In the end, many angels joined forces to kill him, and he was not sure whether he was dead or not.

This is strange.

Is the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint so difficult to deal with?

Chapter [*]: Hunter King

"Does Tianhu Yaosheng have any powerful substitution technique? You have dealt with him several times, and the time interval should not be long, right? Can his substitution technique be used continuously?"

Jiang Lin asked his doubts. With Yu Canhua's arrogant character back then, since the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage provokes her, she will definitely not be merciful, unless the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage has some extremely clever surrogacy technique, Otherwise, escaping one after another in the hands of a furious angel is simply not realistic.

"It's not a surrogate technique, it's the innate magical power of the Tianhu family. The foxes in the Tianhu family, even the little demons, can completely transfer their own vitality into their hearts. When they encounter danger, their hearts can move to the right. , unless you shoot directly to kill its heart, or cut off its head, those little monsters can be resurrected. If they reach the level of a big monster, they can transfer their vitality to their limbs and even fox skins. If they want to kill them, they have to A fire burned the fox corpse to ashes."

After a pause, Yu Canhua continued: "As for the demon king and the demon emperor, it will be even more difficult to deal with, otherwise, why do you think the Tianhu clan can survive on the edge of the sand sea in the northern region? If it is compared to the vitality, I am afraid there is not much This demon clan can be compared with the Tianhu clan. That’s why I killed the Tianhu demon saint a few times and it didn’t work. Later, I heard that the Tianhu demon saint was killed by a group of angels. Only one was left. I don't know if that fellow has a backhand. But even if there is, there is no movement for so many years, and it is estimated that it was fundamentally injured. "

I'm going!

After listening to Yu Canhua's words, Jiang Lin was a little stunned. In addition to breaking the barrier, the Tianhu family's innate magical powers can also graft vitality.

No wonder Yu Canhua said that before, if he just killed the Demon Emperor Tianhu, relying on his own Sun Fire and other Yang flames, there should be no big problem, but if he wants to take his demon pill, it will be difficult to control.

The power of the ultimate move is great, and it may even destroy the demon pill. If the power is not enough, it may make it reborn and escape.

"Husband, if it's so troublesome, I'll just need the inner alchemy."

Qing'er heard that Yu Canhua said that the demon emperor Tianhu was so difficult to deal with, so she didn't ask for demon pills in her heart.

"That's where it can be done. I used to be a husband and my strength was low. Now my strength has increased a lot. Since we want it, we must be good."

Jiang Lin shook his head, getting useful things for his wife, no trouble if there is any trouble.

I hope that the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint back then would have died a long time ago.

Jiang Lin grumbled in his heart. He didn't really want to disturb the Demon Sage Heavenly Fox. Now that Yu Canhua's natal magic weapon has been destroyed, the immortal power that can be passed on to him is not as good as when he was dealing with Wutian. , that is more troublesome.

"Let's go to the edge of the sand sea in the Northern Territory first. I don't know how long it will take for the passage there to open. If it takes longer, we will rest there for a while. With immortal treasures, Huahua's cultivation base should be able to drop. Slow down."

Jiang Lin didn't make unnecessary guesses. Now he also wants to go to the sand sea in the northern region as soon as possible, and take good care of himself.

Perhaps it was because of the sun robbery that Jiang Lin and the others did not encounter any evil spirits along the way. As for powerful monks or loose immortals, they also did not encounter any.

Not bad luck.

When he arrived at Shawaihai in the Northern Territory, Jiang Lin heard that the passage would not be opened for more than two months, so he took Qinger and the others to find a very remote place, opened a cave, and lived there temporarily.

After enjoying the immortal life for nearly three months, Jiang Lin and his family entered the desert area of ​​the northern sand sea as soon as the channel at the bottom of the northern sand sea was formed.

A month later, they crossed the desert area and reached the center of the sand sea in the northern region.

Jiang Lin was not in a hurry to enter the central area. The sand sea in the northern region was originally a place that Heavenly Court did not care about, and it was not necessarily calm inside. On the contrary, the place not too far from the inner circle of the sand sea was relatively calm.

Because large sandstorms have been raging for many years, some areas within the inner ring of the desert circle are thin in spiritual energy, and there are few traces of evil spirits and monks.

Jiang Lin found a safer area in this area and built a cave.

Even if the spiritual energy is thin, the immortal treasures he left behind are enough for him and his wives to live and recuperate.

There is another reason for him to do this, that is, the Tianhu clan has many traces of activities in this area.

If it really didn't happen, he would go to the two phantoms of Gu Mengxue first, and he wasn't going to take a few wives with him.

If he takes them all with him, if there is any accident, he will have great concerns. The same is true for Jade Remnant Flower. He doesn't take it with him. With Jade Remnant Flower taking care of him, he can rest assured of Qing'er and the others.

After half a day, Jiang Lin reached the edge of the desert. Although there was a big storm in the sand sea in the northern region, there were also some rare treasures in it, so there were traces of the Tianhu tribe.

In addition, there are also traces of ordinary human activities. Sandstorms are polished all the year round, so that there are many gem-like spar in the desert, which attracts these treasure hunters to danger.

"Hey, I actually met a monk with a baby?"

Jiang Lin was flying at a low altitude with the Japanese golden wheel, and suddenly found a bearded cultivator not far in front of him, whose cultivation was not low.

The bearded man also had a few dead foxes on his shoulders.

Is this bearded person specially hunting celestial foxes?

Jiang Lin pondered for a while, then withdrew his spiritual power, let the golden wheel return to his body, landed on the sand, and walked over.

