After Jiang Lin brought down the guards, Zhong Chuchu went to Jiang Lin to ask.


After several palace guards saw Zhong Chuchu, they all felt like they had seen a ghost.

"Your crazy uncle Wang couldn't bear to find out what's wrong. He just wanted to kill people. Even if I don't let you ask the guards to set fire to the fire, all the black-clothed warriors who help him have to be taken care of by him. ."

Jiang Lin smiled. It was not uncommon for a person with wolf ambitions like a prince regent to kill people.

After that, he removed the joints of the limbs of several guards, and after searching their memories, he stuffed the mouths of these people and threw them into the ancient well of the abandoned house.

"Let's go, know who has the military power in the capital, and go to the general's mansion. The military power in the capital is ultimately in the hands of the regent, and he has to unload it."

Jiang Lin released the golden wheel, pulled Zhong Chuchu's wrist, took it up, and flew directly towards a general's residence.

Now that it's getting late, and with Zhong Chuchu around, he can use the magic weapon.

"Xianchang, you... you take me away. I always thought that when I grew up, I would just take the throne. With the help of the regent and the ministers in the court, it should not be difficult to manage the people. But now, I feel good about myself. Tired, it seems that all people and things have become very strange. The regent is going to be the emperor, and I don't want to fight with him."

Zhong Chuchu hesitated for a long time before saying these words.

After going through today's catastrophe of life and death, and seeing the person closest to her want to kill her quickly, her heart line of defense has collapsed.

Ever since she was a child, she has treated the regent like her father, and now her father wants to kill her.

Anyone who puts it on it will have a mental breakdown.

"Aren't you kidding me?"

Jiang Lin twitched the corner of his mouth. He had gone through a psychological struggle in order to put Zhong Chuchu up.

As a result, at this moment, Zhong Chuchu told him that he did not want to be the queen.

"You don't know anything, you don't even know how to cook and do laundry. Where do you ask me to take you? You have people serving everything except in the palace. If you leave it outside, you won't be able to survive."

Seeing Zhong Chuchu's mood was very low, Jiang Lin didn't say anything to her about national justice.

Having said that, Zhong Chuchu doesn't necessarily understand that Zhong Chuchu's growth environment was controlled by the regent. Although she is a princess, she is not much different from a wealthy daughter from a wealthy family.

To think of such a girl for the sake of the people of the world is almost like playing the piano to an ox.

Moreover, if he said that, he was also standing on the moral high ground.

He let Zhong Chuchu ascend to the throne just for no other purpose.


Hearing what Jiang Lin said, Zhong Chuchu was speechless. Jiang Lin was right. Even if she was taken away by Jiang Lin and went to a strange place, she would not have any ability to make a living.

"Xianchang, if you don't dislike it, Chu Chu can be your servant, take care of the cave for you, clean the courtyard, etc. Chuchu can still learn. Xianchang, you don't eat the five grains of the world, and the fairy clothes don't touch the smoke and dust. , Chu Chu can't do laundry and cooking, just eat some fairy dew and drink some fairy dew."

After thinking about it, Zhong Chuchu felt that instead of making a living on his own, it would be better to go to the immortal's cave in Jianglin and do some small things in the future.

She is a princess, even if she is the servant of the immortal, it is not a loss of identity.


Jiang Lin was speechless. If this good queen would not do it, Zhong Chuchu would be his servant.

If the queen doesn't do it, she has to be a maid?

"As I said before, the reason for helping you seize power from the regent is because of something, and this matter requires you to become the queen. If you have no desire for the throne, you can make concessions after the event is completed. , I won't stop you even if there is a descendant to pass the throne."

Jiang Lin has no idea of ​​accepting the future queen of Chu State as a servant. According to the fortune of Chu State, Zhong Chuchu is the person appointed by Heavenly Court to accept divine power. He can use his luck to cover up the investigation. Moths, of course not.

"In this case, Chu Chu knows."

Zhong Chuchu nodded, she knew before that Jiang Lin had a purpose, and now Jiang Lin has begun to help her.

Therefore, since Jiang Lin said that she must be on the throne, it is not easy for her to refuse.

After all, in addition to helping her, Jiang Lin also saved her life.

Chapter [*]: Jiang Lang's plan is to make the world safe, and he wins his wife and soldiers (Part [*])

"Xianchang, we were able to deceive the regent because we pretended to be the regent's subordinates, but now we are going to the general's mansion, what should we do?"

"What to do, just do it."

Jiang Lin raised his finger and pointed ahead, Zhong Chuchu followed the direction and looked at it, and there was nothing.

When she turned her head back, she found that the Regent was standing beside her.

"You...why do you want to kill me! I'm your own niece!"

Zhong Chuchu saw the "Prince Regent", and the backlogged emotions in her heart suddenly erupted along the way.

Holding Jiang Lin's neck with both hands, she shook her arms vigorously.

"I'm going! Let go! I'm not your uncle!"

