Jiang Lin looked at the Dark Lord with the eyes of an idiot, and now this idiot thought he only had the little ability he had before.

I am weak!

Sorry, I pretended!

"So, did you deliberately bring this Demon King here? You're really outrageous, you really think you're capable of this? Little ones, go and catch the beauty for me, this kid, I'll kill him! Ha ha……"

The Dark Lord laughed. When he felt bad just now, he carefully and carefully probed into Jiang Lin's cultivation, and saw that Jiang Lin was at best similar to a monk who had completed a golden core. With such strength, it was fundamentally Look down.

"My name is Nima! Vomit~~"

Before the smile on the Dark Lord's face rippling, he flew back out, covering his big mouth and uttering a foul language.

When it grinned, Jiang Lin took out the immortal staff to make it grow, and smashed a stick into its throat.

Load 13?hello?Mouth pounded for you!

"Yo? You monster's mouth is really tough."

Jiang Lin was startled, he took out the immortal staff unexpectedly, extended it and pushed it out, but he didn't pierce the back of the Dark Lord's neck.

This guy's demon body has an extraordinary defensive power, much stronger than Yang Feiyun, who became a phantom man before.

"Quick, let's carry out the orders of the Demon King!"

A group of black-faced demons saw that Jiang Lin had a powerful magic weapon in his hand, and even the Black Demon King was seriously injured.

Otherwise, they can only become cannon fodder.

"It's all to die for me!"

Jiang Lin ignored the black demon king who had been retching all the time. Those black-faced demons had already turned into demonic energy and flew over the courtyard wall.

If these goods continue to stay by the side, they can live a little longer.

But once he touches his inverse scales, he must die.

Total Annihilation!

Jiang Lin wielded his spiritual power and waved his staff to sweep away. As soon as those little bastards flew to the top of the courtyard wall, they were all swept away into ashes.


The Dark Lord heard a scream on the courtyard wall, looked up, and was shocked.

In such a short period of time, the twenty or so small attendants it brought were all wiped out.

Its followers are not all scumbags.

"Xian... fairy weapon???"

At this time, the Dark Lord turned his attention to the immortal staff in Jiang Lin's hand, and the immortal power lingering on it made it scream in surprise.

After that, a very greedy expression appeared on its face. This time, it has gained too much.

A sword, a beauty, and a fairy!

However, the greedy and excited expression on its face gradually solidified, because Jiang Lin took out the Wuji Magnetic Mountain again, as well as many magical tools from Zhong Kui.

If it wasn't for the Xingye Dao and Wu Hook Sword, there might be unexpected situations. After Jiang Lin trapped the Dark Lord, he might even use it to practice his techniques.

But now the situation is different than usual, he intends to use the strongest equipment to directly crush this guy to death.

"Obviously die!"

Jiang Lin drank, and sacrificed the Lei Chu, Wuji Magnetic Mountain and many other magical instruments. The immortal staff in his hand turned into a huge golf club, and he swung it over.


The Dark Lord was completely panicked. Now that Jiang Lin has so many treasures in his hands, even if he believes that his strength is much higher than Jiang Lin, it is not enough to watch.

The cultivation base is not enough, the strength is not enough, and other people's equipment will come together!

"Good devils do not suffer from immediate losses! Five Yin Demon Prison!"

The demonic body of the Black Demon King suddenly surged with demonic energy, and five dark holes appeared on top of his head. As soon as these five black holes appeared, they exuded rolling demonic energy and rushed towards Jiang Lin, blocking Jiang Lin's sacrifice. The way forward.

The Dark Lord himself flew back to the front of the light wall of the formation and bombarded the formation with all his strength.

"Want to go? Can you go?"

Jiang Lin did not retain his own spiritual power, and used his immortal staff to swipe at the rushing black hole with all his strength.

After the "Boom", there were only three black holes left, and the Dark Lord let out a shrill scream because there was no black hole as a barrier.

I lost half my life in one fell swoop.

"Miscellaneous! Don't let this Demon King have a chance to leave, otherwise, I will let you die without a burial!"

The Black Devil's body drilled out from one of the three remaining black holes, dodged behind Jiang Lin, and continued to bombard the trapped formation.

In the current situation, it can only be allowed to retreat first, and then make long-term plans.

After that, Jiang Lin and the Dark Lord fought fiercely in the trapped formation.

Second uncle, this thing is really tough.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin squinted his eyes. He used a lot of tricks, but the Dark Lord was like Xiao Qiang who couldn't be beaten to death. The life-saving methods and the life-altering techniques followed one after another. One, but it hasn't been blasted clean.


At this moment, there was a huge humming sound in the sword casting room, and two red lights, one gold and one silver, shot up into the sky, straight into the sky.


Jiang Lin was taken aback, this was the golden sword of criminal industry and the sword of immortal Wu Hook completely cast.

What surprised him even more was that the aura of the golden sword and the immortal sword rushed to Xiao Han before the momentum of the birth of the magic weapon appeared.

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-two chapters do not become a book by coincidence (below)

In a short blink of an eye, a thick cloud of lead appeared over the entire Danhuo Town, and the formation materials of the isolation formation buried by Jiang Lin around Danhuo Town were shattered one by one.

