If there is any fairy treasure or ultimate move, it should have been taken out and used.

But even if they responded quickly, it was too late.

A trace of reluctance flashed in Wutian's eyes, and he sacrificed Xianxi directly.

Under Wutian's control, the Xianxi immediately burst into pieces, and a terrifying and destructive force radiated from the Xianxi at the center in a ring shape.

In an instant, the more than [-] ghost soldiers and generals who rushed to kill Wutian turned into blood mist and fragments.

Jiang Lin, Zhong Kui, and the others were also affected by this terrifying force, and their blood bars dropped by more than half.

"Judge Zhong, you stop him, I think the medicine given to him is not strong enough!"

Jiang Lin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. It's been unknown how long it has been since the war, and Wutian is still standing here.

The calamity is almost over.

I'll let you hold on!After receiving my super gift, I'll see if you can survive it!

Jiang Lin was also ruthless. He decided to use the plan he had planned in the ghost town. Now Wutian is approaching the end of the force, but he has been able to hold on, not to be ruthless. I don't know how long this situation will last.

"no problem!"

Seeing Jiang Lin's ruthless appearance, Zhong Kui had some expectations in his heart. Before, Jiang Lin had borrowed [-] ghost soldiers and ghost generals from him.

Squeezing down the injury, Zhong Kui and Xingtian and the others met Wutian.

And Jiang Lin recruited all the charming spirits he brought, and those still in the ancient mirror.

"All tonic for me, and give me a breakthrough together!"

He also took out a large amount of cold marrow and fairy fruit from the ancient mirror, and Jiang Lin directly penetrated into the bodies of these ten or so charming spirits.

Afterwards, under his control, these charismatic spirits flew to the top of Wutian's head, breaking through from the ghost general to the ghost king level.

"Hahaha... Idiot, and today's robbery, even if these ghosts are ten times more numerous, the movement caused by the breakthrough is the same as Ripple. I want to use them to break through the calamity, and then affect me, naive!"

While dealing with Zhong Kui and the others, he laughed loudly. If it was normal, Jiang Lin's method would definitely be feasible, but now is the day of the calamity. none.

"Really? You stupid dog, you can't do it ten times, but a hundred times!"

Jiang Lin slipped out a talisman from his sleeve and crushed it directly.

At the same time, the [-] ghost soldiers and ghost generals who had been sent to the realm by him began to break through almost at the same time.

"Take robbery to attract robbery, bring me together!"

Jiang Lin also flew out, turning his hands like wheels, using the breakthrough of more than ten charm spirits as the fuse, and using himself as the medium, with the help of the large formation formed by the positions of the ten thousand ghost soldiers and ghost generals. The thunder calamity caused by the breakthrough led to the sky above a dozen Charming Spirits.

The momentum created by thousands of thunderbolts is like the end of the world.

Jiang Lin took out a large amount of immortal grasses and immortals and defensive immortals, and while swallowing and replenishing immortal power, he directed those immortal instruments to resist these thousands of lightning strikes.

After that, he took a large amount of forbidden medicinal materials, and turned himself into a corpse, blinding the secret.

At the same time, those enchanting spirits began to refine the forbidden medicinal materials and other treasures that had been infiltrated into their bodies, so as to avoid being locked by heavenly secrets.

After Lei Jie lost his target, he was attracted by the five degenerates of heaven and man on Wutian, and then Jiang Lin cast a spell and blasted them all away.

This time, Wutian could no longer control his own state, and directly entered the deadline.

The skin all over his body quickly became wrinkled, and the folds on his face were like the skin of an old tree.

"Brother Jiang, I really convinced you, are you a prophet?"

After Zhong Kui backed away from Lei Hai, he gave Jiang Lin thumbs up again and again, and accepted it!

First, the plague demon, and then the calamity caused the calamity, which directly made Wutian no longer able to control the process of the five declines of heaven and man, and made it a limit.

Zhu Qi, Yuan Detai and others couldn't help admiring Jiang Lin.

Too bad!

As expected of my brother-in-law (son-in-law)!

"It's just luck."

Jiang Lin smiled. His original plan was not like this. In other words, what he implemented now is only part of the plan.

It's just that Wutian himself has the five failures of heaven and man, which just happened to let his robbery plan blind cat kill the mouse.

"Chopsticks! A bunch of chopsticks! I'll beat you all to pieces, and I'm not even as good as pigs and dogs!!!"

Because of the sun calamity, these thunderbolts did not last long. After the thunder calamity, the sky was like a madman, and the whole body was full of resentment and hatred.

Before that, he hadn't been defeated, and he still had the possibility to come back, but now, he was designed by Jiang Lin and reached his own limit.

It was planted in Jiang Lin's hands again!

In his hands again!

