That's not all, what makes Long Dawei's nose crooked is that Jiang Lin still has a fairy weapon.

It's not an ordinary fairy weapon, nor is it a powerful fairy weapon that a fairy beast like him is qualified to possess.

At this moment, Long Dawei really wanted to scold him. How could he be so unlucky? He used to be majestic in the Heavenly Court, but the Downwind Bureau was attacked by surprise, causing him to be knocked out of the mortal world.

If you are in trouble, you will be in trouble. His second uncle's house leaks and it rains overnight. Misfortunes do not come singly.

He was targeted by a well-equipped demon corpse.

"What? Is it strange? That's how I am grandfather. Let's surrender quickly. Grandpa can still leave you with a whole body."

Jiang Lin grinned and used his mouth cannon to provoke Long Dawei. Baoyi should be able to find a chance to raid in a while.

What he has to do now is to pull hatred vigorously and mess with his reason when he is in a stalemate with Long Dawei.

"Daweitian donkey! Da Luofa curse! Ang ah ah ah~"

Jiang Lin imitated Long Dawei's previous donkey bark again, and he looked more beating and beating.

"Don't call it Long Dawei, donkey Dawei is fine, donkeys also pull carts, what a real dragon, a real donkey is almost the same. Ang Ang ah~"

"This seat wants you to eat meat and sleep!!!"

Long Dawei's hair was directly fried, and his hair stood on end.

He, an immortal beast with an immortal position, has never been insulted like this!

After Long Dawei roared angrily, he turned into a dragon man with a humanoid dragon body and charged towards Jiang Lin.

The expression on Jiang Lin's face also became solemn. He took out all the magic tools in the ancient mirror and sacrificed them, calmly responding to the attacking Long Dawei.

This Long Dawei set up a barrier around him, but he said his intentions, so that he could use the magic weapon he owns without any scruples.

It has to be said that a fairy beast is a fairy beast. Even if he was seriously injured and had a big somersault before, Jiang Lin was still under a lot of pressure to deal with it.

Long Dawei's physical strength is much stronger than his corpse. When he really met, after a few rounds, his arms felt sore and numb, especially after fighting with Long Dawei. His fist face was directly deformed.

However, fortunately, Jiang Lin has Wuji Magnetic Mountain to protect himself, and he can rely on the strength of the immortal staff to consume with Long Dawei.

"Evil, do you only have these abilities? Do you only have these abilities!!!"

Long Dawei shouted loudly while blasting Jiang Lin with his fists.

Only in this way can he relieve his anger. He calls himself Dawei Tianlong, and he is actually humiliated as a Dawei Tianlong by this monster. It can be tolerated, but it can't be tolerated!

Jiang Lin was beaten by Long Dawei, and finally, Long Dawei let out a dragon cry, breaking through the protective barrier of Wuji Magnetic Mountain with one claw, and slammed into Jiang Lin's chest.


After Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, he didn't delay at all. He grabbed Long Dawei's dragon claws, and his whole body burst into an extremely strong light.

Flash this guy's donkey eyes.

Later, when Long Dawei was dazed by the flash, Jiang Lin called back Wuji Magnetic Mountain and slapped Long Dawei's face in his hand.

Shout out to the face!

After shooting Feilong Dawei, Jiang Lin threw the immortal staff out of his hand.

Baoyi has already acted at this time.

"Dawei Tianlong!"

Baoyi took the staff and followed Long Dawei's example. He snorted and smashed the dragon-subduing staff on the back of Long Dawei's head.

Long Dawei, who was directly smashed, had gold stars in his eyes and was dizzy.

Although Baoyi lost the Three Flowers, he still had immortal power on his body. Using his immortal power to drive the immortal staff, the power was not ordinary.

Almost smashed Long Dawei's head.

Jiang Lin: "..."

This girl, genuine leather.

"There are still accomplices, there are still accomplices!!!"

Long Dawei's hair was disheveled and his head was bleeding, his mentality was really broken.

Jiang Lin actually had an accomplice early in the morning, and he was a descended angel!

"Dawei Tianlu! Bah, Dawei Tianlong!"

Long Dawei was so angry that he even chanted the wrong slogan. Immortal energy surged up and down his entire body, and he wanted to explode his dragon body to kill Jiang Lin and Baoyi.


Seeing this, Jiang Lin threw the Wuji Magnetic Mountain out of his hand.

With a move of Baoyi's hand, immortal energy poured out, controlling Wuji Magnetic Mountain to cover Long Dawei, calming down the violent immortal energy in his body.

She still has to capture Long Dawei's immortal power and immortal spirit, how could she just let him destroy his dragon body like this.

