Jiang Lin just said how he was flat, even he felt that his face was very flat.

"Ah~~~ I... I'm going to kill you! I'm going to tear you apart!!!"

The black snake spirit let out a furious roar, and its air sacs were about to explode.

No wonder, no wonder there were always accidents when he broke through, it turned out to be destroyed by this smash.

And it never knew.

Originally, the black snake spirit could rely on breakthroughs and set foot on the peak of the demon life, but now, not only the peak is gone, but he has become a half-assed demon ancestor.

It can be imagined how much anger it is.

What's more, Jiang Lin is now very humble in exposing its scars, bloody scars.

Chapter [*]: Fighting the Demon Ancestor Again (Part [*])

Now, the Black Snake Spirit doesn't think about anything else at all. It doesn't even think about the regent and who the emperor of Chu belongs to.

Even if it supports the regent and can get a lot of benefits from it, it doesn't want to.

At this moment, the only thing it thinks about is to cut Jiang Lin with a thousand cuts and tear him into bloody pieces.

Even if you don't know who Jiang Lin is at all, it doesn't matter at all.

It does not hinder the infinite hatred in his heart at all.

Jiang Lin rushed out with the Immortal Staff in one hand and the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry in the other.

Now, he plans to use his powerful vitality and the fairy weapon in his hand to forcibly compete with a demon ancestor.

The black snake spirit was injured by the golden sword of criminal industry, and as long as it was delayed for a while, its strength could be rapidly reduced.

As for Baoyi, Jiang Lin still followed his previous strategy, first as a backup force.

Now, there are still three days before the sun robbery. He must not let the black snake spirit go. Next, he has to fully show his strength, although before, he took some blood essence from Zhong Chuchu's body, and he could use it for a short time. Luck isolates and hides itself, but the black snake spirit will definitely find it.

At that time, if the black snake spirit recognizes that he is a wanted criminal in heaven, once he is allowed to escape, it will surely alarm heaven.

At that time, it may have been a direct failure.

Therefore, Jiang Lin absolutely wanted to kill the black snake spirit directly here no matter what.

"A fairy?"

At this time, the black snake spirit noticed that the magic weapon in Jiang Lin's hand was actually a fairy weapon.

It turned to look at the surrounding protective wall again, and its eyes fell on Wuji Magnetic Mountain.

However, Jiang Lin did not give it time to let the long worm recognize him so early.


Jiang Lin teleported out and went directly to the side of the black snake spirit. The golden sword of punishment in his right hand danced into a golden flower, while the fairy staff in his left hand directly broke through all methods, turning himself through hair stiffness. The acquired physical strength is fully cast.

A circle in one hand, a square in the other.

Jiang Lin shared his hands, but the trajectory was completely different and more asymmetrical.

This is the effect of raising the level of his soul after cultivating the Dafa.

In the past, although he could also share his hands, he couldn't achieve the essence of it now.

The Black Snake Jing didn't expect Jiang Lin's offensive to be so fierce and strange. For a time, it could only keep retreating to avoid its edge.

Jiang Lin's hand is an immortal artifact, how can it dare to touch it casually.

Now, the reason why Jiang Lin dared to face a demon ancestor is not only because of Baoyi's recovery of a lot of cultivation.

Baoyi's cultivation has improved, and naturally more immortal power has been injected into the immortal artifact.

That is to say, not to mention anything else, just an immortal staff is much more powerful than when he faced Old Ancestor Blind Bear.

"Go back, you go back!"

Jiang Lin sneered, he was more concerned with the golden sword of criminal industry in his right hand than the fairy staff in his left hand. This golden saber was a murder weapon, and if the black snake spirit was pulled by him, it would be more than just an injury. .

Even if he can't hurt the black snake spirit, if the time goes on, the sequelae of the black snake spirit's wound will appear.

Either way, it's good for him.

The black snake spirit was pressed and beaten by Jiang Lin. In the end, it had no choice but to forcefully detonate its own demonic energy, sending Jiang Lin flying.

Taking advantage of this time, the black snake spirit opened his mouth wide, reached in and took out a chain blade.

This chain blade is its previous snake slough, and it has been refined into a natal magic weapon.

After calming down, the black snake spirit quickly regained the disadvantage. Even though Jiang Lin used both hands and possessed a fairy weapon, the black snake spirit at this time was basically full of blood and blue.

When Jiang Lin and Baoyi dealt with the short and fat heavenly soldiers, the reason they were able to resolve the battle so quickly was because they had established a great advantage from the very beginning.

That stupid angel's blood bar plummeted like a cliff.

