How can it be?

how can that be!

Shi Zhongyu broke out in a cold sweat. He was an immortal, and he was sweating on the back of a cultivator who had not yet reached the elixir. How could this be possible!

This is completely out of Shi Zhongyu's cognition. Under normal circumstances, the huge gap in cultivation is enough for Jiang Lin to dare not look directly at him, which is only logical.

But whether it was yesterday or today, he felt the chill in Jiang Lin's eyes.

To say yesterday, it might have been his delusion, but it is impossible for the delusion to appear again today.

Under normal circumstances, it will be as Shi Zhongyu expected, but Jiang Lin is not a normal person. He has seen many gods, even the Great Sun Tathagata. There is no comparison, and Jiang Lin's corpse already has the power of the corpse emperor and the fate of the corpse. Although these two cannot bring him a strong deterrent, the pressure caused by the gap in immunity is still no problem.

More importantly, Jiang Lin now has the capital to kill Shi Zhongyu. He didn't hand over the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry and Wu Hook Immortal Sword, just to keep it for his own use.

That's why Shi Zhongyu reacted like that after he revealed the murderous intention in his heart.

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-seven chapters father-in-law murderer

"You are arguing with me, what are you arguing about? I stand here, you have chills behind your back, and you also want to fight with me? And what kind of unmarried woman is not married, Honghua is my fiancee. If you are wise, maybe you will pay You can come to the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, otherwise, I will make you not even know what the Five Decays of Heaven and Man are like. Do you understand?"

Jiang Lin laughed and took away the murderous intention in his heart. Now that Heavenly Court knew of his existence, if he wanted to kill Shi Zhongyu, he would have to pay a considerable price, which would be very unfavorable for his later situation.

Now he warns Shi Zhongyu first, if this guy doesn't listen, he will do it again.

Shi Zhongyu was blushed by Jiang Lin, and his neck was thick. Before, he was indeed sweating behind Jiang Lin's murderous lock.

Before the competition started, he lost a city first.

"You... are talking nonsense, how did the safflower girl become your fiancee?"

After a long while, Shi Zhongyu choked out such a sentence.

"Don't believe it? Honghua, come over here."

It just so happened that Hong Hua came in from outside, and Jiang Lin beckoned her to come over.


"It seems that Tianjun Danhuo is not here?"

"Yeah, he went out early in the morning. What he said still has to be investigated. It is estimated that he will come back when he eats."

Safflower nodded and answered Jiang Lin. Only then did Jiang Lin know that Tianjun Danhuo was going out to act.

Although Danhuo Tianjun will give him cover, the necessary form will eventually have to go.

Oh ~

Since Danhuo Tianjun, that means your father is not there?


"You... uh~"

Just as Hong Hua was about to ask questions, Jiang Lin pulled her into her arms and asked for her first kiss.

"What are you doing, hate, hate!"

It took a while for Hong Hua to come back to her senses. She pushed Jiang Lin away, her face full of shame, like a lotus flower emerging from the surging water.

A pair of fists slapped Jiang Lin's chest lightly, and Hong Hua rushed into the kitchen.

Jiang Lin laughed, and then hugged his arms with a smile on his face, looking at Shi Zhongyu.


Are you fighting for your face?

your face, okay?

At this moment, there seems to be a cloud over Shi Zhongyu's head.

Sad, so sad!

Just now, Hong Hua was kissed by Jiang Lin, but she was only ashamed and not angry. Couldn't this explain the matter?

If safflower didn't fall in love with Jiang Lin, wouldn't she be angry?

Embarrassing, capitalized embarrassment.

Shi Zhongyu's whole person has become two words - embarrassing!

Others Jiang Lin and Hong Hua were very affectionate to each other, and they were both unmarried couples, so he left it there to dig a corner.

Shame, shameful! ! !

Now Shi Zhongyu really wants to find a ground seam, and drills into it by himself, just like knowing, and arches hard.

Others Jiang Lin arched a big beauty, he could only sew on the ground.

If it wasn't for him being ordered by Danhuo Tianjun not to leave Jianhu, he would have run away.

To save the shame of putting it in front of the young couple.

It was especially embarrassing in front of Jiang Lin.

