In fact, even if Yu Canhua didn't say that she wanted to get back her original cultivation, Jiang Lin also planned to let her go to the ghost town.

After all, Danhuo Town is not far away, and when he gets there, he has to reveal his true body.

There is also a girl who has a lot of relationship with his wife, and he can't hide himself with green bamboo umbrellas and other utensils all the time.

You have to show up to get along with that girl.

Therefore, Jiang Lin really couldn't take Yu Canhua there, aside from the potential danger, that is the Danhuo Tianjun, who he has not met yet.

Yu Canhua is now an ordinary woman, and it is even more impossible for Jiang Lin to take her with him. If there is any accident, Yu Canhua has no ability to protect herself at all, and it is not as good as the ghost body before.

"It's still early, let's find a place to stay in Zhendian tonight."

Holding Yu Canhua's waist, Jiang Lin released the Japanese golden wheel and continued to set off on his way. Although he took good care of Yu Canhua during this time, he had always been sleeping in the open air. Now Yu Canhua was going to the ghost town, he also wanted to Find a town and let Yu Canhua take a good rest.

Yu Canhua peeked at Jiang Lin from time to time beside Jiang Lin, and her heart beat like a deer. This kind of heartbeat was completely different from when she and Jiang Lin shared the same bed.

Now, Jiang Lin's image in her heart has changed from a husband to a lover.

Since ancient times, beauties have loved heroes, and Jiang Lin's previous remarks directly established a hero image in her heart.

In fact, Yu Canhua does not know how many capable monks and capable men, men with heroic spirit and the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, she has also seen many, who are more capable than Jiang Lin. The incident was more earth-shattering than Jiang Lin's, and I don't know how much.

However, without exception, they are all strong, but Jiang Lin has only less than the cultivation base of Pill.

Compared to this, those people seem to be mediocre.

Even if he established his own Heavenly Court in this realm and called himself His Majesty Wutian, when he was at the same level as Jiang Lin, he would not be able to compare with him at all.

For a long time, Yu Canhua didn't think about these things, until Jiang Lin "pretentious" just now, she realized how amazing her man was.

"By the way, Hua Hua, I forgot one thing."

Jiang Lin turned to look at Yu Canhua, and when she was caught off guard, he kissed her.

"You are now in a living body and can't enter the ghost city of the ghost. I will give you the corpse pill and keep it in your body. In this way, you will not have a problem in freely entering and leaving the nether world, and you have a corpse pill in your body. I can also roughly sense your situation, so I can rest assured."

Jiang Lin gave Jade Remnant Flower the hairy zombie pill in his throat. The Netherworld is similar to the underworld in Middle-earth. Yangren can hardly survive in it. It plays a protective role.

Because she was really in love, after being kissed by Jiang Lin, Yu Canhua turned pale and embarrassed for a while, and then she thought that Jiang Lin gave her the corpse pill, and the ability of the corpse would be reduced a lot. He asked, "Husband, what about you?"

"It doesn't matter to me, you may not know much, the corpse pill of a demon corpse is different from the demon pill of evil spirits. Although my corpse pill is given to you, as long as some moonlight absorbs some evil spirits, it can condense again, no There will be a situation where the cultivation base is half-crippled like the demon emperor."

Jiang Lin explained to Yu Canhua. Yu Canhua asked this question, indicating that she did not know much about zombies.

Yu Canhua nodded, and then said: "Husband, I... I didn't plan to go to the ghost city in the next two days, it will take a while."

Jiang Lin smiled and pretended to make a weird voice: "I know~ My Huahua just wants to spend a few days with me as a fairy couple. But my husband has already said that I am your life. Li's destined husband, you didn't believe it before, but now you finally believe it? Don't think that I don't know that you've been peeking at me, they're already a de facto husband and wife, and you're still peeking at your husband, come, I'll let you look at it with integrity."

