And Jiang Lin "isn't" her immortal chief, so she is not afraid of being heard by others.

"Officer of the Birds, do you know? The men I've seen since I was a child are all respectful to me, but Xianchang is different. He always says I'm stupid. Later, when he flew with me, I I feel like my heart is beating so fast. Actually, I don't really want to be the queen, and I'd like to be her servant, but now I think about it, if I become the queen and want to recruit a husband, I don't know if he can watch it. Take the title of the Queen's Husband."

After saying this to himself, Zhong Chuchu turned his face to Jiang Lin again and said, "Officer Shique, I can warn you that you are not allowed to say these words, or they will rot in your stomach. If the fairy finds out, they will be ashamed to death. ."


Jiang Lin looked at Zhong Chuchu speechlessly, the Huaichun princess said everything in front of him.

He also told him not to leak it out, especially not to let the Immortal Chief know.

Alas, if you find out that I am him, I hope you don't faint.

Chapter [*]: The Black Snake Spirit (Part [*])

Jiang Lin held back his smile and said, "Okay, I won't say anything."

Originally, Jiang Lin thought that he would be a listener next to him, listening to Princess Zhong Chuchu playing the girl's friend radio program, but what he didn't expect was that Zhong Chuchu actually wanted him to chat with him.

He even asked him to imitate the immortal elder's tone and tone to chat with her.

What's more outrageous is that Zhong Chuchu is so addicted.

In the end, the maid made a white robe and a hat, and asked him to wear it.

Zhong Chuchu found that Jiang Lin not only sounded like the fairy in her heart, but also had a very similar body, fat, thin, and height.

Therefore, she let Jiang Lin, the servant bird, disguise himself as "another person".

You girl, why are you so arrogant in the show?

Jiang Lin is MMP in his heart.

The reason why he disguised himself as Jiang Yimei, a bearded man, was to have two identities in order to hide his true body.

As a result, at this moment, he turned back to bearded, but Zhong Chuchu gave him a second disguise.

Changed him back again.

If you change back, you can change back. After all, other than these guards and palace maids, no one knows that his white robe is another form of his identity.

But the crooked thing is that Zhong Chuchu, a playful girl, calls him sweet.


Jiang Lin was wearing a white robe and a bamboo hat, sitting on the side, as if he was beeping a dog.

All his previous plans were considered dead.

As long as someone comes to investigate, or there is a demon to investigate, they can directly hit the front.

If all of this just made Jiang Lin speechless, then what Zhong Chuchu did next really made him want to go crazy.

Zhong Chuchu created some Qiongyao-type scripts, and asked him to put it aside to memorize the songbook. After he finished, he had to pretend to be the fairy in Zhong Chuchu's heart and tell her the lines.

Let him play Qiong Yao's drama with him!

Ah, the love is deep and rainy, the world is only in your eyes~

Let us be companions of the world and live unrestrained and unrestrained~

Do you still remember Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake back then? !

Jiang Lin looked at the songbook in his hand, and all this melody or lines flashed in his mind.

Grab a big grass!

Three days later, Jiang Lin couldn't take it anymore, so he could only ask Zhong Chuchu to get sick.

Said his heart couldn't take it.

Without Jiang Lin's cooperation in acting in romance dramas, Zhong Chuchu, who has already opened up in love, has become haggard for the immortal long-term disappearance.

"Princess, you have to eat something."

Two days later, Jiang Lin approached Zhong Chuchu again and persuaded him to eat something.

Now Zhong Chuchu doesn't think about tea and rice, and talks about Xianchang Xianchang all day long.

If this continues, if Zhong Chuchu's body collapses, even ascending the throne will be a problem.

"Princess thinks only about illness, princess thinks only about illness. Princess doesn't think about tea and rice, and suffers from lovesickness."

At this time, the little parrot that Jiang Lin managed next to was barking.

Broken by the parrot, Zhong Chuchu blushed immediately. She put her hands on her hips and asked Jiang Lin, "Officer Shique, did you teach it to say these words?"

"No, it's not me. Maybe the princess is too obvious. Not only can we see it, but even the parrot can see it."

Jiang Lin waved his hands again and again, he didn't have the spare time to teach parrots to tease Zhong Chuchu.

"See what? You don't think I...I really fell in love with that immortal, right? I just watched him save me and read his kindness. Who said I didn't think about tea and rice? I want to eat fruit!"

"I know, I know."

Jiang Lin was almost amused when he looked at Zhong Chuchu's silly appearance.

Oh, thinking of the kindness of others, if you repay your kindness, it will be strange if you don't promise yourself.

Since Zhong Chuchu was willing to eat, Jiang Lin retreated, lest he would be dragged by Zhong Chuchu to play a romantic drama again.

