"Senior Danhuo, what's going on in Heavenly Court? Is it related to me that you came down this time?"

Back at Jianlu, Jiang Lin found Danhuo Tianjun alone, and first asked him what was going on in the heavenly court.

Jiang Lin was sure that Wutian definitely recognized himself. Normally, he would definitely take measures, but he didn't believe that things would pass like that.

"Your intuition is not bad, but how do you say it, your luck is too bad. Wutian confirmed you, but I don't know why, but sent me down to investigate your identity to see if you appeared in Jiangliu before. Jun, have you ever been an apprentice under Yuan Detai? Plan for the worst. Although I won't expose you, I'm afraid I can't keep it a secret."

Danhuo Tianjun nodded and asked Jiang Lin to prepare himself mentally. Jiang Lin's affairs in Jiangliu County could not be concealed.

After confirming this from Tianjun Danhuo, Jiang Lin's heart tensed, and the thing he was most worried about had happened.

According to the current situation, he can only leave Danhuo Town as soon as possible, with Danhuo Tianjun covering him, he is not in any danger in the near future.

After staying away from Danhuo Town, as long as he completely hides himself, it is not a big problem.

But he couldn't let Honghua go. Now Honghua is in love with him. If there is no such thing, after Danhuo Tianjun arrives, he and Honghua can discuss and discuss the relationship, and then the relationship can be announced. At that time, Danhuo Tianjun will not take advantage of it. Neither does my father-in-law.

But at the moment, even if he told everything, Danhuo Tianjun would never agree that his daughter would marry a quasi-celestial court criminal.

"What's up with that Shi Zhongyu? He came to check on me too? What's his background?"

After Jiang Lin thought for a moment, he turned the topic to Shi Zhongyu.

"He has nothing to do with you. The afterlife was originally a jade liquid in a piece of gold and stone, and it was finally cultivated and formed, and then cultivated into an immortal."

"Then what did you bring him, senior? The less people know about my situation, the better, right?"

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. Since Shi Zhongyu had nothing to do with the investigation, what did Tianjun Danhuo bring him for?

Danhuo Tianjun sighed and said: "You also know that Honghua is my daughter, this time in the heaven, I asked someone to check her marriage, only to know that Shi Zhongyu is her future husband, that is, my future son-in-law, Hong Hua and him should get married in a month, but I didn't expect him to be an angel too."



I can go to your second uncle!

He is your son-in-law, so what am I? !

After being stunned for a while, Jiang Lin greeted Tianjun Danhuo in his heart.

Don't say Danhuo Tianjun is his prospective father-in-law, even if it is the real father-in-law, if he wants to tell others about his future wife, he will still greet him.

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-six chapters of a person like you can't live for one episode


Jiang Lin kept scolding the Three-Character Classic in his heart, but now he remembered that when he foresaw the marriage of safflower, the result he calculated was not his own.

But jade in stone.

According to Danhuo Tianjun, the jade in the stone is cultivated by the gold, stone and jade liquid, and then becomes an immortal.

Also not within the six realms.

"Now I can only hope to overthrow the heavenly court. Shi Zhongyu's character is still in my eyes, and he doesn't want to die. This kind of quality is really good. Moreover, he is self-improving and dares to resist injustice. A man of the highest order. What do you think?"

Danhuo Tianjun has a high evaluation of Shi Zhongyu, at least before himself, he was not so courageous.

Shut up!

Shut up for me!

Jiang Lin couldn't help but tug at the corner of his mouth. Tianjun Danhuo not only recognized Shi Zhongyu as his future son-in-law, but also boasted about Shi Zhongyu in front of him.

Nasty man this is it!

He also asked him how Shi Zhongyu was?

I think, if someone like him makes a TV series, he won't survive an episode.

Jiang Lin responded to Danhuo Tianjun in his heart, and what he said was really what he said.

In this Daluo Immortal Realm, for the sake of heaven and earth treasures and a good place to practice, it can make people violently kill, let alone take their wives.

According to the survival rules of Daluo Xianjie, Shi Zhongyu might not survive for long.

Jiang Lin really had thoughts of killing Shi Zhongyu now. Although Shi Zhongyu was originally connected to the red flower marriage line, Jiang Lin still didn't feel any psychological burden.

The marriage line The marriage line is determined by God, but why does God determine people's marriage?

God decides?

What God has asked people to do, what should people do?

God also let his wife Chi Xiaoyu live in the dust.

The sky also let one good cabbage be arched by a pig.

Tian also let the bridge repair the road blind, murder and set fire to raise the sky.

Go fuck him!

He now only knows that Hong Hua has a love for him and is his prospective wife. If Shi Zhongyu wants to rob him, then he will let Shi Zhongyu act like a boxed lunch group in a TV series and will not survive an episode.



