O woman!

Chapter [-]: Jiang Lang's plan is to make the world safe, and he wins his wife and soldiers (Part [-])

"Why, do you think I'm an old man?"

Jiang Lin smiled, raised his foot and lifted a huge boulder beside him into two small piers, and let Zhong Chuchu sit beside him.

"Xianchang, what are you doing with your head?"

Zhong Chuchu sat beside Jiang Lin and looked at the head in Jiang Lin's hand, still a little frightened.

Jiang Lin glanced at Zhong Chuchu and said, "If you don't have a whole human head, do you want to cut off your head? Since the Prince Regent sent someone to kill you, if you don't bring a certificate, where will you live? He can still let him Can't you return to the palace safely?"

As he said that, he took a human skin mask from his arms, as well as the yellow and white mud specially used for disguise.

He used these things for a while before, and in order to avoid trouble, he specially went to learn the skill of disguising.

But the human skin mask stuck on his face was really uncomfortable, and it was too time-consuming to fix the disguise work, so he just gave up.

However, it works just fine now.

"If you Chu Kingdom want to ascend to the throne, do you have any special token?"

Jiang Lin wanted to ask Zhong Chuchu if the mortal kingdom of Daluo Xianjie had something like a jade seal, and if so, he had to find a way to get it.

To prevent the regent from being unable to suppress his ambitions, he ascended the throne on his own.

Zhong Chuchu responded, "Yes, it's the emperor's seal, but it's always been in the palace."

Jiang Lin nodded, if Zhong Chuchu did not know again, he would really pat Zhong Chuchu on the back of the head.

After that, Jiang Lin began to disguise the face of the dead.

"that's amazing."

Zhong Chuchu felt very novel when he saw Jiang Lin's face all over the head, covered with a mask, and turned a man's face into a woman's face.

"But, Xianchang, with your skills, do you still need to do such a thing?"

However, Zhong Chuchu also felt a little puzzled. She felt that Jiang Lin was so capable that he could directly deal with the regent.

Why even fix these things.

She didn't want Jiang Lin to help her directly, but Jiang Lin had said before that helping her was for a purpose.

Since this is the case, and Jiang Lin has the ability, what is he doing with so many bends?

"You Chu country has its own national fortune. I only intervene a little. Even if I want to intervene, it can't be open and aboveboard. You just need to know this. Well, don't say anything."

Jiang Lin explained to Zhong Chuchu a little, but didn't let her speak again. He had to pinch Zhong Chuchu's face.

It's okay for a short time, but after a while, Zhong Chuchu became embarrassed and blushed.

She has never been stared at from such a close distance by a man since she was a child.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin chuckled and said, "Although your princess is stupid, she is quite beautiful."

Being so praised by Jiang Lin, Zhong Chuchu's face turned even redder.

"Okay, find two clever maids and ask them to be taken to the palace by the guards to steal the imperial seal. If the imperial seal has already been taken away, that's fine. Just let them stay in the palace and check on the people over there. In addition, you let the guards set fire to the whole place. After that, you asked all the guards and palace maids to find a deep mountain nearby and hide them all. What happened here, they are not allowed to go out. disclose."

After disguising the head into Zhong Chuchu's appearance, Jiang Lin instructed Zhong Chuchu.

Since Zhong Chuchu has no opinion at all, he will directly act as the driving force behind him and let Zhong Chuchu be obedient and do things.

The two smart maids he mentioned were actually Zhong Chuchu's personal maids Bao'er and Belle. If Zhong Chuchu was looking for them, he would probably find them both.

These two maids are usually the most favored by Zhong Chuchu. In the palace, they have a good relationship with the palace servants.

On the premise that he did not use other abilities, Jiang Lin felt that it would be better for these two girls to steal the Emperor's Seal.

Zhong Chuchu went to the guards and palace maids according to Jiang Lin's words, and gave Jiang Lin's meaning.

"You put on this black uniform and go with me to the Prince Regent's Mansion."

When Zhong Chuchu came back, Jiang Lin, who had already changed his outfit, threw her a black dress and asked her to change it.

"I'll go to the palace to change it."

"Just here, I'm blocking behind you, I don't have time to waste here."

Jiang Lin turned his back, blocked Zhong Chuchu, and asked her to change clothes quickly.

Right now, the Prince Regent is probably waiting for news, and it has already been delayed a lot, so we have to hurry up.


"Ah what? Are you afraid that I have eyes behind my back, so I can't peek at you?"

"Okay... okay."

In desperation, Zhong Chuchu could only change into black clothes quickly behind Jiang Lin.

After that, she followed Jiang Lin to the outside of Peach Blossom Spring. Jiang Lin recruited two horses and said, "Get on the horse."

