The marriage between Shi Zhongyu and Hong Hua was already doomed, and even he could not resist the will of God, but Jiang Lin's golden sword of criminal punishment gave him the possibility to change.

If not, once Shi Zhongyu and Hong Hua get married, Hong Hua will only end up in the same fate as her mother.

This is something Danhuo Tianjun cannot tolerate.

Last night, he received a message from Zhong Kui, saying that Wutian's strength is far from simple on the surface, and even if he has a lot of backers, it is very likely that the great plan will not go well.

This made him really want to kill.


The brilliance in Shi Zhongyu's eyes gradually dimmed, and he stared at Danhuo Tianjun, trying to understand.

"I'm sorry, in fact, Honghua is my daughter, and you have a red line of marriage with her, that is to say, you are my future son-in-law. Honghua's mother is also a mortal. After combining with me as an immortal, it did not end well. So, I can't let Hong Hua follow her mother's footsteps. I can only kill you."

Danhuo Tianjun took a long breath, explained to Shi Zhongyu, and made him understand.

Shi Zhongyu: ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?

! ! ! ! !

Why do I have a red line with the red flower girl?

What am I your future son-in-law?

That's Jiang Lin, it's Jiang Lin! ! !

What has it got to do with me? !

Why are you killing me! ! !

When Shi Zhongyu heard Danhuo Tianjun's explanation, everyone was dumbfounded.

He is dead wrong!Too wrong! !

It was this excitement and anger in his heart that caused his heart to burst directly, causing him to keep spurting blood.

Only by spouting blood can he express his current mood.

However, because of this, many of his grievances have not been said, and he died, and the immortal body was completely dead.

Jiang Lin still doesn't know about this matter. If he knew, he would probably be quite embarrassed.

He was a real prophecy.

From last night to this morning, Shi Zhongyu didn't even have time for one night, so he burped.

Really received a box lunch.

If the events of last night were integrated into a TV series, this jade in the stone really wouldn't survive an episode.

Chapter [*] Can't think of it?I am your son-in-law!

"It's just that you've become an immortal. It's better for you to die than to be discovered by Heaven and make Honghua suffer."

Danhuo Tianjun took out the golden knife of criminal industry and wiped the immortal blood on it.

Back then, he was also lucky, thinking that there were so many mortals in the Daluo Immortal Realm that the immortal officer in charge of marriage would not find out that his wife's marriage line was connected to an immortal. In fact, the marriage immortal officer did not do anything. I know if it's because I don't want to offend my colleagues, or something else.

But in the end, things came to an end.

Therefore, Danhuo Tianjun killed Shi Zhongyu while Honghua and Shi Zhongyu still had no relationship.

The golden sword of criminal industry was soaked by the blood of the immortal, and it burst into a strong light, just like a scorching light source.

The golden light on the knife shot in all directions, but was suppressed by the surrounding formation effect.

It really is an extraordinary magic weapon.

Danhuo Tianjun looked at the golden sword of criminal industry in his hand, and was very satisfied. With the immortal blood to strike, the power of the golden sword soared a lot.

He killed Shi Zhongyu, in addition to his own daughter, there are also reasons for this.

Danhuo Tianjun waved his sleeves and completely burned Shi Zhongyu's body, destroying the corpse and destroying the traces.

With the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry and the surrounding array, Heavenly Court will not find out how Shi Zhongyu died in the near future.

For the time being, he didn't want Heavenly Court to know that Shi Zhongyu was killed, lest he be found and delay his plan to turn the sky in the near future.

In fact, he wasn't too afraid of being found out. Shi Zhongyu had already offended Wutian, and Wutian may already have murderous intentions, but he was not good at doing it. If he was found out, he could also say that Shi Zhongyu would not listen. Persuade, it is not that he has been scolding the sky, and he will destroy it.

After raising his hand to let the surrounding great formation collapse, Danhuo Tianjun rode Huoyun back to the sword house in Danhuo Town.

"Tianjun, you're back, let's eat quickly. Hey, where's that Shi Zhongyu?"

In Jianlu, Jiang Lin and Honghua had already had dinner, and when Honghua saw Danhuo Tianjun coming back, he greeted him to sit down.

"Shi Zhongyu has something to leave, and I didn't keep him."

Danhuo Tianjun sat down and found a reason for Shi Zhongyu at will.

It's... so unpalatable!

After taking a bite of the food, Tianjun Danhuo immediately sat up straight. With the cooking skills of his precious daughter, it is estimated that even the dog will not pay attention to the cooking.

