"Spread out and find me in all directions."

A group of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals descended around Danhuo Town, and Daxian Yulong ordered the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals behind him to scatter in all directions, while he himself went to two or three miles outside Danhuo Town to find the trace of Jianglin.

Originally, with Yulong Daxian's IQ, when Wutian had a strange reaction when he saw Jiang Lin's portrait, he would know that Wutian definitely knew Jiang Lin. As long as he asked, he could get more information from Jiang Lin. Information, I know that Danhuo Tianjun "investigated" Jianglin.

In that case, as long as he finds Danhuo Tianjun, it is very simple to catch Jiang Lin.

But at that time, after listening to Wuxia's decree to help, he only thought that he would be embarrassed, so he didn't think much about it.

Otherwise, Jiang Lin might also implicate Honghua because of this.

However, even if he didn't get too much information from Jiang Lin, it would not be too difficult to find Jiang Lin.

Yulong Daxian held a broken life card in his hand and cast a spell on it. It didn't take long before he found the place where Jianglin was stabbed by Danhuo Tianjun that day.

"It's hard for me to find this offal! I have to rip you off!"

After finding the whereabouts of Jiang Lin, the Great Immortal Yulong rose into the air and flew away at a high speed.

After his own dragon was beheaded, Great Immortal Yulong also searched for the murderer in the lower realm, but the battle scene had been destroyed.

But his lungs hurt.

It was not until Jiang Lin directly refined the True Dragon Immortal Blood that he gave him a clue.

Now, Yulong Daxian directly determined Jianglin's direction based on the blood flowing out of Jianglin as a breakthrough.

The scars on Jiang Lin's body have not yet left.

If Jiang Lin bleeds again, Yulong Daxian can accurately locate him and find him directly.

However, the fact was not what he thought. Jiang Lin was injured on the road, so the injury must be healed as soon as possible.

In Daluo Immortal Realm, there are dangers everywhere, and there is a sharp sword hanging over his head, how could Jiang Lin not adjust his physical condition as soon as possible.

Therefore, in the early morning of the next day, Daxian Yulong lost Jiang Lin's tracking direction.

No matter how he casts spells, it's like a mud ox into the sea.

Jiang Lin had already been corpse, and he was protected by a green bamboo umbrella, so it was relatively safe.

"Jiang Lin, the fairy energy in my body has been completely refined. Now I need to release it. You release me first."

At dusk that day, Baoyi gave Jiang Lin a voice transmission, saying that his strength had increased a lot, and he needed to pour out the excess strength.


Jiang Lin thought about it and felt that it would be better for Baoyi to come out now than later.

After all, his identity is covered by Danhuo Tianjun, even if Danhuo Tianjun goes back to report, Heavenly Court will not have doubts in a short time.

"You can protect me, I have to concentrate on controlling the immortal power in my body, otherwise once a brain gushes out, it will cause a lot of movement, I am afraid that even this magic umbrella is not easy to cover, maybe it will cause damage to it. ."

After Baoyi came out, he patted Jiang Lin's shoulder with a smile, and then sat cross-legged under the umbrella.

Now she is in a good mood, and with the spirit of the real dragon, her cultivation has recovered a lot.

After that, if she returns to Middle-earth with Jiang Lin, she will be able to settle old accounts with Jiang Lin.

She was taken advantage of by Jiang Lin, and she even lost her first kiss.

Jiang Lin arranged some magic circles around the green bamboo umbrella and stood beside Baoyi.

A little bit of time passed, and everything was going well, but by chance, a Celestial Soldier who was in the lower realm with the Great Immortal Yulong flew to the vicinity in order to find Jiang Lin.

"How come there are angels coming this way?"

Baoyi sensed the immortal not far away, and she was shocked. As soon as her mind was lost, the spirit of the immortal spirit gushed out of her body.

Originally, the spirit of immortal spirit was exposed in the slightest, and it was extremely difficult to detect, but this rushing out, even if it was blocked by the green bamboo umbrella and the magic array arranged by Jiang Lin, it also leaked a lot.


The chubby Heavenly Soldier, who was flying in midair, noticed the aura of fairy spirit leaking from Jiang Lin and the others, and immediately flew towards it.

"he came!"

"Could there be some twists and turns? You fast forward to the ancient mirror."

Jiang Lin's solemn expression made Baoyi return to the ancient mirror, while he was fully alert, hoping that with the effect of the green bamboo umbrella, he and Baoyi could survive this accident smoothly.

Even if Jiang Lin has the capital to be able to kill immortals, he does not want to fight against immortals for no reason.

If the strength of the comer is similar to or even greater than that of Danhuo Tianjun, then he is in danger.

"Get me out!"

The short and fat Heavenly Soldier arrived near where Jiang Lin and the others were hiding, and after a glance, he blasted out an immortal force training at Jiang Lin's position.

Still found.

Jiang Lin took the green bamboo umbrella and squinted at the short and fat heavenly soldier not far away.

"It's you?"

The short and fat Heavenly Soldier saw Jiang Lin, his whole body instinctively tightened, and then he assumed a posture of waiting.

After all, he didn't know Jiang Lin, all he knew was that Jiang Lin killed a fairy beast.

Therefore, in his cognition, he felt that Jiang Lin's cultivation base should not be low, and he himself was relatively backward among the Heavenly Soldiers, so he would have such a reaction.

