements he caused were caught by Long Dawei. Wei found out.

"It was discovered."

Jiang Lin showed his figure, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Long Dawei.

Now that he was discovered, there was no need for him to hide anymore.

"You are... a demon corpse!"

Long Dawei looked at Jiang Lin, frowned, and then he quickly looked around. After he didn't find any other evil spirits around, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Baoyi was hiding in the green bamboo umbrella, and he was not found after some distance from Jianglin's location.

"Hey, your eyesight is pretty good."

Jiang Lin raised his brows. After he revealed his body, the corpse poison returned to his bones, and he also had a means of concealment on his body. With a glance, he could see his inner self.

At least in terms of eyesight, the inspector who had been beaten into the Netherworld by him before was not comparable to this guy.

"Bold and evildoer! What kind of person is this seat, you can see at a glance that you are not human!"

"You've changed from a dragon to a worm, so don't sit there in your own seat. I think you are still alive, and I can keep your whole corpse, Grandpa."

Jiang Lin folded his arms and looked at Long Dawei with slanted eyes.

Now, he needs to draw all of Long Dawei's attention to himself, in case this thing really discovers Baoyi.

Since he was going to take a risk, he didn't want to work in vain.

"Shut up! Bold and evildoer, I don't know how high the sky is, and I don't care about this mighty Tianlong at all!"

Long Dawei forcibly condensed his immortal power and made his own momentum rise, so as to strengthen his own power.

"Dawei Tianlong???"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, this funny dragon's name is Long Dawei enough, and he even called himself Dawei Tianlong.

Quite narcissistic.

"Evil! If you want to take advantage of the weakness of this seat and take advantage of the robbery, you dare to come and die with your demon corpse? I really don't know whether to live or die!"

Long Dawei glared at Jiang Lin with anger, but he was pretending. First, he wanted to buy himself some time to recover, and second, he wanted to intimidate Jiang Lin and let Jiang Lin retreat on his own.

Although Jiang Lin's monster corpse is only at the level of Mao Zong, its vitality is extremely strong. If he fights with it, he will be injured more and more. Even if he can finally be defeated and forced away, he will lose his vitality.

At that time, if he encountered any enemies again, he would be in much danger.

Unfortunately, Jiang Lin couldn't have been so frightened at all. He teleported directly, and the nails of his ten fingers popped out. They were about three inches long, and each nail was like a scalpel.

Compared with the means of spiritual power and Taoism, the attack of the corpse is more effective against this immortal beast.

Moreover, Jiang Lin is also preparing to restore the Taoist body when Long Dawei is unguarded, and attack him with immortal weapons.

As soon as he grabbed it with both hands, Jiang Lin tore it at Long Dawei's wound.

"Looking for death! This seat wants you to die without a burial place! The mighty Tianlong, the Great Law Mantra!"

Seeing that Jiang Lin was not frightened by his power, Long Dawei immediately made up his mind to kill Jiang Lin quickly.

The dragon horns on his forehead burst into a blazing light, and two dragon shadows flew out from its two horns, isolating the space of [*] meters.

Even if this would consume a lot of his remaining vitality, he couldn't care less.

By isolating the surrounding space and preventing movement, he can let go of his hands and feet and quickly destroy the demon.

"Great power Tianlong, the flying dragon is in the sky!"

Long Dawei let out a roar, and turned into a giant dragon, soaring towards Jianglin.

Grab the grass mud horse!

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately teleported out, and used his invisibility ability to hide his body.

Even if the immortal beast and the real dragon suffered heavy damage, the camel was still bigger than a horse.

Where the real dragon flew, the ground cracked and the air exploded, but Fan Jianglin hid slowly, even if he had a corpse of the level of hair and stiffness, his limbs would have to be torn apart by Xian Li.

"The little tricks of carving insects, I dare to get an axe, let's see where you run!"

Long Dawei sneered again and again, and the faucet bit away in the direction of Jiang Lin's teleportation.

Jiang Lin extended his arms and grabbed the ground, causing himself to accelerate abruptly. Then he turned his body, and his pupils suddenly burst into a strange light, shooting out a dull corpse poison and a red lotus karmic fire.

"You're still struggling with spells like yours, stop here!"

The dragon scales on the real dragon lit up, directly resisting Jiang Lin's attack.

"The mighty Tianlong, the flying dragon is..."

"Wei Weiwei, Wei, how big is your mother!"

While Zhenlong continued to talk, Jiang Lin took out the immortal staff from his arms.

Dragon subduing rod, hit the dragon head!

Jiang Lin went down with this stick, and directly knocked the upper jaw of the real dragon down and collided with the lower jaw.

The real dragon's tongue was caught in the middle, and he was almost bitten off by himself.

"Dawei Tianlong, show me another one."

After Jiang Lin hit the dragon's head, he stabbed the dragon's wound with another stick. Just like the dragon dance team during the festival, he picked up the dragon and threw it around.

Chapter [*] Mixed Doubles


The tongue in the real dragon's mouth was almost bitten off by himself, and Jiang Lin was stabbed by the painful wound and threw it all over the place, so he could only let out an extremely miserable cry.

However, because of the damaged tongue, he made a sound similar to that of a donkey.

"Be more powerful, be more powerful, you mighty donkey."

Jiang Lin laughed wildly, and let the strange fires such as the Sun Fire and Red Lotus Karmic Fire spread along the Immortal Staff and rushed into the True Dragon's body.

Since he caught the chance of output unexpectedly, it must be how much damage he can cause to the real dragon.


The real dragon was invaded by Jiang Lin's Yang Yan and screamed again.

The other Yang flames didn't do much damage to one of his fairy beasts, but the real sun fire was different from the red lotus karmic fire, so he completely knew what it was like to be sour.

"Evil, I want you to die without a burial!!!"

The real dragon roared loudly, and did not hesitate to blow himself up to save his life and bombard Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin also stopped enough and retreated strategically.

Anyway, he did not intend to rely on his own strength to get this real dragon.

The real dragon expended a lot of origin to extinguish the Yang flames on his body, and turned back into a human body. Although the ability of the humanoid state is not as good as that of his body, the area of ​​his injuries will be reduced many times.

There will no longer be the situation of being stabbed by the fairy stick before.

"You... you are actually an insider!"

Long Dawei looked at Jiang Lin with hatred on his face. From his point of view, it was no wonder that Jiang Lin dared to fight him, the immortal beast in distress, because he had his own strength to rely on.

Originally, if Jiang Lin's identity was only a demon corpse, he wouldn't take it seriously, but now, Jiang Lin not only has a corpse, but also a Taoist body.

The corpse and Dao body are integrated into one, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

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