"Jiang Lin, you... how many fairy weapons have you exploded?"

Before Wutian said a word, Zhong Kui spoke. He naturally knew that the explosion just now was caused by the self-destruction of an immortal weapon. How many babies did you have?

He thought that these fairy artifacts were all brought out by Jiang Lin from his ghost town.

"It's just tens of thousands. What's so distressing? What if you kill this old dog and blow up all the fairy artifacts in Heaven?"

Jiang Lin directly gave Zhong Kui a middle finger. Immortal artifacts and so on are all things outside the body. There is no sky and death. Who can sleep peacefully?

Tens of thousands of...

At this time, Yuan Detai, Zhu Qi, and the others gathered around again. After they heard Jiang Lin say this, the corners of their mouths were cramping.

Tens of thousands of fairy artifacts exploded directly.

Not even blinking the eyelids.


"Crappie, I'm going to kill you first!!!"

At this time, the beard and hair of Wutian's face were all floating up. He had already decided that no matter how much he paid, he would destroy Jiang Lin first!

From the time he was sneak attacked by Xingtian to the present, he repeatedly fell into Jiang Lin's hands, and every time he fell very hard.

If he didn't deal with Jiang Lin first, he didn't know how much he would suffer at the hands of this little ant.

"I'm mixed with you, Amu! The king with a strong mouth, look at your 13 looks, incompetent and furious, and you will shoot your mouth."

He recruited a cloud shuttle from the ancient mirror in his arms, Jiang Lin sat in it, hooked his fingers at Wutian, and said, "come on, baby! Come on, come and kill me."

Jiang Lin was driving the cloud shuttle, flying around like a plane, and he let out a very funny howl.

"You are my enemy~ An enemy like a mangy dog~ Use your fire to drip a dog's mouth~ Make me endlessly terrified in the midnight~ Come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come~~

Jiang Lin drove the cloud shuttle for a ride and sang a song adapted from Daolang's "Lover".

Xingtian and Zhu Qi were all speechless. In terms of the ability to engage people's mentality, they really admitted that they were not as good as one ten thousandth of Jiang Lin's.

I'm so...

Fortunately, this kid is not against me, otherwise I would be so angry that my pores would be smoking.

In his heart, Zhong Kui completely convinced Jiang Lin.

Even he is so stable, seeing Jiang Lin's behavior now, he can't stand it anymore.

You are so bad, do your family know!

Also his mother's scolding tape to make up songs.

"Husband, you look so rude!"

Not to mention Zhong Kui and the others, even the jade remnants in Jianglin's heart can't stand anymore.

"If you don't want to be beaten, you need to be beaten. Anyway, it's a fake. The [*] opponents who fight against the sky have not affected the fundamentals. We can't play a big role for the time being. I don't do this. If the goods are Lingtai Qingming , to stay rational, trying to kill him is simply unrealistic."

Jiang Lin explained to Yu Canhua's voice transmission that if it wasn't for the complete annihilation of Wutian, he would only sing a big show here when he had nothing to do.

This Wutian used to be the Lord of the Heavenly Court. I don't know how many good treasures he has ruined. Like a blood cow, his vitality is extremely strong, so that the effect of the golden knife of criminal industry devouring vitality is not very obvious on him.

Now if he doesn't give Zhong Kui and himself a chance to grind blood, he wants to kill him like an international joke.

"Also, even if the self-destructing fairy weapon can hit it hard, it's not a hit, and it might be kicked back by Wutian. The soldiers and ghosts surrounded him. Otherwise, would you teach me what to do as a husband?"

"No, no, I listen to my husband. Now Wutian has almost lost his mind."

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, Yu Canhua no longer questioned.

At this moment, Wutian ran wild again and charged towards Jiang Lin, but because he got into the horns again, he was bombarded by Zhong Kui and the others one after another.

When Wutian was tired of dealing with Zhong Kui and others, Jiang Lin drove the cloud shuttle over again, and the swords came out, and attacked again.

Aim for the back of the heart, and it hurts the old iron!

After he succeeded, Jiang Lin became Jiang Paopao again, no, this time it was Jiang Feifei.

Driving the Yunsuo was like flying a plane, Jiang Lin once again showed his singing voice: "You shoot one, I shoot one, Wutian is a big fool 13~"

He was attacked by Jiang Lin again, and Wutian roared violently, splitting into hundreds of avatars, killing Zhong Kui and the others, vomiting blood.

Chapter [*] It's so hard to kill! (Down)

Wutian's six-path avatar charged directly to Jiang Lin's side. Jiang Lin's response was not slow, and he immediately used the green bamboo umbrella and other immortal tools to hide his traces and quickly escaped.

But these six clones directly blocked the four sides and the upper and lower sides of his position.

