After that, Jiang Lin informed the Three-eyed Ghost Master in detail about the measures to be implemented in his plan, and asked him to distribute [*] spiritual talismans, and told these ghost soldiers to strictly follow the orders.

When the ten thousand ghost soldiers and generals left the ghost town, Jiang Lin received the news from Zhong Kui.

"Brother Jiang, the overall situation has now been settled. We have wiped out [*]% of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals in Heavenly Court, and all the Heavenly Immortals who were dissatisfied with Wutian in the past have been turned against by us. Soon, Yungong Heavenly Court will be completely defeated. You are in the Netherworld. Get ready, wait for half a day over there, you can start to act, and ambushed thousands of miles north of Tianting Beitianmen, the real success or failure is here."

"Is it so fast? The time in the mortal world has not arrived for half a day since I left the heavenly court, right?"

When Jiang Lin heard the news from Zhong Kui, he couldn't help but be surprised. Heavenly Court collapsed much faster than he thought.

"Haha, it's so fast, didn't I let you jump hard in the lower realm before, when there was no heaven and I wanted to obliterate you, resulting in several warlords being intercepted by us. This guy is stubborn, when the immortal officials persuaded Strictly scolded many immortal officials and generals, these immortal officials and generals were lobbied by several allies over there, and they directly turned against the water. They are also willing to fight for it. Not only did Xiao Qiang come into trouble in the Heavenly Court, but many of the demons and monsters in the lower realm broke through the realm by taking advantage of the robbery, and they all wanted to take advantage of the chaos. Once you enter the heavenly court, you can take whatever you can, and whoever gets it will belong to whoever gets it. In this way, many third-party forces will join, so the battle situation will become clear so quickly."

Zhong Kui smiled coldly, he had a lot of help and a lack of help. Wutian had lost his heart long ago, and he still left it there to do the Spring and Autumn Dream of unifying the Three Realms for thousands of years.

The overall situation has been set, and that is for Shan Jiu Ren.

Jiang Lin nodded, but he was not as happy as Zhong Kui, even if he was Shan Jiuren, he might still fall short.

Wutian is immortal, and this battle cannot be considered a victory in the true sense.

With Wutian's cultivation base, if he takes revenge at any cost, not only him, but also Zhong Kui and those angels who rebel against the water may be killed by them one by one.

It just takes a long time.

As long as there is no death, it is not a win.

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-four chapters attack and kill the sky! (superior)

"Judge Zhong, I already understand the situation, I'll prepare now, and you'd better take precautions, so as not to fall short."

After Jiang Lin warned Zhong Kui, he went to the hidden treasure in the ghost town and picked up hundreds of immortal artifacts. Great killer and defensive fairy.

After that, according to Yu Canhua's memory, Jiang Lin flew to the edge of the ghost town and went to the blood pool hell that Yu Canhua said.

It was only after going down to the bottom, Yu Canhua ran out of Jiang Lin's heart.


When Jiang Lin and the others first arrived at the bottom space of the Blood Pond Hell, Zhu Qi flew out from the stone castle in the distance, and then the rest of Yu Canhua's righteous brothers also flew out from other stone castles.

"Brother, it's me, and my husband."

"Several... uncles."

Seeing Zhu Qi and the others, Jiang Lin smiled and said hello.

"You brat, you're so brave. Back then, you said that you lost your mind and beat our eighth sister."

"Haha, yes, while our eighth sister has no cultivation at all, we bullied her vigorously and took her body by force!"

"Although the eighth sister doesn't care at all, but the brothers of us have to settle accounts with you, this brat!"

As expected by Jiang Lin, none of his seven elder brothers had a good face when they saw him.

"I said, uncles and brothers, big things are ahead now, brother-in-law, I don't have time to talk about grudges with you. Besides, Huahua and I are as affectionate as gods, so you don't need to worry about it anymore, right?"

Jiang Lin looked at the opposite side quietly, if his big uncles just restrained themselves, it would be fine, otherwise, these big uncles would just have nothing to beat.

