"What's going on? What's going on here?! Isn't that kid below an apprentice who appeared in Jiangliu County? Isn't he an ordinary person? How could he be a monk!"

Wu Tian coldly looked at Jiang Lin in the lower realm, feeling very wrong in his heart.

Jiang Lin was actually a cultivator, but he hadn't noticed it before.

In this way, doesn't it mean that everything that happened in the Yuan family in Jiangliu County is not under his control at all.

Moreover, he had been suspicious for a long time, suspecting that the Eight Immortals and Yuan Detai had not lost their souls at all, and now this suspicion is likely to be the truth!

"Bring him up, I want to personally ask him what his relationship with that apprentice is, and whether it's the same person!"

Wu Tian blows his beard and is about to take Jiang Lin from the lower realm to the heaven.

"Your Majesty, think twice."

At this time, Xingtian walked to Wutian's side and whispered to him.

Then he explained by voice transmission: "Your Majesty, the kid below did not make any mistakes, and he did not offend your majesty. Now that many immortal officials are here, if you force mortals, wouldn't you be talking about others? Besides, Your Majesty, you can think about it, we let the Eight Immortals of Ghosts and Yuan Detai suffer, all of which are tricks. If Your Majesty brings that kid up, in case he has nothing to do with the apprentice in Jiangliu County, you can still let him go to hell for no reason. No? Once they are two people, this matter will definitely be explored by some chaotic officials. At that time, once the tricks of the ghosts and the Eight Immortals are exposed, the situation will be turbulent. Your Majesty, think again."

Xingtian definitely couldn't let Jiang Lin be caught, in that case not only would their big plans be aborted, but even Jiang Lin wouldn't be able to leave Heavenly Court alive.

Therefore, he found these reasons to benefit Wutianxiao.

"Then what do you think should be done? This matter must be investigated!"

Wutian thought about it for a while, and felt that there was some truth in what he said, so he sent a voice transmission to Xingtian to ask if there was a good way.

"Your Majesty, Tianjun Danhuo often comes to this area. He should be very familiar with this place. Who the hell is that kid? If he is a person from this area, it is estimated that Tianjun Danhuo will find out after checking it. Your majesty is better. Order him to go down, obviously to punish Shi Zhongyu for disobeying the rules, and then secretly let him investigate. If the kid below is not the same person as the apprentice in Jiangliu County, then just give up, if it is the same person, let Danhuo Tianjun Catch him to the Heavenly Court. Isn't that the cauldron that overwhelms mortals?"

Xingtian came up with a very good method. Danhuo Tianjun was the one who participated in their plan, and he would definitely give Jiang Lin a cover. In addition, Wutian would have no objection to this method.

Sure enough, when Wutian heard this method, a happy face appeared on his face, this method really appealed to him.


Perfection in perfection.

"Come here, summon Danhuo Tianjun to come over, and let him persuade Shi Zhongyu on behalf of me. It is not easy for this stone in jade to practice for thousands of years. If you continue to do this without paying attention to the laws and regulations of the sky, there will be no good in the future. end."

Wutian followed the method he just heard and asked the Heavenly Soldiers to pass on Danhuo Tianjun.

It didn't take long for Danhuo Tianjun to come to Tianmen.

Seeing Jiang Lin and Honghua below, Tianjun Danhuo was also in a cold sweat. He thought that Jiang Lin and Honghua were discovered because of casting Wu Hook Immortal Sword.

But when he thought about it, he felt something was wrong. When there was movement in Danhuo Town, he was also paying attention. Jiang Lin's handling method made him very satisfied, and Wutian didn't find them at all.

But why is there a problem now?

After listening to Wu Tian's explicit and secret orders, he was relieved. It turned out that Wu Tian didn't discover Wu Hookjian, but Jiang Lin.

It has nothing to do with safflower, that's fine.

Danhuo Tianjun didn't care too much about Jiang Lin's safety, as long as his daughter was not in danger, it would be fine.

After explaining Danhuo Tianjun, Wutian left with a group of immortal officials.

It seems that something has changed.

At this time, Jiang Lin below was also sweating, and he really didn't know how to deal with it just now.

If you can't run, you can't even run. If you run, you will die. If you don't run, it will be hard enough.

Fortunately, things did not reach the Jedi that could not be resolved.

Seeing Danhuo Tianjun falling down, Jiang Lin quickly let go. If Danhuo Tianjun found out that he was holding his daughter's soft weeds, he would definitely mess with him.

Hong Hua smiled at Danhuo Tianjun, and said, "Tianjun, Honghua lives up to her trust and has been cast."

"Go back to Jianlu."

Danhuo Tianjun nodded, and made a silent gesture to Honghua.

Then he said to Shi Zhongyu: "You are Shi Zhongyu? Are you also a fairy? I am the Danhuo Tianjun of the heavenly court. Just in time, you should also go to my swordsmith Jianlu."

Taking a look at Shi Zhongyu, Tianjun Danhuo was very entangled in his heart. He had already heard Wutian about what Shi Zhongyu had done before, so he still had a good impression of this descendant, but Shi Zhongyu was an immortal.

In that case, if he becomes a marriage with Hong Hua, he will most likely follow in his footsteps.

This is what he doesn't want to see.

"It turned out to be the Danhuo Tianjun who casts immortal weapons and spiritual pills for the heaven. The junior has seen the senior. Since the senior invited him, it is better for the junior to be respectful than to obey."

Shi Zhongyu showed his body and bowed to Danhuo Tianjun.

He was overjoyed in his heart, and he was worried about how to approach the red flower.

"Tianjun, that woman was killed by a demon, I want to collect her body."

Hong Hua glanced at Shi Zhongyu and didn't care. She pointed to the corpse not far away and asked Danhuo Tianjun to wait.

