It doesn't matter if she is as beautiful as a fairy, she is exactly the same as his wife's Caiyi!

For a time, the thoughts in Jiang Lin's mind were messy. There were three sisters in his wife, the three senior sisters of the Microwave School. Now the senior sister Bai Min'er looks the same as Qing'er, and the second senior sister Caiyi has the same appearance as this sword-casting girl. the same face.

Jiang Lin really did not expect that the girl he was looking for in Danhuo Town was the sword-casting girl in front of him.

"How rude! How could Tianjun Danhuo know a disciple like you?"

The sword-casting girl saw Jiang Lin looked at her insane, and the anger on her face became even more intense.

At this moment, the unfinished Wu Hook Sword on the weapon rack burst out with a sword cry. When Jiang Lin was stunned, he was stimulated by the sword cry, and the corpse poison in his body flowed into his flesh and blood.

Because the corpse pill was just blown up, part of his corpse energy was released.

The spirit sword screamed, and the sword-casting girl looked at Wu Hook sword and then at Jiang Lin. Then she turned around and took off Wu Hook sword.

"Evil! Dare to deceive me, look at the sword!"


Jiang Lin's heart is simply, is this going to murder his future husband?

Chapter [*]: A false alarm (below)

"Girl, I'm not a demon!"

Jiang Lin dodged again and again. Although the Wu Hook Sword in the Sword Casting Girl's hand had not yet been completed, it was already a quasi-immortal weapon, and Jiang Lin did not dare to take any damage.

"Nonsense! Before you came, Wu Hookjian made a sword cry, and after you came, it screamed again. If you are not a demon, how can you explain this?"

The Sword Casting Girl didn't believe Jiang Lin at all. She was originally sullen because Jiang Lin was staring at her, but now Wu Hookjian issued a warning, if Jiang Lin was not a demon, how could there be a black evil spirit on his body.

"Then if you don't believe me, you should believe in Danhuo Tianjun, you are his swordsmith."

Jiang Lin backed into the yard with a backflip, motioning for the sword-casting girl to stop.

"You take out the evidence, otherwise, I will hack you."

The sword-casting girl pointed at Jiang Lin, giving him a chance to prove it.

Just point your sword at me. In the future, when you enter the gate of my Jiang family, I will ask you to beg for mercy when you are in the bridal chamber.

Jiang Lin had a dark face, even when Qing'er misunderstood him, he wasn't so extreme.

"Okay, here's the proof."

Jiang Lin used his figurative ability to make his memory manifest on the top of his head.

It's also thanks to him that he has this kind of ability, otherwise the Sword Casting Girl will definitely not give up.

The image in the sky above Jianglin is the scene where Tianjun Danhuo said he knew how to use fire, and asked him to come here to help his swordsmith give some advice.

As for Danhuo Tianjun saying that he is a demon corpse, he did not show it.

If the Swordsmith knew that he was also a zombie, she might have stayed away.

Seeing the image displayed by Jiang Lin, the sword-casting girl restrained her hostility.

She looked at Jiang Lin, still a little suspicious, and asked, "Then what happened to the evil spirits in your body before?"

"I have a strange fire in my body, it's the real fire of the sun. This kind of flame is too violent, so I need some evil qi to suppress it. If I have evil qi and evil qi in my body, it doesn't mean that I am a demon."

Jiang Lin reached out his hand and released his own true sun fire. As soon as the true fire appeared, the temperature in the entire yard suddenly rose a lot.

Seeing this, the sword-casting girl put away the Wu hook sword. She has the instinct of forging steel and smelting iron, and can feel the extraordinaryness of Jiang Lin's release of flames.

Such flames, evildoers dare not touch.

"Even so, you don't look like a good person, Dengtu prodigal son, you... your eyes are straight."

The sword-casting girl pouted, even if Jiang Lin wasn't a monster, her character was not good. It was rude to stare straight at people the first time they met.

"This... this is also for a reason. If I explain it, don't blame me."

"Hey, I'd like to hear what rhetoric you can say."

The Sword Casting Girl looked at Jiang Lin quietly, wanting to hear what Jiang Lin could explain.

"Uh... It's like this, you said that you were a swordsmith, so I thought you must be stronger than a man, and then because you spoke with your back to me, I thought you looked good and should be with a man. The same, to put it bluntly - just an ugly monster. You have a graceful back, a swaying voice, and an ugly face, I find it very interesting. It was not until you turned around that I realized that I was wrong. The situation and the expectations in my heart It's too much, then I'm stunned. I'm rude, the girl is not an ugly person. "

Jiang Lin half-true and half-truth whitewashed his previous actions.

