In fact, the black snake spirit did have the heart to escape.

Jiang Lin was a wanted criminal arrested by the Heavenly Court. Usually it was too late to hide his identity, but now he admits it openly. This shows that Jiang Lin absolutely wants to kill him here.

Otherwise, once it escapes, Jiang Lin's trace will be known to Heaven.

Knowing this, how dare the black snake spirit stay here for a while longer.

What kind of revenge, what astrology, it can't care.

As long as it brings Jiang Lin's trace information to Heaven, the above will not care about his dereliction of duty at all, and will instead be rewarded.

But the black snake spirit wanted to run away, how could Jiang Lin do as it intended.

Casting the magic stick and the golden sword of criminal industry, the golden wheel of the sun in Jiang Lin's body also flew out, and at the same time, there was also the cinnabar sword, the natal magic weapon of Baoyi.

Until now, Jiang Lin still did not let Baoyi show up directly.

After a few immortal artifacts were sacrificed, they directly blocked the retreat of the black snake spirit. Jiang Lin held the bone sword and rushed over again.

He intends to consume the blue bar of the black snake spirit again.

The black snake spirit tried many times, but was stopped by Jiang Lin abruptly.

In the end, the black snake spirit really had no choice but to let the chain blade of his natal magic weapon self-explode.

Jiang Lin and the immortal artifact that were blocked around him were all blown away.

"Bao Yi, take action!"

At this time, Jiang Lin squeezed the seal with both hands, making the protective wall formed by Wuji Magnetic Mountain turn into the color of the mountain, blocking Zhong Chuchu and the others' sight.

He and Baoyi are both wanted, and now that all the officials of Chu are on the other side, it is better to take precautions.

Jiang Lin was wearing a hat and a white robe, but Baoyi had no camouflage measures.

After Jiang Lin's voice transmission, the treasure intent in the ancient mirror in his arms immediately teleported out and merged with her natal magic weapon, the cinnabar sword.

Before the black snake spirit could fly high, it was cut down by Baoyi's sword.

After that, Baoyi took the fairy stick in his hand and rushed towards the black snake spirit. Now that she has appeared, it is impossible for the black snake spirit to escape again.

At this time, Jiang Lin also called back the golden sword of criminal industry, and staged another mixed doubles match with Baoyi.

"Yaozu, I hate Yaozu the most!"

This time Baoyi worked very hard. When she and Jiang Lin first arrived in the Daluo Immortal Realm, they were hunted down by a black bear demon ancestor, and now they meet another demon ancestor, and she can't wait to peel it off.

It didn't take long for the cripple demon ancestor of the Black Snake Spirit to be bruised and bruised by Jiang Lin and Bao Yi's combined efforts, and could only manifest its body.

However, its body is also terrible, and almost no scales are intact.

"Get up, this fairy chopped it up!"

Baoyi brewed up the immortal power of his whole body, and flew over with the cinnabar sword, ready to divide the black snake spirit into two.

"Go aside! Don't leave me here to grab people's heads!"

Jiang Lin also charged at the black snake spirit with the golden knife of criminal industry. This black long worm is a demon ancestor. Even if it is a cripple demon ancestor, the suffocation value that can be transferred to the system should not be as stiff as that of Shu. few.

How could he let Baoyi steal someone's head.

But as soon as he rushed over, Jiang Lin suddenly felt like he was facing a great enemy.

not good!

As soon as the warning sign in his heart appeared, Jiang Lin changed the green bamboo umbrella back to its original shape, and quickly enlarged it, covering himself and Baoyi, and he immediately recalled Wuji Magnetic Mountain.

Almost at the same time, the body of the black snake spirit opened its bloody mouth and spewed out a light sign.

This is an amulet given to it by its heavenly master, which can save its life when it encounters a life-and-death crisis.

As long as the opponent is not at the level of an immortal, it is impossible to resist the power of this light talisman.

The power of thunder contained in the light talisman is almost the same as the angry blow of the short and fat heavenly soldier that Jiang Lin and Baoyi encountered.


There was a strong explosion in the square, and Jiang Lin and Baoyi were the first to bear the brunt. If Jiang Lin hadn't reacted quickly, they would have been in real danger.

Without the protection of magic weapons, they simply cannot withstand this level of attack.

The blood in their mouths spewed out like they didn't want money.

Even if Jiang Lin responded quickly, Wuji Magnetic Mountain was not by his side at all, and the defense provided by the remote was limited.

He and Baoyi didn't die, they still relied on the defense provided by the green bamboo umbrella.


When his consciousness gradually began to blur, Jiang Lin cried out in his heart that he was miscalculating.

No matter what, this black snake spirit is considered to be doing things for the heaven, and it is impossible to respond to the constellation image if there is no way behind it.

And once this is the case, how can it possibly not have a few life-saving utensils or means on it!

"Second uncle, even gods can't save you!"

When flying upside down, Jiang Lin gritted his teeth and used Lei Fa and Yang Yan. He slapped both of his palms to cause them to explode behind the hilt of the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry.