She felt that if she and Jiang Lin hadn't chased and killed the Dark Lord, or if she hadn't been chasing the Dark Lord to kill him, the woman would not have been killed.

Danhuo Tianjun nodded, Honghua looked at Jiang Lin, she had to rely on Jiang Lin for help.

Wow!People are so beautiful, and their hearts are so kind, it's just perfect!

Shi Zhongyu is now completely fascinated by safflower.

"Girl, you have such a good heart. This woman has something to do with me, but I failed to save her."

Shi Zhongyu walked to Hong Hua's side and gave him a gentle smile.

After that, he glanced at Jiang Lin again. If it wasn't for Jiang Lin before, this beautiful and kind girl would have jumped into his arms.

Jiang Lin stared at Shi Zhongyu, how could he not see that this guy was interested in safflower.

Being stared at by Jiang Lin, Shi Zhongyu felt a chill in his heart for no reason.

He felt very strange that his cultivation was so high that he felt a sense of crisis in the eyes of a little monk.

He didn't know that Jiang Lin really planned to mess with him. If he didn't know how to play, he might be killed by Jiang Lin.

Chapter [*] He is your son-in-law, so what am I? !

If it is a god like Wutian or Danhuo Tianjun, Jiang Lin may not have the ability to kill, but the strength of Shi Zhongyu is more than a star and a half worse than them. Jiang Lin exhausted his means, and then used the help of Baoyi and two pieces. It is not impossible to kill a divine weapon.

Shi Zhongyu frowned slightly, then turned his eyes to Hong Hua and said, "Girl, if you need any help from me, just say it."

"You seem to be a somewhat capable person, why can't you even save a woman?"

Safflower is a little disgusted by Shi Zhongyu's inattentiveness. She has Jiang Lin by her side. If there is anything that needs to be done, Jiang Lin can do it. What can she do with someone else?

And what made her a little incomprehensible was that since Shi Zhongyu was here early in the morning, she actually let that innocent woman be killed by the Dark Lord. Now that everyone is dead, she was very diligent in collecting the corpses.

"I'm... I'm the mud Bodhisattva crossing the river just now! I..."

When asked by Honghua, Shi Zhongyu was instantly furious, and quickly explained to Honghua what happened to him and Wutian.

What made him even more irritated was that the beautiful girl in front of him actually said that he was just a little capable.

He was able to go to heaven purely by his own cultivation!

After listening to Shi Zhongyu's words, Jiang Lin realized what was going on just now. It turned out that it wasn't that he hit the gun at all, but that it was a coincidence.

What Honghua said to Shi Zhongyu didn't matter to her. Anyway, it had nothing to do with her.

"Then take her there."

Hong Hua thought about it for a while, and then pointed to the corpse not far away. She now has Jiang Lin in her heart, and she has never been hugged by Jiang Lin, so she doesn't really want Jiang Lin to hug other women. Now since Shi Zhongyu is courteous, let him carry it.

"Jiang Lin, you dig a pit, I will cut a tree trunk and erect a monument for her."

"it is good."

Jiang Lin responded with a sound, and then swung a few times with his bone sword, making a hole on the ground, and burying the woman who was killed by the Dark Lord together with Hong Hua.

At the same time, Tianjun Danhuo also sighed and collected the corpse for his angel friend.

Fortunately, they don't know about the relationship between him and the angel. Otherwise, it is estimated that he would have to be implicated. Since his friend was near Danhuo Town, he should have come to defect to him.

"Safflower, I'll take you with me."

After preparing the two corpses, a cloud of fire rose under Danhuo Tianjun's feet, and then he greeted Honghua.

Although he is Honghua's biological father, he has never been too close to Honghua. Now that he has the opportunity to walk with Honghua in the clouds, he also wants to take this opportunity to get closer to Honghua. Soon after Jianlu, he will recognize his relatives with Honghua.

"I'll just let Jiang Lin take it with me."

Honghua shook her head, although she always regarded Danhuo Tianjun as a respected elder, but now she has a sweetheart, and Jiang Lin also likes her, at this time she must keep a distance from other men .

"Let Jiang Lin take it with him?"

Danhuo Tianjun glanced at Jiang Lin and felt that something was wrong. It would be fine to say that things were urgent before, but now there is nothing to do. As an elder of his said, Honghua should not refuse. .

what to see?I am your future son-in-law.

Can't think of it?


Jiang Lin kept laughing in his heart, but there was no expression on his face. He nodded, and under Danhuo Tianjun's eyes, he released the golden wheel of the sun and flew up with Honghua's hand.

Danhuo Tianjun didn't think too much, he drove the fire cloud and flew to Danhuo Town.

After all, he checked Honghua's marriage line, and Honghua's marriage had nothing to do with Jiang Lin.

Danhuo Tianjun didn't take it seriously, but Shi Zhongyu couldn't. As a man, his senses were too keen.

No, although the famous flower has a master, I will loosen the soil!

Now, Shi Zhongyu's mind is the same as Jiang Lin's misunderstanding of Danhuo Tianjun, robbing people and competing!

After Shi Zhongyu was in the air, he approached Danhuo Tianjun. He wanted to hear some information about Honghua from Danhuo Tianjun.

Hey?Are you really going to grab a woman from me?

Jiang Lin vaguely heard what Shi Zhongyu said, and his face turned cold.

This guy has been asking about his future wife's information, this is going to the toilet by hitting a lantern - courting death.

After Jiang Lin was about to return to Jianlu, he took the opportunity to ask Danhuo Tianjun the details of this jade in stone, which made him tired and crooked, so he killed another immortal.

Anyway, he had already killed a real dragon fairy beast before.

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