Really dog ​​ignorant.

"You can eat it too? Your patience is not bad."

Danhuo Tianjun saw that Jiang Lin didn't stop eating chopsticks, so he passed the sound transmission. This was the first time he felt that he admired Jiang Lin.

"Of course I can eat it. What I eat is made by myself, and what I eat with safflower is also made by me. It's fragrant. It's fragrant."

Jiang Lin smiled at Danhuo Tianjun, and shyly communicated with Danhuo Tianjun.

Now that Shi Zhongyu is gone, he is in a very good mood, and Danhuo Tianjun can't match anyone who wants to match.

"Then why didn't you make one for me?"

"People Honghua treats you as an elder and wants to cook for you in person. You are her father. This daughter cooks food, you eat it, eat it hard!"

Jiang Lin looked at Tianjun Danhuo with some schadenfreude. His future old father-in-law who was messing around with mandarin ducks should eat dark dishes made of safflower.

All you can eat is best.


Why do I feel that this kid is watching my jokes and full of malice?

After Danhuo Tianjun swept the dark dishes on the table with a green face, he said to Honghua: "Honghua, come out, I will tell you something."

After Hong Hua went out, Danhuo Tianjun considered his language and made clear his relationship with her.

Although he may not be able to preside over Honghua's marriage, he still wants Honghua to know the truth.

"So, your instinct to forge swords and smelt iron is inherited from my blood. When I had a premonition that disaster was coming, I took you here and hid it, and handed it over to a couple of swordsmiths here for adoption. And you Mother, I can't protect her. I am in the position of casting weapons and medicine pills for Heavenly Court, and Heavenly Court didn't do anything to me in the end. I have not dared to recognize you for so many years."

Danhuo Tianjun looked at Hong Hua, who had been stunned on the ground, and said all the words that had been accumulated in his heart for so many years.

"It turns out that you are my father. The parents I always thought were just my adoptive parents."

Safflower wiped her tears, looked at Heavenly Lord Danhuo coldly, and said, "Heavenly Lord Danhuo, I never thought I would have such a father! My mother was killed by Heavenly Court, but you still do things for Heavenly Court, saying What failed to protect my mother, you are purely greedy for your own immortal position! You are not worthy of being my father!"

Honghua's reaction was very big. She felt that as long as Tianjun Danhuo was willing to give up the immortal position and live with her biological mother as an ordinary person, Heavenly Court would not embarrass them.

Jiang Lin watched from the side, he couldn't persuade him in this situation.

"You go! I don't want to see you!"

Hong Hua pointed towards the gate and asked Danhuo Tianjun to leave her sword house.

"Jiang Lin, tell me, will you be like him in the future? You are also a cultivator. If you also want to go to heaven and become an immortal, I will not be with you even if you are born out of the family, and you don't want me to marry. Give you!"

When she came to Jiang Lin's side, Hong Hua stared at Jiang Lin with red eyes.

If Jiang Lin was like her father, she would rather have no man in her life than live with Jiang Lin.

"Don't worry, I don't have any idea about what immortal position is. I, Jiang Lin, swear to the sky, I will never let you hurt in the future. If anyone puts you in danger, I will protect you if I die."

Jiang Lin wiped the tears from Hong Hua's face and gave her a reassuring look.

"I will remember your promise! Hope you don't let me down!"

Hong Hua glanced at Jiang Lin and ran back to her room crying.

This time, it was Danhuo Tianjun's turn to be stupid.

what happened?

There were big question marks all over his head.

Jiang Lin coughed and looked at Danhuo Tianjun with a smile of seventy and three-pointed embarrassment.

Can't think of it?I am your son-in-law!

If you ask me to meet me, I will take my baby girl down, right?


Danhuo Tianjun: "..."

At this moment, Tianjun Danhuo came to recall why Jiang Lin was full of malice towards him when he was eating just now.

It seemed that the relationship between Jiang Lin and his daughter Honghua had already begun, but he told Jiang Lin last night that Shi Zhongyu was his future son-in-law.

Big Oolong! This is it!

No, safflower's marriage is a jade in a stone...

Thinking of this, Tianjun Danhuo suddenly realized that Jiang Lin has a corpse and can disrupt the secret!

I'm going, so, isn't Shi Zhongyu... dead in vain? !

Danhuo Tianjun is a dignified fairy, at this moment, just like a sculpture, petrified in place.

Chapter [*] The way of heaven is good for reincarnation, who will the heaven spare!

I'm so...

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