Jiang Lin took advantage of the chaos to leave this place. If he hadn't had trouble to deal with, he would have made a fuss.

It's just that now, he is unable to protect himself, and he has a headache for his own affairs, and he is helpless.

Once he draws out the evildoers that may be lurking in the palace, he will not be able to leave.

When he returned to the palace, Jiang Lin did not act rashly. Now that the capital is under the control of the Prince Regent, even if he told the Princess of Chu about the Prince Regent and Prime Minister Cao, it would be meaningless.

It is better to obey the regent first, he followed the princess of Chu to the Peach Blossom Spring, and after he got there, he would tell the truth.

At that time, the Prince Regent's attention would not be focused on the Princess of Chu, and it would be convenient for the Princess of Chu to take countermeasures.

Early the next morning, the minister of civil and military affairs of the state of Chu sent the princess's chariot seat and sent the princess and her party all the way out of the capital.

"Princess, I have something to tell you, about the regent."

After Princess Chu and the rest of the group settled down in Peach Blossom Garden, Jiang Lin came to Princess Chu who was reading a book.

"Officer of the Birds, what you want to say is not about Jinsi Caifeng and the little parrot? Why did you mention my Uncle Wang?"

Princess Chu smiled at Jiang Lin and put down the book in her hand, ready to listen to what Jiang Lin had to say.

"It's like this. When I came to the capital from the border town, I found a group of black-clothed warriors robbing the people's babies. Those black-clothed samurai were all assigned by the regent. When I got to the capital and met you, the princess, I thought Let me tell you about it, but because I don't have any substantive evidence in my hands, I haven't mentioned it."

After a pause, Jiang Lin said again: "Last night, I went out on leave and went to the Prince Regent's palace, where..."

Jiang Lin also talked about his night visit to the palace, including the large number of babies hidden in the palace's backyard and the matter that the regent wanted to harm the princess of Chu.

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, Princess Chu's phoenix eyes fluttered like butterfly wings, and then she chuckled and said, "Officer of the Birds, are you kidding me?"

Princess Chu let out a silver bell-like laughter, she really thought Jiang Lin was making her laugh.


What am I, I look like a joker?

I'm all dressed up with a big beard and straight eyebrows. I look like a joker?

Jiang Lin's face was speechless. He said so many words in one breath, but Princess Chu thought he was just here to talk about stand-up comedy.

Seeing Princess Chu's smile, Jiang Lin's face twitched.

Why don't I want to help a female version of Adou?

Three times to trouble the world, the two dynasties open the hearts of old officials?

The more Jiang Lin thought about it, the more he felt that his heart was sinking.

What he inquired about in the past few days was all about the situation in the court and the matter of the regent. Besides, he was thinking about his own plans. He really didn't inquire much about the princess of Chu.

But at this moment, he felt that he was a wise man, and he made some mistakes.

This princess of Chu country seems to be a silly white sweet!

Jiang Lin is also considered a good person, and his eyesight can be called cunning. If Princess Chu said that on purpose just now, to avoid people's eyes and eyes, or to hide it, he would not be able to escape his eyes.

But unfortunately, Princess Chu did not have that kind of scheming.

Jiang Lin said with a serious face, "I'm not joking with you, you better believe me."

"Impossible, how could Uncle Wang harm me? He is my uncle, and before my father died, he personally asked Uncle Wang to be the regent and help me, and my father would not harm me."

Princess Chu shook her head, but still didn't believe Jiang Lin's words.

Well, the identification is completed, a silly white sweet.

Jiang Lin was really heartbroken.

He wants to help such a princess to seize power!

I drop God!

Jiang Lin felt extremely tired.

The silly white sweet in front of her, if she changed her identity to an ordinary girl, then there was basically nothing wrong with what she said.

It is normal to have such a reaction.

After all, one side is a relative and the other is an outsider, so she has no reason to believe the words of outsiders to doubt her own uncle.

However, her identity is a princess of a country, and she will be a queen in the future.

In that case, she is really a fool.

The first thousand five hundred and one chapters do not listen to the old man's words, and the loss is in front of you

"Then princess, you said that the regent couldn't have murdered you, what about Prime Minister Cao?"

Jiang Lin still wanted to give it a try. Right now, Princess Chu still doesn't know how severe the political situation is. However, if this silly princess started preparations today, she would be able to clean up the temple before she ascended the throne.

Otherwise, he really put the emperor in a hurry and the eunuch was in a hurry.

The Princess of Chu State said: "Prime Minister Cao is an old minister of the two dynasties, and he has always been very loyal to the State of Chu."

