Zhong Kui also took a deep breath and used the 艨艟 battleship, only to force Wutian to use the secret life-saving technique, but did not completely eliminate it.

This invincible life is harder than a cockroach.

"It should be the most critical moment. This guy does not hesitate to forcibly show twelve points of strength, which has brought his own five declines in advance."

Xingtian also came to Jiang Lin's side, waiting for him.

"Ho ho ho..."

Looking at his own miserable state, Wutian let out a very frightening laugh.

Afterwards, bursts of white smoke appeared at the fracture where he lost his limb, and the missing limb began to grow back.

"Everyone, take out all the remaining strength. After the war, those naval guns can no longer launch the same bombardment as before. Now, either Wutian will die, or we will die. You know the character of Wutian. Anyone with soft bones, even if they surrender, will not end well in the future!"

Zhong Kui swept away the gods and ghosts behind him, and then he shouted at the surrounding generals: "All the ghost soldiers and ghost generals obey orders! Kill!"

Immediately, a mountain-like scream erupted from all around.

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes, he also knew that Zhong Kui was now taking out the last resort, and with tens of thousands of ghost soldiers and all the living forces that could be mobilized, he began to grind blood for Wutian.

The first thousand five hundred and thirty chapters use the plague again

"Brother Jiang, Zhong Kui is very grateful for your help at this moment. It can be said that it is time to die. If you quit, I have no opinion from Zhong Kui."

Zhong Kui looked at Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin played a very, very important role in this battle, and if Jiang Lin hadn't had a life-saving secret technique just now, he might have perished, so he had the opportunity to let Jiang Lin quit. Intend.

Even if he and Xingtian are sacrificed, there is still his phantom body in this world, and Jiang Lin can also come to this Daluo Immortal Realm. As long as the heavenly court is in charge of the people from the Middle Earth World, the task entrusted to him by Ksitigarbha King, It is also completed.

In the future, if Jiang Lin is unwilling to take charge of the Heavenly Court and assist his other phantom body, Yan Ying, to ascend to the throne, it is also possible.

"Judge Zhong, you really underestimate me, someone Jiang."

Jiang Lin smiled casually, Wutian's life and death were related to Honghua's life and death, how could he back down.

What's more, if Wutian is not completely beheaded, his own safety may still be a problem.

"it is good!"

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Zhong Kui laughed. He was really lucky to meet Jiang Lin in Da Luo Xianjie.

"Let's take a break for a while. Wutian now has signs of the five declines of heaven and man. If it continues like this, I'm afraid it won't last long, and the deadline will come."

At this time, Xingtian suggested to wait temporarily.

If Wutian hadn't suffered the heavy damage before, maybe these [-] ghost soldiers would not be able to cause him any damage that would affect his origin.

But now Wutian's state is not right, if you want to deal with so many ghost soldiers and ghost generals, you have to pay a big price.

Jiang Lin and the others listened to Xingtian's advice, and while recuperating, they paid close attention to Wutian who was slaughtered by the army.

At this moment, even if this guy wanted to escape, it was unrealistic.

In addition to them, there are also angel-level powers in the dark that block Wutian's retreat.

For this battle, Zhong Kui has done enough work and thought of any accidents.

You have to fight every day.

The torrent of ghost soldiers and ghost generals drowned Wutian.

But Wutian is now spending his original immortal essence, squeezing his lifespan before the deadline as the capital of battle, and rushing wildly there.

"Isn't it true? He seems to be still in control, but this is not acceptable."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then took out a small tripod from the ancient mirror in his arms.

If it weren't for Xingtian talking about the five declines of heaven and man, he would not have thought of it.

I had received a plague demon before. If this demon has enough cultivation, it will have the ability to bring practitioners closer to the limit.

"Dao... The Taoist priest spares his life!"

After the plague demon came out of the small cauldron, he immediately knelt in the void and begged Jiang Lin for mercy.

Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows at Zhong Kui, and said, "Judge Zhong, this is just a plague demon that I have collected before, and it has the ability to induce the five signs of decline, but if it improves its cultivation, it may really have the ability to induce the five declines of heaven and man. Take a look."

"Oh my God!"

At this time, the plague demon's eyes looked around, and this look made it almost urinate in fright.

It's full of horrors that it can't understand.

And even the Daoist Li Yang that it knew had become so terrifying!

"Oh? You actually have such a monster?"

Zhong Kui raised his brows, the plague demon released by Jiang Lin was really beyond his expectations.

This Jiang Lin is really lucky.

Judge Zhong glanced at the Plague Demon, the joy on his face could not be concealed.

Now Wutian has shown the appearance of the five declines of heaven and man, and he is only forced to spend his life fighting. If the plague demon gives him another hammer, then the situation will be much more optimistic.