Yu Canhua is an ordinary person, Jiang Lin has a cultivation base and a spiritual sense, how could Yu Canhua's small movements just now be deceived from him.

"I hate it~"

Yu Canhua's face was ashamed, and her pink fist was lightly beating on Jiang Lin's chest.

Jiang Lin laughed, grabbed Yu Canhua's hand, and said, "Are you still blaming what Wei Wei did in the sarcophagus?"

"Big Bad Wolf~"

Yu Canhua glanced at Jiang Lin and leaned into his arms.

"There is a place in front of you, let's go there, and I will condense the prototype of the corpse pill by the way."

Jiang Lin laughed and pointed to the front. Just now, he found a valley with strange terrain not far ahead, and it contained a relatively pure Yin evil energy.

So, Jiang Lin flew over with Yu Canhua driving the Japanese-Golden Wheel.

In the valley, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged on the ground, absorbing the suffocating energy around him, and using his corpse to gather coffin bacteria in his throat.

The road ahead is not necessarily smooth, he has to adjust himself to the best state as soon as possible.

After the coffin fungus formed in the throat, Jiang Lin went under the tree next to him, picked up Yu Canhua, who was sleeping peacefully beside the tree, and flew to a small town dozens of miles away.

It feels really good to be a rogue in front of my future wife.

On the way, Jiang Lin couldn't help but imagine that he didn't know how Yu Canhua would react if he saw Gu Mengxue in the future.

Jiang Lin wanted to laugh when he recalled how he and Yu Canhua became husband and wife until now.

In the future, when Yu Canhua is brought back to his home in Middle-earth, it is estimated that Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng will laugh at them.

Among his wives, Yu Canhua was the only one who was cooked on the stove while he remained sane.

Only Chen Yu had a similar experience before, but at that time, he was not sober, so he married Chen Yu.

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin stopped thinking about it. Now he had to think about how to borrow the Temple of Heaven in Chu State after he obtained the wishful jewel.

Breaking through the realm is imminent. Once he breaks through, he will be able to quickly upgrade the Yanri Art. When the sun is robbed, he will be able to join Zhong Kui, the others and Yu Canhua to attack the heavenly court.

For the next ten or so days, Jiang Lin and Yu Canhua traveled in the mountains and waters while on the road. When they came across a suitable place, Jiang Lin also found a secret place and arranged several teleportation circles.

When there was still a thousand miles away from Danhuo Town, Jiang Lin opened a ghost passage in a cave.

"Husband, don't go, I can protect myself. First, you still have important things to do. Second, if my righteous brothers find out that I have been eaten by your big bad wolf, they will definitely teach you a lesson. Yes, I can't bear it. When I recover my cultivation level, you can go there again, and then I will protect you with your flowers."

Yu Canhua stood in front of the ghost passage, and did not let Jiang Lin go to the ghost town with her.

"Alright, you can hold this token and see Zhong Kui directly."

Jiang Lin gave Yu Canhua the Netherworld token, and gave her some magical tools and treasures from heaven and earth.

Since Yu Canhua didn't let him follow, and he also received news from Zhong Kui, Tianjun Danhuo was already waiting for him a hundred miles ahead, so after thinking about it, Jiang Lin had no idea of ​​going with him.

Watching Yu Canhua enter the Netherworld, Jiang Lin packed up his reluctance and flew forward on the golden wheel.

"Excuse me, senior is Danhuo Tianjun?"

An hour later, Jiang Lin arrived at a pavilion a hundred miles away, and bowed to the middle-aged man in the pavilion.

The middle-aged people sitting in the pavilion were dressed in luxurious clothes, and the purple robes were embroidered with flame patterns, which looked extravagant.

He was the Danhuo Tianjun that Jiang Lin was looking for.

"You are the Jiang Lin that Zhong Kui said?"

Danhuo Tianjun glanced at Jiang Lin, and his brows could not help wrinkling.

