The expression on Yu Canhua's face seemed to be saying to Jiang Lin: Are you serious?

Jiang Lin retrieved the ancient mirror from Yu Canhua's sleeve and said, "Don't be stunned, let's go. After you leave the Netherworld, go directly to Chu State to find me. Then, let's find a place where no one can find it. To experience the true meaning of the ordinary, and to experience so many things, I am tired."

Yu Canhua looked at him with a look that only Jiang Lin could understand, and said, "Yes, of course we have to go to a place where no one can find it."

I have stolen so many treasures, and I have to take as much as I can. When the time comes, I won't be able to run away.

"Hahaha... It's still Brother Jiang, you should be considerate of me."

Zhong Kui laughed. Jiang Lin's words really made him feel too comfortable. He only took some immortal herbs and elixir, and he didn't touch the immortal artifact.

It's not easy for people to understand him.

"Let me tell you, this brother Jiang is not only outstanding in his abilities, but his character is even more brilliant. When I asked him to help me rescue the Ghost Eight Immortals and the others, at that time, he was just a cultivator who couldn't form a pill. Dangerous, he didn't say much, help! Later, it attracted the attention of Heavenly Court, and cooperated with me to make that old thief lose his heart, and later..."

The matter is basically over, Zhong Kui is in a very good mood, and Jiang Lin is no longer attending the celebration banquet, so he praised Jiang Lin in front of so many people. Same.

I'll go, all right.

Jiang Lin felt a little apprehensive after being praised by Zhong Kui.

If you praise him for his ability, it's nothing, but Zhong Kui said that he is the same as the great saint in the world, which is a bit funny.

You compliment me so much, I'm good.

Jiang Lin was indeed a little panicked. If Zhong Kui found out that he had taken away a large amount of treasures such as fairy grass and elixir in a couple of days, it would be the biggest oolong in the world.

Putting on the face of so many gods and ghosts, I gave him crazy praise, and when things broke out later, that Zhong Kui would definitely lose the big man.

"Judge Zhong, you're busy, I'll go first."

Jiang Lin wasn't ready to listen any further, so he quickly pulled out the golden wheel in his body and made it fly down with him carrying him.

No matter how Zhong Kui puts it here, it's all about Zhong Kui. Anyway, after the separation this time, he doesn't plan to contact Zhong Kui any time soon.

Just get disconnected.

In fact, Jiang Lin didn't need to recuperate at all. He didn't know how many treasures the sea had replenished in his body. Although he almost lost his life this time, he didn't leave any sequelae at all.

In addition to not wanting Zhong Kui to find him, he didn't go to the ghost town. There was another reason. There was a red flower below that he needed to see, and the Queen of Chu, Zhong Chuchu, was still waiting for him to get married.

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-six chapters Tianjun presents immortal fire

After Jiang Lin left, Yu Canhua also returned to the ghost town, and Zhong Kui, Xingtian and others flew back to Heaven.

Half an hour later, near evening, Jiang Lin arrived at Danhuo Town.

He took a lot of immortal treasures along the way, but the wounds on his body were healed and scarred. In order not to frighten Honghua, he also washed the blood on his body.

"Safflower, Senior Dan Huo."


Seeing Jiang Lin fall, the safflower had recovered a lot, and immediately ran out and threw herself in Jiang Lin's arms.

"How's it going? Are you feeling better? After you take these fairy fruits, you'll be fine soon."

Seeing that Hong Hua's condition had recovered a lot, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. He took some immortal treasures from the ancient mirror and handed them to Hong Hua.

Wutian is dead, the source of the curse is gone, and Honghua's situation has really improved.

"Jiang Lin, Wu Tianzhen is dead? Did you kill it? Did the terrorist explosion in the sky before have something to do with you?"

"Yes, I killed it. I borrowed the yin and evil energy formed by the essence of the sun and the robbery of the sun, so that the two yin and yang attacked each other and killed the old dog."

