Chop it, your grandfather, I have already run away!

Jiang Lin took advantage of the protection of the green bamboo umbrella and shifted his direction a little. There was a cape not far from here, and beyond the cape, there was a vast ocean.

Jiang Lin was going to go to the bottom of the sea to completely solve the Jade Remnant Flower, so as to avoid further twists and turns in the future.

Chapter [*] I am pretentious!

After flying for a day and a night, Jiang Lin saw a sea when he was thousands of miles away.

Now Heavenly Court should not know his situation, let alone know that he has a corpse. On the ground, even in the ground, Heavenly Court can use indiscriminate attacks to deal with his troublemaker, but when he reaches the water, when he reaches the bottom of the sea, he will Out of heaven.

After entering the sea, Jiang Lin relied on the protection of the green bamboo umbrella to sink infinitely.

[*] leagues directly under the sea.

After finding a deep-sea canyon, Jiang Lin asked the treasure in the ancient mirror to add immortal power to Wuji Magnetic Mountain, dividing a small space in the canyon.

After arranging many protective measures one after another, Jiang Lin evaporated the sea water outside with Yang Yan, and rinsed the inside of the sarcophagus, including the fleshy body of the jade flower.

This time, because Yu Canhua's body was full of corpse poison, there was no problem like before.

However, this does not mean that Heavenly Court cannot be found.

However, in the current situation, it is unlikely that Tianting will spend too much effort on Yu Canhua.

After all, if you want to find it, the energy, manpower and material resources spent will not be a star and a half, even if it is an immortal.

"Where is this?"

After Jiang Lin released Yu Canhua, Yu Canhua saw the sarcophagus and the flesh beside Jiang Lin, and glanced around. Not long ago, Jiang Lin deliberately ran into the lava of the volcano, and it was not safe. worried.

"This is the bottom of the sea under [*] miles. At least for a short time, it shouldn't be a problem. You can return to your body as soon as possible. I will cast a spell to resurrect you."

After saying that, Jiang Lin opened his mouth, sent out his corpse pill, and continued: "Your soul has been away from the body for a while, but now you have my corpse poison in your body, you swallowed it. My corpse pill can speed up the fit, and is locked into the body by the corpse poison. After resurrection, you can force all the corpse poison in the body into the corpse pill and return it to me. I will teach you the method."

After sending the corpse pill, Jiang Lin informed Yu Canhua of the method of gathering the corpse poison.

Yu Canhua also knew that the time was short, so she swallowed Jianglin Corpse Pill and floated into the sarcophagus.

Jiang Lin casts a spell beside the sarcophagus. After Yu Canhua's soul returns to the body, the karma in his body will be forced out and will no longer be controlled by Heaven.

And Yu Canhua got acquainted with Zhong Kui again, so the matter of returning to Yang would naturally not be any obstacle.

It didn't take long for Yu Canhua to open her eyes and sat up. She used the method taught by Jiang Lin to gather the corpse poison in her body into the corpse pill, and opened her mouth to return it to Jiang Lin.

Until this moment, she is completely free. If Heavenly Court wants to trouble her again, unless she finds her directly and sends someone to capture her.

Other than that, there is no way to do it any harm.

However, Yu Canhua is not completely free. After all, the Wuzhi Mountain in Jianglin is still there.

"Don't come out."

Jiang Lin held Yu Canhua's shoulders and made her sit back when she was just about to stand up.

"doing what?"

"Hey, it's my credit for you to come back to life. You should have been beaten into the animal realm before, but I took a huge risk to rescue you, not to mention I paid the price of blindness to find that monster for you. The Spider Venom Woman avenged her revenge. This kind of grace has been given three times, isn't it time for you to avenge your kindness? Besides, I have clearly told you before that I am a person who threatens me with grace."

Jiang Lin smiled at Yu Canhua, and Yu Canhua immediately understood, Jiang Lin... this is what she wants to promise.

"You and I……"

"You what you, what I am, lay back for me."

Jiang Lin pushed Yu Canhua down with one palm, and then moved the lid of the sarcophagus to fly up, turning over and entering the coffin by himself.

This time, although Jade Remnant Flower is out of Heavenly Court's control, if Heavenly Court uses the Treasure Mirror Heavenly Eye to probe again in the future, it will still be able to find it.

Therefore, in order to avoid too many nightmares, Jiang Lin planned to solve this problem completely. The solution was to make Yu Canhua bond with him.

He himself is not in the Three Realms and Six Paths, nor will he be recorded in the book of life and death, and the people and things that have a special relationship with him will not be recorded either.

Such is the case with Chen Yu and Ren Tingting in his family.

Therefore, once Yu Canhua becomes a zombie lady, it is completely safe.

Two days later, Jianglin and Jade Remnant Flower, sheltered by the green bamboo umbrella and Wuji Magnetic Mountain, washed out of the sea.

Jiang Lin hummed the song of marrying a man to marry a big wolf, and galloped in the direction of Danhuo Town, but the Jade Remnant Flower beside him was no longer happy.

Cold and proud.

In the past, she changed her character to protect herself because she was afraid of Jiang Lin, the big bad wolf. Now, it is completely unnecessary.

It's already done, so what are you doing to protect yourself.

She had just been resurrected, and the joy in her heart had not yet passed, and she was cooked as rice, and now she still has grievances.

But no matter how angry she was, she could only sigh.

Jiang Lin was indeed kind to her, and it was the kind that was as heavy as a mountain.

If she wants to pay it back, she can't pay it back at all. Even if she obtains the original cultivation level, she can't pay it back unless she pays her life.

