Extremely angry!

The boundless anger caused the blood in Wutian's mouth to spurt forward like he didn't want money.

At this moment, Wutian is really angry to the extreme. Who is Jiang Lin?It was the little cultivator who personally issued the sea arrest document to arrest him.

It is an ant-level, even a low-level primate as insignificant as a worm's egg.

Now, such an ant, such an insect egg, gave him a near-fatal sneak attack!

The sneak attack was a sneak attack, and he was still jumping in front of him.

Call him stupid!

It's the same as scolding in the Nether!

"Come on, come and catch me, aren't you arresting me all over the world? You old dog and stupid donkey, catch on, catch on, catch and show me."

Jiang Lin danced again and continued to shout: "You old dog calls himself the top of the fairy world, and when you were in the Yuan family, you were played by me as a monkey and a dog. Do you know? It's me who belongs to the Yuan family in Jiangliu County, and it's me from Danhuo Town. Can't you think of it? Are you surprised? Are you surprised? How many Phuket Island do you have? How many Phuket Island wow!”


Wutian really broke his throat this time, Jiang Lin jumped here, it really made him a thousand times more angry than Zhong Kui scolding him as a bereaved dog!

The Lord of the Heavenly Court, who had been in the Da Luo Immortal Realm for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, was now roared to the point of anger by Jiang Lin.

Wutian's mouth is no longer spurting blood, but the wounds and blood holes on his body are madly nourishing blood because he is suffocated by the blood.

Chapter [*] It's so hard to kill! (superior)

At this moment, Jiang Lin was fully focused, preparing to guard against the wrath of the thunder.

He has already made Wutian lose his mind, and his goal has been achieved. The rest will depend on Zhong Kui and Xingtian.

He just wants Wutian to devour him alive, and kill him quickly. In this case, Wutian will not have much reason to judge the situation. At that time, tens of thousands of ghost soldiers and ghosts will be surrounded, no matter how difficult it is to kill Wutian, even if you grind blood, you can kill him. Its worn out.

Wutian's old eyes stared at Jiang Lin, and after that, his body disappeared in place in an instant, killing Jiang Lin.

However, Xingtian and Zhu Qi are not covered, directly blocking all the attack routes of Wutian.

Zhong Kui also acted. Everything Jiang Lin had to do had already been completed, and the desired effect had been achieved. In any case, he could not let Jiang Lin have any accident.

Otherwise, it is the hurdle in his own heart that he can't get over.

Jiang Lin didn't let Jiang Lin do anything, and it was exposed in the lower realm. Jiang Lin blew up Wutian's lungs and went to the back of Heaven to steal treasures. Jiang Lin did it properly, and let Jianglin attack Wutian. , Jiang Lin is doing a thief beautifully again. If Zhong Kui didn't protect Jiang Lin well, he himself would feel that he would never be ashamed again.

Zhong Kui, Xingtian, Zhu Qi, and ten other talented people at the level of immortals, besieged and killed Wutian together!

Can this Wutian really hit ten?

To be honest, Jiang Lin really couldn't guess the outcome of the battle, but Zhong Kui and the others had extraordinary strength.

It goes without saying about Zhong Kui's ability and strength, otherwise it would be impossible to occupy the Netherworld. Through Yu Canhua's memory, Jiang Lin learned that Zhong Kui should have broken through to become a Ghost Immortal after arriving in the Daluo Immortal Realm. Later, he was disintegrated again. Go a step further.

A ghost cultivator can become a ghost queen by self-cultivation. Through the transformation process of regenerating the innate essence, qi and spirit, he can advance to become a ghost emperor (heaven ghost), a ghost god, and a ghost fairy. At the end of the ghost fairy, if the corpse is performed again , returning to the ghost body will become the ghost body.

What Yu Canhua said to him before, transforming the physical body into the body of a ghost, actually refers to transforming the physical body into the body of a ghost by the method of autopsy, otherwise Yu Canhua would not be able to enter his heart and stay.

