"Fairy! Fairy, princess, look!"

"Princess, you are auspicious, and a god has come to save you!"

The movement caused by Jiang Lin attracted the attention of Princess Chu and the others, and the two maids, Bao'er and Belle, both screamed excitedly when they saw the flying Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin saw arrows flying by, and immediately drove the magic boat to the princess of Chu.

After leaning over and wrapping his arms around the slender waist of the Chu princess, Jiang Lin took her to the boat.

After that, he took two more palms and sent the two maids of Princess Chu to the bunker.

With Princess Chu by his side, Jiang Lin can use his own spells with confidence and boldness.

With his palms, two Yang Yan whips like spirit snakes jumped out, and the black-clothed warriors were bundled five in a bundle, ten in a lump, and threw them into the river one after another.

Not drowning, he was also hacked to death by the guards on the shore with a knife.

Ten minutes later, the entire lake was filled with corpses.

"Okay, there is no danger anymore, don't hold me anymore."

After destroying these assassins, Jiang Lin raised his elbow and touched the Chu princess who was leaning against him.

Princess Chu had never seen such a bloody scene before, and in addition to the previous fright, after being pulled by Jiang Lin to the boat, she couldn't help but hug him tightly.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, Chu Chu offended the gods. Zhong Chuchu apologizes to the gods here, I hope the gods don't take offense."

Princess Chu quickly took two steps back, and apologized to Jiang Lin in shame and fear.

Although she is a princess of a country, she is still a mortal after all. Facing an immortal like Jiang Lin who can fly through the sky and spells, she still dare not offend her.

It turns out that this girl is called Zhong Chuchu.

Jiang Lin nodded, he still just knew the name of Princess Chu.

Chapter [*] Fu, I can't help it!

"It's nothing, you don't need to call me immortal, just call me Daoist Li Yang."

"Thank you Xianchang for helping me this time. I don't know why Xianchang wants to save Chu Chu. What's the matter in this country of Chu? If you need Chuchu's help, please speak up. Chuchu is the princess of this small country. , some small things should still be handled by Xianchang."

Although Jiang Lin said he didn't need to call him an immortal, Zhong Chuchu still respectfully called him Immortal Chief. At the same time, she also wanted to ask Jiang Lin why he saved her.

In Zhong Chuchu's cognition, capable people like Jiang Lin don't eat human fireworks, and basically don't care about mundane affairs.

"You let them go down first."

"Okay, Chu Chu will now give the order."

According to Jiang Lin's wishes, Zhong Chuchu rejected the guards and all the maids.

"The reason why I saved you was indeed because of something. As for what happened, you will know soon. Moreover, I will not only save you, but also help you take back the political power from the regent. Your Chu State will have The national disaster, it is estimated that the Prince Regent is responsible. Now that you know that he is going to murder you, what are your plans?"

After the guards and palace maids withdrew, Jiang Lin told Zhong Chu Chuming that he would help him seize power and help him ascend to the throne of the queen.

As for borrowing the Temple of Heaven on the Subaru Sun, Jiang Lin didn't mention it for the time being, and he wasn't going to reveal it until the end.

"I...I don't know either."


The facial expression under Jiang Lin's hat is how speechless it is.

What a universal answer.

Don't ask, just don't know.

Zhong Chuchu really didn't know what to do. She hadn't learned how to be a king since she was a child, and she was still scheming. When Jiang Lin asked what she wanted to do, how could she know how to deal with it.

The prince regent didn't say what kind of growth environment he deliberately created, so he raised Zhong Chuchu like an ordinary princess, and that would also make her a waste.

Just like now.

"I...I really don't know what to do."

Zhong Chuchu squeezed her fingers like a helpless little girl.

"Okay, then, where are your military powers in the Chu Dynasty scattered? Who or who control them?"

Jiang Lin asked again, now that he wants to fight the Prince Regent, he must rely on the strength of Chu State.

Who made him unable to bloom his own light too much now?

Even if you use spells and abilities, you have to be by Zhong Chuchu's side and use his luck to cover up to be safe.

Now that Heavenly Court's Wutian has exploded with rage, he has to be pulled out as a small character.