Jiang Lin also took this opportunity to teleport over, poked into the wound on Long Dawei's body, and injected all the slow corpse poison attached to his fingernails.


"Hanwei, Baoyi, let's work together! Men and women match, work is not tiring!"

"Hehe, mixed doubles."

Baoyi smiled and slammed his immortal staff, and Long Dawei, who was in slow motion, was beaten to the ground with a bang.

Jiang Lin called back the thunder pestle in mid-air and used it as a hammer to hammer Long Dawei's faucet.

Smash head.

In this way, Jiang Lin and Baoyi gave Long Dawei a mixed doubles match.

You can hit me with a stick and a pestle, and you can hit me with a ram.

Gradually, Long Dawei began to roll his eyes.

This unfortunate funny Bilong was beaten to death by Jiang Lin and Baoyi.

Chapter [*] Fight with Heaven again! (superior)

"Hurry up, protect me!"

Baoyi was so happy that she was about to absorb the spirit of the fairy in Long Dawei.

"Protect a yarn!"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes and explained, "Why don't you run away quickly and wait to be discovered! This funny Bilong has an immortal position, so the master he is carrying is definitely not an ordinary heavenly soldier, maybe it will be a while. I came to find it, and neither of us will have to write dead words by then."

"Yes, yes, fast, fast."

Baoyi nodded again and again, and said to Jiang Lin, "Put this dragon body into the ancient mirror, and I'll go in too. You take me away."

"Didn't you blame me for shutting you down?"

Jiang Lin pouted, Bao Yi's face changed really fast.

"How can we, who are we and who, how can I blame you, can I still not know how good you are to me?"

Speaking of Bao Yi, he walked up to Jiang Lin, ripped open his shirt, and got into the ancient mirror.

"Throwing my arms and hugs, you are so fast."

Jiang Lin teased, and then put Long Dawei's real dragon corpse into the ancient mirror.

Run away, run away!

After reaching the back of the boulder, Jiang Lin took the umbrella to hide his aura, and then galloped forward at a rapid speed.

Before Long Dawei set up the enchantment, there was movement here. Even if its owner didn't come to find it, other evil spirits and monks who were going to pick up the leak might also come.

Just run.

After two days and two nights of running, Jiang Lin found a volcano. He didn't continue to look for a hiding place, and went straight into the crater.

Next, both he and Baoyi had to deal with the real dragon corpse, and it would be a little unsafe on the surface.

Therefore, Jiang Lin directly drilled into the magma, preparing to go to the underground magma area to open up a space with his own yang flame and yin flame.

Anyway, with his current physical body, the magma would not hurt him.

When he arrived at the magma at the bottom of the volcano, the real fire of the sun emanated from Jianglin, and the magma around him took the initiative to avoid it.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin used Lan Xinyan's icy power to build a space, and finally isolated the high temperature with Yin fire.

"Come out and share the spoils."

Jiang Lin knocked on the ancient mirror, and after a while, Bao Yi ran out, smacking his mouth full of oil.

"Fat woman, are you stealing food behind my back?"

"Whoever stole it, that's our work together, I just roasted some dragon hearts and dragon livers."

Bao Yi wrinkled his nose at Jiang Lin, not feeling guilty at all.


Jiang Lin didn't agree with Bao Yi about stealing the food, and directly took out the corpse of Zhenlongxian.

Danhuo Town was not far away, so he planned to take this opportunity to repair and strengthen the damaged Jiaolong armor, and deal with the useful parts of the dragon corpse by the way.

When he was on his way, he could hide himself with the green bamboo umbrella, but when he got to Danhuo Town, he had to show up.

It's okay to do a little more preparation.

Five days later, Jiang Lin and Baoyi completely divided the dragon corpse. Of course, Baoyi suffered a lot. Except for the fairy spirit on the real dragon, she didn't get much.

However, Baoyi couldn't help it, she couldn't fall out with Jiang Lin.

In this Daluo Immortal Realm, when she is in danger, she can help Jiang Lin, but in normal times, without Jiang Lin, she is really dangerous.

After cooking the dragon corpse, Jiang Lin planned to revive Yu Canhua. Now that Yu Canhua's soul has been out of the body for a while, he can't keep dragging it like this.

And now, there are seven of the Ghost Eight Immortals and Yuan Detai in the Nether Ghost City. The war has reached the decisive stage, and the heavens are in turmoil. All attention is focused on the war with the Nether Ghost City. This is a good opportunity.

"Don't leave it there, let me in."

Jiang Lin turned his head to look at Bao Yi, and put her in the ancient mirror again.

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