"It's fucking hard to do."

Jiang Lin scolded, he wanted to borrow the Temple of Heaven of the Subaru Sun, and he had to take credit for it. The Temple of Heaven of the Subaru Sun was not something he could use by force.

The easiest way is to help the Princess of Chu regain the government, but in this case, if he overthrows the Queen Regent, he will have to fight against the evil spirits that appear in Ying Xingxiang.

At that time, it is estimated that he will not be able to use Taoist abilities and magical instruments.

As for helping the regent, it is even more impossible. The evildoer who has not met, if it is more pleasant to say, came in response to the astrological signs, and to put it bluntly, it can be regarded as serving the heavenly court.

Otherwise, give it a little more courage and dare not mess around like this.

Since the evildoer is working for the heavenly court, why would he ask the regent to lend him the Temple of Heaven of the Subaru?

No matter what, you have to contact the Princess of Chu State first.

Jiang Lin pinched his chin, thinking about how to meet Princess Chu.

"Jiang Lin, leave here, you just cast a spell to speculate that the national destiny here may be exposed."

At this moment, Baoyi in the ancient mirror sent a voice transmission to Jiang Lin, warning him to leave the place where he was watching the stars.

Jiang Lin listened to Baoyi's words, did not delay, and flew directly in one direction.

As expected by Baoyi, after Jiang Lin flew more than ten miles away, his previous location was probed by Heavenly Court.

"Fall down to the front, and restrain all abilities and breaths."

Baoyi noticed that Tianting's investigation had spread, and sent a voice transmission to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin immediately landed in midair and landed in a garden. He also put away the bamboo hat made of the green bamboo umbrella on his head and turned it into a small wooden stick, which he inserted into the crown as a hairpin. .

Then, he pretended to be a gardener and took care of flowers in the garden.

However, it just so happened that a group of girls came over to the flowerbed at this time, and some of them were still holding bird cages in their hands.

A girl in the lead found Jiang Lin who was bending over in the flowerbed, and asked loudly, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"Can't I be here?"

Jiang Lin turned his face to look at the girl, but when he turned his face, he made a group of girls scream in fright. flew out.

It was night now, and Jiang Lin's face was disguised by himself again, with thick eyebrows and black face and beards. At first glance, it looked like a monster.



"The princess' golden phoenix! All flew away!"

Suddenly, a group of girls became a mess, and some even jumped into the lake on the side in fright.

Chapter [-]: Princess of Chu Kingdom


Jiang Lin frowned. He actually met Princess Chu here?

The truth was exactly as he thought, the place where he was was the newly built imperial garden in the imperial city of Chu.

Because it has just been built, there is no garrison guarding it yet.

Jiang Lin happened to land here, and those girls, the maids next to the Princess of Chu, were about to move the birds raised by the Princess of Chu to this new imperial garden.

"Princess, there are ghosts! Quick, let's escort us!"

A group of young girls stepped back, guarding the princess of Chu who was wearing a curtain-shaped pearl head chain and luxurious clothes.

Jiang Lin raised his head and moved his gaze forward, landing on the princess of the Chu Kingdom. At this time, he realized that the latter had the fortune of the emperor, and the aura that ordinary people could not see.

This princess is not an ordinary princess, it is the one he is looking for, the one he wants to contact - the princess who is about to become the Queen of Chu.

This is really what you want.

Jiang Lin was overjoyed. A minute ago, he was thinking about how to get in touch with the Princess of Chu in a proper way and meet her.

But a minute later, he really met the princess.

Moreover, what made Jiang Lin even more happy was that the luck on the princess of Chu was able to cover him to a certain extent.

It can help him avoid the detection of heaven.

Before Jiang Lin restrained everything, including his spiritual sense, he didn't notice that the person he was looking for was nearby.

"Don't talk nonsense. Around the imperial city, where the fortune of a country is located, where can ghosts and evil spirits work. You are really disrespectful."

Princess Chu scolded a group of palace maids, what kind of ghosts and ghosts are nonsense.

"Huh? Isn't he a ghost?"

"Then he must be an assassin, escort, escort!"

"Pull him out and behead him!"

After hearing what the princess said, a group of court ladies immediately thought of Jiang Linchao's assassin.

"Don't make a fuss, I only thought of coming here on a whim. Even if I'm an assassin, how would I know what I'm thinking?"

The Princess of Chu and the maids explained it, then approached Jiang Lin and looked at Jiang Lin, she said, "Who are you? This is the Imperial Garden, ordinary people can't come in, you are trespassing here. , is guilty."

