What the fuck?Great opportunity!

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, at this moment, he wished Danhuo Tianjun would go far away, and he was close to the water tower.

"You take care of yourself, don't work too hard."

Danhuo Tianjun told Honghua, and his body flew into the air, flying towards Yungong.

"Jiang Lin, I warn you, if you dare to bully Hong Hua when I'm not here, I can tear you to pieces!"

When Jiang Lin was rejoicing, the voice transmission of Danhuo Tianjun came to his mind.

Before he could get angry in his heart, Tianjun Danhuo's next words made him stunned.

"She's actually my daughter, no one knows this secret, and she doesn't know it herself. I tell you, it's because when Wu Hookjian becomes a sword, it may shock the heavens, and then you will protect her. Time, you stay here all the time. Your demon corpse has the effect of blinding the eyes of the sky, and it can also affect her. If the safflower is damaged in the slightest, I only ask you! Also, you give me this secret. in the stomach."

Danhuo Tianjun temporarily entrusted his daughter Honghua to Jiang Lin. In fact, under normal circumstances, he would not do this. After all, Honghuan's sinking fish and falling geese are likely to be abducted.

But now, he thought there was a conflict between Jiang Lin and Hong Hua, so he didn't worry too much.

It was her daughter!

After being stunned for a long time, Jiang Lin let out a long sigh of relief.

Danhuo Tianjun and Honghua are actually father and daughter!

This time, Jianglin Cola has blossomed. In this way, the marriage that originally belonged to Honghua has not yet arrived, and he is now near the water tower.

Steal him!

For a while, Jiang Lin's mouth couldn't close. If he grabbed the red flower, he would have an immortal father-in-law.

This happiness came too suddenly.

What unprecedented thrills, what is robbing a marriage with an immortal, all frighten yourself and make a false alarm.

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-three chapters cut the red line and tear down the marriage

No wonder Danhuo Tianjun would have such a doting gaze on Honghua, and he would bring it to her to buy a candy man. Whose daughter is not fond?

Only now did Jiang Lin realize that the doting gaze of Tianjun Danhuo before was just the love of the elders for the child, not what he thought at all.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?"

After Honghua checked the large piece of Xinjin in the yard, she found that Jiang Lin was baring his white teeth and smiling brightly.

"Nothing. Hahaha..."

Jiang Lin just closed his mouth, but couldn't help laughing again.

Danhuo Tianjun asked him to be a bodyguard here, but Danhuo Tianjun probably never thought that he had other ideas.

What kind of bodyguard, he is not rare.

If you want identity, you must be a son-in-law.

He couldn't help laughing when he thought of the stupid things that Tianjun Danhuo had done before, and now he has designated him as his father-in-law.

Hong Hua looked at Jiang Lin with her beautiful eyes slanted, Jiang Lin laughed out loud for no reason, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Stop laughing, move me back."

Hong Hua pointed at Xin Jin on the ground, and really regarded Jiang Lin as a free labor force.

Jiang Lin nodded, took the dip with both hands, and directly hugged Xin Jin, who was the size of Shi Yun.

The weight of this piece of Xinjin is not ordinary. Normally, Jiang Lin would not be able to move it, but now others are in good spirits when they are happy.

"Your strength... can be compared to a dozen elephants!"

Safflower's small cherry mouths were all opened into an "O" shape. Although Xin Jin was not very big, it was not small at all. Jiang Lin actually picked it up like that.

In the past, if she wanted to carry such heavy objects, she had to use the lifting device given to her by Danhuo Tianjun.

Moreover, she had heard about the monks from Tianjun Danhuo, but she had never heard of Jiang Lin.

With physical strength alone, it is possible to lift such a heavy gold nugget.

Jiang Lin was stunned by Hong Hua, and moved the Xin Jin nugget the size of a stone into the sword casting room.

"You really burn with your sun..."

"Ha ha……"

After Jiang Lin put down the Xin Jin nugget, Hong Hua asked him to melt some Xin Jin with the real fire of the sun, but before she could finish her words, Jiang Lin laughed again.


"What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at?"

"No... nothing."

Jiang Lin glanced at Caiyi, then looked up at the roof beam again.

Your father is an immortal, but he may become my father-in-law soon.

Tianxian father-in-law is still quite majestic.

As soon as he thought about it, Jiang Lin smiled happily.

Hong Hua looked at Jiang Lin with a strange face. Jiang Lin didn't smile at first, but when Danhuo Tianjun came, he didn't smile. Now that there are only the two of them left, Jiang Lin has been laughing all the time.

The reason must have something to do with her!

"Are you kidding me for being ugly?"

