With the help of the Huayuan escape technique, Jiang Lin quickly took out the immortal staff and the Wuji Magnetic Mountain from the ancient mirror.

At this time, Jiang Lin still hadn't used the power of Baoyi, and had not yet had the chance.

Danhuo Tianjun's attention was focused on the Sun True Fire and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire. When he found Jiang Lin moving, a strong light made him subconsciously close his eyes.

If Jiang Lin's cultivation was higher, to the level of God Transformation or even above, Danhuo Tianjun would not have this situation.

It was because Jiang Lin was too insignificant in his opinion, so he didn't take Jiang Lin seriously at all.

If Jiang Lin's cultivation level is high, he will naturally pay more attention to Jiang Lin, and he will not give Jiang Lin any chance.

"Huh? Feng Xianlu!"

When Danhuo Tianjun opened his eyes again, he was taken aback and his body flashed out instantly.

Even Danhuo Tianjun didn't investigate when he saw Feng Xianlu coming from a quick shot. After all, this thing appeared too abruptly.

Even angels, just like humans, will be surprised, stunned, and have subconscious judgments.

Danhuo Tianjun is like this, the first reaction is to retreat to avoid being hit by Fengxianlu.

"Fairy weapon?!"

But after Danhuo Tianjun flashed past, Jiang Lin's immortal staff smashed.

good boy!

The immortal staff contained a lot of immortal power. Tianjun Danhuo didn't want to suffer for a while, but he just thought that he was forced to dodge once by Jiang Lin, and then dodge again, it was too outrageous.

With a drink, Tianjun Danhuo pushed out with one palm, holding Jiang Lin in place again, and the immortal staff also landed on top of his head, almost touching his hair crown.

hateful! ! !

Jiang Lin's heart sank suddenly. Originally, as long as Tianjun Danhuo hides again, he can use the power of Baoyi to break through the confinement, protect the two of them with Wuji Magnetic Mountain and the Umbrella, and get a chance to escape.

But now, there is no chance! ! !

"No wonder Zhong Kui spoke to me for an ant boy like you."

Danhuo Tianjun took a deep look at Jiang Lin, waved his sleeve robe, and lifted all Jiang Lin's imprisonment.

Although there was no change in his expression, Danhuo Tianjun still had some waves in his heart.

A cultivator in Jianglin who could not form a pill, in his opinion, he was completely an ant, but he was an immortal and was hit on the head with a stick by Jiang Lin.

Even if Jiang Lin's attack did not come off at all, to him, this situation was no different from slapping him.

Danhuo Tianjun actually knew that he was completely careless, but if he paid more attention to Jiang Lin, this would never happen, and Jiang Lin would not be able to replicate such a thing again. .

But the fact is the fact, for a monk who has formed a golden core, cultivated into Nascent Soul, or even reached the level of God Transformation, he would not be able to achieve such an achievement as Jiang Lin.

A cultivator, under the Jedi, can smash a stick on the head of an immortal of his level. I am afraid that he has searched the entire Daluo Immortal Realm and can't find a second person.

Jiang Lin gasped heavily, and looked at Danhuo Tianjun cautiously, not knowing what the other party meant.

But depending on the situation, he should be a false alarm, Danhuo Tianjun doesn't seem to want to obliterate him, but wants to see his ability.

"I originally thought you were an ant, but I didn't expect you, an ant, to have the ability to create miracles. It seems that Zhong Kui values ​​you, and he does have his reasons."

Danhuo Tianjun chuckled, and what he said also confirmed Jiang Lin's guess.

Originally, when he saw that Jiang Lin who came to him was such a lowly cultivator, he was still angry, thinking that Zhong Kui was completely teasing him.

Therefore, he wanted to see what was special about Jiang Lin. If Jiang Lin was really an ant, then he might just wipe Jiang Lin out.

However, he never imagined that Jiang Lin, whom he regarded as an ant, could surprise an angel like him again and again, and even launched an attack that forced him to dodge.

He didn't even expect that Jiang Lin almost smashed him in the head with a stick.

As long as such things are said, Jiang Lin will definitely gain fame in the Da Luo Immortal Realm.

Even if it was said by one of his angels, not many people believed it immediately.

Chapter [-]: A false alarm ([-])

"However, you... are still too weak, otherwise, with your method of covering up the corpse, coupled with your own advantage in not being in the Three Realms and Six Paths, maybe you can really play a role in the process of overthrowing the Heavenly Court."

Danhuo Tianjun glanced at Jiang Lin and shook his head again. Although Jiang Lin created a miracle on him, what is a miracle? It is something that does not happen often. Who can create a miracle every day?

Therefore, in the eyes of Danhuo Tianjun, Jiang Lin is still not enough.

Jiang Lin: "..."

Second uncle's, it's really enough, everyone thinks my cultivation is low.

Lao Tzu is in the Middle-earth world, he is the ceiling of the monastic world!

Jiang Lin is really speechless, Middle-earth is the end of the law, he has subdued demons and subdued demons for so many years, and he has only cultivated to the peak of Tianshi, where he is already the peak of the pyramid.

But when he arrived at Daluo Immortal Realm, he was always disliked.