"Did you hear, you are guilty!"

"I also flew away the princess' favorite golden phoenix, and I will be beheaded!"

After realizing that Jiang Lin was neither a monster nor an assassin, the two maids next to Princess Chu put their hands on their hips, scolded Jiang Lin, and even pulled him out to behead him.

"Bao'er, Belle! Jinsi Caifeng will be lost if you lose it, how can you cut off someone's head because of this!"

Princess Chu frowned slightly and scolded the two maidservants beside her.

This Princess of Chu is a kind-hearted person, and her mind is not stupid, and it is not in vain that I want to help you seize power.

Jiang Lin glanced at Princess Chu again. It seemed that this girl really didn't know the situation of the people in the border town.

Thinking so in his heart, Jiang Lin said on the surface, "Oh, it's like this, I heard that the princess likes birds and birds, and I have a lot of experience in raising birds and tame birds, so I came here to wait for the princess, hoping to help the princess plant flowers. Breeding birds. I can still understand the birds and communicate with them.”

The reason why Jiang Lin said this is because a light flashed in his mind just now. Now that he has the opportunity to stay with Princess Chu, he also wants to give it a try. If it is successful, it will be very helpful for his future plans. .

As he said that, Jiang Lin also stepped forward and took a few steps, allowing himself to be within the range of the luck radiated by the Princess of Chu.

"Huh, how is it possible that someone can understand the birds?"

"Yes, I also communicated with the birds. The princess has just forgiven you for the crime of trespassing in the imperial garden, and you are talking about it again. This is deceiving the king, so you should pull it out and behead it!"

Princess Chu hadn't spoken yet, and her two maids, Bao'er and Bei'er, started shouting again.

Are you two annoying?

Jiang Lin twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, the second uncle, behead and behead, be careful I will take your heads off and use them as football kicks!

"How do you know that I can't understand bird language? If I can..."

"If you can communicate with them, call the princess's golden silk phoenix back."

"That's right, if you can do it, we'll all lose to you."

Before Jiang Lin finished speaking, the two maids started chattering again.

But this time, Princess Chu didn't scold them. She also wanted to see if what Jiang Lin said was true.

Jiang Lin paced lightly for two steps. With the protection of the air from Princess Chu's body, he silently recited the mantra of animal control and transmitted the mantra in the form of ultrasonic waves.

It didn't take long for the ten golden phoenixes that flew away before all flew back, Jiang Lin opened his arm, and ten birds landed on his arm.

"Unique, unique!"

At this time, in the bird cage hanging not far away, a parrot made a human voice.

"Princess, then I'll show you my skills at taming birds."

Jiang Lin smiled, and at the same time sent out a thought and attached it to the parrot.

"Little parrot, show your talent to the princess."

Jiang Lin deliberately directed a scene and controlled the little starling to fly to the gazebo not far away, and let it paint on rice paper with a brush in its beak.

After that, the little parrot was still under Jiang Lin's remote control and sang a popular song: "I am a little bird, I want to fly, but I can't fly high..."

"Oh, I'm going to faint..."

When Baoer and Belle saw such a strange thing, they both felt like they had seen a ghost.

"If you are willing to admit defeat, who are you going to behead?"

After Jiang Lin retracted his thoughts, he folded his arms and looked at the two palace maids, Bo'er and Belle.

These two girls, if they don't teach them a lesson, even if he stays with Princess Chu in the future, he will be annoying to death.

As for him playing tricks here, that's because if he stayed around Princess Chu, he would be able to act in another capacity.

Whenever he was discovered when he used Taoism or supernatural powers, as long as he escaped, he would be transformed and become the chief animal trainer of the princess.

In addition, the luck of the princess of the Chu country can also help him hide.

Before, he didn't have such an idea, but it was because he saw the luck on Princess Chu that he had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Chapter [-]: See you soon

"Princess, we don't know that he can really communicate with birds, please forgive me."

"Princess, don't cut our heads."

The two maids begged for mercy to the Chu princess with bitter faces. They had a bet with someone first. If the princess did justice for the bearded man, it would not be too much to cut off their heads.

"It's useless for you to beg me. Who told you to bet on beheading with others. Let's see if you two dare to bet with people casually in the future."

Princess Chu looked at her two maids with anger, but she didn't plan to do anything to them.

Just like how she treated Jiang Lin before, Jiang Lin lost Jinsi Caifeng, she did not convict Jiang Lin, the two maids quarreled with others, how could she drag them to beheaded.

"Princess, we will not dare in the future."

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