Jiang Lin deduced that Yama, the Ten Halls of the Underworld in Middle-earth, should all be spirits and ghosts, with strengths that surpass ghosts and immortals.

And this kind of transcendence is definitely far beyond. After all, ghosts and immortals only correspond to the level of spiritual transformation of monks, and the heavenly soldiers of Yungong Heavenly Court are only able to take a step forward by obtaining the spirit of immortal spirit through the cultivation of spiritual transformation. Unable to ascend.

Zhong Kui and Yama of the Tenth Palace are definitely not something that a group of heavenly soldiers can deal with.

Xingtian, although it is Zhong Kui's phantom body, has been cultivating in the Netherworld since his birth. In terms of training time, it is several times longer than that of the main body, Zhong Kui, and he can become Wutian's confidant. There is no doubt about the strength.

As for Zhu Qi and Yuan Detai, they are also much stronger than the average heavenly soldiers. Their bodies have already been chopped up, and they can directly obtain their previous cultivation base and inherit the immortal power of the past.

And because they are spirit ghosts, they can also be increased by the sun robbery.

But even so, under Wutian's fury, even if Wutian had been seriously injured, they were unable to stop it.

All were shaken back by the immortal Gang that erupted without heaven.

However, even if Zhong Kui and the others couldn't stop Wutian, Jiang Lin wouldn't just wait there stupidly.

It's good that he can't do anything, but he has legs.

He can run.

Relying on Yu Canhua's memory, Jiang Lin directly performed an escape technique and ran away.

In addition to using the escape technique, he also used some immortal tools such as the green bamboo umbrella to hide himself.

"Hey~ I can't touch it? You are a fool~ It's a fool's life, my wife and children sleep with me~"

After Jiang Lin escaped Wutian's attack, he continued to give him the runaway buff.

As soon as this rampant buff is applied, Wutian not only reduces defense, but also reduces intelligence.

Let Wutian become a mad dog.

But Wutian had turned into a mad dog mode, but his attack power had increased a lot. For a time, even Zhong Kui, Xingtian and the others couldn't hold him back.

"Judge Zhong, I'll be here to help you!"

At this moment, Zhong Kui's anti-Heaven allies in Heaven, and more than a dozen former Heavenly Court officials also arrived and joined the battle circle.

"The godless old dog at the top of the fairy, why do you let me dance here, even I can't stand it anymore, can you bear it?"

Jiang Lin continued to sing outside the battle circle, buffing Wutian, and at the same time, he also sent a voice transmission to Zhong Kui: "Judge Zhong, although this guy is seriously injured, he can still fight ten or even twenty with one enemy. There is no ghost-immortal level of the generals? No one has the body of a ghost? Let them come!"

"Yes, there are, but they are either sitting in the heavenly court, or commanding ghost soldiers and ghost generals, or else they are going to block all the retreats of Wutian. It is really impossible to recruit people. If you can come five or six, I will be Amitabha Buddha!"

Zhong Kui was also very helpless. He captured the heavenly court, and he would definitely leave his subordinates there to prevent the victory from being stolen by foreign forces and the old part of the heavenly court. Moreover, the ghost soldiers and ghost generals also needed to be commanded, and it was also necessary to prevent the heavens from escaping. talent.

There are really not many people who can be used.

Sure enough, after half an hour, five more ghost immortals with the body of a spirit and ghost came and joined the battle.

Together with Jiang Lin, who made sneak attacks from time to time, there were a total of [*] immortal-level opponents beating around him!

Jiang Lin was also very shocked when he saw Wutian fighting with Zhong Kui and the others in blood. Although Wutian was stupid, his strength was really lacking.

Relying on the injury alone, fighting [*] Heavenly Immortal-level opponents alone was only a temporary disadvantage.

The end is hard to kill!

It's so hard to kill!

No wonder he can stand proudly on the top of the immortals.

