"What? You...you already have other women? I...I won't let you go!"

When Hong Hua heard Jiang Lin's words, her face turned pale.

Jiang Lin looked at Hong Hua, and said in a tone of sighing that he paid in vain: "Oh, when you were cursed and you were old and ugly with sores on your face, I would still be willing to marry you, if it wasn't for your health at the time. Okay, time is tight, I will go into the bridal chamber with you that day. Now, you know that I have another woman, so you don't want to live with me. It's a pity that I was killed in heaven, even for the sake of killing me. No god will come to save you."


Honghua was choked by Jiang Lin's words and didn't know what to say. Jiang Lin was right at all. When she was about to die, she was ugly and became an old mother. Jiang Lin not only did not despise her, but also directly let her father witness, worshipped with her.

Later, regardless of his own life, he rushed to the heaven, and he was wiped out in a lifetime of annihilation.

Just to save her.

"Hate, hate, hate!"

Hong Hua felt aggrieved in her heart, and was unreasonable at all, so she could only stomp her feet in anger.

Jiang Lin laughed, took him in his arms, and said, "I will take my life to save you and protect you. Are you afraid that I will be fond of the new and dislike the old in the future, will it be bad for you?"

Hong Hua hummed a few times in Jiang Lin's arms, but finally stopped talking and accepted the truth.

After Hong Hua settled down, Jiang Lin took out a map from the ancient mirror.

Now, his most important breakthrough has been resolved, his strength has made a qualitative leap, and the heavenly court has been overthrown, and the pursuit of him will naturally end with the destruction of the heavenly court, so he must consider How to find the rest of Gu Mengxue's phantom.

Besides, he had to run away after he had filled so much from the treasure trove of heaven.

Now that the calamity has just passed, most of the demons and evil spirits are retreating in a short period of time, and this time is suitable for long-distance travel.

Although there may be some powerful monks or loose immortals blocking the road, there will be no major problems with the jade remnants.

Although Yu Canhua's natal magic weapon is damaged, her cultivation will gradually decline, but she can still maintain the strength of a fairy for a period of time. Eat soft rice.

The map in Jiang Lin's hand, the red dots displayed on it, and four places.

That is to say, in the Daluo Immortal Realm, Gu Mengxue's phantom body, in addition to Yu Canhua, there are four.

He also has four wives who have never been there!

"That area is the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory?"

Jiang Lin looked at the two red dots on the map that were far from him, and pinched his chin. After he used Gu Mengxue as a medium to find the positions of the rest of the phantom bodies, he didn't carefully inquire about those locations. .

At that time, Honghua's marriage was approaching, so he was in a hurry to hurry. Later, he was in a hurry to get to Chu State. On the way, he was arrested by Heavenly Court, so he didn't have time to inquire.

However, he still knew about the sand sea in the northern region.

At first, when he and Baoyi wanted to learn about the Daluo Immortal Realm, he had heard some information and searched for the souls of some little demons and ghosts. At that time, he hadn't met Gu Mengxue yet.

The Sand Sea in the Northern Territory is at the northernmost point of the Daluo Immortal Realm. It is a very large desert circle, a large desert like a sea.

In the desert circle, there have been super-large sandstorms over the years, and the height is unknown. Because of the proximity of the space barrier, the Daluo Immortal Realm spontaneously formed such a moat to protect the Immortal Realm itself.

The sand tornado formed by the super-large sandstorm was even higher than the Heavenly Court of the Cloud Palace, and even the battleships of the Heavenly Court could not pass through it, so it was considered a place that Heavenly Court could not control.

"Honghua, have you heard of the Sand Sea in the Northern Region?"

Jiang Lin was torn between whether to go to the nearby Sand Sea in the Northern Territory, or the distant overseas—where Gu Mengxue’s other two phantoms appeared.

In his impression, the passage from the sand sea in the northern region to the outside world only opens at the bottom of the sandstorm one month a year.

Therefore, he asked Honghua around him. Although Honghua had never traveled to the outside world, Tianjun Danhuo used to tell her some things about the outside world. Therefore, Honghua would know about Chu and maybe Dan. Huo Tianjun also mentioned the sand sea in the northern region.

Honghua responded: "Northern Sand Sea? I've heard of it, my dad told me that it's far away, saying that there is a big desert, and there are big sandstorms. There are only some people in the center of the desert, but there are also many evil spirits. , By the way, he said that there are a lot of fox spirits there, what is the name of the celestial fox, what kind of space supernatural power, and can move around the edge of the desert."

"Fox spirit? Heavenly fox?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows. After his wife Qing'er broke through to the level of the demon king, she awakened part of the blood of the Tianhu. If she could obtain the inner core of the demon king, or the demon core of the demon emperor, she would be able to obtain it. Tianhu's innate supernatural powers.

If that's the case, then go to the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory first.

After getting this information, Jiang Lin decided to bring Gu Mengxue and the others along after returning to Chu State and marrying Zhong Chuchu, and head north.

Even if he got to the sand sea in the northern region and the passage had not been opened, he could rest there for a while.

Since he came to Daluo Immortal Realm, his spirit has never been relaxed, even in Jiangliu County for half a year.This high-intensity mental tension made him a little overwhelmed.

Chapter [*] Zhong Kui is going to kill!

After having a plan in mind, Jiang Lin put away the map and went to the teleportation formation. The two passed through the teleportation formation, and after several turns, they arrived at Chu State in the afternoon. After half an hour, they arrived at the capital of Chu State. Royal Palace.


When Zhong Chuchu saw Jiang Lin's return, he rushed out like a swallow leaving the nest.

"Husband, who is this girl?"

After throwing herself into Jiang Lin's arms and tired for a while, Zhong Chuchu asked about the red flower beside Jiang Lin.