"Give me a prisoner!"

The six avatars performed a secret technique together, completely controlling the space in all directions where Jiang Lin was located, making the space look like amber.

Jiang Lin's body was also imprisoned and revealed.

One of the six clones rushed in at the speed of lightning, and the knife in hand stabbed directly into Jiang Lin's heart.

After that, the six avatars merged into one, becoming the body without heaven.

Before Jiang Lin could react, he was pressed by Wutian's big hand on his face, his arms slammed outward, and Jiang Lin's head was directly pulled off.

The corpse is separated!


At this time, Yu Canhua, who was spared because Jiang Lin moved his heart at the critical moment, screamed.

She wanted to go out, but for some reason, her body was imprisoned.

At this moment, the space that became like amber also returned to its original state.

"Continue to scold, Jie Jie Jie... You continue to scold!"

Wutian's old face became extremely ferocious, and the expression on his face became almost perverted.

"Why don't you scold me? I'm fighting the immortal body, and the price of the five failures of heaven and man may appear, but you continue to scold, and then scold~~~"

When Wutian was holding Jiang Lin's head, Zhong Kui also came to the conclusion. From the beginning of the battle to the present, there were finally casualties.

Zhu Qi and the other seven brothers, three of them vanished into ashes, Zhong Kui and Xingtian were both seriously injured, and six or seven of the remaining companions were bombarded into blood mist.

"Jiang Lin! Ahem..."

When Zhong Kui saw Jiang Lin was torn apart by Wutian, he exploded a massive amount of immortal energy in his body, and rushed away the five Wutian clones that had besieged him, and shot away.


Wutian continued to laugh wildly, without the noisy bug Jiang Lin harassing him, he would be able to deal with Zhong Kui and the others at ease.

But just as he grinned wildly, Jiang Lin's corpse suddenly moved.


It was more intense and blazing than any light Jiang Lin had ever emitted before.

When Wutian was blinded by the sudden strong light, Jiang Lin's headless corpse reached in with one hand, took out a storage purse, and directly stuffed it into his body through Wutian's open mouth.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Lin's other hand grabbed his head back.

As soon as he lifted his foot and kicked, Jiang Lin and Wutian flew away from each other.

Jiang Lin's series of actions were completed almost instantly.

With a sound of "Boom", the immortal artifacts in the storage purse exploded together between Wutian's throat and neck.

Another tens of thousands of fairy weapons exploded!

Jiang Lin put his head back on his neck, took the cold marrow and smeared it, and immediately called back Yun Shuo to fly away.

Another mushroom cloud appeared.

At the same time, the clones of Wutian shattered into Xianli Guangyu.

"Husband! Are you okay? It scared me to death!"

"It's okay, if this idiot kills me directly, I might not survive, but this guy just rips my head off, so I can't help it."

Jiang Lin gasped for breath and let out a smirk.

At the critical moment, it was his corpse's ability that worked, his head fell off, and nothing happened.

Unless the body and head are severely damaged, he will be able to live again.

"The third brother, the fifth brother and the sixth brother!"

At this moment, Yu Canhua realized that her three elder brothers had disappeared and became ashes.

"Calm down! If you want to kill Wutian, you must pay the price, not to mention them, even I made psychological preparations before the war."

Jiang Lin doesn't have time to comfort Yu Canhua now, Wutian is not dead yet!

"Lock him up!"

Zhong Kui had also discovered that Wutian had not been killed by the bomb, so he immediately issued instructions to Xingtian and Yuan Detai, and several of them immediately linked their hands together to cooperate with Zhong Kui.

Zhong Kui did this to block the space where Wutian was, just like when Wutian blocked Jiang Lin before.

"Shoot me!"

After that, Zhong Kui gave orders to the ghost generals who had basically formed an encirclement.

The muzzles of dozens of warships immediately gathered spiritual energy, and after a few blinks, dozens of spiritual energy beams that could destroy mountains and rivers suddenly bombarded the place where the mushroom cloud was.

After a while, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the situation inside became clear.

Wutian was dripping blood all over his body, only the thigh of one leg was left, the other leg lost his foot, and as for his arms, he didn't even have a hand.

Not only was he dissatisfied with blood, but there were also patches of pus, and his hair was falling.

"This guy is not dead yet?!"

Jiang Lin opened his eyes completely this time. Since he cultivated Dao, others have always killed him to the point where he was terrified, but this time they joined forces to kill Wutian, which made him gasp more than once.

"For someone like him to rule the immortals, it's impossible to have a few life-saving techniques, and this guy has always been so difficult to kill. I'm afraid there is a cave in the body, and there are immortal treasures for life-saving hidden in it. But, to be honest, I also I didn't expect this guy to be so strong."

Really hard to kill!

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