With a "whoosh" sound, the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry was as fast as lightning, rushing straight away, directly piercing three inches of the black snake spirit.


Chapter [*] on the eve of the war

"Pop! Kill the demon ancestors and get [*] anger points."

The sound of the system sounded in Jiang Lin's mind. This time, the black snake spirit was exactly what he said, and even the gods couldn't save it.

"You... you put away the immortal artifact, enter the ancient mirror, the sun robbery... wake me up when the sun robbery comes."

After beheading the black snake spirit, Jiang Lin poured in a few mouthfuls of cold marrow, explained Baoyi, and waved his hand to take back the broken green bamboo umbrella, turning it back into a bamboo hat.

His consciousness has begun to blur, and it is estimated that he will faint. The hiding function of the green bamboo magic umbrella has not been damaged, and he has to use the hiding function of this magic weapon.

Now, not too long has passed since the start of the war, and the hidden effect provided by the luck of Zhong Chuchu's blood has passed.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin completely fell into a coma, and the hat turned into a magic umbrella covered his face.

Baoyi, on the other hand, was bleeding, and in a cloud of dust, he recalled the magic weapon and the fairy weapon, turned into a streamer, and got into Jiang Lin's arms.

She doesn't have a corpse like Jiang Lin's. If she doesn't hide it, she will easily be detected by the Heavenly Court of Daluo Immortal Realm.

Anyway, there are many treasures such as cold marrow in the ancient mirror. She can recuperate when she goes inside.

At this time, on the other side of the square, Zhong Chuchu, who had completed the enthronement ceremony, and many ministers of civil and military affairs were all terrified.

Most of the court square was turned into a cloud of smoke.

The big explosion just now shook the entire court hall a few times.

The square and the courtyard wall on the other side in the distance were directly turned into ruins.

It was also Jiang Lin who built a protective wall with Wuji Magnetic Mountain in advance. When he called Wuji Magnetic Mountain back, the protective wall had not disappeared immediately, otherwise Zhong Chuchu and the others would not know how many people would be affected by the big explosion.

"My God, Xianchang!"

Zhong Chuchu, who has become an empress, did not care about her identity at all and rushed into the smoke.

She is not in the mood to deal with the regent's conspiratorial accomplices at all now. The explosion of this magnitude is far beyond her understanding. She doesn't know if Jiang Lin has anything to do with it.

"What are you still doing! The regent's body will be taken care of later, hurry up and find someone!"

Zhong Chuchu shouted at the guards in front of the court, and the guards rushed over immediately.

"Xianchang! Xianchang!"

After a while, Zhong Chuchu found Jiang Lin who was in a drowsy state. Seeing that Jiang Lin's clothes were tattered and covered in blood, she was so frightened that she hurriedly ran over and sat down on her knees.

"Serve... Servant Sparrow Officer?"

After removing the hat on Jiang Lin's face, Zhong Chuchu was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Lin came here with Zhong Chuchu and the others before, so the dress on his face did not change, but when the black snake spirit appeared, he was ready to attack, and he didn't have time to change his makeup.

"He... is he the Immortal?"

After being stunned for a moment, Zhong Chuchu immediately grabbed the beard on Jiang Lin's face.

It fell off in a snap.

After being stunned for a while, Zhong Chuchu smeared Jiang Lin's face with blood, and Jiang Lin's original complexion was revealed.

"He really is a fairy!"

At this time, Zhong Chuchu, no matter how stupid and cute, knew what was going on.

It was the waiter who told her that the prince regent was going to murder her, and the voice of the waiter and the fairy in her heart were exactly the same.

When she was in danger, her immortal elder appeared, and as long as that immortal elder was there, there was no sign of the waiter.

"I'm so stupid, I should have thought of it earlier."

After thinking about these things, Zhong Chuchu suddenly felt that Jiang Lin's statement that she was stupid was indeed justified.

However, she didn't continue to think about it at this moment, and hurriedly called the guards over and took Jiang Lin to the Tai Hospital for treatment.

In the next few days, the state of Chu changed from the original public resentment to the same tranquility as it was ten years ago.

The Prince Regent was completely overthrown, and Prime Minister Cao was also given death. The babies they captured, those who were not robbed, were sent back to their parents.

And those people who have experienced the tragedy of human relations have also been comforted.

However, these things were not done by Zhong Chuchu, but by some ministers. Zhong Chuchu was in the palace every day, sitting beside Jiang Lin's bed, taking care of Jiang Lin with all his heart.

"What should I do? If Xianchang wakes up, how should I face him, I am ashamed, ashamed!"

While Zhong Chuchu was taking care of Jiang Lin, he was annoyed at the same time.

After Jiang Lin was diagnosed and treated by the imperial physician, he was told by the imperial physician that there was no serious problem. Zhong Chuchu should have been relieved, but as long as she thought that the waiter officer she was calling and drinking was the fairy she missed, she would not be happy. stand up.

It's so embarrassing.

After she thought that her immortal had left, she also took the waiter to tell others about her worries, how to love the immortal, and later let the waiter pretend to be her immortal and rehearse the script with her.

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