But she just got rid of the calamity of reincarnation and was resurrected again, and it is impossible to exterminate herself.

Even if she was willing to repay her life, Jiang Lin would not.

"In the future, as long as I still have a breath, I will use my life to protect you and love you. You won't have the idea of ​​murdering your husband, right?"


Yu Canhua snorted and turned her head in a fit of anger, but even though she was angry, she also understood that what Jiang Lin told her was not a lie.

In the past, when she had nothing to do with Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin risked his life to rescue her, several times.

Now that she belongs to Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin will naturally use his life to protect her.

Jiang Lin galloped with the jade remnant flowers, watching the morning sun at dawn and the evening clouds together on the road, really like a pair of immortals.

"Jiang Lin, let's... let's worship."

One day after half a month, Yu Canhua suddenly made a request to Jiang Lin. She was already married, and she also wanted a status.

During this period of time, she and Jiang Lin have developed a love for each other over time.

Jiang Lin was really kind to her and took care of her everywhere. Although she didn't know how long she had lived as a monk and an immortal, she had never felt this kind of peace of mind and the affection of a man and a woman.

"Okay, it's up to you. My Huahua, are you not sulking anymore?"

Jiang Lin smiled and looked at Yu Canhua dotingly.

"Can I still be angry with you for the rest of my life! However, in the future, if my righteous brother finds out about the affairs between us and wants to trouble you, I won't help your husband."

"Then the uncle is going to give a cold face, so I will follow."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly. Although Yu Canhua said so, but he called him husband, how could he not protect him from now on?

The two landed on a hill, and they got married with the blue sky and loess as a witness.

"Husband, I still want to get my own cultivation. Although the war between Heavenly Court and Ghost City is over, there will be wars in the future. Heavenly Court has caused me to suffer those hardships, and I don't want them to live in peace."

Saying that, Yu Canhua leaned into Jiang Lin's arms and said, "If your husband doesn't believe me, and you're worried that I won't come back, just see what I think."

"No, you and I have both worshipped. Am I afraid that you will never return? Besides, I also have the idea of ​​looking for trouble in Heaven. When the time comes, the two of us will turn this shit heaven upside down."

Jiang Lin shook his head. It wasn't the first time he had worshipped with someone. Could he still not see if Yu Canhua was sincere?

"However...but, I'm a little worried, husband, have a low cultivation base, and you don't even have a connection pill. If I restore my cultivation base, it will be more than a big part of your high level. If the brothers make fun of you then , it will always make you angry."

Since Yu Canhua had already handed over her whole heart and people to Jiang Lin, she naturally had to consider her husband.

In the future, if Jiang Lin was looked down upon by her adopted brothers, she would not want to see it either.

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Lin laughed and said: "You don't have to worry about this, what if my cultivation is low, even if it is the Haotian God, it will take thousands of kalpas to cultivate to a positive result. Although my cultivation has not yet achieved an elixir, but Which cultivator who has formed a golden core can compare with me? I have banned demons, killed immortals and killed immortal beasts, and even Heavenly Court was played by me as a monkey. Not to mention Heavenly Court, even the Great Sun Tathagata had to be obliterated back then I have escaped catastrophe by me. I am a corpse and an outsider, and I don’t respect the sky and the earth. Even if I have experienced the punishment of the sky, your husband and I are almost torn to the bone, and I still dare to point and scold the sky. Who are your righteous brothers? Have the spirit of mine?"

With a slight smile, Jiang Lin continued: "I am immortal, my lifespan is boundless, and ascending to the Immortal Conferred God may not be the end of me. If those big brothers look down on me, I will be polite if I don't make them feel ashamed. When their boss Zhong Kui sees me, he has to be a guest, and they dare to look down on me? If you want to restore your cultivation, just go to the ghost town, don't worry about me."

Jiang Lin's face was light and breezy, and Yu Canhua was worried that he would be teased by his uncles.

Yu Canhua opened her mouth slightly and stared at Jiang Lin's profile.

In her beautiful eyes, there was gradually more splendor.

hello husband... so handsome.

Under the setting sun, Yu Canhua only thought that Jiang Lin was so handsome that he didn't want it.

At this moment, she really got the charm of Jiang Lin.

In the past, she always thought that Jiang Lin was taking care of her, and she developed a feeling of reliance and entrustment.

But now, she was really fascinated by Jiang Lin.

A heart-pounding feeling.

"Huahua, why are you blushing?"

"No way! Who's blushing! Husband, you are so narcissistic, so pretentious, you are not ashamed."

Yu Canhua blushed and glared at Jiang Lin.

"Hey, I'm just pretentious!"

Jiang Lin looked into the distance. Although he was cautious in Da Luo Immortal Realm and took every step of the way, this did not prevent him from being arrogant.

He also has the confidence to be arrogant. The miracles he has created in the past are one after another. Which one is not the capital of his pride?

"It won't be long before my Huahua knows where I am extraordinary. Not only you, but this heaven will also know."

Jiang Lin looked up at the cloud palace, which was extremely vague in the sky. Since his wife was looking for trouble in the heavens, he would naturally go to the sky.

If Zhong Kui was here, his nose would be crooked with anger. He had said at first that he would let Jiang Lin go to the sky, but Jiang Lin didn't want to, and even slaughtered him with all his strength.

But now, as soon as Yu Canhua said that he was looking for trouble with Heavenly Court, Jiang Lin was about to join forces with the couple and prepare to fall out with Heavenly Court.

Chapter [*] Danhuo Tianjun

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