After that, he raised his arms and held Jiang Lin vacantly, Jiang Lin was instantly imprisoned in place, and a big hand made of immortal power appeared around him, crushing his body.

"Senior, you!"

Jiang Lin's expression changed. At this moment, he felt an unprecedented crisis.

Oh, Zhong Kui, you cheat on me!

Chapter [*]: A false alarm ([*])

In this short moment, Jiang Lin felt that all the bones in his body began to creak.

He didn't think much about it at all, and immediately performed corpse formation to strengthen his defense.

"Senior Danhuo, what are you doing?!"

Jiang Lin glared at Tianjun Danhuo and asked aloud.

He and Danhuo Tianjun can be said to have no injustice and no hatred, and Zhong Kui must have contacted Danhuo Tianjun before, but this Tianjun will kill him when he comes up.

Nothing to say.

Danhuo Tianjun's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect that Jiang Lin was actually a cultivator with the body of a corpse.

However, he only changed his expression a little, and instantly returned to his plain face.

In the face of Jiang Lin's questioning, he didn't pay any attention at all, as if he didn't hear it at all, he just continued to clench his palm and increased the transmission of immortal power.


Jiang Lin let out an eardrum-shattering roar. He let out all the Yang flames in his body, and his eyes shot out the sun's true fire and the red lotus karmic fire.

At this moment, he didn't transmit a voice to Baoyi, even if he borrowed Baoyi's power, it would not play any role at this time.

The power of Baoyi can only be used as the last hope, the hope of getting out of trouble.


Being shot by two strange fires, Tianjun Danhuo's expression this time was not as calm as before.

As a Danhuo Tianjun, he also entered the Dao with fire. He has never seen this true sun fire a few times. As for the red lotus karmic fire, there is no fire source in Da Luo Xianjie at all, and he has only heard of it in rumors.

Although there is a netherworld in the Daluo Xianjie, there has never been a hell-like existence before, and naturally the source of red lotus karma cannot be born.

Taking advantage of the moment when Danhuo Tianjun lost his mind, Jiang Lin decisively opened his mouth and spat out his corpse pill.

Fried Dan!

He released the Sun True Fire and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, and he didn't plan to let the two strange fires play any offensive role at all, as long as he could attract the attention of Danhuo Tianjun a little.

Since Danhuo Tianjun's name is Danhuo, and the clothes on his body still have flame patterns, it means that the other party must be a super expert in using fire, and Sun Zhenhuo and Red Lotus Karmic Fire will definitely attract his attention.

This is the real intention of Jiang Lin's move.

At the moment when the corpse pellet exploded, Jiang Lin drew the immortal seal on his forehead with his own thoughts. Since the level of the soul has risen one after another, he has been able to use his thoughts to attack as an entity.

However, this kind of attack power is only enough to cut through the cowhide.

But for now, this effect is enough.

Jiang Lin's forehead was scratched by his own spiritual power, forming a seal of immortality.

Even if doing so made his mind feel as though ten thousand needles were pierced, he didn't care.

It was too reluctant for him to let him use his spiritual thoughts to imitate Feng Xianlu and complete it in a very short period of time.

After Feng Xianlu was completed, Jiang Lin transformed into a Taoist body, releasing the suffocating and mysterious light all over his body, and at the same time rushing past with the spiritual power in his body, causing it to fly towards the Danhuo Tianjun.

However, this Immortal Seal is only on the surface. Without the injection or activation of Immortal Power, it is impossible to seal Immortal at all, but it is still possible to exert some effects.

All this is a long time, in fact, there is no blink of an eye at all.

In a race against time, Jiang Lin relied on the shock effect caused by the explosive pill to give himself a chance to release his imprisonment in an instant, and used the Huayuan Escape Technique again.

Do not hesitate to pay real dollars.

Of course, even so, he couldn't escape from the hands of an angel at all. After all, this time, he and Danhuo Tianjun were face-to-face and face-to-face.

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