After completely evacuating the treasures and magical treasures in this important place, Jiang Lin let Yu Canhua return to his heart and flew out of Tianguan.

Fortunately, outside of Tianguan, there was only the faceless immortal guarding him. When Jiang Lin and the others left, he also pretended not to notice.

After flying away from Xitianmen and thousands of miles away from heaven, Jiang Lin contacted Zhong Kui.

"Judge Zhong, the matter has been settled, and the background of Heavenly Court has been evacuated by our husband and wife. You can launch a general attack on your side, and take advantage of the fact that there is still some time left before the end of the Sun Tribulation, to overthrow Heavenly Court and destroy Wutian!"

Jiang Lin's eyes flashed with chills. Heavenly Court was without the treasures and magic weapons of that important place, and with the absence of Heavenly Time, it is estimated that [-]/[-]% of the battle will be lost, and it may be a disastrous defeat.

At that time, as soon as the Heavenly Court is breached, it will be the time of Wutian's demise!

Chapter [-] prepare for the decisive battle

"Haha... That's great! Brother Jiang, you are really capable! Now we will immediately launch a decisive battle to capture the heaven and kill Wutian!"

After Zhong Kui heard Jiang Lin's return, he laughed.

Jiang Lin really had great luck. In such a short period of time, he emptied the treasures of the heavenly court.

In this case, he has great confidence in the success of this anti-sky war.

"I said Judge Zhong, although I am not your subordinate of the army, but I have done a lot this time. Besides, we have a cooperative relationship, so I can't be busy. After the success, don't blame me for the lion's mouth, those treasures, I'm really greedy, you don't know what kind of blood I have to send you those fairy treasures to the ghost town."

Jiang Lin always felt that he had suffered a big loss in the heavenly court. Taking advantage of Zhong Kui's joy now, he would stab him a few more times and slaughter it wildly.

At this time, Yu Canhua, who stayed in Jiang Lin's heart, was completely speechless.

My man, what kind of person are you?

This face is also... also... too thick!

Yu Canhua really didn't expect Jiang Lin to collect so many treasures that could be piled up into a mountain of treasures. At this time, he actually asked Zhong Kui for it.

Also the lion opened his mouth.

He also carried a pig-killing knife and slaughtered it hard.

"It's no problem, you will definitely be satisfied, Brother Bao Jiang."

Zhong Kui didn't even know how many treasures and immortals Jiang Lin had in his pockets, so he promised him.

"That's good."

Jiang Lin nodded with a smile, and then said: "How are you going to deal with Wutian? I now have the immortal power of Huahua, and the eyes of the sky are difficult to detect. If I hide it, I believe it will give him a heavy blow, and if this guy has a lot of immortal power, he will be hit hard. When he sees me, he will definitely be distraught. When he is very angry and can't keep his senses, our odds of winning should be improved a lot."

If there is no accident, the defeat of Heavenly Court has been determined, and Jiang Lin only cares about Wutian's life and death.

When the time comes to fight to the death, he must be present, otherwise, once there is no sky to escape, the red flower will not be saved.

Even if there are many elixir, it may not work.

After all, in Daluo Immortal Realm, Wutian is the supreme ruler.

"When the Heavenly Court is captured, I will personally lead my troops to hunt down Wutian. At that time, not only you, but the rest of the Ghost Eight Immortals and your old father-in-law Yuan Detai will hide in the middle of the road and attack and kill them. Allies will also lead him to a special location. When the time comes, I will inform you, and the results of the battle will be known in one day at most. After all, this Japanese catastrophe is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I will not miss it."

After Zhong Kui responded to Jiang Lin, he added: "You can now go to the ghost town and meet with some of your uncles and discuss how to cooperate."

"Alright, but Judge Zhong, I have a request. You can transfer me some of the ghost soldiers and ghost generals left in your ghost town, preferably [-] soldiers and ghost generals. I will use them myself. , you should treat them as dead in advance. Also, I will use some of the treasures I sent to the ghost town, but they will definitely not be many. If Judge Zhong believes Jiang Mou, don't ask. , I have my own plans."