After recalling it for a while, Hong Hua felt that the only thing that could make Jiang Lin laugh was that Jiang Lin thought she was an ugly girl before.

"No, how can you be ugly, you are beautiful, really beautiful."

Jiang Lin shook his head, what he said was the truth, his wife, in terms of appearance, sisters Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng, Fu Yuechi, and two senior sisters Bai Miner and Caiyi are all at the level of harming the country and the people. So does safflower.

However, these words sounded in Hong Hua's ears, and it was a bit ironic.

Glancing at Jiang Lin, she tapped Xin Jin with a hammer and said, "Since Tianjun asked you to come and help, hurry up and work."

Jiang Lin accepted the joy and began to process some utensils and materials according to Hong Hua's request.

When casting Wu Hook Sword, he also had to provide the source corpse poison, so he also wanted Wu Hook Sword to be completed as soon as possible.

In that case, he can also recover the wear and tear of the corpse as soon as possible.

That night, Hong Hua vacated a room in Jian Hu for Jiang Lin to live in. For the next month or two, Jiang Lin would have to stay here in Jian Hu.

"It's getting late, so you don't have to cook for me. I need to absorb some yin and evil energy, so I'll spend the night outside."

Jiang Lin looked at the falling night, and said hello to Hong Hua, he was going to stay overnight outside tonight.

"You have a spider web on your head."

Looking at Hong Hua, Jiang Lin raised his finger and pointed at her hair, then he handed it over and brushed it on Hong Hua's hair.

In fact, there were no spider webs on Safflower's hair at all. Jiang Lin did this because he wanted to pinch a strand of Safflower's hair and hide it in his sleeve.

He is useful.

Jiang Lin went back to the room and set up a hidden talisman array on the Charming Spirit in the shadow to protect Hong Hua secretly, and then left the Sword Hut.

He needs to find a place to reunite the corpse pill, and he also plans to arrange some magic circles around Danhuo Town.

Since Danhuo Tianjun said that when Wu Hook Sword is cast, it may disturb the heavens, and he must take care of this trouble.

As for why Danhuo Tianjun didn't take these measures, Jiang Lin didn't know, and he didn't need to know either.

No matter what, he couldn't let Hong Hua suffer a little bit of damage.

In addition to these two reasons, Jiang Lin also wanted to ask the townspeople of Danhuo Town and ask them about Honghua.

To avoid any bloody plots, for example, what kind of engagement does Honghua have, or if she already has a sweetheart.

Even if there is, he will move in secret.

As early as in Jiangliu County, Jiang Lin already had this plan.

This is also the reason why he took safflower a hair.

If Honghua has no marriage contract at all, and she doesn't have a crush, he will use Honghua's hair to calculate her marriage.

No matter who the other red line hit by the red flower is, he has to cut it off completely.

Not only to cut it off, but also to tie Hong Hua's marriage line to himself.

As long as it is counted, the red line will be forcibly cut, and the marriage will be forcibly demolished!

Jiang Lin was not a man who wanted to drag him into his house when he saw beautiful women. Back then, Bai Rou Rou's three beautiful mentors and apprentices lived in his house for a few years, but it was after they took the initiative to speak up and express their intentions, and Jiang Lin wanted them.In addition to the three of them, Baoyi is also beautiful and don't want it. He only leaves Baoyi as a guest in the guest room at home. If he really has no intention of calculating and thinking badly in his heart, Baoyi, the distressed fairy, will also be his pillow. people.In addition to Baoyi, Miaoshan is also a great beauty, and he did not think of any further development.

In addition to being in his home, Ma Danna is also a beautiful long-legged beauty, and Jiang Lin also tried to save her and there is no more.

However, he doesn't care about other beauties, but a woman who looks exactly like his wife is completely different.

He absolutely wants to stay by his side.

Therefore, even if Jiang Lin misunderstood the relationship between Danhuo Tianjun and Honghua before, he planned to fight and forcefully rob someone from Tianxian.

Now he doesn't care about the fate of this world or Yue Lao and the like, who has led the red thread of Hong Hua's marriage to whom.

Just cut it, and tear it apart.

No matter who his second uncle is.

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-four chapters is too happy, and it is easy to be sad

Jiang Lin walked around the town and used some excuses to ask a few elders. The information he got made him quite happy.

Although Honghua is more beautiful than the gods, she has fascinated many young guys in Danhuo Town, but because Honghua is often in contact with the god Danhuo Tianjun, they are afraid to approach Honghua.

No one dared to take the idea of ​​safflower.

Therefore, safflower has no sweetheart at all.

After that, Jiang Lin went around the town, arranged several large isolation formations, and finally hooked them together.

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