But after a blink of an eye, the short and fat Heavenly Soldier was stunned.

"Haha... It turns out... It turns out to be a little monk! No wonder, no wonder Yulong Daxian is reluctant to say more. Haha, big anecdote, big anecdote!"

The short and fat Heavenly Soldier burst into laughter. He thought that the murderer who murdered the Great Immortal Dragon, the Great Immortal Dragon, was amazing, but it turned out that he was a monk who couldn't even connect with Dan.

The more he thought about it, the more he laughed, and the short and fat Heavenly Soldier couldn't stop laughing.

He finally understood why when someone asked about the role of Yulong Daxian's murderer, Yulong Daxian would become hesitant.

This kind of thing, which angel is put on it, doesn't he hesitate?

"Aiya, this time, the Dragon Emperor is really embarrassing. If this matter spreads out, it will really make people laugh out loud."

The short and fat Heavenly Soldier patted his thigh, he can now imagine what kind of stinky face Yulong Daxian will have after returning to the Heavenly Court.

However, before the short and fat Heavenly Soldier could finish laughing, Jiang Lin's body flashed behind him, and he was still holding a golden sword of punishment covered with immortal blood.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, he knew that he was definitely in danger.

Taking advantage of this short and fat heavenly soldier laughing wildly and underestimating the enemy, he first established an advantage before talking about it.

Chapter [*] Escape for thousands of miles! (middle)

Jiang Lin didn't know what happened to what Dumpty Tianxian said about Yulong Daxian and what shame.

But he could vaguely feel that the comer didn't come to him because he was a ghost.

However, these are not important, no matter what the reason, this short and fat angel who appeared is his mortal enemy.

Jiang Lin didn't have much time to ask what was going on, so he was done.


The short and fat Heavenly Soldier's small eyes slid round, and a large hole appeared in his left rib, and blood spurted wildly.

This fat pier never thought that Jiang Lin could actually hurt him, and he didn't even think that Jiang Lin could hurt him so badly.

You must know that his body is an immortal body with immortal energy, and the weapons or instruments of the lower world can hardly cause any damage to him.

But at this moment, his entire stomach was like a blood bag, spurting blood outward.

The short and fat Heavenly Soldier made the same mistake as Danhuo Tianjun at the beginning. When he found that Jiang Lin didn't have a golden core at all, he completely regarded Jiang Lin as a little ant.

It's a pity that Jiang Lin, this little ant, first killed a supervising angel, and then killed a real dragon fairy beast in distress, and finally almost slammed a stick on Danhuo Tianjun's head.

If the short and fat Heavenly Soldier knew this, then he would definitely not treat Jiang Lin as an ant.

Even if it is really an ant, it is also an ant god.

The short and fat Heavenly Soldier just turned his head back when he heard a coquettish shout, and then an iron clang stuck on his face.

Baoyi had already flown out of Jiang Lin's arms. She was holding the Wuji Magnetic Mountain, and with a swing of her arm, she slapped the short and fat Heavenly Soldier on the face.

While the iron was hot, Jiang Lin directly asked Baoyi to join the fight.

Now the situation is not as good as before. When facing the fairy beast and the real dragon, the opponent is in a state of large residual blood. Baoyi can be used as a surprise attack to directly speed up the harvesting process.When facing Danhuo Tianjun, it was because Jiang Lin had been trapped and lost the opportunity, and he had no chance of winning no matter what, so Jiang Lin did not let Baoyi come out at that time, and planned to regard Baoyi as a The last straw.

But now it is different, this fat pierced fairy has been injured by him with the golden knife of criminal industry, and Baoyi has completely refined the fairy spirit in his body, and they have the possibility of counter-killing.

As long as he cooperates tacitly in a short period of time, Jiang Lin believes that he can turn this fat pierced fairy into a bloody or even crippled man.

Since there is such an opportunity, it is impossible for him to miss it.

After the chubby angel's nose bleeds and was shot flying by Baoyi, Jiang Lin teleported out again. He clenched the handle of the knife with both hands and slashed towards the chubby angel's neck.

However, the short fat celestial soldier was an angel after all, and he had only received a slash and a slap before, and his health bar was still growing.

However, although he clamped the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry with both palms, Jiang Lin's slash had exhausted all his strength. Even if there was a resistance buffer, the blade of the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry was embedded in his neck, slashing. Into more than half an inch deep.

"Miscellaneous, you...you are courting death!"

The eyes of the chunky Heavenly Soldier were like ten thousand years of ice, and cold sweat broke out from his back now.

The quality of the golden saber caught by his hands was considered to be the top among the immortal artifacts.

If he didn't react in time, with the sharpness of this golden knife, it would not be a problem to cut off his head.

"Am I looking for you, stinking!"

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes, strengthened the defense on his forehead with corpse poison, and slammed into the back of the golden criminal knife in his hand with all his strength.

With this force, the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry penetrated an inch further, and the blade slashed directly on the throat of the short and fat Heavenly Soldier.


Jiang Lin said straight in his heart that it was a pity that he didn't cut off the fat head of this chubby Tianxian Er despite the cost of cracking his forehead.

However, at this time, Baoyi's attack also arrived.

She flipped in mid-air, like a swordsman in the troupe, and smashed a stick on the back of the short and fat Heavenly Soldier's head.

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