Even his loving wife, Yu Canhua, who shared the bed with him, said that his cultivation was low, and he was afraid that he would be taught by his uncles.

Bought a watch last year!Give me the wish-fulfilling jewel, and I will break through after a while!

"The day of this junior's practice is still shallow. Senior Danhuo, I think Judge Zhong should have contacted you. What the junior came here for, the senior should know?"

Complaining in his heart, Jiang Lin told Danhuo Tianjun directly about his intentions.

He has already helped Zhong Kui fulfill his promise, so Zhong Kui can't break his promise to him, the wishful jewel is what he deserves.

"I don't know how many people care about that treasure. Of course I won't take it with me. You go to Danhuo Town first. There is my swordsmith there. She is helping me to forge a Wu hook sword. I will look for a kind of sword. Xin Jin material, I will go there to meet you later. It just so happens that you have a monster corpse, she can use some of your corpse to quench the original source, and when she kills Wutian in the future, it will be more difficult to guard against. "

Seeing Jiang Lin frown slightly, Tianjun Danhuo said again: "Since I promised Zhong Kui, I will naturally not break my promise, and I will compensate you for borrowing some of your corpse source. If you are not willing, I will negotiate with Zhong Kui. Yes."

"Senior has been thinking too much, some of the origin of the corpse poison, the junior will give it back."

Since Danhuo Tianjun said so, even if Jiang Lin was a little unhappy, he could only endure it first.

If he wants to make a breakthrough, the wishful jewel is essential.

"Well, you also know how to use fire. When my swordsmith was casting Wu Hook Sword, maybe you could give me some advice."

Danhuo Tianjun nodded, then stepped into the air and flew in the other direction.

Jiang Lin drank some cold marrow, and then drove the Japanese golden wheel to Danhuo Town.

Now Danhuo Tianjun just gave him a false alarm, and there is no danger for the time being. He is going to deal with the matter of condensing the corpse pills in Danhuo Town.

Second uncle, I have nothing to do with me, and let Laozi fry it for nothing.

On the way, Jiang Lin gave Danhuo Tianjun a ruthless greeting in his heart. Seventh Uncle and Grandpa, if he has something to talk about, he likes to put some cloves of garlic there.

My cultivation base is low, do I eat your steamed buns or owe you money?

After half a day, Jiang Lin came to Danhuo Town, which was thousands of miles away from other towns, and the terrain was remote, among the mountains.

Phoenix can also be found in this town?

Jiang Lin stood at the entrance of the town and looked at the situation in Danhuo Town. He couldn't help but doubt whether the information provided by Zhong Kui was accurate.

After all, his wives are still the most beautiful, and the ones with less appearance are also big beauties.

But if there is a girl in Danhuo Town who looks exactly like his wife, then in this corner, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a phoenix.

After Jiang Lin asked an uncle Danhuo Tianjun where the sword hut was, he went straight to it.

When he reached the river at the end of the town, Jiang Lin heard the sound of a sword.

"What a magic weapon."

Jiang Lin was taken aback. The sound of the sword sound made the corpse poison in his body feel uneasy.

"Hello girl, I was entrusted by Danhuo Tianjun to come here to find his swordsmith. Is that swordsmith not there?"

After Jiang Lin entered the sword house, he only found a girl in a long pink dress, looking at the long sword on the side of the weapon rack on the wall.

The girl turned her back to him, and it was not convenient for him to go directly, so he said hello.

"Danhuo Tianjun's swordsmith is me."

The girl responded, but she still only looked at the sword in her hand and did not turn around.

"You? Female?"

Jiang Lin was stunned when he looked at the various hammers and other utensils in the sword hut, as well as the various long swords in the hut.

Danhuo Tianjun's swordsmith is actually a woman?

Women do all the heavy work?

It seems that this girl is estimated to be a back killer.

Jiang Lin laughed in his heart, if these long swords were made by this swordsmith, then her arm strength is estimated to be more than [-] pounds.

A proper female man.

Jiang Lin guessed that the sword-casting girl looked like a dinosaur, so even if someone came, she would not turn around to answer.

Probably because he was afraid of scaring people with his dinosaur face.

Not only the back killer, but also the voice killer.

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly. He listened to the sword-casting girl's voice just now, and found that her voice was very similar to his wife's Caiyi, and her voice was pleasant and pleasant.

But with this slender figure and silver bell-like voice, if the face looks like a dinosaur, I can't think about it anymore.

"You are so rude, I am not a woman, am I still a man?"

The sword-casting girl flicked the long sword in her hand, and there was some resentment in her tone.

"Don't get me wrong, girl, I thought Danhuo Tianjun's swordsmith was a man, but I didn't expect it to be a girl."

Based on the principle that good men don't fight with dinosaurs, Jiang Lin explained in a good voice and went to check the sword tires on the sword casting furnace.

"What about the girl? The girl can't make swords? Can we women not do what you men can do?"

The sword-casting girl turned around and looked at Jiang Lin with a slight anger.

Jiang Lin was stunned when he saw the sword-casting girl's face.

Not only is this sword-casting girl not a dinosaur face, but she is also as beautiful as a fairy.

Close the moon and shame flowers, sinking fish and falling geese.

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