"I can't ride a horse."

Zhong Chuchu had an embarrassed smile on her face, she had no strength to hold the chicken, let alone the reins.

"I'll do it."

Jiang Lin gave a wry smile. In the future, he will treat this princess as a girl who has clothes to stretch out her arms and eat to open her mouth, and then he will not be disappointed.

Holding Zhong Chuchu's wrist and throwing it on the horse's back, Jiang Lin jumped up, jumped up, caught Zhong Chuchu and let him sit in front of him.

"Xianchang, although I have changed my clothes, Uncle Wang can still recognize me."

"Don't worry, he doesn't recognize it. When you arrive at the palace, you just need to keep quiet."

Jiang Lin slapped the horse and took Zhong Chuchu towards the capital.

With Zhong Chuchu by his side, he can use his ever-changing abilities with confidence and deceive mortals like the Prince Regent without any problem.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin and Zhong Chuchu arrived in front of the regent's mansion.

"The task is completed, come and report to the prince!"

The guard at the gate of Jiang Linchong's palace raised the food box he had already taken out from Yang's hand, but the guard didn't stop them and let them enter directly.

"My lord, I have not humiliated my mission and have brought the princess's head, but the only survivors are the two of us. The other warriors encountered the desperate resistance of the princess' guards. Those guards burned all jade and stones, set a fire in the Peach Blossom Spring, and went with them. Everyone has died."

Jiang Lin held the food box, opened it, and showed the "princess" head inside to the regent.

"Great! Great! Set the fire well, set it off well! The less people know about this, the better."

The regent looked up at the beautiful head of his niece in the food box and laughed loudly.

He never thought of the niece he was going to kill, and it was right across from him at this time.

And the human head in the food box, the real face under the mask, is exactly the same as Jiang Lin's face he saw.

What Jiang Lin is best at is stealing the sky.

Even Tianxian has been fooled by him, let alone a small regent of the state of Chu.

Chapter [-] Jiang Lang's plan is to make the world safe, and he wins his wife and soldiers (middle)

Zhong Chuchu was still surprised that the Regent really didn't recognize her, but at this time, she was extremely chilled when she saw her uncle's face.

It's one thing to know that the regent is going to kill him and to do it, and it's another thing to see his uncle ecstatic when the conspiracy succeeds.

"Okay, let's go down and collect the reward."

A chill flashed across the regent's eyes, causing the two men in front of him to retreat to "receive the reward".

Now, as long as he takes the emperor's seal of the Chu kingdom's throne in his hand, he can legitimately ascend the throne as emperor.

Although there was still a few days left for the princess' funeral, he could still afford it.

Today, in the royal family of Chu Kingdom, he alone meets the conditions for becoming emperor.

It's a pity that the Prince Regent thought too much. Not only did his niece not die, but he couldn't even get the Emperor Seal. Jiang Lin had arranged for the maid to steal it.

Oh, it saves us from disappearing automatically.

After listening to the Prince Regent's previous words and seeing the cold light in his eyes, Jiang Lin knew that this guy would definitely kill people.

After Jiang Lin and Zhong Chuchu left the palace, several palace guards secretly followed.

"Xianchang, why is the regent already in charge of the government, and he still wants to take the throne? Why does my uncle have to kill me, if he wants to be the emperor of Chu, I will give it to him, he is also a member of the royal family, or me The dearest relative, why is he?"

On the way, Zhong Chuchu wiped her tears and asked Jiang Lin. The more she thought about it, the more sad she became. Her biological father trusted her uncle so much back then, and she always respected her uncle Wang very much.

In the end, this uncle of hers actually wanted to murder her, and when he saw her head, he was ecstatic.

"Man, there are a few who don't like power. For the sake of supreme power, there are not a few who don't recognize their six relatives. As for he wants to kill you, it is because only when you are dead can his seat be able to sit on the dragon chair securely."

Jiang Lin explained to Zhong Chuchu that although the Prince Regent is powerful, the power in his hands is not supreme.

At least in the human world, it is not supreme.

"Are all men like this? Xianchang, are you too?"

"I'm one of the few who have no interest in power."

Jiang Lin spread out his hands and put some gold on his face.

He's really not interested.

"Don't think about it, it's already like this, if you don't want to accept it, there's nothing you can do."

After persuading Zhong Chuchu, Jiang Lin stopped talking. Now Zhong Chuchu is not in a good mood, it's better to keep her quiet.

After turning two streets and reaching an abandoned house, Jiang Lin dissipated his spiritual sense for a moment, and then went straight to attack.

The palace guards at the back are also ready to start.

In three or two times, Jiang Lin took out all the guards of the palace he was following.

"Xianchang, Uncle Wang... Did the Regent find something wrong?"

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