Now that Xiaoming is being carried by others, of course General Zhang doesn't think about anything, he will listen to the princess first.

What's more, it wasn't just his own life, his whole family was poisoned by this foreigner invited by the princess.

At this moment, there is no room for him to choose.

"I hope what you said won't be false, otherwise all your family members will die suddenly. If you don't believe it, now you can go and see your wife and children. You'd better not let it happen today. The fourth person knows. Also, you should know what to do when this Immortal 'Regent' visited your General's Mansion."

"Princess, wechat letter, wechat will help the princess to eliminate the rebels, and we will order the servants and guards to keep silent about tonight's matter. Now wechat will take you to the other three generals."

General Zhang kowtowed to Zhong Chuchu again and again, expressing his willingness to help him rehabilitate.

After that, Jiang Lin, along with Zhong Chuchu, led the way by General Zhang, and went out of the city at night.

The three generals around the capital were also controlled by Jiang Lin in the same way.

So far, the [*] army in the hands of the regent has been completely controlled by him.

Now, as long as the regent is in trouble, the four generals will shoot him in the back.

"Xianchang, what should we do next?"

After cooking the four generals, it was already midnight. Jiang Lin took Zhong Chuchu to the deep mountains where the guards and palace maids were hiding. Zhong Chuchu asked Jiang Lin what to do next.

Jiang Lin said: "Wait, just wait."

Right now, Jiang Lin has no plans to make further plans. He plans to wait until the regent's plan to usurp the throne falls short.

If he expected it well, then if the regent fails, the evildoer behind the scenes will definitely show up.

He doesn't know it yet, and after it exposes itself, he will make another surprise.


At this moment, Zhong Chuchu's stomach began to make an empty city plan.

"Xianchang, I'm hungry."

Zhong Chuchu's cheeks were red, so shy.

Jiang Lin looked at Zhong Chuchu, and landed in a forest with the golden wheel, hitting a few pheasants with Yang Zhiqi.

He was a little hungry himself.

"Xianchang, this is really delicious! It's more fragrant than the imperial meal in the palace."

Zhong Chuchu's index finger moved a lot, and she lost the demeanor of a princess, and she enjoyed eating.

"Xianchang, you don't usually eat the five grains of the world, how come your craftsmanship is so good?"

"Who said that I don't eat the five grains of the world, I usually solve the three meals by myself."

"Xianchang, after I relinquish the throne, if I become your cave guard, I won't have to cook. Xianchang, I know nothing, Uncle Wang... If the regent and Prime Minister Cao are punished, I will If you don’t know how to run the country, just do it, take me with you. With you, Immortal Chang, I don’t have to worry about washing and cooking.”

Zhong Chuchu's eyes shone brightly, looking at Jiang Lin.

This is the first time I have ever seen such a woman.

Jiang Lin was speechless, and Zhong Chuchu asked him to accept him as a servant again.

The queen did not do it, and begged him to accept it as a maid.

Very interesting.

Chapter [*] Can't think of it, he is me

If you accept servants, you will not accept them, and you will never accept them in your life.

I really want to accept it. After everything is over, I can still consider accepting a girl.

A girl like Tongfang girl.

Kind of a warm blanket.

Jiang Lin looked at Zhong Chuchu and laughed.

He would definitely not consider asking him to put so much effort into accepting a servant.

After all, he would have to spend [*] grudges to bring it back to Middle-earth.

Jiang Lin wouldn't do such a loss-making business even if his head was caught in the door.

However, if it is to bring that kind of permanent special service, he will still consider it.

"Let's talk about it later."

Jiang Lin did not let Zhong Chuchu make such a request again, and he would not respond at this time.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin and Zhong Chuchu continued to fly towards the destination.

"You said that if the regent king wants to ascend the throne, he must stay for ten days to hold a funeral for your princess. In this case, you and those palace maids and guards will go back to the palace before the dawn of the day when the regent king ascends the throne, and it will be broken. His enthronement plan, after that, everything he does will be to make wedding dresses for others."

After reaching the deep mountain where the guards and palace maids were located, Jiang Lin fell halfway up the mountain, and explained to her what Zhong Chuchu would do in the future.

Now that the Regent's side has been temporarily deceived, and the military power has been controlled, Jiang Lin can return to his status as a servant bird and just hibernate.

After the prince regent and the evildoers behind the scenes have been eliminated, and Zhong Chuchu has successfully ascended the throne, the time is almost up, and he can request Zhong Chuchu to borrow the Temple of Heaven of the Subaru.

If you want to open the Temple of Heaven on the Pleiades, you must be a real emperor.

