The two nostrils of the short and fat Heavenly Soldier suddenly spewed out half-white and half-red liquid, as if the brain fluid had been smashed out.

Bao Yi absorbed a lot of immortal energy, and used her whole body immortal power to bless the immortal staff. Even if her cultivation was still far from complete recovery, this blow was almost comparable to the attack of an immortal.


At this time, Jiang Lin's heart was beating wildly, and without even thinking about it, he extended his arms, hooped Baoyi's waist a few times, pulled it back, and quickly teleported out.


Just after he and Baoyi dodged out, a strong explosion occurred in the area centered on the short and fat Heavenly Soldier.

Jiang Lin had never seen what an atomic egg (bomb) explosion looked like, but at this moment, he felt that the explosion in the open space should be not much different from that.

After the body appeared, Jiang Lin grabbed Baoyi's hand and magnified the Wuji Magnetic Mountain, blocking the power of the explosion.

However, the power of the explosion was so strong that the shield of Wuji Magnetic Mountain shattered not long after, and the body of Cishan directly hit Jiang Lin and Baoyi.


Jiang Lin and Baoyi both spurted out a mouthful of blood, and their bodies flew backwards like cannonballs.

All the trees and boulders on their retreating trajectory were smashed to pieces by them.

The two hugged each other and rolled on the ground for dozens of meters before the momentum disappeared.

Is this the true strength of the angels?

Jiang Lin got up and spat out a mouthful of blood, his face became extremely ugly, and the right half of his body was deformed by the impact of Wuji Magnetic Mountain.

The entire right arm was completely deformed and embedded in the right abdomen.

As for Baoyi, although she was seriously injured, at the critical moment, Jiang Lin held her in his arms on the left, so that she was not hit by a humanoid.

And in front of them, all the fly ash and fine sand, the area within a radius of one mile, has become a big pit.

Since he came to Daluo Immortal Realm, Jiang Lin has not really faced the attacking methods of an immortal. This time, he really opened his eyes.

It's a pity that there is no Wu hook fairy sword!

Jiang Lin exclaimed in his heart that it was a pity again, if he brought Wu Hook Immortal Sword with him and used the mutual enhancement of the Immortal Sword and the Golden Saber, he would have several chances to make this fat piercing immortal crippled, or even kill him in seconds.


Baoyi, who was lying on the side, spit out another mouthful of blood. She turned her head and saw that half of her body was deformed. Jiang Lin said in shock, "Jiang!"

"It's alright, drink it now!"

Jiang Lin took a bottle of cold marrow from his arms with his uninjured left hand, and then threw the bottle to Baoyi.

Now the war really begins.

That fat pierced fairy, it is estimated that he also has residual blood at this moment.

The golden knife of criminal industry is not only as simple as causing trauma, but this big killer can directly swallow life force.

Even the vitality of the gods is the same.

Jiang Lin felt that the angel who came to him was not only the fat dun'er. He needed to end it as soon as possible, and then quickly escaped from the battlefield.

This time I really had to escape.

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-four chapters escape! (Down)

"What do I need to do? You say it directly."

After Baoyi refined the cold marrow in her body and repaired some of the bruises, she stood by Jiang Lin's side. Even if she recovered a lot, she still took Jiang Lin as the backbone in her heart, fighting back against the Jedi and responding on the spot. On the one hand, she had to admit that she was not as good as Jiang Lin.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's timely response, I'm afraid she was even more injured than Jiang Lin.

"You can protect yourself with the Wuji Magnetic Mountain and hit the sap with the immortal staff. By the way, you have to prevent him from escaping, and leave the rest to me."

Jiang Lin gave Bao Yi a command and rushed over despite the severe pain.

He has a golden sword of criminal industry in his hand, and his own vitality is very powerful. I don't know how many blood bottles are added, and he can spend a lot of money with Fatty Heaven Immortal.

And Baoyi, the assistant, just needs to create opportunities for him.

Don't look at Baoyi's strength is higher than him now, if you really want to carry the audience, you have to look at him.

"Gan Niang!"

Seeing Jiang Lin with a knife in hand, the short and fat Heavenly Soldier limped towards him, shivering in his heart.

Mother, half of Jiang Lin's body was deformed, and he even raised a knife to kill him.

What's so special is that the ruthless mother opened the door for the ruthless, and the ruthless arrived home.

In the past, it was not that the short and fat Heavenly Soldier had never seen ruthless stubble, but this guy Jiang Lin was really ruthless.

If nothing else, what kind of cultivation and strength did Jiang Lin have?

He was treated as an ant.

But now that Jiang Lin was injured and his limbs were deformed, it would be fine if he didn't choose to run for his life.