"Daughter, haven't you been detained by Chief Daoist Jiang and cannot be freed? You only need to do one thing for this judge, and this judgement will not only allow him to pardon you, but also give you a great opportunity. Just reply, don't say anything else!"

Zhong Kui gave the Plague Demon a hollow cake to let him rejoice first.

He will indeed send the Plague Demon a good fortune, but if the Plague Demon is placed in Wutian, then this guy is an existence that will be eliminated sooner than Jiang Lin in Wutian's eyes.

"You don't need to think about it, Daxian, you said."

"Okay, I'll give you an elixir now. Now you are born with a vision, and there are evil spirits everywhere. You absorb these evil spirits and combine with the pills, and it's not a problem to jump a few levels in your cultivation base. What this sentence asks you to do is to induce the five declines of heaven and man on that bald man, and make his deadline come earlier."

Zhong Kui pointed to Wutian in the distant battlefield.

The plague demon looked over, and his voice suddenly grunted.

That stuff seems even scarier!

Jiang Lin snorted coldly and said, "Why, don't you want to? Then you have no value in existence."

"Don't, don't, little willing."

Plague Demon waved his hand quickly, it is much better to die immediately than to suffer.

Zhong Kui nodded with a smile, and bounced an elixir out. He had cooperated with Danhuo Tianjun, and he naturally had elixir for ghosts and demons.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin enlarged the green bamboo umbrella to cover the plague demon and prevent it from being discovered by Wutian.

It only took two quarters of an hour, the Plague Demon completed its transformation, and its strength rose several steps.

"This magic weapon will let you hide it, go ahead. Don't play any tricks, we are a group of capable people together, even if it is you now, it will be easy to squeeze it to death."

Jiang Lin took an immortal weapon to cover his breath and threw it out, making it cover the plague demon's head.

"Little ones will definitely live up to their mission!"

The Plague Demon rushed to Jiang Lin, nodded and bowed, and flew to the place where Wutian and the army fought bloody battles.


Seeing the opportunity, the Plague Demon expelled its own demonic qi with a strong plague poison.

Wutian is currently fighting with thousands of ghost soldiers and ghost generals, so he only pays attention to the number of Jiang Lin and the others, and has no extra energy to pay attention to other places.

The demonic energy emitted by the Plague Demon just hit his back.

Immediately, Wutian groaned. He had already shown the appearance of the Five Decays, and if he was swept up by the demonic energy of the Plague Demon, the five Decays of Heaven and Man on his body would appear even faster.

"what happened?"

Wutian was taken aback. Although he traded his lifespan for a slow decline in strength, he was still in control and did not dare to really let the deadline come.

He still has to set things right, and then take charge of the heavenly court. At that time, with a large amount of immortal grass and immortality, he can still push the deadline back.

But at this time, the five signs of decline in his body actually descended at an extremely fast speed.

For a time, Wutian broke out in a cold sweat.

How is this going? !

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-one chapters are dying to fight back and nirvana on their own

After being shocked, Wutian discovered that his body was invaded by demonic energy, and this demonic energy also contained a large amount of plague.

"court death!"

Aware of the reason for his mutation, Wutian could not have imagined that there were monsters to overcast him.

The Plague Demon does not have a corpse that is difficult to detect like Jiang Lin, and only has a hidden fairy weapon. Under the search of Wutian's spiritual sense, its traces were quickly discovered.

The palm of Wutian's condensed immortal power slammed in the past, and before the plague demon could make a cry, all the gods that were smashed were destroyed.

But even if the Plague Demon was killed, the five signs of decline on his body were irreversible, and the act of the Plague Demon just now caused him to lose nearly a thousand years of life.

"Want to kill me? You are all delusional!"

There was a resolute expression on Wutianlao's face. He digged into his heart with one hand, and took out a golden seal from it.

This is an immortal seal that he has refined for tens of thousands of years. This immortal seal binds him to the position of the Lord of Heaven.

As long as the immortal seal is not broken, he will be able to kill him again sooner or later and regain control of the heavenly court.

But now, he himself has shown the appearance of five declines, and he has squeezed the number of years of life in the future, and then has been deprived of a thousand years of life by the plague demon, so that he has no time.

Therefore, in order to get rid of the current predicament, he can only give up this immortal seal and the seat of the Lord of Heaven.

Only by saving his own life and getting out of trouble can he deal with his own five declines. At that time, he will be able to make a comeback.

"not good!"

When Xingtian and Zhong Kui saw the immortal seal in Wutian's hand, they felt bad and rushed out, followed by Jiang Lin and Zhu Qi.

The immortal seal in Wutian's hands completely surpassed any immortal weapon they possessed!

Everyone, including Jiang Lin, had no idea that Wutian would still have his back.

After all, before, Wutian even used the life-replacement technique, and squeezed his remaining lifespan.

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