Jiang Lin made a request to Zhong Kui. On the one hand, he wanted to use the forces of the ghost town to implement his somewhat crazy plans and prepare for the decisive battle with Wutian. On the other hand, the ghost town must still have a lot of troops. He received material treasures and magic treasures there and recorded them. He asked Zhong Kui for people, and to a certain extent, he also scattered some of the people there.

Otherwise, it is estimated that the Nether Ghost City will find that the number of treasures and fairy artifacts is not right.

"It's… okay."

Zhong Kui hesitated for a moment, but agreed.

Now Jiang Lin and he are both standing in the same boat, one is prosperous and the other is lost.

Jiang Lin wouldn't mess around with anything.

After all, if all days were immortal, Jiang Lin would not have a good life.

Moreover, Jiang Lin is a fortunate general who has repeatedly created miracles. After this post-war attack, Jiang Lin may still be a key.

It's not that Zhong Kui raised Jiang Lin more, it's just Jiang Lin's past experience, one by one, the facts are there.

As for Jiang Lin's talk of using the treasures he sent over, Zhong Kui had no objection. After all, without Jiang Lin, he wouldn't be able to get those benefits from the ghost town at all.

After reaching an agreement, Jiang Lin opened the Netherworld and entered the Netherworld.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the ghost town.

There is a time difference between the ghost town and the real world. When Jiang Lin arrived, the generals guarding the city had already selected [-] ghost soldiers and ghost generals, waiting in line in front of the ghost town.

And this general was an acquaintance of Jiang Lin, the Three-eyed Ghost Zun. When Jiang Lin forced his way into the ghost town to save Gu Mengxue, it was the Three-eyed Ghost Zun who chased and killed him.

"Lord Jiang! Lord Judge has already explained to his subordinates, you will dispatch this ten thousand soldiers."

Three-eyed Ghost Zun bowed to Jiang Lin, and he felt very embarrassed. Back then, he and Jiang Lin had an intersection for a while, but after Jiang Lin left, in less than two years in the world, he made a Another shocking thing.

Those things are things that he, a ghost, can't even think about.

Today, Jiang Lin still has such a powerful immortal power. Although he has some information about Jiang Lin and knows that it is impossible for him to become an immortal, Jiang Lin's immortal strength is enough to shock him.

"Okay, since that's the case, then the three-eyed general, you pass my order to go to the treasure place of the ghost town to get [-] pieces of material treasures that can hide the ghost body, [-] pieces of fairy fruit and fairy grass, and give these ten thousand soldiers food and let them Adjust your own state to the best, and I will give them tasks later."

Jiang Lin nodded and gave the order directly.


"If the three-eyed general has any doubts, you can contact Judge Zhong directly. I have already greeted him about this matter. However, if you want to contact him, you should do so as soon as possible. If you delay the major event, I will punish you!"

Jiang Lin saw that the Three-eyed Ghost Zun had a look of embarrassment on his face, so he directly asked him to ask Zhong Kui.

"My subordinates don't dare, my subordinates will take care of it."

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, the Three-eyed Ghost Zun did not hesitate any longer, and followed his orders.

Immediately, the [-] ghost soldiers and ghost generals in front of the ghost city cheered. They were able to receive so many treasures, even though they didn't accomplish anything.

No one is happy when it is spread to anyone.

My goal is the same as Zhong Kui's, to destroy Wutian.

Therefore, in order to achieve the goal, we can only sacrifice you.

Jiang Lin looked at the ten thousand soldiers in front and took a deep breath.

Taking advantage of the time difference between the ghost city and the world, he plans to prepare well these days.

Prepare a super gift for Wutian.

The super super big one.

Chapter [-] The overall situation has been determined

"Husband, won't you go into the city to meet some uncles?"

After the Three-eyed Ghost Venerable went to execute the order, Jiang Lin had been contemplating it, and Yu Canhua, who was staying in his heart, called him.

"I need to think about something now, go to your place first."

Jiang Lin shook his head. He has no plans to meet Zhu Qi and the others for the time being. Those uncles, when they meet, will definitely not give him a good face for this brother-in-law, and maybe they will even want to cut him down together.

