"Let go of people."

Hong Hua quickly stabilized her center of gravity, pushed her palms on Jiang Lin's chest, and returned to the sword-casting stove with her face and neck all red.

With a smile on his face, Jiang Lin took the forging hammer in Hong Hua's hand. Just like before, he burned the Wu hook sword with Yang Yan and began to forge.

Now Honghua's heart is in a mess, and it is estimated that the hammer is not serious.

"The force is small or the force is inaccurate, just tell me."

Jiang Lin plans to do the casting work himself, as long as Honghua eats and sleeps, and he is obediently raised by him, it will be over.

In this way, in the following days, the intimacy between Honghua and Jianglin began to increase day by day.

About a month and a half later, between the eyes of the two, there was a real love for each other.

Jiang Lin's future wife also gradually fell in love with him during this period of time.

Just when the safflower love had opened and he was in love with Jiang Lin, Tianjun Danhuo in Heavenly Court Cloud Palace never thought that his daughter's heart had been captured by Jiang Lin.

After he took out the wishful jewel, he went to find his friend, and wanted to use some connections to check the marriage line of Honghua.

After all, he will take part in the grand plan to overthrow the heavenly court soon, but he still doesn't know if he is alive or dead. At this moment, he wants to see who his daughter's other half is.

After finding his daughter's support, he was ready to arrange Honghua's marriage, and he was completely at ease and could give it a go.

"It turns out that her marriage has arrived recently, and I don't know how this kid named Shi Zhongyu is doing. If it is worth entrusting, I will recognize Hong Hua. Before the uprising, I was Hong Hua's high hall and preside over their happy event."

After Danhuo Tianjun heard the news, he was very happy. His daughter Honghua's marriage was just one month later, and his future son-in-law was a young man named Shi Zhongyu.

As for more information about this young man, he can't find it, but it doesn't hurt. Since Honghua's wedding date is approaching, and she will not leave Danhuo Town, the person who should be married will definitely appear in Danhuo Town. Fire Town.

In fact, Tianjun Danhuo never imagined that the information he inquired about was set earlier, and now because of Jiang Lin's appearance, Honghua's marriage is no longer allowed.

What he could not have imagined was that if Jiang Lin hadn't thought that he was an immortal, he would have made him the de facto father-in-law.

The current situation is indeed the case. If Jiang Lin was a little more daring and asked for one, two, or three times, the safflower might have been given.

After all, in Honghua's view, she is an orphan, and she can make up her own mind about her relationship and marriage.

She is eager to eat three delicious meals made by her lover every day in the future.

The [*]th chapter is a book without a coincidence (on)

Danhuo Tianjun is going to contact a few of his friends, explain some things, and then go down to Danhuo Town.

Coincidentally, the young Shi Zhongyu, also because of the relationship of the marriage line, came to Danhuo Town for thousands of miles.

He only became an immortal not long ago, and now he is full of ambition and travels in the lower realm.

Jiang Lin used to divination the marriage line of safflower with the technique of fuja. The reason why he calculated such a result is because the jade in the stone is originally a piece of chalcedony in a stone with spiritual gold. personal.

It itself is transformed from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so it is not among the six realms.

In addition to Shi Zhongyu, who has traveled thousands of miles around Danhuo Town, there is another angel who is also heading to Danhuo Town. He is an angel who combines with a mortal woman. He knows that he can't avoid the eyes and ears of heaven, so he is ready to go to his old friend Danhuo. Tianjun, prepare to wait for his old friend in the lower realm of Danhuo Town, where Tianjun Danhuo often goes, and seek his help.

What's even more coincidental is that on the same day, the Dark Lord who had previously sent the black-faced devil to Jianlu in Danhuo Town to seize the treasure also broke through.

On this day, there will definitely be a storm in Danhuo Town, because Jiang Lin and Honghua jointly recast the criminal sword and Wu hook sword, and they will also be completed.

"Jiang Lin, it's really thanks to your opinion that this criminal sword and Wu Hook sword are so compatible now."

In the sword house, Hong Hua looked at the sword and sword that was about to be recast, and smiled at Jiang Lin.

In the process of recasting this pair of killers, Jiang Lin provided some suggestions, so that one of the Xingye Dao and Wu Hookjian has the Yin Sheng attribute and the other has the Yang Sheng attribute, and this pair of killers has yang in the yin. , There is yin in the yang, and they attract each other. They are no longer incompatible with each other when they are placed together as before.

Not only is it no longer difficult, but now, they have become extremely compatible.

When Hong Hua was recasting this pair of swords, Jiang Lin asked Hong Hua to start work on the Xingye Dao at midnight. The blood of sinners is extremely suffocating, and the yin suffocation is filled into it, making it yin and yin. Later, Jiang Lin calcined a small group of true sun fire into it, resulting in the effect of the golden sword of criminal industry.

As for the Wu Hook Sword, it was remodeled when the sun was noon, so that the sword body absorbed the condensed sunlight essence, not only the sunlight essence, but Jiang Lin also took part of the great sun essence from the sun-catching ring and quenched it into it. Infiltrating its own original corpse poison, this makes Wu Gou Xianjian yang prosper and yin decline.

In this way, the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry and the Wu Hook Immortal Sword have become a pair of magic weapons that complement each other.

"It's all because of your good casting skills, how dare I be greedy~"


Chong Jiang Lin Jiao pouted her lips, and Hong Hua continued: "At midnight tonight, the two weapons will be together. Chef Jiang, hurry up and cook for me. Wait for Tianjun to come down. At that time, if he knew that your cooking skills were so good, he would definitely appreciate it a lot."

"Okay, I'll go right now. Haha..."

