Let them absorb as much Yin Qi as possible.

It didn't take long for the [*] ghost soldiers and generals in the Da Luo Immortal Realm to find that something was wrong, and the process of their absorption could not be controlled by themselves.

The bodies of these ten thousand ghost soldiers and ghost generals are overloaded one by one, but they are still absorbing them.

At this time, beside Jiang Lin, the essence of the Great Sun captured by the Sunlight Ring had formed into a huge sphere.

On the other side of him, the yin and evil spirits that he transferred through ten thousand ghost soldiers and ghost generals also formed a huge black ball.

That's not all, Lei Hai once again appeared above Jiang Lin's head.


It is good to capture the essence of the sun by taking the ring of sun, and it is even better to conceal the secrets of the sky during the calamity of the sun.

However, this magic weapon has a certain degree of capturing the essence.

Just like using a syringe to draw blood from a giant beast, a small amount will not be discovered, but Jiang Lin is now using a pump to draw blood.

If this can be concealed again, Tianri will be really blind.

In order to resist the thunder penalty, Jiang Lin threw out the storage magic items in the ancient mirror in his arms one by one, and let the defensive fairy within them fly out.

The punishment in the Da Luo Immortal Realm is much more terrifying than that in the Middle-earth world.

Jiang Lin now possesses immortal power, and the intensity of divine punishment is also aimed at immortals.

While resisting the punishment, Jiang Lin was in the middle of the two giant balls, using himself as a medium and using his corpse body to reconcile and control the two.

What he wants to implement is to use the power of Yin and Yang to completely destroy Wutian.

It's just that the scale of this yin-yang attack is something he has never tried before.

Now, the diameter of the big sun ball and the dark black ball has grown to a kilometer!

And, it's still growing!

At this time, only relying on Jiang Lin's corpse and body, can no longer reconcile the terrifying power of the two attracting each other.

He could only fly out one after another of the storage instruments in the ancient mirror, and self-detonate those powerful immortal instruments to isolate the two.

"Not enough! Not enough! Keep going!!!"

Jiang Lin stretched out his arms against the edge of the two kilometer giant balls. At this time, he was already bleeding from his seven orifices.

"Oh my God!"

At this moment, Zhong Kui and the others, who were doing their best, were not trembling all over.

They are all capable people at the level of gods, so they can naturally see what Jiang Lin is going to do.


Absolutely crazy!

Even if this can completely kill Wutian, if the huge yin and yang double ball of this kilometer explodes, no one can escape from the aftermath.

Unless you break the bounds and escape.

But Jiang Lin, who casts spells, is absolutely unable to escape!

Not only Zhong Kui and the others, but even Wutian was completely stunned.

Damn, this stuff is crazy!

"Hahaha... Wutian, didn't you cultivate your immortal body by yourself? You are ruthless enough, but now we will compare, who is more ruthless!"

Jiang Lin sneered again and again, now, he really gave his super gift to Wutian.

Chapter [*]: No Heaven is destroyed, and the Heavenly Court is destroyed ([*])

Wutian watched the two huge spheres slowly merging, and felt the unparalleled destructive power of them, so he exerted all his strength to try to get rid of the shackles of Zhong Kui and others.

But at this moment, Zhong Kui and the others will definitely not fall off the chain, even if they try their best, they can't let Wutian escape.

Jiang Lin needs time!

"Husband, if this goes on like this, you won't be able to hold it!"

Yu Canhua, who had been staying in Jiang Lin's heart, was anxious. If Jiang Lin continued to control this huge yin and yang double ball, his body would be washed away by the collision of yin and yang.

"I can still hold on. If I don't, I won't be able to kill Wutian at all. When that happens, I will die, and no one will be able to escape. I will now compare with this idiot, whose life is harder!"

Even though there was unbearable pain all over his body, Jiang Lin forcibly endured it.

As he said, if you don't kill Wutian in one fell swoop, everyone present will be beheaded by Wutian one by one.

Instead, fight it out.

Moreover, although he has to pay a price, he is not a blind adventurer. In the end, his own survival probability is definitely much higher than Wutian.

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Yu Canhua was still worried, but there was nothing he could do. After all, no one would be able to live without death. Right now, only the terrifying force formed by Jiang Lin's yin and yang attack can destroy it. The Heavenless Immortal Bone directly kills it completely.

"Huahua, go out and be ready to open the ghost passage at any time, so that Zhong Kui and the others can escape from the affected area!"

Jiang Lin looked at the yin and yang double spheres that were about to converge under his control, and let Yu Canhua leave his body. After a while, the two huge spheres would re-form into one, and he himself needed to be at the center of the ball. It is difficult for the residual flowers to leave.

Moreover, his Dharma body is going to become a pure corpse body. With his own body as a container and catalyst, Jade Remnant Flower can no longer stay in his body.

