Wutian was very useful to the flattery of Xingtian and others. After he laughed wildly, he got off the first seat, and immediately teleported to the outside of Tianmen, and used his eyes to check the lower realm.

It was precisely because Xingtian delayed for a while that Jiang Lin and Honghua had been far away from Danhuo Town for thousands of miles. In addition, he had the green bamboo umbrella and corpse aura to cover him, but he was not discovered by Wutian.

Wutian only saw the remaining immortal aura in Danhuo Town.

Originally, Jiang Lin and Honghua had avoided the disaster, but it just so happened that Danhuo Tianjun's celestial friend was speeding towards Danhuo Town at a high speed.

But the galloping fairy escaped light was discovered by Wutian's discerning eye.

"How courageous! How dare you disobey my laws and have sex with mortal women!"

Wutian shook his palm and slapped it down, directly smashing Danhuo Tianjun's friend to half-dead, not counting that immortal banging to death, and Wutian also destroying the mortal woman beside him.

If that were the case, it would be the end of the matter.

But Shi Zhongyu, who had just become an immortal, came across this incident. Shi Zhongyu only became an immortal, and he was not happy with some of the rules of the heaven, so he was relieved to the lower world.

Encountered such a thing, he took care of it, and just went to the lower realm with Wutian.

In fact, these things have nothing to do with Jiang Lin and Hong Hua.

But, coincidentally, there is no coincidence in the book.

Coincidentally, his mother went crying in the middle of the night.

The Dark Lord they were chasing, fled in such a coincidental direction, and went straight to Shi Zhongyu.

Jiang Lin was already gasping for breath at this time, after all, Wutian's magic eye no longer glanced back and forth.

But how could he think that Wutian would not go to search, but his eyes were staring at the front of him and Honghua.

And he and Honghua are about to collide.

Chapter [*] exposed! (superior)

As far as the matter is concerned, Jiang Lin's operation has no problems at all.

No matter whether it is to arrange preventive measures around Danhuo Town in advance, or when the criminal sword and Wu Hookjian make a big noise, they quickly hide themselves and Honghua with magic weapons and corpse aura, and quickly flee away from Danhuo Town. Jiang Lin did everything right.

But he didn't know why this time, and he was a little bit back.

He took the red flower and hit the muzzle.

"It turns out that the outside world is so beautiful."

The safflower was galloping in midair with Jiang Lin's waist in her arms, looking at the landscape below under the clear moonlight, like a village girl entering the county seat.

"In the future, if the situation permits, I will take you to see around the world."

Jiang Lin smiled. If the overthrow of the Heavenly Court goes well, then the Heavenly Court will be in charge of Zhong Kui and a group of people, and he really has a backstage. At that time, he can walk around and find some treasures. .

With so many wives in the family, he doesn't have too many treasures.

At that time, he will bring Hong Hua and Qing'er along by the way, and it can be regarded as compensation for them waiting for him.

Hong Hua's face was full of joy, and she also wanted to be like Jiang Lin in the future, traveling around the mountains and waters with her sweetheart.

"However, these are things in the future, let's kill the devil first."

"Yes, kill it! Jiang Lin, give it some breath, I have to slash it a few times."

"no problem!"

Jiang Lin nodded, and then used the quick escape method to quickly shorten the distance between them and the Dark Lord.

The Black Demon King spent his essence several times to get out of trouble, and now he is too embarrassed, and he has no spare energy to fight Jiang Lin again.

After escaping for an hour, it crashed to the ground by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin controlled the Dark Lord's HP to less than [*]%, put Wuji Magnetic Mountain on her body, and asked Charming Spirit to protect her.

After that, Jiang Lin followed not far behind, Hong Hua held the Wu hook sword in both hands, chasing after the Dark Lord Chop.

Now that Wu Hook Sword has been completely cast, it has the power to ward off demons. Even if Hong Hua is not a cultivator, it can still enable Wu Hook Sword to exert the ability to destroy demons.

Jiang Lin's wave, he and Hong Hua approached Shi Zhongyu's location.

Shi Zhongyu is now in a depression, his legs are slightly bent, trying his best to support the huge force on him.

This guy is tough with Wutian, and has touched Wutian's bad head, but because there are many immortal officials around, Wutian can't use violent means to teach Shi Zhongyu a lesson, so he lowered his immortal power and made Shi Zhongyu kneel and admit his mistake.

But Shi Zhongyu was also a stubborn donkey and didn't want to, so he and Wutian confronted each other at a distance.

"Anyone here?"

Shi Zhongyu heard the movement not far away, and immediately used her immortal power to hide her figure.

He is an immortal, and it would be very embarrassing if outsiders saw him being forced to kneel.