A quarter of an hour later, Wutian suffered a lot of losses, and gradually calmed down. If he insisted on letting Jiang Lin smash his bones, his situation would be completely bad.

"You bastards, hahaha..."

Wutian laughed in anger, he glanced coldly at Zhong Kui and the others, and called out a miniature yellow bell from his ear.

Huang Zhong fell on Wutian's palm and suddenly turned into a half-human-sized morning bell.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Zhong Kui rushed to kill him, but Wutian stuck out his tongue again and took off a small palm fan attached to it.

Like the yellow bell, the Pu fan suddenly became bigger, and Wu Tian waved out his arm, flashing the Pu fan out.

A force that overturned the river and the sea suddenly hit Zhong Kui's body, causing him to fly upside down, spurting blood.

After that, Wutian swiped the Pu fan towards Yuan Detai and Zhu Qi.


Almost at the same time, the morning bell in Wutian's hand made a loud noise, and more than a dozen anti-narcissus officials, including Xingtian, immediately spewed blood from their seven orifices.

Chapter [*] It's so hard to kill! (middle)

Even if the sun robbery can reduce Wutian's control over Xingtian and others, it does not mean that Wutian has no means.

This morning bell fairy weapon in his hand can cause Xingtian and the others to resonate with the fairy spirit in their bodies, causing them to suffer heavy losses.

After severely injuring these anti-narcissus officials, Wutian erupted again, sending them flying out.

At this time, Jiang Lin was also hit by the attack launched by the Heavenless Pu Fan Immortal Tool, and he flew backwards while spraying blood.

Resisting the heavy blow to his chest, Jiang Lin gathered the immortal power of Jade Remnant Flower and sprayed it in the direction of flying back.

Wutian did not strike while the iron was hot and chased away, but repulsed all opponents, definitely wanting to return to blood and blue.

It must not be allowed to succeed!

From flying backwards to rushing forward, Jiang Lin did not delay at all, let alone feel distressed, he took out two storage instruments containing many immortal artifacts from the ancient mirror in his arms, and directly——Throwing Thunder Lou!

He injected a lot of immortal power into the storage bag, and also sent his own sun fire. Even Zhu Qi and the others knew how to make the fairy weapon self-detonate. He has the wife of Jade Remnant Flower, and of course he will make the fairy weapon explode automatically. destroy.


There was a cloud of mushrooms directly around Wutian, and there were at least tens of thousands of immortal artifacts of varying grades in a storage instrument.

This self-destruction together, the power generated by it is close to that of nuclear weapons.

The shock wave formed by the explosion has turned into a super-large hurricane of more than ten categories.


This time, Wutian roared angrily again.

Originally, after repelling Zhong Kui and the others, he planned to reveal the bone shield in his body. First, the bone shield could be turned into an armor to defend his immortal body. Second, the bone shield was also a very rare healing immortal treasure. Able to mend wounds on his body.

However, as soon as the bone shield appeared, he suffered such a big explosion.

Only half of the bone shield armor on his body was directly blown up, and it was extremely broken.

Even the body under his bone shield suffered extremely heavy damage.

This is not to mention, the morning bell fairy weapon that controlled those anti-narcissus officials in his hand was also directly blown up, and the fairy tool, the fan, became damaged and could no longer exert much power.

"Wutian Laogou, didn't expect it? I'm not only scolding you by pointing your nose, but the treasure storage place in your heaven was taken by me. Are you angry? Just ask if you are angry?"

Jiang Lin continued to speak, and while he was speaking, he still stood up to prevent Wutian from killing him desperately.

Haha laughing, Jiang Lin continued: "You said that you old dog, collecting so many fairy artifacts, is it useful? Is it useful! These treasures have to be used to the best of their ability, and you can only use them by blowing up your old dog. Value. Just blow up your tortoise grandson, if you have the ability, come and bite me, open your dog's mouth, come, come.”

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