Get your lunch!

At most, add a chicken leg to the lunch box.

"I think it's the same thing with him. If he's up to the sky, then I'll turn the sky upside down. He only saves one person, and if I kill a Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, I save a party of people. If you compare him to me, then Didn't he let me drop the price. Can he hit you on the head with the fairy staff?"

Jiang Lin laughed, he didn't want to give Shi Zhongyu any praise, unless he was out of his mind.

Not only did he not give good reviews, he also gave bad reviews.

Moreover, there is nothing wrong with this bad review.

Compared with him, Shi Zhongyu compares his head?

In addition to his cultivation, he is not as good as the jade in the stone, why is he not stronger than the jade in the stone?

It's good for Shi Zhongyu to be tough in front of Wutian, but he, Jiang Lin, can play Wutian and even all the immortals in the heavenly court as monkeys.

Compare?Than a wool?

Even if the monkey trick was helped by Zhong Kui, even if it was considered cheating, when he faced the Great Sun Tathagata, he was still calm.

The Great Sun Tathagata is much stronger than Wutian.

Moreover, the real short board, that is, the cultivation base, if his cultivation time is comparable to that of Shi Zhongyu, Shi Zhongyu can also be compared with the height of his heel.

Danhuo Tianjun: "..."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, the corners of Danhuo Tianjun's mouth kept twitching.

You really put gold in your face.

However, although he thought so in his heart, Danhuo Tianjun could only curl his lips.

What Jiang Lin said was fine.

Totally fine.

Leaving aside the sky-shaking, he said that Jiang Lin had put a stick on the crown of his head at the beginning, and Shi Zhongyu could not have achieved such a record.

After Jiang Lin asked Tianjun Danhuo about the Wishful Orb, he said, "Okay, senior, I should go to rest too, and I have to think about how to go next."

After saying hello, Jiang Lin went back to his room. Now he has nothing to say with Danhuo Tianjun.

As for the Wishful Orb, he didn't want it for the time being. Putting it on Danhuo Tianjun is safer than putting it on him. After all, Heavenly Court knows the existence of the Wishful Jewel.

When he left, he would ask for it again.

How can this be handled.

After Jiang Lin left, Tianjun Danhuo became worried, and now he is in a dilemma when it comes to Honghua's marriage.

On the one hand, he hoped that Honghua would have a good home. If the Heavenly Court was overthrown, Honghua would have an angel to take care of it, which would not be bad.

On the other hand, the big plan may not necessarily go well. If there is a mistake, Honghua will be in danger.

The next day, Jiang Lin finished washing up and came out of the room to see Shi Zhongyu.

"Your name is Jiang Lin, right? I can see that you also like the safflower girl, but since the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried, everyone has a chance. I want to compete fairly with you!"

Shi Zhongyu put forward his own idea in a gentlemanly manner. He wanted to compete with Jiang Lin for safflower.

Last night, he asked Danhuo Tianjun about safflower information. Danhuo Tianjun already knew that Honghua's marriage line was connected to him, so he didn't hide it much, and mentioned something about safflower.

Therefore, Shi Zhongyu thought that Honghua had been single all along.

Not only Shi Zhongyu, but even Danhuo Tianjun didn't expect his daughter to be taken by Jiang Lin.

Just one last step to get to base.

Danhuo Tianjun never thought that Jiang Lin would be so bold, knowing that Honghua was his daughter, he dared to attack Honghua.

Moreover, the relationship between Jiang Lin and Hong Hua was not very good earlier, and he never thought that the two would become a pair.

How could he have expected that his daughter was captured by Jiang Lin in the stomach, and then in the heart, and now it is only the body that was captured.

This silly 13.

Jiang Lin stared at Shi Zhongyu with the same eyes as a fool. In his eyes, this guy really looked like a stupid donkey.

What a fair competition with him, competition for his future wife.

Do you use Rejoice shampoo?So confident?

After flicking his nails, Jiang Lin said, "If a person like you can't survive an episode in a TV series, do you have a chance to compete with me?"

"What TV series? What episode? Do you mean Era? Although I can't live in the first era, I am born with longevity, and the five declines of heaven and man are much later than ordinary angels. But even so, it will live longer than you, you What kind of look?"

Although Shi Zhongyu couldn't understand the words Jiang Lin said, he could understand it a little after a long time. He was quite disgusted by the contemptuous eyes of Jiang Lin.

"Oh? Really? Outlived me? Are you sure?!"

Jiang Lin's eyes narrowed, staring at Shi Zhongyu.

Locked by Jiang Lin's wild beast-like gaze, Shi Zhongyu's hairs stood on end, and the immortal energy on his body flowed spontaneously, as if he had encountered a life-and-death crisis.

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