Otherwise, Jiang Lin wouldn't need to do so many things so deliberately, hiding his true identity and waiting here.

Seeing Jiang Lin stopped, Zhong Chuchu asked, "Xianchang, won't you come with me?"

"If I don't go, you don't have to worry. Since I want to help you, I won't put you in danger. When you are in danger, I will appear by your side."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he rode the golden wheel and flew out. After a few miles, he changed back to Jiang Yimei, the servant bird.

"You will appear when I am in danger, but how do you know when I am in danger?"

After Jiang Lin left, Zhong Chuchu stomped her feet. She thought that Jiang Lin would accompany her in the next time.

If that's the case, if she can dawdle again, maybe Jiang Lin is willing to take her away.

As a result, Jiang Lin left her alone and flew away.

Zhong Chuchu arrived at the place where the palace maids and guards gathered, and a few guards on guard welcomed him into a wooden palace.

There are many guards in this mountain, and a palace was built last night.

After all, Zhong Chuchu can't go back to the palace, so he must be here.

Jiang Lin also arrived at the tent group on his hind legs. After inquiring, he found out that Zhong Chuchu's two maids, Bao'er and Belle, had returned.

It seems that the emperor's seal should be in hand. If so, then there will be less worries.

Jiang Lin relaxed slightly, but for the specific situation, he had to wait until dawn to ask and confirm.

The next day, after Zhong Chuchu and the two maids appeared, Jiang Lin walked over.

"You waiter, so you're not dead!"

"You bastard, where did you go when the princess was in danger yesterday? I saw you throwing stones there. What kind of stones are you throwing, shame!"

"That's right, the princess is in danger, he runs faster than anyone else!"

As soon as Jiang Lin passed by, Bo'er and Belle started to put their hands on their hips and madly beat him there.

Jiang Lin: ? ? ?

I don't know how to clone again, so I'm going to save the princess!

Where did you say I went!

The expression on Jiang Lin's face was a little speechless. Yesterday, he not only saved the princess Zhong Chuchu, but also the two maids. As a result, today he turned his face and did not recognize anyone.

However, considering that they did not know each other, Jiang Lin didn't care too much about them.

"I saw the assassin coming yesterday, and I knew that the regent was definitely going to rebel, so I wanted to go to the palace and steal the emperor's seal, lest he really become the emperor of Chu. However, when I returned to the palace, I didn't find the emperor. print."

Jiang Lin casually found a reason for himself, and at the same time used this excuse to test it out.

"Of course you can't find it!"

"It was stolen by us long ago. This is something that the gods explained. Of course we have to do it."

It turned out to be stolen.

After listening to the words of the two maids, Jiang Lin nodded, and now he was completely relieved.

"Hey, Shiqueguan, I didn't find out before, your voice... how does it resemble that fairy?"

Zhong Chuchu heard Jiang Lin's words, and immediately set his eyes on him.

Jiang Lin changed his makeup, but his voice did not change.

Hey, I can't think of it, he is me.

Jiang Lin laughed in his heart, as long as he didn't say it, no one would know that he had two identities at this time.

If even Zhong Chuchu doesn't know, it is absolutely impossible for others to find out his identity from him.

Unless there is a soul search, but with him by his side, no evildoer can search Zhong Chuchu's soul.

The two maids next to him wanted to make fun of Jiang Lin again, but Zhong Chuchu glared at him and didn't dare to speak.

"Officer of the Sparrow, in fact, you should be rewarded. You told me in advance that the Regent was going to rebel, but I didn't believe it. However, it is precisely because of this that the Immortal Chief appeared."

Zhong Chuchu looked at Jiang Lin and said, "This person is just different from a human, and his voice is almost the same, but your face is so unfavorable and vicious. People are immortals, but they are extraordinary in heroism and kindness. What. People are more mad than people."

Jiang Lin: "..."

I told you, he is me.

It's time to look at the face.

Jiang Lin felt a little nervous in his heart, and this Zhong Chuchu praised him while berating him.

Because the voice resembled the fairy that Zhong Chuchu met, Zhong Chuchu asked Jiang Lin to take the bird cage and stay by her side.

"Officer of the Birds, do you know? When I was in despair, the Immortal Chief appeared in the sky and put me out of danger. That's not to mention, when he took off his hat, I... I seemed to be all in that moment. Obsessed with him."

While reading a book to pass the time, Zhong Chuchu started talking to Jiang Lin.

Anyway, if she didn't look at Jiang Lin's face, she only listened to Jiang Lin's words, and she had the illusion that the fairy in her heart was beside him.

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