Jiang Lin patted Zhong Chuchu's wrist and removed his ability.

He didn't expect Zhong Chuchu to become neurotic now because his mentality had collapsed.

"Xianchang, you..."

Zhong Chuchu suddenly came back to his senses when he saw that the Prince Regent turned into Jiang Lin in an instant.

It is impossible for the Regent to appear by her side.

After letting go of his hands and wiping his tears, Zhong Chuchu said apologetically, "Xianchang, I'm sorry, Chuchu just lost his temper."

"Forget it, I didn't expect you to have such a reaction. When I was in the palace before, the regent didn't recognize you and didn't suspect you, just because of this illusion. I'll go there as the regent, when the time comes. , you should stop reacting like this."

Jiang Lin adjusted his collar without blaming Zhong Chuchu.

The two flew for half an hour and arrived in front of General Hudu's mansion.

"Go inside and speak as I instructed."

Jiang Lin explained a few words in Zhong Chuchu's ear and walked to the gate of the General's Mansion.

"My lord?"

The two guards at the door saw Jiang Lin and immediately saluted him.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "I pass on General Zhang, this king has something important to discuss with him."

A guard did not dare to neglect, and immediately went to report.

Not long after, a burly middle-aged man came to the door with a smile on his face.

"My lord, why did you come to the lower official's place without giving notice in advance, please!"

General Zhang gave Jiang Lin a big gift, and then invited Jiang Lin and Zhong Chuchu into the mansion.

"My lord, do you have any further plans? Presumably the lord's actions went quite smoothly, right?"

After leading Jiang Lin and Zhong Chuchu to the study, and after all screened and retreated, General Zhang asked the "Prince Regent" in front of him.

"Further plans are indeed there."

Jiang Lin grabbed it while he was talking. He held General Zhang's chin with one hand and condensed the corpse aura in his body with the other, making it form a pill and put it into General Zhang's mouth.

"Ah! Ah..."

After taking the pill, General Zhang felt as if his whole body was being eaten by tens of thousands of ants, and he rolled on the ground in pain.

"My lord, you!"

General Zhang stared at the "Prince Regent" in front of him. He couldn't understand why the other party wanted to murder him.

"Prince Regent? Look at who I am."

Jiang Lin changed his face directly, but it was not his real face, but the face of the black-clothed warrior whose head was cut off by him.

"you you……"

"Look at who she is next to me."

Jiang Lin waved his sleeves again, and in General Zhang's eyes, Zhong Chuchu also changed his face, but this time she showed her true appearance.

"General Zhang, you are surprised to see that I was not killed."

Zhong Chuchu took off her warrior hat, and when she shook her head, her hair was draped over her back.


Seeing Zhong Chuchu, General Zhang was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and soaked his back.

Jiang Lin stretched out a palm and pressed it on General Zhang's head. After searching some memories, he condensed a lot of corpse gas pills and threw them out.

The pills flew out as soon as they left the study.

"These poisons are exactly the same as those you took just now. It is estimated that they all flew into the mouths of your wife and children. However, the poisons on their bodies will not occur."

Jiang Lin smiled. In fact, what he did was just an act of intimidation, making this General Zhang feel that his entire family was being taken by others, and he would not really take the lives of General Zhang's wife and children. After all Not bad for his wife and daughter.

After the matter is over, he will let those corpse gas pills disperse.

"Next, just listen to what the princess has to say."

Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows at Zhong Chuchu, and Zhong Chuchu said, "General Zhang, my Zhong family has always been kind to you, but now you have colluded with the regent to usurp the throne and rebel. Do you know the crime?"

According to what Jiang Lin explained before, she said it like a gourd.

The reason Jiang Lin asked her to speak was to draw General Zhang's attention to Zhong Chuchu, making him think that Zhong Chuchu's previous performance was all faked. This princess is actually a scheming queen.

In this case, his identity will naturally make General Zhang think that he is a talented person invited by the princess.

The more mysterious his identity is, the more helpful it is for the next action.

At least in case the evildoer lurking in the dark behind the scenes is disturbed, his true information will not be found for a while.

"Princess, Wei Chen... Convicted! All of this is... the idea of ​​the Regent, and Wei Chen was forced by him to participate in the rebellion."

"Why did you treason? I don't pursue it now. Now tell me, who are in charge of military power? I'll go to them one by one! When the regent thinks his plan has been accomplished, you will defect. With one blow, let him capsize! Immortal Chief, let him get up and talk."

"I know the princess."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, letting the corpse aura in General Zhang's body condensed again.

After the severe pain in General Zhang's body subsided, he knelt on the ground and said, "I said... There are three generals who participated in the rebellion, including Wang, Li, and Zhao, and they have a total of [*] troops secretly stationed around the capital. , as long as the Prince Regent acts, they will rush into the capital to join the [*] Protector Army of Wei Chen, and at that time, even if the Royal Guards resist, they will be blood-washed by our army."

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