Jiang Lin nodded to Danhuo Tianjun and continued: "Before I went to heaven, I said that if I wanted to kill him, then he must die."

"Okay! That's great! Mother Honghua's revenge can be considered as revenge. If she found out in the spirit of heaven that it was her son-in-law who avenged her, she would be very relieved."

After receiving Jiang Lin's answer, Tianjun Danhuo looked as if his wish had been fulfilled. As soon as the stagnation in his heart was untied, his Primordial Spirit body began to fade gradually.

"Senior, you..."

"It's nothing, it's a dying body, sooner or later, I'll go buy some drinks, tonight is the last reunion, Jiang Lin, tell me how you killed that fellow Wutian. Yes. I have to walk away with a smile."

Danhuo Tianjun waved his hand and didn't mind that he was about to dissipate.

His daughter found a home, the enemy was eliminated, and even if he disappeared, he had nothing to regret.

Jiang Lindao: "You don't need to buy wine. I have the nectar and jade brewed from Heavenly Court here. Honghua and you can also make up your body and spirit."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin went to the kitchen to cook a few dishes. The family of three sat in the courtyard. Jiang Lin told Danhuo Tianjun and Honghua about the process of eliminating Wutian.

However, he didn't mention the matter of Yu Canhua, and Danhuo Tianjun would completely disappear from the world, and he didn't need to say some unpleasant words. After that, he would just explain it to Honghua alone.

Danhuo Tianjun listened to Jiang Lin's narration and was amazed again and again. When Jiang Lin went to heaven, he did not expect that the Haikou that Jiang Lin boasted would actually become a reality.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Tianjun Danhuo said to Honghua: "Daughter, after you have eaten, go wash and bathe. I have something to say to Jiang Lin."

"Then don't delay your conversation."

Hong Hua nodded, the power of the curse disappeared from her body, and after taking the fairy fruit and fairy wine, the toxins in her body were forced out, and some old spots and folds on the body surface formed skin slough, which was very uncomfortable. .

"Senior, what's the matter with you?"

After Hong Hua left, Jiang Lin looked at Danhuo Tianjun, who opened the red flower and must have something to discuss with him.

"Yes, you have a lot of flames in your body, such as the sun's true fire, and the exercises you are practicing should be of the fire element. This is about to dissipate, and the fire of life in the body will also disappear. My fire of life is owned by the gods. , and it is more powerful than the fire of the gods who usually use fire. It is a fairy fire. You can take it away with the real fire of the sun. You keep the positive fire, and the negative fire, you keep a source. , you can give it to Honghua. My daughter, who has no other hobbies, likes to refine some gold and iron pills. As a father, I have never given her anything in my life. Even before I die, give her something."

"However, Tianjun, once this happens, you will lose your life to cultivate the fire, and I am afraid you will not be able to survive tonight. With the nourishment of these immortal wines, you can still accompany Honghua for a few days. If she knows, then Certainly not."

"It's unnecessary. My wishes have been fulfilled. Honghua is unwilling. Didn't I take her away?"

Danhuo Tianjun smiled and insisted on letting Jiang Lin do it.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, and released his own Sun Fire and other Yang flames, wrapping around Danhuo Tianjun's body.

It didn't take long for the Danhuo in Danhuo Tianjun's body to be taken out by Jiang Lin and put into his body.

As soon as this immortal fire entered his body, Jiang Lin felt that the yin and yang flames in his body were obviously nourished, as if a lot of fuel had been put into it.

In the past, the Yang flame in Jiang Lin's body could still play some role when he was in Middle-earth, but with the improvement of his cultivation, the threat of the Yang flame in his body to the evil spirits has also decreased.

Not because of Yang Yan itself, but because of the evil spirits he encountered, whose strength and level are no better than before.