But now there is only one person in Jiang Lin, to deal with a demon ancestor, without establishing a clear advantage in advance, his ability cannot be suppressed all the time.

What's more, in order to expose his identity later, he didn't even use his own Yang Yan.

However, Jiang Lin didn't care that he was oppressed by the black snake spirit at all. His purpose was to delay time.

However, to Jiang Lin's surprise, the sequelae of the wound of the Black Snake Jing never appeared.

How did he know that the black snake spirit was about to shed its skin after the breakthrough, and the golden knife of criminal industry broke the snake skin of the black snake spirit, but did not hurt the new skin under its skin.

"Is it so slow? I'll give you a quote!"

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes, his eyes were fierce, and he directly let the chain blade of the black snake spirit pierce into his chest. Serpent's body.

After the snake-like arm was wrapped around, Jiang Lin's immortal staff in his hand slammed directly at the back of the black snake spirit's head.

However, these are all feints. Jiang Lin's real killer move is to exchange blood for blood.

stab you!

Almost at the same time, Jiang Lin's right-hand golden knife stabbed into the flank of the black snake spirit.

However, the Black Snake Essence is not a throwaway. At the most critical moment, its waist and abdomen suddenly became thinner and turned into a snake waist, so it was not directly pierced.

However, the wound is also terrifying.

"Fuck you, snake venom is TMD hydrofluoric acid!"

Jiang Lin let out a loud roar, and the yang flames all over his body erupted completely, blasting the black snake spirit out.

At the cost of self-injuring eight hundred and a thousand enemies, he was pierced by the black snake spirit's chain blade. As a result, the black snake spirit's weapon was covered with snake venom, and the poison was much stronger than any concentrated sulfuric acid.

In just a short while, his internal organs began to dissolve.

"Hahaha... Fight with me, the snake venom of my black snake ancestor is the Daluo Immortal, it's hard to understand! Ah! Ah~~~"

The Black Snake Spirit laughed wildly. Although it was attacked by the Immortal Artifact, compared to Jiang Lin, it considered that the injury was relatively light.

But before he laughed a few times, something was wrong in his body.

The effect of the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry devouring vitality came out directly.

"Is that so? Are the Daluo immortals difficult to save?"

Jiang Lin took a bottle of cold marrow, swallowed it, and directly transformed it into a corpse, allowing his corpse venom to fight with snake venom.

"Monster corpse? Flame? Immortal weapon! It's you, it's you!!!"

When the Black Snake Spirit tried its best to prevent the loss of vitality, it saw Jiang Lin turned into Mao Zong, looked at the Yang Yan around Jiang Lin, and thought of the fairy weapon that Jiang Lin possessed, and immediately reacted.

This guy is the one who wants to commit the crime!

"You just found out now? It's a little late!"

Jiang Lin smiled coldly. Now that the black snake spirit was stabbed by him with the golden knife of criminal industry, it has begun to bleed rapidly.

Chapter [*] Miscalculated!

"Why are you here?"

After the black snake spirit recognized Jiang Lin's identity, his face turned like a blank sheet of paper.

It has something to do with the immortal officials of the heavenly court, so it still knows some things that happen in the heavenly court.

Jiang Lin knew more about the situation that Heavenly Court was going to commit than others.

This fugitive is definitely a ruthless scumbag!

Even the immortal beasts and the heavenly soldiers were planted in the hands of this criminal.

For a time, the black snake spirit was sweating all over his body.

It felt that this was too ridiculous, and before that, he actually wanted to smash the corpse of a super dangerous person like Jiang Lin into tens of thousands of pieces.

It's good luck if it doesn't get smashed to pieces.

Now, the black snake spirit's heart is completely occupied by fear.

Although it was extremely angry before, but after seeing the fairy in Jiang Lin's hand, its mood improved slightly.

If you kill this thing, you can grab the equipment.

When the calamity arrives, it can make up for the congenital deficiencies caused by its breakthrough, and it will still be able to reach the peak of the monster.

But now, this kind of thought has completely disappeared directly in his mind.

The black snake spirit is not stupid at all, otherwise, it would not be accepted as a registered disciple by an angel.

Heavenly Court issued a sea arrest document to kill Jiang Lin, this alone can explain the horror of Jiang Lin itself.

Not to mention that Jiang Lin still has real horror stories out there.

"I'll show up wherever I want, do you care? Think about yourself first. Be honest, I'll leave you with a corpse."

While responding to the black snake spirit, Jiang Lin communicated with Bao Yi in the ancient mirror in his arms.

Prevent this black worm from escaping.

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