I shouldn't think too much!

Jiang Lin was really convinced. The princess of Chu Kingdom really became a princess. She was just the kind of princess who is a little bird.

It has nothing to do with the princess in charge of the regime.

Both are princesses, why are you so good?

Jiang Lin stroked his forehead. He also had the princess wife. His wife Anna was also the princess of the gypsies before he killed the vampire Count Dracula.

But compared to the Chu princess in front of her, in terms of ability and temperament, she really couldn't even lift her shoes.

Being a princess made him feel hot.

"Okay, do you have military power now, princess?"

With his last hope, Jiang Lin asked one more question.

Even if this Princess of Chu is a female Adou, if she has military power in her hand, everything is not the worst.

"The military power is in the hands of Uncle Wang, but when I officially take the throne, the military power will be handed over to me. Officer Shique, today I will treat you as a joke with me. If you do this in the future, you will not allow it. Let me mention it again. The servants in the palace are strictly forbidden to discuss the political affairs of the DPRK, and I will not pursue it shortly after you entered the palace."


Jiang Lin nodded, what else could he say at this moment?

If it didn't work at all, he really wanted to be the emperor of Chu State himself, and after he made a breakthrough, he would throw away the crown, and whoever liked it should go.

If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer.

When you are hunted down, you will know that you will regret it.

Jiang Lin went back to the side to tease the birds, and he didn't intend to continue to work hard.

No need.

The prince regent arranged for the princess of Chu to come to this summer resort, just to kill her.

And over there in the capital, it is estimated that it is already in chaos. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the regent will definitely send killers soon.

At that time, he will not say anything more at all, even if Princess Chu does not believe it.

Jiang Lin looked at Princess Chu who was reading a book by boat in the lake, and felt more and more disappointed.

However, he also knew that this was no wonder Princess Chu. As early as when he knew that the Prince Regent was going to usurp the throne, he should have thought that Princess Chu was a puppet princess.

Not only a puppet, but also stupid and cute.

Since the Prince Regent has long been ambitious, it is quite easy to control the growth environment of the Princess of Chu.

Princess Chu glanced at Jiang Lin who was looking at her without blinking, frowning slightly. If all the palace servants had not gone through the purification process, she would definitely have thought that Jiang Lin had some fond thoughts about her.

At this moment, there was a sudden change under the water, and then a group of black-clothed warriors jumped up from the water.

The Regent's movements were not slow at all, and the assassins he sent had already arrived.

"Black warriors? Assassins! There are assassins!"

Princess Chu's expression changed, and she hurriedly shouted at the guards and maidservants on the shore.

The guards over there were not slow to respond, and hurriedly pulled the rope of the boat and dragged Princess Chu ashore.

Jiang Lin watched from the pavilion on the shore, only when the Princess of Chu was in real danger and was picked up on the boat by the warriors in black, would he throw a few pebbles over there.

This Princess of Chu State is too naive, she must be subjected to severe social beatings.

Otherwise, his future work will definitely not be smooth.

"If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of you."

Jiang Lin looked at the unkempt Princess Chu and smiled unkindly. Although naivety was not a crime, if the Princess of Chu listened to what he said, if she paid attention, she would not be so embarrassed.

"The token of the palace? Uncle Wang...he really wants to kill me?!"

In the process of dodging, Princess Chu saw the palace token dropped from the warrior in black, and her face turned white.

What the waiter said to her before turned out to be true!

At this time, there was another scream of killing around, and another large group of black-clothed warriors surrounded him from all sides. Many of the guards who protected the princess and some maids fell in a pool of blood.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin withdrew and found a secret place. He took off the hairpin from the crown of his hair, turned it into a hat and put it on his head, and took a white robe from the ancient mirror. draped over the body.

It's enough for Princess Chu to be frightened, Jiang Lin can't let her be killed by these black warriors.

Now it's his turn to play in another capacity.

Although it is not appropriate for him to use his inhuman abilities during this time, at this time he can't help it.

There are too many black warriors, thousands of them.

In order to murder his niece, the prince regent also counted the blood.

Jiang Lin flew out directly on a wooden boat.

Pushing the palms continuously, the black-clothed warriors were blasted away by his palm wind and fell into the lake in groups of threes and fives.

It is not convenient for him to kill people, but he can be an assistant and let those guards collect their heads.

These warriors in black have to die. If anyone goes back to report, it will be troublesome.

This is also one of the reasons why Jiang Lin wants to use spells and abilities.

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