Immediately, the [-] or [-]-[-] ghost soldiers and ghost generals and countless battleships that were about to form a semi-encirclement were all smashed into scum.

Wutian's attack immediately took away half of his immortal power, so that he would not be blocked by those ghost soldiers and ghost generals when he fought with Zhong Kui.

Is this the power of the sky?

Jiang Lin, who was hiding not far away, was shocked when he saw that Wutian had killed tens of thousands of ghost soldiers and generals in one blow, and also bombed many warships into wrecks.

He has only heard that Wutian's cultivation base is above the group of immortals, and no immortals can reach it, but he has never seen Wutian's shot, not even in Yu Canhua's memory.

Now, he has seen it with his own eyes, and he really did not expect Wutian's strength to be so terrifying.

Even if Jiang Lin could adopt Xianli from Yu Canhua, even if he made a move at all costs, he would not be able to kill so many ghost soldiers and generals in one fell swoop.

Not to mention killing so much, he couldn't even kill half of it.

That's it, it's still the time of day like the sun robbery, which limits the exertion of strength.

Damn, this thing is really not easy to kill.

Jiang Lin took a deep breath, they would have to pay a huge price in this battle to kill Wutian.

Just when Jiang Lin was surprised by Wutian's strength, the situation not far away suddenly changed.

Just when Wutian's immortal power spewed out, and it was too late to adjust his breath, Xingtian behind him suddenly condensed his whole body of immortal power in his palm, and a palm bombarded his back heart.

The chance of Xing Tian Chou is very accurate. Wu Tian's current state is exactly the moment when martial arts practitioners say that the old force has disappeared and the new force has not yet arisen.

"Pfft", Wutian spat out a mouthful of blood.

However, his reaction was extremely quick, and he turned around and slammed a palm.

However, Xingtian, who was sneaking a sneak attack behind him, was already prepared. After he succeeded in sneaking a sneak attack just now, he staggered the rest of the immortal officials who followed Wutian with his immortal weapon, and threw himself in front of him.

Then, these immortal officials became dead ghosts, blocking Xingtian's anger from Wutian.

This time, among the group of people hiding in the distance, not only Jiang Lin and the jade flower in his heart, but even Zhu Qi and the others had their eyeballs falling.

A sneak attack without a sky?

Xingtian is Wutian's most trusted confidant!

Jiang Lin and others who were watching were so surprised, not to mention that there was no righteous leader in the battle circle.

"You... go to heaven!"

Wutian was shocked and angry, and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"Humph, Xingtian? You idiot, let's see who I am!"

Xingtian wiped his face, and the face that had no nose and eyes suddenly turned into a normal human face.

Zhong Kui!

The face that Xingtian had changed was actually exactly the same as Zhong Kui.

"Haha... Wutian old dog! You can't think of it, your most trusted confidant is an illusory body of my Zhong Kui!"

At this moment, Zhong Kui laughed. The deepest chess piece he buried was not the Ghost Eight Immortals, nor Yuan Detai, nor Jiang Lin, but the most trusted faceless immortal Xingtian around Wutian!

Three thousand phantoms!

At this time, Jiang Lin suddenly reacted, but his surprise still remained unchanged.

Zhong Kui actually buried his eyeliner on Wutian's side!

No wonder, no wonder!

Only now did Jiang Lin understand why this faceless immortal would let him and Yu Canhua pass through when he was in the treasure trove of the Heavenly Court.

Just when Wutian was extremely furious, eight electric lights rushed towards Wutian at a lightning speed.

Zhu Qi and Yuan Detai had already received Zhong Kui's order.

Hit the snake on the stick!

Immediately, the ultimate move of Yuan Detai and Zhu Qi fell directly on Wutian's back and double ribs.

Arriving together, they also attacked with killer weapons.

The attack of the remaining four was dodged by Wutian.

However, the three righteous brothers of Yu Canhua were not swaying the material. If they didn't succeed, they directly let the fairy weapon that they took off their hands explode, causing Wutian to let out a terrifying roar.

"Eight Ghosts! Yuan Detai!"

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-six chapters attack and kill the sky! (Down)

The weatherless body turned blood-like color from top to bottom. The Ghost Eight Immortals and Yuan Detai were both the guys he had designed, and he was going to get the animal Dao to never turn over. Even if the design didn't work out in the end, the Ghost Eight Immortals and Yuan Detai were already gone.

But now, they were actually standing right in front of him.

He also hid in the dark and attacked him!

"Godless old dog, are you surprised?"