Now Wutian doesn't think about anything, even if he has the ability, the deadline has come, and he can't return to the sky.

However, even if he died, he would crush Jiang Lin and Zhong Kui and other rebels!

The jade is burnt!

The fish is dead and the net is broken!


Wutian never cared about his immortal body that was constantly oozing pus and stinks.

"This guy is going to fight back, stop him!"

Jiang Lin's eyebrows jumped wildly, and a burst of warning signs rose in his heart, and he immediately rushed towards Wutian.

Holding a knife and a sword in his hand, Jiang Lin used all his immortal power to slash at Wutian.

However, before his Golden Sword of Criminal Industry and Wu Hook Immortal Sword came to Wutian, raging fire appeared all over Wutian's body.

Wutian actually nirvana on his own!

As soon as Xingye Dao and Wu Hook Jianfang touched the fire of Nirvana around Wutian's body, they immediately whined and lost their spirituality.

Chapter [-] Fighting hard, I have never lost!

Not only was the sword in his hand destroyed by the fire of Nirvana, Jiang Lin's arms were also stained with these terrifying flames. If he hadn't invoked the real fire of the sun in time to resist and swallow, I'm afraid his arms would have been completely useless. Can't save.

Jiang Lin's mouth suddenly exhaled a breath of immortal energy, and with the help of its reaction force, he quickly withdrew from the devour of the bursting fire of Nirvana.


In a very short period of time, Wutian's immortal body was burned to ashes by these flames, and only a skeleton remained.

"This Wutian actually uses his own immortal body as nourishment, and refines it into immortal bones with the method of refining tools!"

When Xingtian saw Wutian who had turned into a skeleton, he was surprised. Wutian actually trained his own body, so that the five declines of heaven and man temporarily lost their goals, thus delaying the time of death.

The pain of cultivating one's own immortal body, no matter how tough an immortal is, can't bear it.

Jiang Lin also sucked in a breath of cold air. Wutian had reached the deadline, and he was still able to fight back.

The fire of Nirvana just now, just because he was contaminated a little, almost lost his arms. This is no heaven, and it is really cruel. With such a flame, he has practiced his body alive.

It is like extracting juice and oil, condensing the essence of the flesh into the bones.

Then, with just a flash of lightning, Xingtian flew out directly, his chest was opened by Wutian's bone claws, and his heart was dug out by Wutian.

Wutian has refined all the essence of the immortal body into his bones, condensed all his cultivation bases into the skeleton, so that now his strength is directly comparable to the peak!


After crushing Xingtian's heart, Wutian's pair of skeleton eyes looked at Jiang Lin. At this moment, he was in no hurry to kill Jiang Lin. He had to wait until all these traitors were killed. Little by little, he slashed Jiang Lin with a thousand knives.

"Judge Zhong, the matter is urgent, you quickly let those backers who block Wutian's back road come over, hold Wutian, definitely, you must hold him!"

Jiang Lin immediately communicated with Zhong Kui, and now, the plan he has made is not enough if it is not implemented.

However, once that happens, the price he pays is not ordinary.

Fight hard, I have never lost!

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart, as long as Zhong Kui and the others drag Wutian again, he will let Wutian know that Runchong has his own hands.


Without asking anything, Zhong Kui directly contacted those allies and subordinates who blocked Wutian's retreat.

In fact, he didn't even need to ask, what Jiang Lin did was enough to make him absolutely trust.

Soon, Zhong Kui and the others suffered heavy casualties, but the person who Zhong Kui contacted just now finally arrived.

"As many as you come and die! I want you all to be buried with me!"

Seeing people come again without days, I am not angry but happy.

No matter how many people come, they are all buried with him!

It was because he didn't take these people seriously, that he gave Zhong Kui and the others a chance to cooperate.

Thirty or forty angels and ghosts worked together, using all their strength, and finally bound Wutian.

However, this time will not be long.

When Wu Tian was dying to fight back, he rushed to burn the jade and the stone and broke the fish dead net. Now, he will not retain a little bit of strength.

Even if it is kept, it cannot be brought into the coffin.

He didn't even have a coffin.

"Brother Jiang, it's up to you!"

Zhong Kui roared at Jiang Lin in the distance, time was extremely tight.

"Look at me, just look at me!"

Jiang Lin let out a roar, took out the Sun Seizing Ring from his arms, and threw it, so that it could seize the essence of the Great Sun with maximum power.

On the other hand, he cast a spell, and smashed a talisman again.

The [-] ghost soldiers and ghost generals who had made breakthroughs earlier received orders from Jiang Lin to absorb a large amount of evil spirits in the Yin evil area where they were located.

Previously, Jiang Lin had let these ten thousand ghost soldiers break through in order to do this.

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