"I hate it, someone is here, just kiss me~"

After Jiang Lin arrived in the kitchen, Hong Hua, who was washing rice, pouted her cherry lips and angered Jiang Lin.

"Oh, I cook with you three meals a day. It doesn't matter if you eat or not, and everything is up to you. You can't even give me a kiss."

"You... hum, I'm ignoring you."

Hong Hua could only lower her face in shame. In fact, what Jiang Lin said was reasonable. She had been held by Jiang Lin before, and her waist was also held by Jiang Lin.

"Cook, your craftsmanship will definitely be praised by Tianjun."

Safflower did not continue to be ashamed, and asked Jiang Lin to cook more dishes.

Cook for him?

Come on!

No talk!

Jiang Lin had no idea of ​​cooking for Tianjun Danhuo at all. His old father-in-law was preparing to match his future wife with Shi Zhongyu.

It would be reasonable for him not to put some chicken and duck cakes in the meal of Tianjun Danhuo.

"Who cooks for him, I only cook for you, what do I cook for others?"

Jiang Lin rejected the safflower and cooked for Danhuo Tianjun. I don't know if he can raise it well.

Give him to eat, it is estimated that he will eat for nothing.

Jiang Lin now not only wants to cook for Hong Hua in the kitchen, but also wants to cook a meal in Hong Hua's room.

Putting a big hat of an old father-in-law on Tianjun Danhuo, he couldn't help but deny him as his son-in-law.

Then after he married Hong Hua, he sent Hong Hua to a safe place and went to Chu State by himself.

He didn't have this kind of thought before, that was because he was worried about being beaten up by his old father-in-law, and he was going to explain to Tianjun Danhuo in an open and honest way.

But now it's different, the matter between him and Honghua, Danhuo Tianjun will definitely not agree.

It's just that at the moment, Jiang Lin can only think about this kind of thinking, he has no chance at all.

One is that there is an outsider Shi Zhongyu in Jianlu, and the second is that Tianjun Danhuo will come back at any time.

In the end, Hong Hua was not necessarily willing. There was someone at home, and the elders would return at any time. How could she give Jiang Lin her body?

Once she is unwilling, if she is disturbed by Shi Zhongyu, it will be troublesome.

"That's alright, I'll cook it for Tianjun, and I can't help but cook for him."

When Honghua saw Jiang Lin's rejection, she was not unhappy, but rather happy.

Her lover made delicious dishes that only she could eat, and the reason was just as valid.

It didn't take long for Danhuo Tianjun to return with a sad face.

He called Jiang Lin out and asked him for a golden sword for law enforcement.

Then he called Shi Zhongyu out without even having a meal.

"Senior, is there anything urgent?"

The two fell into a valley thousands of miles away, and Shi Zhongyu asked the doubts in his heart.

Is there anything urgent that can't be done after dinner?

Danhuo Tianjun squinted his eyes and said: "Oh, I want you to see the great formation arranged in this valley, how is the isolation effect, I want to try the power of Honghua's newly forged magic weapon, this magic weapon I'm going to use it for self-defense, and I don't want to make a lot of noise for others to know."

"So it is."

Shi Zhongyu nodded slightly, then turned around to investigate the mechanism of the great formation in the valley.

"Well, in that case, can you lend me something?"

"Senior, what did you borrow?"

"Borrow... life!"

"Pfft", before Shi Zhongyu turned around, he was stabbed in the back by the golden knife of criminal industry.

The immortal essence of his body was quickly swallowed by the golden knife of criminal industry, and his vitality dropped rapidly.

"Senior, you!"

Shi Zhongyu's pupils dilated rapidly, and he had no idea that Tianjun Danhuo would attack him.

He also didn't know why Danhuo Tianjun wanted to kill him.

Last night, all the way he chatted with Danhuo Tianjun was still speculative, how could he turn his face when he turned his face?

Danhuo Tianjun closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. He hadn't slept all night last night, just thinking about how to advance or retreat.

It was not until he went out for a turn that he decided to kill Shi Zhongyu.

The isolation formation here was set up to kill the jade in the stone, and it was also used to borrow the golden sword of criminal industry from Jiang Lin.

This criminal knife has a large number of corpses in Jianglin. If it is used to kill, it will disrupt the heavenly secret to a certain extent, just like being killed by a zombie.

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