Xingtian let out a sneer and continued: "I know when you used Baojian to investigate the Yuan family, why did I ask you to investigate other places? Do you really think they were all beaten up?"

"It's all you? It's actually you!"

Wutian's pair of eyes seems to be swallowing up this former confidant alive.

"It's more than that, when the little monk below greeted your ancestors in the lower realm, who advised you to send the generals down? You old dog, except for your cultivation base, is not as brainy as a dog, destroying your own city walls, Those heavenly soldiers and generals sent down were intercepted and killed by the ghost city."

Xingtian said these words, not to give Wutian time to breathe, but Wutian has now discovered that there are only seven ghosts.

No day to guard up.

In this case, the follow-up attack by Jiang Lin will not be effective.

That's why he was here, trying to provoke Wutian and lose his mind.

However, Wutian has been vigilant when this accident happened.

Zhu Qi and the others also secretly thought that Jiang Lin's attack would be more effective than their sneak attack.

If Jiang Lin's Golden Sword of Criminal Industry and Wu Hook Immortal Sword were to be used together, their power would be extraordinary.

But now in the state of no sky, if there is another sneak attack, there is a high probability of failure.

Even if Jiang Lin has a corpse, it is better to hide it, but at this moment, Wutian has not noticed it.

"Yu Can, do it!"

Seeing that Wutian has been vigilant, guarding against the last Ghost Eight Immortals, Zhu Qi simply drank.

Wutian was suddenly shocked and tried his best to prevent it, but there was no one, and no attack appeared again.

"Hahaha... Do you have this day when there are no heavens and all grass and trees? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, we have only reached seven of the eight ghosts, and Yu Canhua had an accident in Jiangliu County. A shameless cultivator was caught and ran away, and his body was stained by force, and now he doesn't care about the world."

"Wu Tian, ​​my eighth sister has always been pure and clean, thanks to you!"

"This account, seven of our brothers, will figure it out with you!"

Hearing what Zhu Qi said, Jiang Lin's other uncles immediately understood and added a few words.


At this time, Jiang Lin, who was still hiding, felt extremely tired of his second uncle.

Yu Canhua was supposed to be his wife, how could he be shameless?

These big uncles are so rude!

"It's too much, how can they say that to me in front of outsiders."

Yu Canhua hummed angrily. Outsiders were all there, and her adopted brothers actually shook out such a thing.

"Don't worry, I'll beat them up one by one in the future."

Jiang Lin Chuanyin comforted Yu Canhua and continued to focus on the battle situation.

Although Zhu Qi and the others were very unkind, if Xingtian could relax his vigilance, it would be a way.

Wutian squinted his eyes, the ghosts and eight immortals have a very good relationship with each other, and they will definitely not deceive him with words like Yu Canhua's loss of chastity.

In front of so many people, if Yu Canhua hadn't really lost herself, then Yu Canhua would have no face at all in the future.

Moreover, the hatred on Zhu Qi's faces did not seem to be fake at all.

"Hmph, one less jade flower and one more jade flower, do you think you can change the fact that I have wiped you out!"

Wutian has made up his mind, since there is no possibility of a sneak attack, he can let go and slaughter these traitors and rebels.

Wutian used the immortal power in his body to repair his injuries. At the same time, he also locked Xingtian and Zhu Qi's qi.

There are tens of thousands of ghost soldiers and ghost generals and ghost town battleships in the distance. He needs to make a quick decision, and he can't come back empty.

But just when Wutian was concentrating and focusing on Xingtian and the others, Jiang Lin appeared.

The speed of lightning, the momentum of thunder!

The golden sword of criminal industry, Wu hook fairy sword, sword fighting, lethal attack!

Jiang Lin's body strayed past Wutian's immortal body, and the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry and Wu Hook Immortal Sword were intertwined and inserted into Wutian's back heart.

Directly penetrate the body of the sky.

The Kui Qi produced by the golden knife and the immortal sword suddenly exploded strongly in Wutian's body, blasting Wutian's immortal body into a terrifying blood hole.

"Wutian Laogou, although Yu Canhua didn't come, her husband is here."

Jiang Lin recalled the golden sword and the immortal sword, squinting his eyes and looking at Wutian who was extremely shocked.

"Remember me? You are a fool without a day. You are a fool without a sky~"

As soon as he scolded, Jiang Lin quickly retreated, and a very awkward smile appeared on his face.

"It's actually you! It's actually you! Wow~"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Jiang Lin, Wutian's mood that had just calmed down experienced extremely strong fluctuations again.



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