Not far from walking out, Jiang Lin found that the sky was surging and a vision occurred.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin left the tent group and went to the top of the mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Jiang Lin looked into the distance and found that the source of the vision in the sky was the direction of the capital, but it should be behind the capital.

"You guessed right, the black python swallows the dragon, this monster is not easy."

Jiang Lin looked at the strong demonic energy at the source of the vision, and his face became a little dignified. Because of the long distance, he could only roughly estimate the level of strength of the demon where the source was.

At least it is the cultivation base of the demon emperor, it is likely to be the peak of the demon emperor, or even a demon ancestor.

Jiang Lin also knew that the reason why the midair of the capital was filled with demonic energy was because that demonic spirit had already begun to devour the fortune of Chu State.

With the help of the star of the black python swallowing the dragon, this thing opened a small stove for itself and swallowed the Qi of the dragon veins of the Chu country.

Jiang Lin expected it well. At this time, in a cave in the old forest behind the capital of Chu Kingdom, there was a giant monster who was retreating and cultivating.

A black snake, a black snake spirit.

"Hahaha... The future queen of Chu country is dead, so I can take this opportunity to absorb the original dragon energy of Chu country, so as to help myself break through the situation. When the calamity comes, I will absorb a lot of evil energy and consolidate it in one fell swoop. Demon spirit foundation."

The black snake spirit transformed into a human form and turned into a youth. It spit out the demon pill, ready to break through here.

Two days ago, the regent of the state of Chu had already come to report to it that the princess of the state of Chu had been killed.

So, since then, it has been prepared.

This black snake spirit got a chance in the early years and was accepted as a registered disciple by an angel. This time, the national fortune of the Chu country was going to change according to the astrology, and the angel gave it the job.

Because of this, it has obtained some treasures of heaven and earth from its Heavenly Immortal Master to assist in breakthroughs.

This time, the fortune of swallowing the Chu country, as long as it does not go too far, it is not a big problem.

If the princess of Chu country Zhong Chuchu really died, then during this period of time, before the regent did not take the throne, the fortune of Chu country was in a state of instability, and the black snake spirit just took this opportunity to make a fortune. .

It's a pity that it never thought about it, Zhong Chuchu didn't die at all, and was alive and well.

As a result, the wishful thinking of the Black Snake Spirit was empty.

If it is unable to grab a sufficient amount of dragon energy, its breakthrough plan will have a high probability of being stillborn.

After the black snake spirit spit out the demon pill, it ate the treasures it got from its heavenly master. These treasures could help it avoid the catastrophe and successfully condense the demon pill into a demon spirit similar to the cultivator's Nascent Soul.

"Haha, I, the Black Snake Emperor, have become the emperor of the demons. If I go further, I can become the ancestor of the demons. From then on, I will go to life. No, the demons are at their peak!"

The black snake spirit laughed wildly and began to fantasize about the bright future after his breakthrough.

Chapter [*]: The Black Snake Spirit (Part [*])

Would you like to go check it out?

Jiang Lin looked at the sky, it was almost night, if it was night, he could take Zhong Chuchu over there, and with the protection of Zhong Chuchu's luck, fly to the source of the demonic energy behind the capital to investigate.

Knowing the strength of the enemy earlier, he might as well take advantage of these few days to make an earlier calculation.

In addition, he also wanted Zhong Chuchu to meet him. This girl has already fallen in love for the first time, and all he thinks about is him.

However, this is not his purpose. The main reason is that if he can relieve Zhong Chuchu's single-mindedness, as a servant bird, he will not have to be dragged to perform Qiong Yao drama.

He really couldn't stand the deep, rainy, and unrestrained melody that echoed in his mind.

After descending from the top of the mountain, Jiang Lin returned to the stationed area.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Lin saw Bao'er and Belle and the other maids tied the long rope to the big tree and pulled it there, and wondered if these girls were out of their minds.

What is outrageous is that Zhong Chuchu is still watching.

"We want to see if the rope is strong enough."

"and then?"

The corner of Jiang Lin's mouth twitched, even an idiot could see that you were looking at the rope knot!

"The princess said that the immortal said that as long as she is in danger, the immortal will show up to save her."

"So, we gave the princess an idea and asked her to pretend to jump off the cliff. In this case, wouldn't the princess be able to see the fairy again?"

"You guys really have bad ideas. Since people are gods, why can't you be considered for these fake things."

Jiang Lin directly poured cold water on the maids. These girls, he was dragged to pretend to be angels before, and later staged a romance drama, all of them pushed him.

"The waiter is right, the Immortal Chief has great powers, how can this method deceive him."

Zhong Chuchu shook his head, feeling that he thought too much.

Seeing Zhong Chuchu looking at him, Jiang Lin quickly covered his heart and returned to his tent.

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