The two maids repeatedly shouted that they would no longer dare, and hurried to the side to return the bird that was dangling on the ground back to the bird cage.

Princess Chu smiled at Jiang Lin and said, "This foreigner, you won't really care about them, will you?"

"The princess is joking, and I have no grievances with them."

Jiang Lin shook his head, don't say he didn't mean that, even if he did, at this time, he shouldn't mess around.

"How can you communicate with the birds? My little parrot has been raised by the maids for so long, so it's just a little bit of human speech."

"Oh, it's because I used to live in the deep mountains. There are many birds in the mountains, and I deal with them on weekdays."

Jiang Lin lied, anyway, Princess Chu couldn't really find out where he got this ability.

"Since you can communicate with birds and birds, stay in this imperial garden and take care of them. These ten golden phoenixes are gifts from neighboring countries. Also lost the national body.”

"I will definitely help the princess take care of them."

Jiang Lin agreed immediately. He was here just like being the head of the circus, just to stay.

"Baby Belle, the two of you take him to purify his heart, and we'll go back to the palace."

After the Princess of Chu ordered the two maids, she was ready to return to the palace with a group of palace maids.

"Pure heart? Is it pure heart or pure body?"

At this time, after Jiang Lin heard Princess Chu's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then his voice suddenly became much louder.

He hadn't realized before that he was going to enter the palace, and if a normal man wanted to work in the palace, he would only be allowed to enter after he had been castrated.

Otherwise, it is easy to mess up the palace.

At least in the ancient times of Middle-earth, that was the case.

I can go to your second uncle!

As soon as he thought of entering the palace to cleanse himself, the expression on Jiang Lin's face became extremely wonderful.

Previously, he wanted to stay with Princess Chu, but it was just a whim, and he didn't think much of it at all.

Now, is this Nima going to be dragged to be a eunuch rhythm?

Dongchang needs talent like him? ?

Xiaolinzi? ? ?

"What is the purification?"

Princess Chu frowned and glanced at Jiang Lin.

Is it too much of a reaction?

When men enter the palace to do things, don't they all need to purify their hearts?

"No...nothing, I heard it wrong."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. Looking at the reactions of Princess Chu and the palace maids, he felt that entering the palace in Daluo Immortal Realm was different from that in Middle Earth.

No need to cut anything.

Otherwise, this group of girls should not be so calm.

After that, Jiang Lin and the princess' two maids took them into the palace.

The truth was as he expected, the pure heart that Princess Chu said was really pure heart.

All men who work in the palace have to take a pill, which is similar to poison from another point of view.

This kind of pill has the effect of clearing the mind and few desires. In addition, if the male who takes this medicine develops evil desires during the taking of the medicine, it will be like the gnawing of all insects.

Not only the state of Chu, but the rest of the mortal kingdoms also used this method to ensure the purity of the interior of the palace.

After that, Jiang Lin temporarily stayed in the palace of the Chu Kingdom and became a servant bird officer. While listening to the state of affairs from the palace servants, he calculated his own plans.

That night, Jiang Lin left the palace and went to the palace of the Prince Regent. He wanted to secretly help the Princess of Chu to seize power, and he had to catch the Prince Regent.

Although in the border town, he had encountered the prince regent's black-clothed warriors who forcibly robbed people's babies, but the sky was so high that the emperor was far away, and even if someone went to investigate, it would take half a month to come and go.

Moreover, even if he finds it out, the Prince Regent denies it, and it has no effect at all.

After changing into night clothes and sneaking into the palace of the regent, Jiang Lin began to investigate. It didn't take long for him to discover that the prince regent had taken a group of black-clothed warriors to the backyard of the palace.

Jiang Lin had seen the Prince Regent in the Imperial Garden, and he was no stranger to this man with a beastly heart.

Taking advantage of a black-clothed warrior who was left behind, Jiang Lin grabbed him from behind and caught him in the flower bush.

Stunned, took off his uniform, and buried him directly.

Jiang Lin is inconvenient to kill people, but burying people to death is not a big problem.

After changing into the samurai uniform, Jiang Lin followed.