Jiang Lin laughed again. He didn't know if Danhuo Tianjun praised his cooking skills, but even if he praised him, if he knew that his daughter had been humiliated, then he probably wouldn't be able to laugh if his desire for words was satisfied. Out.

Hey, let me blow the corpse pill when you meet me, and I will kidnap your precious girl as compensation.

While humming, Jiang Lin went to the kitchen.

Just a moment before Zi Shi, that is, the most critical moment for the complete success of the transformation of the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry and the Immortal Sword of Wu Hook, a change occurred.

"Beauty! Treasure! Here comes my Dark Lord!"

Outside the Jian Hu, the Dark Lord with a dark face and strange magic marks fell on the street and shouted at the Jian Hu.

As soon as it came out of the customs, it ran over with its minions. If it wasn't scruples about Danhuo Tianjun's relationship with this Danhuo Town, it even slaughtered the town's residents as blood food.

"It won't come sooner or later, but it happens at this time. If it comes later, I will use this pair of killers to kill it!"

Safflower frowned, wishing she could go out and chop off those intruding monsters.

Jiang Lin also squinted his eyes slightly. During this time, he had been waiting for the Dark Lord to come over, but he stayed on the sidelines but didn't wait for the stupid rabbit.

Now at this moment, the Dark Lord has come.

If Honghua can't walk away, he can't get too far away from Honghua.

But even so, he had the confidence to kill the Dark Lord and a group of monsters.

"You can watch here with peace of mind. Since those evil obstacles dare to blaspheme my sweetheart, then I can't spare them at all."

Jiang Lin gave Hong Hua a reassuring look, he didn't let any of the Dark Lord and Black Face Demon outside.

If it weren't for the fact that Hong Hua might encounter other dangers, he would have killed the black-faced demon that he let go more than a month ago. .

Anyone who wants to beat his future wife's idea, no matter what it is, must die.

Now these idiots looking for death have finally come to die, so that he doesn't need to run again.

Hong Huaqiao blushed, and murmured, "You should pay more attention to your own safety. After I have completed the last step, I will go out quickly. With these two weapons, you can make me worry a lot less."

"Don't worry, even if I don't think about myself, I have to take care that you don't starve to death. You can't live without me."

"Who can't live without you, hate it!"

She gave Jiang Lin a shy and angry look, and Hong Hua concentrated on using some spirits and blood as a sword guide, and fed it to Wu Hook Immortal Sword and Criminal Industry Golden Knife by forging and beating.

The sooner it was completed, the sooner she would be able to help Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin laughed and strode out of the sword casting room. He wanted the Dark Lord, who was looking for death, to disappear completely before he could celebrate his breakthrough.

"Lord Demon King, it is this kid who entrusted the swordsmith here to cast the magic weapon, and that swordsmith is also a great beauty, with fine skin and tender meat, I guarantee that Lord Demon King will like it."

After Jiang Lin walked out of the gate of Jianlu, the black-faced demon who had been let go by him pointed to Jiang Lin and reported to the black demon.

"You can't take four or five of this kid, what a waste!"


As soon as the Dark Lord finished scolding the black-faced demon, an explosion sounded beside it, followed by the screams of the black-faced demon.

was directly bombed.

"Fine skin and tender meat, is that what you, a waste monster, can say?"

Jiang Lin put down the palm he raised earlier, the black-faced demon just now was smashed into gray by his palm.

"How brave!"

"act recklessly!"

"Fuck him!"

Many of the minions brought by the Dark Lord roared at Jiang Lin after being shocked.

However, after they roared, they all screamed, and then they were all destroyed.

Jiang Lin's palm was like a machine, and Yang Zhijian spit out and retracted, so fast that he could barely see the movement.

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-one chapters do not become a book by coincidence (in)

For a time, Jiang Lin's opponent was silent in an instant, including the Dark Lord who had not released his anger before.

The Black Demon King glared at Jiang Lin with a pair of demonic eyes. The strength that Jiang Lin showed just now made it too unexpected.

"I waited for you for more than a month, and finally came to die."

A smirk appeared on Jiang Lin's face, and then he stomped the ground with one foot and sent a burst of Yang Yan into the ground. Immediately, complex formation patterns appeared on the ground of the street and the courtyard of Jianlu.

A huge luminous disc was formed on the surface of the earth within a radius of ten meters.

As soon as the big formation started, a formation boundary light wall was quickly formed, extending and expanding at an extremely fast speed into a cylindrical cage, trapping Jiang Lin, the Dark Lord and other monsters in it.

This is a method that Jiang Lin has arranged early in the morning. He needs to watch Hong Hua in Jianlu all the time, and he can't leave her very far. Therefore, once there is any evildoer, Jiang Lin can only kill it, and Still can't chase.

However, the demons and demons in the Da Luo Xianjie are not like those in the Middle-earth world. These guys are really mixed in the Tao, and no one has one or two life-saving brushes.

Based on this, Jiang Lin set up a magic circle in the area of ​​Jianlu courtyard and street. As long as there is an intruder, no one will come back.

Seeing that he was besieged, all the minions under the Dark Lord's command were in a panic.

Even the Dark Lord's demon pupils shrank, and Jiang Lin's ruthless and violent means he showed before made it unexpected, and now there is a powerful trapping formation around him.

This makes it feel a little bit bad.

"You were only able to deal with four or five of my subordinates more than a month ago. In such a short period of time, it is impossible for your strength to grow so quickly!"

The Dark Lord squinted his eyes and stared at Jiang Lin. According to his previous report, Jiang Lin was still reluctant to deal with a few little black-faced demons.

Medication is not so effective.

"My strength has not increased, and even your demon cub who was killed by me was deliberately let go by me. Otherwise, how could you idiots come?"

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