
Zhong Kui's whole body turned into a statue. After a long while, he exclaimed: "Your mother can kill fairy beasts and real dragons? Second uncle, can you kill heavenly soldiers? That's heavenly immortals!"

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-six chapters of the magical state of Chu

Zhong Kui has seen a lot of people who like to brag, but he has never seen such a brag.

He knew some things about Jiang Lin. In terms of his record, he sealed an extraterrestrial demon, but at that time, Jiang Lin did it with strength that didn't belong to him.

As for other miracles, they are basically not combat aspects.

In fact, it's not surprising that Zhong Kui thinks Jiang Lin is bragging. The reason why his main body has the current cultivation level is because he traveled to the Daluo Immortal Realm seven or eight hundred years ago and changed the environment that led to his cultivation. Because of the skyrocketing rise, and because there are so many treasures in this world, his strength has risen again and again, even surpassing the City God, and even approaching the Ten Temples of Yama.

That is to say, more than [-] years ago, even Zhong Kui himself had a hard time beheading immortals, but at that time, he was already a powerful leader of the four civil and military judges.

Now Jiang Lin actually said that he could kill immortals, and he killed more than one.

It's not obvious that Jiang Lin's current strength is better than that of the four civil and military judges back then.

Zhong Kui felt that Jiang Lin was challenging his bottom line.

I know you're a bull, but you stand on top of a bull and brag about 13, which is too much.

"You know the bottom line, don't let it go and say, what the hell did you do? Did you pull Mi Tiangong on the head of the Wutian statue?"

Zhong Kui gave Jiang Lin a blank stare and told him to tell the truth quickly.

"Why did I blow it? Want me to give you the real dragon's flesh and blood? I haven't said that I almost smashed Danhuo Tianjun's head. If you don't believe me, ask him. I'm talking about how much someone in my Jiang likes to brag. 13 The same. Also, if you don't come to me, I have to find you. I was hunted down by an angel named Yulong Daxian, and I managed to escape. Now you want to take care of the aftermath for me, I have to go to Chu country quickly. Make a breakthrough as soon as possible. Huahua has already gone to your place, when the sun robbery, after I break through, I will kill you to heaven with you."

Jiang Lin gave Zhong Kui a middle finger, and then told him his plans.

He is currently struggling, and although he has temporarily escaped danger, according to his current situation, he will not be able to go to Chu State at all.


Zhong Kui was speechless again. Since Jiang Lin said so, and also mentioned the Great Immortal Yulong, it is estimated that what he said before should be true.

That's not all, Jiang Lin actually said that he almost smashed Danhuo Tianjun's head.

"Well then, I will secretly help you stop those heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals. In addition, I will tell them about the Eight Immortals, they know that they are the eldest brother and that Yu Canhua is your overlord. If you are hard on the bow, you will be cramped, and you feel that you have dropped the price."

Zhong Kui laughed. Before Jiang Lin happened, he planned to watch Jiang Lin's jokes, but now it seems that he can't watch it anymore.

As for agreeing to Jiang Lin to help him deal with the aftermath, it was because Jiang Lin really could become the key weight in their plan to overthrow the Heavenly Court.

Jiang Lin has not yet formed the elixir, and he can kill the heavenly soldiers. If the cultivation base is raised to a higher level, the miracles that can be created may be even greater.

Even if this reason is removed, Jiang Lin, as his fellow countryman, has also helped him a lot, and Zhong Kui will not sit idly by.

"Okay, I've been very tense these days and I have to rest. By the way, you gave me a few words, please don't worry about her, her man is not an ordinary person."

Jiang Lin asked Zhong Kui to tell him a few words and let him leave. He was really tired these days. When he beheaded Pang Dun Tianxian, he was seriously injured, and later he was very tired trying to escape for his life. Now his worries are temporary. Eliminated, he can also sleep a little more peacefully.

"Bao Yi, you can rest in the ancient mirror for the rest of the time. It's best if you can recover more."

After waking up, Jiang Lin told Baoyi that the situation had improved, and asked her to keep a low profile in the ancient mirror.

The next time I use the power of Baoyi, it is estimated that it will be time to overthrow the heaven.

After leaving the cave, Jiang Lin opened the green bamboo umbrella and continued to drive the golden wheel towards Chu.

Along the way, he had tossed and turned several times before entering the core area of ​​human beings in the Da Luo Xianjie.

This journey, Jiang Lin is also very thrilling. Even if he uses the corpse and the green bamboo umbrella to hide, but tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals and a large number of loose cultivators or demons from the lower realm are all acting together, the net formed cannot be tolerated. underestimate.

Once Jiang Lin broke through the blockade barrier and alarmed the heavenly soldiers and generals, but only with the help of Zhong Kui secretly did he escape.

"There should be no problem with this outfit."

Half a month later, by a small river outside the borders of Chu Kingdom, Jiang Lin looked at his reflection in the river and nodded with satisfaction.

Now there are many places with his wanted portraits. If he doesn't do some disguise, he can't do it at all.

At this time, Jiang Lin's complexion had turned a lot darker, and his eyebrows had been transformed into those of Ninth Uncle's. beard.

He was all dressed up as a big guy with stubborn feet.

And he also wore a bamboo hat on his head, which was directly transformed from a green bamboo umbrella.

Now, even if there may be monks or even heavenly soldiers checking in and out of the city, he should be able to fool around.

After checking it carefully, Jiang Lin passed the moat on his horse and entered the border of Chu State.

After passing the inspection, he was directly fooled by him, and he gave himself a good new name: Jiang Yimei.

It seems that whether it is spiritual power or supernatural power, the less you can use, the less you use.