The golden sword and the immortal sword were born at the same time, and even the isolation formation he arranged could not block the momentum.

At this moment, not only Jiang Lin was shocked, but the Dark Lord also had a shocked expression on his face. The extremely secret clone it released had already broken through the trapped formation and had just arrived outside the light wall of the big formation.

Before, when the Dark Lord felt that he was in a bad way, he spent a lot of essence and separated out a clone, ready to capture the red flower, and wanted to use this to blackmail Jiang Lin and make him throw the rat.

But it never expected that it would be so coincidental at this moment. There was a change in the sword casting room, and there was a buzzing sound. In this case, its careful thought was completely exposed.

In addition to the exposure of his own avatar, the Dark Lord was also frightened by the momentum caused by the magic weapon. The magic weapon in the sword casting room just appeared in the world and caused such a movement. It must not be an ordinary magic weapon. If Jiang Lin gets it again , it has no chance if it wants to go.

"you wanna die!!!"

Jiang Lin also discovered the avatar released by the Dark Lord at this time, his eyes suddenly became cold, and his eyes were staring at the Dark Lord.

He used all his strength to smash at the Dark Lord.

If it weren't for such a coincidence, at this juncture, the golden knife and the fairy sword were completed, and the red flower would be in danger.

"Blast me!"

The Dark Lord made a decisive decision, and immediately let his clone burst open. The huge blasting force formed by the clone immediately made the trapped formation unstable, and the Dark Lord himself, at a huge cost, directed the attack towards it to the On the big light wall.

A sound of glass falling to the ground came out, and the trapped formation arranged by Jiang Lin was destroyed, and the Dark Lord, whose demonic energy was sparse, also used the method of quick escape to escape into the distance.

"Jiang Lin, it's perfected, those monsters and demons, kill them!"

At this time, Hong Hua ran out holding a pair of swords and handed it to Jiang Lin.

"I killed all the minions, but the devil escaped by it."

"Then chase! I'm going to cut it!"

Hong Hua was so excited that she wanted to use the golden sword and fairy sword forged by herself to kill those filthy monsters.

"Okay, looking at you like this, I won't let you go."

Jiang Lin released the golden wheel, and then wrapped his arms around Hong Hua's waist, chasing him in the direction that the Dark Lord fled.

He did want to kill the Dark Lord, and for that reason, he definitely wouldn't let the Dark Lord go.

As for him bringing red flowers, that is also a must.

First of all, he is worried about leaving Honghua alone here, and secondly, and the most important reason, now that the momentum caused by the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry and the Wu Hook Immortal Sword has probably alarmed the heavens, so, no matter what, he has to be red Hua left Jianlu to take shelter.

On the way of flying chase, Jiang Lin protected himself and Hong Hua with a green bamboo umbrella, and spread his corpse aura out, wrapping them both.

In fact, Jiang Lin expected it well. At this moment, all the gods in the Yungong Heavenly Court have been disturbed.

The Wu Hook Immortal Sword was originally designed by Danhuo Tianjun to cut immortals. Once it is cast, it will definitely attract the attention of the heavenly court.

Although Jiang Lin had taken some preventive measures around Danhuo Town, he did not expect that the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry and the Immortal Wu Hook Sword could increase each other, and the movement in the world now increased several times, even the magic array he arranged. All were washed away.

"What's going on in the lower realm at this time? How can there be such an immortal light soaring into the sky? And it also carries a powerful murderous aura."

In Yungong Heavenly Court, Wutian urgently summoned Wuface Xianxingtian and other heavenly immortals to inquire about the situation.

"Your Majesty, it is possible that some kind of fairy artifact or spiritual treasure has appeared in the world. This is an opportunity that God has given you! Not long ago, we fought in the Netherworld. Although we returned with a great victory, we were not able to win the Netherworld Ghost City. Now this is a treasure. The appearance of the device, isn't it the God who subsidized His Majesty?"

Xingtian bowed to Wutian on the first seat in the heavenly court and congratulated him.

Afterwards, he added: "It seems that the day when Your Majesty will completely dominate the Daluo Immortal Realm is not far away. Your Majesty will have the foundation of eternity and become the ruler of the Daluo Immortal Realm. It is really gratifying and gratifying. !"

Xingtian continued to pat the horse at Wutian, and he felt disgusted when he photographed it.

In fact, he was just procrastinating. Just now, the direction of the spiritual light rushing to the sky should be in Danhuo Town, and he knew that Jiang Lin went to Danhuo Town.

According to Jiang Lin's speed, he should have just arrived at Danhuo Town not long ago.

Therefore, he guessed that the vision was probably related to Jiang Lin.

Otherwise, there would be such a coincidence. Not long after Jiang Lin arrived in Danhuo Town, there was such a big movement there.

He put it here to flatter without heaven, just to delay Jiang Lin's time.

"Your Majesty is forever, unifying the Three Realms!"

"Your Majesty, the sky is high and the earth is clear, and you are the only one!"

After Xingtian flattered, other immortal officials also began to flatter Wutian's butt.

"Hahaha...Okay! My Wutian wants to unify the three worlds! The sky is high and the earth is clear, and I am the only one! The top of the fairy, proud of the world, there is no genius and heaven for me! Come with me to see what's going on in the lower realm."

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