Just relying on his green bamboo umbrella, his own corpse aura, and some treasures might not be safe.

"Oh! This, I don't know."

"You don't know what you are!"

Jiang Lin thought, "Oh, I'm going." He was so shocked that he almost lost his footing.

"I... I just had a name in my mind, but I can't remember it again."

"Okay, what kind of loyal ministers are there in the Chu Dynasty who are very loyal to your royal family?"

"I know this! Prime Minister Cao!"

Zhong Chuchu learned to answer quickly this time, and the expression on her face finally bloomed like a flower.

Oh my goodness!

"What are you! What are you doing there every day, princess!"

Jiang Lin went to the side and turned around, calming down his mood. He was afraid that he would become irritable and a big incident would happen to Zhong Chuchu.

Zhong Chuchu didn't ask any more questions this time, and as a result, a Prime Minister Cao was revealed.

Didn't I tell you before that the Prince Regent and Prime Minister Cao are a gang!

Jiang Lin looked at Zhong Chuchu, who was a little confused, and felt that he might have misunderstood. When he first met Zhong Chuchu, the princess of Chu, a few days ago, although he was not impressed by some of her words and deeds, he was still impressed. Not bad.

But now it seems that he may have really found the wrong person.


"No help."


"No help."


Jiang Lin kicked the stones under his feet. He was really considering whether to get someone else to help him.

If Zhong Chuchu is really promoted, he will be able to change his surname.

The surname is Zhuge.

He was absolutely compelled to do his best and put his heart and soul into it.

But if he doesn't help, either he will have to let the regent take the throne, or he will find another person and let that person sit on a rocket and become the emperor of Chu.

But both ideas are unrealistic, and the regent needless to say, it is definitely not possible.

If he finds another person, he doesn't know how long he has to work, how much effort it will take, and he may not be able to find such a person who is willing to rebel.

Even if he finds it, it can be regarded as a forced reform of the state of Chu State. At this moment, it is purely an act of death.

Help, can't I help you!

Jiang Lin glanced at Zhong Chuchu, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Although he can't count as countless women, but there are absolutely few top beauties who have seen and slept with him.

But there has never been a beautiful woman, like this Zhong Chuchu, who can make him have such a desire to go wild and crazy.

"Those warriors in black who killed you are also Prime Minister Cao. It seems that I'm basically asking you in vain. I'll wash my face over there, and I'll come to you later."

Jiang Lin didn't ask Zhong Chuchu any more questions, and he couldn't ask anything. To help the princess of the Chu country come to the throne, he just had to be mentally prepared to do everything by himself.

Now, he already has a plan in his heart, and he needs to show his true colors.

However, he only appeared in front of Zhong Chuchu alone.

This Princess of Chu Kingdom didn't even know what was going on outside, and naturally it was impossible for him to know that he was wanted by Heavenly Court.

And for the next part of the action, he can't use this outfit.

Jiang Lin tore off the eyebrows and beard from his face, and washed his face with clearer lake water. Then he picked up a knife, chopped off the head of a black-clothed warrior, and approached Zhong Chuchu with it. .

Zhong Chuchu watched Jiang Lin come over with a bleeding head, and was so frightened that she backed away again and again.

"Nothing to be afraid of, come here."

Jiang Lin waved at Zhong Chuchu, but Zhong Chuchu hesitated for a while, but walked over anyway.

At this time, Jiang Lin took off the hat on his head, turned it into a hairpin, and inserted it back on the crown.

He had to look at Zhong Chuchu's face, disguise the bleeding head in his hand, and wear a hat, which affected his sight.

And since he has decided to reveal his true face, it will be a matter of time before he takes off his hat.

"Xianchang, you...you are so young?"

Zhong Chuchu looked at Jiang Lin's face and opened her mouth slightly.

Then there was a slight blush on her cheeks, she had hugged Jiang Lin very tightly before.

Hehe, woman.

What makes me so young is that I look handsome.

Jiang Lin pouted, this world of Da Luo Xianjie is also a place to look at his face.

Previously, as a servant bird, he wore a makeup face, and the Princess of Chu didn't think much of him.

Now, as soon as he shows his true face, Zhong Chuchu is stunned.

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