"Several brothers, Jiang Lin is my husband now, and I am completely his own. What do you still pay? If you really want to pay, don't blame the little sister for the water splashed by the married man, I To my man."

Glancing at a few righteous brothers, Yu Canhua said again: "Several brothers, think about it, husband can kill the heavenly soldiers before he has completed the elixir, and now my immortal power can be passed on to him, in that case, you are If you join forces, you won't be able to get any advantage, and you will be taught a lesson by your brother-in-law and known by outsiders, and you will have no place to put your face."


Hearing what Yu Canhua said, Zhu Qi and the others were all speechless. This is really the water that was poured out by the married sister.

They glanced at each other and didn't plan to settle accounts with Jiang Lin anymore.

Although they said that they would settle accounts, they still recognized Jiang Lin's brother-in-law in their hearts.

If nothing else, the fact that Tianting made a document for going to sea to capture it shows that Jiang Lin is really capable.

Jiang Lin, as a cultivator, can go retrograde and cut down immortals. If this takes over the immortal power of Yu Canhua, they will all be beaten together.

"Okay, a few uncles, and my old father-in-law, let him come too. Now Judge Zhong has reached a critical juncture, and we need our joint efforts. Before that, we'd better get to know each other better, to When there is no time to kill the sky, it is good to echo each other, and I also brought a lot of fairy weapons, let's get familiar with the functions first."

Jiang Lin asked Zhu Qi and the others to inform Yuan Detai as well, and to attack and kill Wutian, it was necessary for the three groups of them to work together and get to know each other, which was good.

Moreover, taking advantage of this time to adapt to the immortal weapon he brought, the success rate will be higher when attacking and killing Wutian.

"Your old father-in-law?"

"It's Yuan Detai, don't you know?"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yu Canhua.

Although he has read Yu Canhua's memory, he basically pays attention to some information about cultivation, and he doesn't know about some things in the blood pool hell.

Yu Canhua pouted and said, "I... I didn't tell them, otherwise they would definitely settle the account with you. Tell them yourself."

Her man had married other women before, and Yu Canhua was too embarrassed to mention such a thing to others.

So Zhu Qi and the others didn't know the relationship between Jiang Lin and Yuan Detai.

And Yuan Detai had little interaction with the Eight Immortals of Ghosts, and he didn't know that Jiang Lin had Jade Remnant Flower after marrying Qiaoyin.

"Okay, our eighth sister turned out to be a flower in heaven, but I didn't expect you to be a concubine here."

"Yuan Detai's daughter, I remembered it. It's that girl named Qiaoyin, and she is also handsome!"

"Enjoy the blessings of everyone!"

At this moment, Zhu Qi and the others looked at Jiang Lin with unkind eyes again. If you want their eighth sister, you'll need it, and even let their sister be the concubine.

The immortal officials of the heavenly court would not dare to think like that.

"Come on, Huahua didn't say anything, so you shouldn't be fooling around here."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes. What are you, the righteous brothers, put there, Gao Qi, I don't even have an opinion on this, Hua Hua's wife.

However, even though he said that, he still had a headache. The eldest brother passed the test, but there was still an old father-in-law.

Not long after, Zhu Qi went to the depths of the space and invited Yuan Detai out. Yuan Detai was a husband and wife, so he lived in a remote area.

Sure enough, after Yuan Detai arrives, he will cut down Jianglin, marry his precious daughter Qiaoyin, and fetch another flower in heaven.

What I want to do is beautiful!

However, Yuan Detai just said a few words and didn't say anything more. In the Da Luo Immortal Realm, there were only one Taoist Companion, and not many monks.

After a group of ten people talked for two hours, they became familiar with the immortal artifacts distributed by Jiang Lin, and then left the blood pool hell, went to the world, and hid in the place designated by Zhong Kui.

Next, just attack and kill Wutian!

With the interference of the sun robbery and so many immortal artifacts, if Wutian is in the process of escaping, it will be difficult to find them.

At this time, their target, Wutian, had already retreated to the Beitianmen of the Yungong Heavenly Court with several immortal officials.