Usually, he relied on the two strange fires, the Sun True Fire and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire. Now, with the immortal fire of Danhuo Tianjun, other strange fires such as Ling Yunyan and Inextinguishable Holy Flame, as well as the new Samadhi. Really fire and so on, just like taking a big tonic.

Although at this moment, the quality of those strange fires has not been directly improved, as long as the power of the rest of the Yang flames increases greatly over time, it is absolutely no problem.

This is not to mention, this immortal fire of Danhuo Tianjun also automatically passed through his body again.

In order to survive, Jiang Lin used the same food as a vacuum cleaner to refine and refine immortal medicines such as immortal fruit and immortal grass in his body.

No matter how good the immortal grass and immortal fruit are, it is still poisonous, but the toxicity is extremely low, but it can't stand Jiang Lin Hai swallow.

Therefore, the accumulation of these poisons accumulated in his body.

In addition, when Jiang Lin dealt with Jiuyou Ghost Venerable before, he used Yang Yan to forcibly refine the blood essence of the dry scorpion and the corpse poison of the generals. This kind of refinement left behind his Taoist body and corpse. some hidden dangers.

However, at this time, these hidden dangers were all eliminated with the immortal fire in his body.

Jiang Lin raised his head and exhaled a breath of turbid air, feeling indescribably comfortable all over his body.

This immortal fire from Danhuo Tianjun is really amazing!

After a while, Hong Hua came to the yard again and said, "Dad, are you finished? I've cleaned up the dishes."

Danhuo Tianjun said weakly: "You don't need to clean up, I'll come. You and Jiang Lin just worshipped before, so the bridal chamber is not remanded."


When Hong Hua heard Danhuo Tianjun say this, her face flushed from the hot water immediately became more flushed.

Only then did she understand why Danhuo Tianjun asked her to wash and bathe just now.

"Jiang Lin, didn't you just get into the fire just now? You have to vent. Go."

Danhuo Tianjun gave Jiang Lin a look that you understand and let him experience it for himself.

As soon as the tableware and chopsticks were cleaned up, Danhuo Tianjun went to the kitchen.

"Cough cough."

Jiang Lin coughed twice, then hugged Hong Hua Heng and went to her room.

"I have no chance to be a grandfather."

After a while, Danhuo Tianjun came out of the kitchen and listened to the whispers in Honghua's room.

Chapter [*]: Sand Sea in the Northern Territory

The next day at noon, Jiang Lin came out of Honghua's room. When he saw the door that Tianjun Danhuo had not closed, he guessed that his father-in-law was no longer there.

"Husband, Dad must be laughing at me, I only get up at noon."

Hong Hua then walked out of the room and stretched lazily.

Last night, Jiang Lin gave her the female life of Danhuo Tianjun, so even if she was a first-time wife, her body did not feel much discomfort.

"Father-in-law, he should be gone."

Jiang Lin glanced at Hong Hua and sighed.

Hong Hua's face froze when she heard the words, and hurriedly rushed towards Danhuo Tianjun's room.

But Danhuo Tianjun had completely disappeared from the world last night, and no matter how she looked, she couldn't find it.

"Okay, Honghua, don't cry anymore, father-in-law should be very relieved when he leaves."

After comforting Hong Hua, Jiang Lin asked her to clean up a little and go to Chu State with him.

After getting on the Golden Wheel, Hong Hua asked Jiang Lin: "Husband, what are you doing in Chu? It seems to be far away from here, I heard Dad say it."

"Go get married."

"Get married? What kind of marriage? You still have to make up the marriage for me. No need, it's enough for people to have you."

"It's not marriage with you, it's marriage with the Queen of Chu. She's still waiting for me there. I've taken all of her, but I haven't given her a name yet."

Since Danhuo Tianjun was no longer there, Jiang Lin confessed Zhong Chuchu's matter to Honghua. As for Yu Canhua and Qiaoyin, he still didn't mention it for the time being, so that Honghua could accept it slowly.

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