"What a beautiful girl! I have never seen such a beautiful girl before."

Under the bright moonlight, Shi Zhongyu's eyes went straight after seeing the red flowers chasing after the Dark Lord.

Just when Shi Zhongyu was stunned, the Dark Lord, who was chased and chopped by Hong Hua, saw a woman beside the depression, and immediately rushed over, quickly draining her blood.

When Shi Zhongyu heard the woman's screams, he ended his daze. Seeing that the woman had been mutilated by the Dark Lord, he was instantly angry.

He did not hesitate to offend Wutian here, but he didn't want to die, just to protect that strange woman.

It's good now, he was inattentive, and the person he wanted to save was actually drained of blood by a monster.

"Do you know how much I have suffered in order to save her!"

Shi Zhongyu burst into anger, took the Dark Lord directly, and punched and kicked him.


Jiang Lin, who had been following Hong Hua, was stunned for a moment. Shi Zhongyu hid his figure with immortal power, and even he didn't find it immediately.

It's just that now the Dark Lord is obviously wrong, like a puppet with a string, so he has strengthened his eyesight.

Actually a fairy.

At this time, Shi Zhongyu beat the Dark Lord Fatty and kicked him out. It happened that Hong Hua rushed over and stabbed straight with his sword. As soon as the Dark Lord's figure was blurred, Hong Hua was thrown into the air.

And because the force of the stab failed, Hong Hua staggered forward and fell forward.

He was about to throw himself into Shi Zhongyu's arms.

So happy!

Shi Zhongyu's eyes were straight again at this moment, and a big beauty just jumped on him.

But Jiang Lin was watching from a short distance behind. When he saw this scene, he rushed over quickly, grabbed Hong Hua's hand, and dragged her back.

If it wasn't for his tug, Hong Hua would not only fall into Shi Zhongyu's arms, but even lose her first kiss.

This is Hong Hua's original marriage. She and Shi Zhongyu will be connected because of this mistake.

If Jiang Lin did not appear, Hong Hua and Shi Zhongyu would gradually get to know each other and finally be together.

However, now that Jiang Lin spoils the situation, all this has naturally been changed.

After Jiang Lin took Hong Hua into his arms, he blasted a pillar of spiritual fire towards the Dark Lord who was about to escape.

One-handed turtle qigong.

The safflower has been chopped down now, and the anger has been released, and he should be paid.

The Dark Lord had already lost his half-life, but when he was bombarded by Jiang Lin, he burped and gave him [*] points of malice.

But before Jiang Lin Xinxi could wait, he felt that he was locked in by a very terrifying gaze.

Looking up, his scalp was numb.

In the sky high above, a group of angels are looking down.

And there is no heaven among them!

Jiang Lin had been married to Yu Canhua before. Of course, Yu Canhua showed Jiang Lin the Wutian in her memory for the enemy who made her suffer.

Therefore, Jiang Lin still knew Wutian.

Not only did he know Wutian, but Wutian also knew him. When he was in Jiangliu County, it was Wutian who used the Heavenly Court Treasure Mirror to check the situation of the Yuan family.

This was the day Jiang Lin married Qiaoyin, he heard Zhong Kui mention it.

Nima, exposed! ! !

In an instant, Jiang Lin's whole body broke out in cold sweat.

He never imagined that he would actually hit the muzzle of the gun.

I knew earlier that Baoyi would not be allowed to retreat!

Now Jiang Lin only regrets that he was too careless.

Since Baoyi has absorbed the spirit of the real dragon, he needs to concentrate and practice frequently, and Jiang Lin has not disturbed Baoyi since he arrived at Danhuo Town and determined that Tianjun Danhuo has no ill will towards him.

It was not long ago that Xingye Dao and Wu Hookjian made a noise, and he notified Baoyi through voice transmission, and let Baoyi act as a monitoring radar.

It's just that after the crisis was over, he let Baoyi continue to practice.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have hit the muzzle, he didn't know it yet.

On his own, if he wants to sense the existence of angels, he can't do it.

Chapter [*] exposed! (Down)

At this moment, not only Jiang Lin was in a cold sweat, but Xingtian, who was beside Wutian, felt as if he had eaten a lump in his heart.

Second uncle, what are you doing, kid! ! !

Xingtian was very tired and crooked. He was worried that the movement of Danhuo Town might be related to Jiang Lin, and he deliberately flattered Wu Tian, ​​just to delay Jiang Lin's time.

Now he knew that those movements were indeed related to Jiang Lin, but who would have thought that Jiang Lin was not detected in Danhuo Town, but was discovered thousands of miles away.

Still hit it.

Wutian didn't find Jiang Lin at all before.

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