On the way forward, Jiang Lin was also thinking about how to get to the capital of Chu State and borrow the Temple of Heaven there in a reasonable name.

Now at the most critical moment, Jiang Lin felt that it would be safest to pretend to be an ordinary person.

Half a day later, Jiang Lin arrived at a border town of Chu State. As soon as he entered the city, he found that the city was in chaos. Hundreds of warriors in black robbed the children of the people, most of them infants.

And what's even more strange is that in this day and night, there are actually no arresters and yamen to manage this matter.

"A sin! A sin! Chu State, this is going to perish!"

An old man beside Jiang Lin was crying sadly, holding his head and wailing.

"Old man, what's going on? Why are these men in black robbing babies here in broad daylight?"

Jiang Lin walked over and asked the old man, this was the first time he had seen such a thing.

Chu State is already in the core area of ​​the human world. Generally, there are very few powerful monsters staying there. Even if there are, they will not be so open and upright to let their minions do such evil.

"These people are all sent by the regent. He robs the children of the common people every few years. I heard that those children who were robbed were killed by him!"

With hatred on his face, the old man told Jiang Lin what he had heard.

I go, what is this operation?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. Whether it is Middle Earth or Da Luo Xianjie, the foundation of a country has always been its people, and the number of people is a very important indicator.

The regent of the state of Chu didn't know if his brain was kicked by a donkey or what was going on, but he specially grabbed the babies of the common people and killed them.

What an amazing country.

For a long time, Jiang Lin didn't know much about Chu, but when he arrived in Chu, he felt that he had been refreshed by this country.

Chapter [-]: Black Python Swallows Dragon

"By the way, old man, you said that the regent sent someone to harm the people. What about the lord of Chu? Does he care about the lives of these babies?"

Jiang Lin felt that it was necessary for him to understand the political situation of Chu State in order to pave the way for future plans.

"The country lord passed away many years ago, and now the princess is only eighteen years old, and she can officially become the queen after two months, but the power is in the hands of the regent, and the emperor is far away, the princess does not know at all Such a thing."

The old man shook his head, if the princess had not been in the capital all the time, and the government was controlled by the regent, how could they have such a life.

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin thought for a while, then walked towards the black-clothed warriors.

He was worried that he had no proper reason to go to the capital and contact the lord of the state of Chu. If he repelled these black-clothed warriors and rescued those babies, with the testimony of many people in this city, if he went to the capital, he would also be able to Let the people over there have a track record.

After Jiang Lin passed by, he beat up the black-clothed warriors one by one and vomited blood and mourned.

Even if he didn't use any abilities, Jiang Lin wouldn't lose the Chu Bawang at that time with his fists and feet alone.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't want to cause more trouble, he would have killed the hundreds of black-clothed warriors, and there would be no problem at all.

After a group of people took their children back, they all knelt down to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin also kept his name "Jiang Yimei". After that, he didn't stay in the border town and headed straight for the capital.

He now has an idea, that is, to help the princess of Chu to take the government from the regent. If he has this merit, then he asks the princess to borrow the Temple of Heaven of the Pleiades, and there should be no problem.

But there is a premise for this idea, that is, the state of Chu is not at the end of its time.

Otherwise, he is equivalent to moving the national fortune of a country. Such a big event will definitely leave a record, and it is likely to disturb the heaven.

In this Daluo Immortal Realm, it is really the divine right of the emperor.

If the state of Chu is bound to perish, that is the meaning of heaven.

At the moment when he is being hunted by Heavenly Court, if he forcefully reforms Chu's national fortunes, he will take the initiative to show up and let Heavenly Court fight like a bird.

The reason Jiang Lin thought about it this way was because what happened in the border town was too outrageous, and it was simply the chaos that only appeared when a dynasty was about to perish.

Even in some of the dramas in Middle-earth, some tyrants are written so absurdly.

"This is a national disaster."

A few days later, Jiang Lin went to a high mountain to investigate the topography of the Chu State and the direction of the dragon veins, and found that there was indeed a problem with the luck of the Chu State, but he was not sure whether it was an omen of the country's subjugation.

It is necessary to go to the capital of Chu State and find a clear place, and then the night view of Emperor Star can be completely determined.

Jiang Lin didn't waste time, and after descending the mountain, he headed straight for the capital of Chu State.

When he arrived in the capital, Jiang Lin spent a day asking some people if there were any powerful monks or national teachers in the imperial city.

The answer he got made him quite satisfied. There were no national teachers in the Chu country, nor any cultivators.

Jiang Lin was not surprised by this. After all, he had heard Yan Ying from Gujian Villa once said that monks with a little bit of skill were all fighting forward, and even if they couldn't become immortals, they could raise their lifespan limit.

There are not many monks who kill evil spirits for the common people, let alone become a national teacher to benefit the people.

That night, Jiang Lin found a place suitable for stargazing, sat cross-legged, and speculated on the fortune of Chu State.

"It turned out to be the image of the black python swallowing the yellow dragon. It seems that although the state of Chu has difficulties, there is still a chance."

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief after checking the operation of the constellations and deducing them.

The astrology in the sky shows that although there will be a national disaster in the state of Chu, but the state is not finished yet, if it is really the end of the country, it will be the green dragon swallowing the yellow dragon.

But after a while, Jiang Lin's brows that had just stretched frowned again. The appearance of the black python swallowing the dragon represented that there was a monstrosity that was chasing the country of Chu, in order to respond to the astrological signs in the sky.

That is to say, on the surface, the state of Chu was messed up by the regent, but behind the scenes, there may be this thing instructed.

This also explains why the regent dares to blatantly snatch the children of the people in the border town.

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