There seems to be a large basement in the basement of the backyard of the palace, and the movement inside is not small, not like a small secret room.

After Jiang Lin entered the room with the black-clothed warrior, he discovered that there were many stone platforms in the basement, with one baby after another on it.

"This baby's head is too small, it doesn't look like a smart child, take it down and destroy it."

The regent picked up a baby and looked at it, then threw it to the warrior beside him, and ordered the baby to be killed.

"There are too many people in the world, but most of them are very stupid. If we can cultivate a group of extremely intelligent children and destroy all the stupid ones, then in the future, everyone in our Chu country will be able to be superior to others. Governing the world and annexing neighboring countries is not easy!"

The regent passed a few more babies and just muttered to himself.

"Wise people, outstanding and outstanding, dominate the world, and become ministers to all countries!"

A group of black-clothed warriors shouted in unison at this time, Jiang Lin looked around, only to realize that the entire basement turned out to be an altar.

On the wall directly opposite him are three large characters "Wisdom Gate".

The regent of Nima turned out to be a cult leader.

It also claims to be the gate of wisdom.

See you soon, see you in a fucking long time.

Jiang Lin didn't know what to say. He had seen many strange things, but it was the first time he had seen such a thing.

Originally, he thought that the Prince Regent had caught so many babies in order to practice demon magic for some evildoer.

But this stuff isn't.

The leader of this cult is really thinking of Chu.

The artificial survival of the fittest is outrageous.

The baby has a small head, so it's not smart, so kill it.

The baby eats too much fat, and at a glance, he knows that he has no self-control and is killed.

The baby girl is too good-looking and will grow up in the future. Beauty will delay men and kill them.

So drunk!

Jiang Lin wanted to laugh a little, but he didn't laugh at this scene.

The [*]th chapter identification is completed, a silly white sweet

"Hahaha...Okay! Dominate the world and become a minister of all nations!"

The prince regent raised his head and laughed, and then said to an old man behind him: "Prime Minister Cao, starting tomorrow, continue to send more people, let more black-clothed warriors go to catch babies, three thousand more a day, and catch them in the capital. That's it."

Prime Minister Cao?

Let me go, this Chu country, not only the regent is crazy, but also the Prime Minister Cao!

Jiang Lin felt that the state of Chu was about to die at this moment.

Prime Minister Cao was an old minister of the two dynasties of Chu. Jiang Lin had heard from the palace servants that the power in his hands was second only to the regent.

Now the two people who hold real power in Chu State, the two most powerful people are left here to go crazy.

Jiang Lin looked at the two of them, the Prince Regent and Prime Minister Cao, and shook his head slightly.

In such a situation, if he wanted to help the Princess of Chu to seize power, it would not be easy for him to use the abilities of his corpse and Taoist body.

And behind these two lunatics, it is estimated that there are evil spirits that he has never understood.


"However, my lord, if you send so many black-clothed warriors, there will be a big disturbance, which may disturb the princess. If the princess finds out about this, our plan will be twisted."

Prime Minister Cao frowned, a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, she won't know. I've made arrangements to send her to the Peach Blossom Spring outside the capital early tomorrow morning to escape the summer, and she won't be able to come back in the future."

The prince regent waved his hand, not worried at all. Now, his stupid niece still thinks he is the prince's uncle.

Without knowing it, he was going to kill him in Peach Blossom Spring.

It turned out to be the case.

Fortunately, I came by myself.

Hearing what the regent said, Jiang Lin was glad that he came to this palace to investigate.

Otherwise, if Princess Chu went to escape the summer heat, she would definitely suffer.

Just when Jiang Lin was considering whether to rescue these babies, a group of people carrying wooden boxes came down outside.

"Who are you?"

"We're here to bring the kids here."

A young man headed by the visitors nodded at the black-clothed samurai, and then rushed out the Pu Dao from his waist and chopped the black-clothed samurai.

Others who came with us also violently murdered.

"Prince Regent, you devil, we are all parents of these children, and today, we will exterminate you devil!"

"Save the child!"

"Open the killing ring!"

After a few roars, the entire basement became a mess.

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