"Husband, I won't leave you!"

"Don't be self-willed, hurry! You are in my body, and I have to dedicate my energy to protect you, but I can't let me go."


"If you don't leave, I'll leave you!"

Jiang Lin let out a roar, he can no longer fully control these two huge yin and yang double balls, and if he drags it on, he really can't guarantee to protect himself, and then save the jade flower.

After being yelled at by Jiang Lin, Yu Canhua could only leave all the immortal power behind and leave Jiang Lin's heart.

After the jade remnant flower flew out, Jiang Lin let all the storage instruments in the ancient mirror that store the fairy utensils fly out, and handed the ancient mirror to the jade remnant flower.

After a while, the two giant spheres that had expanded to a thousand feet in diameter began to deform, gradually forming two Yin-Yang Pisces-shaped ellipsoids.

Jiang Lin was in the center of the deformed yin and yang double sphere. One after another fairy artifact flew out of the storage magic device, and they exploded at the place where the yin and yang dividers were separated, so that the essence of the sun and the yin evil energy would not completely converge.

"I'm good, my son-in-law."

"My mother, my brother-in-law."

Yuan Detai and Zhu Qi felt the terrifying aura behind them, and their souls were trembling. That's all, the power of terror was only accumulating.

They were so shocked that Jiang Lin actually made such a terrifying momentum, which was much more terrifying than the explosion of the Immortal Seal of Wutian Ling before.

If such a terrifying thing falls on them, I am afraid that any surrogacy technique will not work.

Although the surrogate technique is powerful, the attacks it can undertake are also limited.

After all, even in the Daluo Immortal Realm, Wutian's cultivation has not reached the end of the immortal road, and if he encounters an extremely terrifying existence, the surrogacy technique is not easy to use.

It was out of this consideration that Jiang Lin recklessly expanded the diameter of the two huge spheres to a thousand feet in length.

The power generated by the yin and yang strike of this scale, not to mention destroying the sky and destroying the earth, at least destroying dozens of large mortal kingdoms into powder, it is still possible.

Although their hearts were extremely shocked, Yuan Detai and the others didn't dare to be distracted at all. If Wutian was freed at this moment, then Jiang Lin's attack would not be able to find a target.

If such a big ball falls, the speed will not be very fast, and Jiang Lin does not have the ability to increase its speed.

"Lao Qi, in the future, for us, tell our brother-in-law, he is definitely worthy of our eighth sister!"

After explaining, all the Ghost Eight Immortals except Zhu Qi burned their immortal essence and directly used their lives to reinforce the bondage imposed on Wutian.

"Big brother! Second brother!"

Zhu Qi roared loudly, but he could only watch them die. If no one sacrificed, they would be unable to control Wutian with their half-crippled body.

Wutian is already fighting for his life.

"The godless old dog, you have to accept the super gift that I gave you!"

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin, who was completely skinless, rushed towards Wutian and Zhong Kui with a giant yin and yang ball that had converged into a diameter of more than a thousand feet.

"Everyone, bring out all the immortal energy in your body!"

At this time, Zhong Kui shouted loudly, and then he took the lead in stripping all the power from the body to the body. Zhu Qi and Yuan Detai also followed Zhong Kui's practice.

"Judge Zhong, take her away!"

Jiang Lin gestured to Zhong Kui and asked him to take away the jade flower.

With Yu Canhua's character, it is very likely that she is unwilling to leave.


Zhong Kui directly took out an altar bucket and put Yu Canhua in it without any reason, and then he drilled into the ghost passage that Yu Canhua had opened beforehand.

Zhu Qi, Yuan Detai, and other anti-narcissus officials and supporting ghost immortals also all fled in.

Only Wutian and Jiang Lin were left.

"Old dog, eat Lao Tzu's vitality bomb!"

When Jiang Lin was about to close the Nether Tunnel, he shouted violently, his open arms closed immediately, and he threw the giant yin and yang ball out, and he broke away from the center of the yin and yang ball.

Losing the harmony of Jiang Lin's corpse and body, the giant yin and yang ball immediately became extremely unstable as it flew towards Wutian.

At this time, Jiang Lin didn't care about anything, he studded all the magical storage tools released from the ancient mirror.

A piece of defensive magic weapon was poured out quickly, surrounding him, surrounding him into an iron barrel.

"I hate it! I hate it!

Wutian roared up to the sky, until this moment, he still hadn't got rid of the restraint net formed by Zhong Kui and others.

Then, a giant yin and yang ball with a diameter of more than a thousand feet smashed onto him.

"Boom", destroying the dry and pulling the rotten, overwhelming!

Chapter [*]: No Heaven is destroyed, the Heavenly Court is destroyed (below)

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