"She is Honghua, your sister. We have known each other before, and we got married two days ago. Honghua, she is exactly what I told you."

Jiang Lin introduced Zhong Chuchu and Hong Hua to each other.

Zhong Chuchu pursed his lips and snorted, but he didn't show any temper.

She is a child of the royal family and is no stranger to men's three wives and four concubines. Even her father, the previous emperor of Chu, was a bunch of concubines.

After that, Jiang Lin informed Zhong Chuchu that he had gone to the heavenly court and joined forces with the ghost city to overthrow the heavenly court.

On that day, when he left, he didn't say these things for fear that Zhong Chuchu would be worried.

"Okay, Chu Chu, please let everyone in the palace arrange a happy event. Tomorrow we will get married. After that, you will also declare that you will cede the throne. We are going to leave. Hong Hua, you are with Chu Chu. Let's take a look in the palace, I have to do something for my husband."

Jiang Lin asked Zhong Chuchu to arrange the wedding. Honghua grew up in Danhuo Town since she was a child, and she had never seen anything in the world, so he let Honghua and Zhong Chuchu go together, so that the two of them could get to know each other. a bit.

As for himself, he was going to sort out the treasures in the ancient mirror a little. There were no evil spirits and monks in the Chu country, and this was the forbidden area of ​​the palace.

After Zhong Chuchu and Hong Hua left, Jiang Lin glanced around.

"It's good, Baoyi is not there!"

The corners of Jiang Lin's mouth raised. He now contains a huge amount of fairy treasures in the ancient mirror. In the future, Baoyi will not be allowed to stay in the ancient mirror again.

Usually, some treasures, even real dragons, fairy blood and other treasures, if the treasure is spoiled, it's nothing, but there are so many fairy grass elixir in it, if Baoyi finds out, then this girl will definitely become a two hundred catties fat man.

All use Xianbao to gain weight.

"Yo~ I've been away for two or three days, and I'm avoiding me when I come back? I'm afraid I'm not purely a tool."

At this moment, Bao Yi's figure suddenly appeared not far away.

She rolled her eyes and stared at Jiang Lin, this unconscionable person, she was so worried because she was so worried, and she felt relieved after seeing Jiang Lin's safe return.

"Cough, who is hiding from you? It's not because you're not feeling well during the sun robbery, so I didn't want to disturb you."

Jiang Lin touched his nose and laughed dryly.

Now that Baoyi's cultivation base has recovered well, even if his strength has advanced greatly, he didn't realize that Baoyi was hiding not far away.

"You've worked hard, take a good rest."

After a perfunctory sentence, Jiang Lin went directly to Zhong Chuchu's bedroom.

"Don't go, tell me what happened above. We also have a fateful friendship here. I also want to hear the scene of the battle of the immortals, so that I can gain knowledge and work better in the future."

Baoyi's nose moved, and she quickly chased after him. Where did she want to hear about the battle scene, she had a smart nose, and when she smelled Jiang Lin, it seemed that there were many good treasures on her body.

When she arrived at Jiang Lin's side, she took a slight sniff again, and Jiang Lin avoided her just now, so there must be a good treasure in Jiang Lin's ancient mirror.

You girl, your nose is a thief.

Jiang Lin pouted, and told Bao Yi, "This is the case, this is the case", and he talked about the situation of the Heavenly Court battle.

"Well, I'm very uncomfortable being suppressed by the sun robbery. I need to replenish some treasures. Where is your ancient mirror, I'll go in."

After listening to Jiang Lin's statement, Baoyi stopped pretending and wanted to enter his ancient mirror.

"Didn't you always blame me for restricting your freedom before? Now that I have the ability to protect myself, you don't have to worry too much about your safety. You are such a majestic fairy, how can I imprison you again."


Baoyi looked at Jiang Lin with a look of "You lied to a ghost", and then said: "I don't care, you have to take me in, that is my nest, and I have feelings for it."

"Let's go aside, that's my wife Jing Yuanying's body. What kind of feelings do you have, it's not your turn to have feelings."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, his ancient mirror was equivalent to Jing Yuanying's body, and Bao Yi actually said that he had feelings for the ancient mirror.

"I don't care. If you don't take me in, I will drag you and not let you marry. Take me in, take me in."

Baoyi got into trouble there. In the past, when there was danger, Jiang Lin forced her to stuff her with Zhenlong barbecue, which made her really fat. Now, with the baby, Jiang Lin didn't let her in.


Okay, I'll accept it, you wait and see how I accept you in the future.

In the end, Jiang Lin had no choice but to let Baoyi get into the ancient mirror.

If she doesn't obey, if this girl makes trouble in front of Honghua, then Honghua will lose her temper again.

Moreover, Baoyi can't eat much, and with Baoyi's help to count, the process is much faster.

After drilling in, Bao Yi's scream came from the ancient mirror.

so much?so much! ! !

Jiang Lin, where do you go in the future, where will I follow!

It was only after midnight that Jiang Lin rested with his wife.

The next day, a grand wedding was held in the palace of Chu Kingdom. Jiang Lin and Zhong Chuchu got married under the witness of the officials and the common people.

After getting married, Zhong Chuchu directly ceded the throne to a worthy minister.

"Husband, where are you? I'm in the northern border town of Chu, run, Zhong Kui is going to kill!"

Before Jiang Lin and Zhong Chuchu entered the bridal chamber ceremony, the voice of Yu Canhua came in their minds.

I go, was it discovered so soon?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, and then he stopped entering the bridal chamber with Zhong Chuchu. Anyway, they were already married.

With Zhong Chuchu and Hong Hua, Jiang Lin flew straight into the sky and galloped towards the north.

"Husband, who is she?"

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