" are the ugly one!"

The sword-casting girl put her hands on her hips and glared at Jiang Lin. This guy is too much, and there are too many dramas in his heart.

Just because she didn't turn around to answer, Jiang Lin misunderstood her as ugly and thought she looked like a man.

You just look like a man!

But when she was angry, she was angry. The Sword Casting Girl didn't take Jiang Lin as a disciple. After all, when she was in the sword casting room, she heard a chuckle from Jiang Lin, and when she contacted Jiang Lin, she felt that Jiang Lin Lin should have not lied.

"Okay, okay, I'm ugly, okay?"

"That's right, you ugly bastard."

The sword-casting girl couldn't help laughing. She put herself in Jiang Lin's point of view and thought for a while. When Jiang Lin saw her true face, she probably felt very excited.

"Ugly, what's your name?"

"Where is the girl's name in Xiajiang Forest?"

Jiang Lin pouted, although he is not the kind of man who is so handsome, but he has nothing to do with ugliness, right?

The sword-casting girl responded, "My name is Honghua. Since Danhuo Tianjun asked you to come here, then you can fight me."


Jiang Lin felt a little nervous in his heart. If he hadn't been too surprised and stunned, he and Honghua would have been polite to each other, but now Honghua treated him as a free labor force.

"Safflower, look what I brought you."

At this time, Tianjun Danhuo flew down from the sky and landed in the yard, holding a candy man dressed in bamboo sticks in his hand.

"Tianjun, you are here! But I haven't made the Wu hook sword yet."

Safflower saw Danhuo Tianjun, smiled and greeted him.

"No hurry, no hurry, what is this?"

Danhuo Tianjun raised the candy man in his hand, looked at the red flower, and his eyes were full of visible doting.

"Tianjun, you bring me candy every time you come, I have grown up."

Safflower smiled and took over the candy man handed by Danhuo Tianjun.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin's expression at this time was extremely wonderful.

This is not right!

The relationship between Danhuo Tianjun and Honghua is definitely not normal!

No way?No way!

The corners of Jiang Lin's mouth kept twitching, and he had a very bad premonition.

Zhong Kui said that the marriage of the girl in Danhuo Town is coming, and that girl is Hong Hua.

Now Danhuo Tianjun looked at Honghua with the same eyes as his favorite baby.

Buy her candy!

Holy shit!Holy shit! !Holy shit! ! !

Am I trying to grab a marriage with an angel? ? ?


Draw your sword!

At this moment, Jiang Lin really wanted to hold the Zhengbone Sword in his hand and shouted violently at Danhuo Tianjun: Stay away from that girl!she is mine!

"Miss safflower, do you like sweets? These sweet dates will give you an apology for my previous rudeness."

Jiang Lin stepped forward and took a few exotic fruits from his arms.

He has already decided that even if the famous flower has a master, he will have to forcibly loosen the soil.

What about angels?He still steals people.

But even though he thought so in his heart, Jiang Lin was still very tired of it.

In the past, he always laughed at Qiusheng and Wencai for robbing God for women, but now, he is no better than Qiusheng and Wencai.

If Honghua and Danhuo Tianjun are really married, then he is going to grab a woman with Tianxian.

How terrifying this is.

Jiang Lin felt that he was likely to experience unprecedented thrills in the next period of time.

Stealing a woman in the hands of an angel is a thousand times more dangerous than plucking the hair from a tiger's head.

Whoever robs his second uncle is afraid of a hair!

Jiang Lin made up his mind, no matter whether he was an immortal or a god, and wanted him to be a tauren, no way!

"Forgive you."

Hong Huajian made an effort, took the fruit from Jiang Lin's hand, and filled it into his mouth.

"Hong Hua, did he bully you before?"

Danhuo Tianjun frowned and asked Honghua.

Honghua looked at Jiang Lin, rolled her eyes, and shook her head, without telling Danhuo Tianjun what happened before.

Although Hong Hua didn't say anything, seeing that Tianjun Danhuo rolled his eyes at Jiang Lin, he knew there must be something wrong.

His face darkened, and he glanced at Jiang Lin, the warning in his eyes was very obvious.

"Safflower, this is the gold needed for casting Wu Hook Sword, and it is needed in the final sword-making stage."

After warning Jiang Lin, Tianjun Danhuo waved his sleeve, and a gold nugget the size of a stone appeared on the ground, and then he said: "I have to go back to the heavenly court, and it is estimated that I will come back in a month or two. If you need help with casting the sword, you can just ask Jiang Lin."

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