At this moment, he has something to think about, he must take Wutian's life, he doesn't have time to talk nonsense with them, just find a quiet place.

"Then you go to my place, and you can see them even if you don't see them. We are all temporarily living in the blood pool hell in the ghost town."

Yu Canhua told Jiang Lin where the eight brothers and sisters and Yuan Detai were hiding.

For a long time, the traces of their Ghost Eight Immortals and Yuan Detai were protected by Zhong Kui, and not even the generals of the ghost town knew about them.

This is also why Zhong Kui is going to treat them as the eight soldiers, so he has not let the outside world know of their existence.

"That's it, then don't go, I'll find a quiet place outside the city."

Jiang Lin flew directly away from the city gate and headed to a dense forest outside the ghost town.

"Husband, you don't have to be afraid of them. The ugly daughter-in-law still has to see her parents-in-law. It's not appropriate for you to not see the elder brother of the family. Now they are determined to follow you. what did you say?"

Yu Canhua thought that Jiang Lin was afraid of seeing her righteous brothers. After all, Jiang Lin forcibly built firewood and cooked rice regardless of whether she agreed or not.

"I'm afraid of what they will do. It really annoys me. I want to beat ten, and seven of them together are not enough for me."

Jiang Lin laughed and continued: "For so many years, the Da Luo Immortal Realm has been dominated by the sky with one hand, and the time of rule is calculated in units of ten thousand years. During this period, some people must have tried to rebel, but no one has ever succeeded. However, this is enough to show that Wutian is not so easy to deal with. Even if Zhong Kui is well prepared this time, no one dares to say [-]% to predict the result. Whether it is to vent your anger or for ours Safety, I can't pin my hopes on others. I have to find a way to stay behind, so I don't have time to break up with those uncles for the time being."

"Didn't Zhong Kui want you to cooperate with them first?"

"He can be pulled down. If I slaughtered him a few times and didn't want to slap him, I would have given him a slap shot. I need him to teach me how to do things? If my cultivation is similar to his, I will I can hang him up and fight. The battlefield is changing rapidly. This kind of thing means that if you want to cooperate, you can have any effect, and it is not the experience of working together or cooperating before. When the time comes, I will finish my own thing and ask them if they are good at it. What, it's enough to have any killer move."

What Jiang Lin said was really what he was thinking. He and Gui Baxian and others were not ordinary soldiers, and the attack on Wutian was not a confrontation between the two armies. cooperation.

As for despising Zhong Kui for teaching him to do things, Jiang Lin is not arrogant. If Zhong Kui is at his level, he can't compare to him.

Back then, in the apocalyptic era like Middle-earth, he could kill a Flying Zombie with thousands of scumbags by himself. If Zhong Kui were replaced by him, there would be no good way.

Not to mention the following series of earth-shattering events.

Jiang Lin felt that he despised Zhong Kui for teaching him to do things, and there was nothing wrong with him.

"I'm speechless."

After listening to Jiang Lin's boasting, Yu Canhua stopped talking. Those who had no record boasted, that was really bragging, but Jiang Lin's words were flamboyant, but they weren't really nonsense.

During the next three days in the Netherworld, Jiang Lin basically had no time to spare. Using what he had learned and all the memories he had obtained from Yu Canhua, he had been creating a super-large formation.

On this day, Jiang Lin carefully compared the map of Da Luo Xianjie several times before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the re-creation is completed, and the order can be issued.

"Husband, what kind of battle are you working on? Why can't I even understand it, and you don't tell me if you ask me, you don't even tell me."

Yu Canhua saw the incomparably complicated drawings in front of Jiang Lin and asked again. She had asked before, but Jiang Lin would not tell her.

"Don't make trouble, it's a big deal, the more secret the better."

Jiang Lin still did not have a showdown with Yu Canhua. On the one hand, his plan was very top secret, and on the other hand, if Yu Canhua knew what he was going to do, he would probably have fully opposed it.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin flew back to the ghost town, and asked the three-eyed ghost master to summon the previous ten thousand ghost soldiers and gather them in front of the town.

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