Murder is infinite.

Gan you Amu!

The short and fat Heavenly Soldier patted his fat face. He now knows why the Immortal Royal Dragon's mount, the Immortal Beast, was slaughtered.

It's not fair that the guy died.

Jiang Lin sacrificed all the powerful magic weapons on his body. At this moment, he does not consider whether he will encounter any powerful demons and monks in the future.

No matter how strong it is, how much stronger can it be than Tianxian?

Let's get over the difficulties in front of us first!

After using the magic weapon to bombard the short and fat angels indiscriminately, Jiang Lin was completely corpse. He not only wanted to be the main c, but also the tank meat shield.

Although the short and fat angel is almost bottoming out, the blue bar is still close to full.

"Did I say you!"

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin cursed as he watched his magic weapon shatter one by one.

Even if he can use teleportation and speed escape to the side of Baoyi, and use the Promise Magnetic Mountain as a barrier, he still needs to give up some magical tools, or even make them self-destruct, in order to prevent himself from being bombarded by the short and fat heavenly soldiers.

"Baoyi, I will deliberately take a trick from him for a while, and you will entangle him, block his sight, and find a chance to use Wuji Magnetic Mountain to calm him down."

After Jiang Lin gave Baoyi a voice transmission, he rushed over again.

It is not appropriate to drag it on now. If this fat pierced angel does not have enough immortal power, if he wants to escape, he and Baoyi have nothing to do.

With a "bang", Jiang Lin was blasted away by the short and fat heavenly soldiers, and the dragon armor on his body was destroyed a lot.

Baoyi followed Jiang Lin's instructions, holding a fairy staff, and rushed over to entangle with the short and fat heavenly soldiers.

"Second uncle, I don't think you're dead yet!"

After Jiang Lin fell to the ground, he took out the ancient mirror in his arms, gathered the mysterious light he released in one place, and irradiated the ancient mirror.

The mysterious light was reflected by the ancient mirror again, and swayed directly to the face of the short and fat Heavenly Soldier.


And Baoyi also took this opportunity to pour all his immortal power into the Wuji Magnetic Mountain, causing it to suppress the short and fat heavenly soldiers.

"Blast me!"

On the other hand, Jiang Lin did not miss this extremely rare opportunity. He summoned seven or eight magical instruments in front of him, causing them to explode directly. He himself gathered all the spiritual power in his body into his left palm and slammed into the magical instruments. past.

With the impact of the explosion of the magic weapon, coupled with the propulsion of the spiritual fire column, Jiang Lin's whole person was like a meteor, flying out at the speed of lightning.

The speed is really fast.


Before the short and fat Heavenly Soldier could respond, the golden knife of criminal punishment in Jiang Lin's hand pierced through his heart.

Jiang Lin even brought a knife and pushed the short and fat heavenly soldiers to dash forward, flying sand and rocks along the way, and the stone collapsed and destroyed the forest.

"Second uncle, why don't you die for me?"

Jiang Lin's mouth was full of blood, and he roared fiercely. He took out the Lei Pestle hidden in his sleeve and stuffed it directly into the big wound on the short and fat Heavenly Soldier's stomach.

"Destroy so many instruments of mine, I will destroy another one myself!"

With one palm, the short and fat Heavenly Soldier was blown away, Jiang Lin pointed it out, and shot another spiritual force into it.

The Dumpty Angel became a human bomb directly.

Jiang Lin's thunder pestle is a powerful magic weapon second only to immortal weapons.

The power of this self-destruction is no trivial matter.

"Bao Yi, Xian Li!"

Jiang Lin teleported over, facing the short, fat Heavenly Soldier who was dying with one palm, and a small real fire of the sun shot out from the palm of his hand.

At this time, Bao Yi also flew over and placed a palm on Jiang Lin's back shoulder.

With the supply of Xianli, the real fire of the sun suddenly became the size of the mouth of a bowl.

"Stop him for me!"

"no problem!"

Baoyi called back the Wuji Magnetic Mountain and landed on the head of the short and fat Heavenly Soldier.

This short and fat celestial soldier, the celestial immortal who served as this heavenly court soldier, was burned into a charred human stick by Jiang Lin and Baoyi under repeated screams.

"Let's go! You have to take me with you this time."

Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body collapsed. He really couldn't hold it any longer.

Never before has he been hurt so badly.

Baoyi took Jiang Lin's arm and put it on the back of his neck, and without a moment's delay, he flew away.


Even though there is still immortal blood and immortal spirit in the immortal body of the short fat heavenly soldier, Baoyi doesn't dare to make up his mind at all.

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