"I'm so angry! I'm so angry!"

Without the weather, the old face turned blue, Heavenly Court was actually defeated, and the ghost town was beaten by the ghost town, and almost the entire army was wiped out!

"Your Majesty, those chaotic ministers and thieves are really to be punished!"

Faceless Xian Xingtian opened a hole on his face and spurted a stream of blood, and he continued: "It's all because of Wei Chen's stupidity, I didn't expect that my colleagues would collaborate with the enemy, and they were plotted against by the gang of Xiao Xiao, so that I lost a lot of treasure! I am ashamed of Your Majesty!"

After roaring with righteous indignation, Xingtian coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood.

After he let go of Jiang Lin and Yu Canhua, he self-harmed his immortal body, disguised himself as a serious injury, and lied to Xiang Wutian that he was a false edict from a few colleagues. official.


Wutian glanced at Wulianxian, wanted to scold, but didn't scold.

"I'm going to slash them with a thousand swords!"

While roaring, Wutian planned to rush over to meet the ghost soldiers and Zhong Kui who were chasing after him.

"Your Majesty, if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood. Now, in the midst of a calamity, your Majesty's strength cannot reach [*]%. I wait? Now the tree has fallen and the hozen is scattered, and the dragons can no longer be without a leader!"

Xingtian stepped forward to stop Wutian, and continued: "Your Majesty, why don't we retreat temporarily. After the sun robbery, when these chaotic officials are not stable, then counterattack, and then we will clean up!"

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-five chapters attack and kill the sky! (middle)

Being stopped by Xingtian, Wutian's anger also subsided and calmed down.

Indeed, due to the influence of the sun robbery, his strength has dropped a lot, while the ghost soldiers and ghost generals in the ghost town and even Zhong Kui have been positively increased by this environment. , even if he can kill tens of thousands of ghost soldiers and ghost generals and then kill Zhong Kui, he will suffer a big loss.

After thinking about it for a moment, Wu Tian reluctantly ordered: "Retreat first!"

So, Wutian took a group of loyal subordinates and retreated straight to the north of Beitianmen.

It's just that this kind of loyalty is all he thinks.

"Humph, run away, there will always be times when you can't escape!"

After a while, Zhong Kui led tens of thousands of ghost soldiers to chase to Beitianmen, looking at Wutian and others who had fled far away, he smiled coldly: "Chase!"

Without any delay, Zhong Kui immediately ordered the soldiers behind him to follow him and pursue the victory.

Along the way, Zhong Kui sat in the center of the army, and countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals and various warships chased Wutian and them in the form of siege.

Even if Wutian and the immortal officials around him are not ordinary immortals, they can't help but indiscriminately bombard the warships driven by countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals, causing serious injuries.

Seeing that the distance was almost there, Zhong Kui flew out of the army. With his ignorant character, he suffered such a big loss. Seeing him leave the army again, he would definitely not let it go.

He gave Wutian a chance to capture the thief first, and he couldn't let Wutian run away.

"Wutian, you bereaved dog, do you dare to compete with me? You usually call yourself the top of all immortals, why is it like a dog that has been thrown out of its nest now? Now, I borrowed the blessing of Rijing, you bereaved dog, Dare to fight with me!"

Before Zhong Kui arrived at the army, he pointed at Wutian and cursed.

"Your Majesty, this is a tactic to lure the enemy. Don't be provoked by it! He can also talk about the lost dog? Until the end, who can keep laughing? At that time, he will also be the lost dog!"

Xingtian persuaded Wutian not to fall for the trick, but in his words, he deliberately mentioned the bereaved dog.

"It's bearable, but it's unbearable! I stand on the top of the group of immortals without heaven, laughing proudly among the three worlds, how can I be insulted as a beast!"

There was no weather and his nostrils were spitting fire. He stretched out his arms and pushed the sky away, and wanted to rush up to go shopping with Zhong Kui.

The immortal power of his whole body surged, and he slapped his palms to both sides, and the two thousand-zhang tall immortal power giant palms blasted out with lightning speed.

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