He wanted to ask the other party for some information about the nearby Tianhu Clan, and go to the cliché. With the concealment method he got from Yu Canhua, the bearded man still couldn't find out that he had a cultivation base.

"Hey, uncle! Why did you catch so many foxes? I've been busy for a long time, and I haven't caught a single one."

As it approached, Jiang Lin went up to greet the bearded man.

"Young man, you are also a hunter? Then you have found the right person. I am the best fox catching expert in a thousand miles, and I am nicknamed the Hunter King."

Seeing Jiang Lin, the bearded man patted his chest and gave Jiang Lin a blow.

I'm so stinky!

When the King Hunter spoke, Jiang Lin's nose seemed to be hit with a hammer.

He had never smelled such a bad breath before!

Damn, how long has it been since you brushed your teeth?

Jiang Lin was really speechless. When his cultivation reached the golden core level, the cultivator's qi and blood would automatically remove impurities in his body. He would take a few mouthfuls of turbid breath every day and rinse his mouth, but he would not breathe.

But this hunter, let me go, my bad breath is like feces.

"It turns out that the uncle is the famous hunter king, disrespectful and disrespectful."

Blocking his sense of smell, Jiang Lin pretended to compliment him.

The first thousand five hundred and forty-three chapters nine tail fire pipa

"Uncle Hunter, can you teach me how to track down those celestial foxes, you are so experienced in hunting celestial foxes, I guess it's time to find out where their nests are?"

Jiang Lin probed and asked, if the hunter knew the specific den of Tianhu, he wouldn't have to keep trying his luck here, just kill it.

"Teach you two tricks? Hey, it's not my hunter bragging, I can point you to a lot, and you can find a lot. As for their nests, don't count on them, I don't know, even if I do, I don't know. I'll tell you. For an ordinary person like you, when you arrive at the Tianhu's lair, it's pure death. I think your physique is not bad. Do you want to consider me as a teacher? If you don't say anything else, it's okay to let you hunt foxes and make a fortune. Yes. I've been fishing for three days and drying nets for two days. The foxes I hunted are sold, and I can't buy enough wine to drink."

The Hunter King took a look at Jiang Lin and felt that his physique was very good, so he would accept him as his apprentice.

Why is there such a cultivator in the Daluo Immortal Realm?

Jiang Lin was a little speechless. He originally thought that the bearded cultivator killed the Tianhu for refining medicine or for other reasons, but now it seems that this guy is purely a hunter. He hunted the Tianhu to buy wine and eat meat. .

Why do you want to accept him as an apprentice? Just accept the apprentice. Listening to the meaning of the hunter, it seems that he has no intention of teaching him to practice or anything else. He will teach him to fight foxes, and then pay part of the tuition for him to buy wine and drink. .

What a talent.

"Hunting king, uncle, this is unnecessary. I have old and young people, and I can't get away to apprentice."

Since the King Hunter didn't know the nests of the Tianhu clan around the desert, Jiang Lin didn't plan to waste any more time.

"Forget it, it's fate to meet each other. I think you are also pleasing to the eye, so let's teach you the skill of tracking with both hands."

Seeing Jiang Lin was about to leave, the Hunter King stopped him.

"Hey, it's there, I'll teach you on the spot."

The King Hunter walked to the side and squatted down, pointing to a lump of dung on the ground, and beckoning Jiang Lin to go over, he grabbed the Baba on the sand and said, "I tell you, I can see at a glance that it's fox dung, and Tianhu is very cunning. , if you want to track them, you have to rely on the fox dung they leave. If it is drier, it means that it is farther away from here, and the more wet it is, the opposite is true. The fox dung is neither dry nor wet, it should be near here. Also Have……"

After speaking, the hunter put his palm close to his nose, sniffed twice, and continued: "The older the fox, the more cunning, the more powerful the fox, the more stinky its feces will be. It means that there must be a very powerful fox nearby, and it has become a demon."



Jiang Lin has been petrified. For the first time in his life, he saw a cultivator who went to smell the animal Baba, especially a powerful cultivator who had already formed a Nascent Soul.

Could it be that the monks in the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory are full of funny brains?

It's all fucking talent?

To track down Tianhu, you don't need to look for the strength of the remaining demonic energy, so use Yone Tiangong? ? ?

Jiang Lin thought that when he first arrived at the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory, his eyes widened, but the hunter king in front of him once again refreshed his three views and cognition.

The hunter king picked up the baba... and filled it into his mouth.

Filled in the mouth.

Filled in the mouth.

At this moment, Jiang Lin was completely turned into a statue.

For the first time since he could remember, he doubted his eyes.

Doubt if what you see is true.

"Heavenly fox is divided into two types: snow fox and fire fox. If it tastes sweet, it means that the fox is a snow fox. If it is hot, it is a fire fox. If it is sweet or numb, it means that it is doing the right way. The higher it is. Near here, there is a fire fox, or the kind with extremely deep Taoism."

The hunter spit out the fox dung in his mouth and shared his experience with Jiang Lin.

"There is one more point, you taste, you taste carefully."

Afterwards, the hunter pointed to the remaining dung on the ground and asked Jiang Lin to put his theory into practice.

I will taste you %¥#@&*!

Jiang Lin was roaring in his heart, who the hell wants to fly with you!

Return your product, your fine product!

Only now did Jiang Lin know why this hunter king had such a bad breath.

Damn, this product is a sample every day, it's strange if it doesn't smell!

"No need, no need, Uncle Hunter King, you have enough experience, and there will be no difference. Since there is a Tianhu nearby, then the boy will look for it with you, so as to add some knowledge."

Jiang Lin waved his hands again and again, asking him to learn the first-grade Huangshan Mountain like the Hunting King, unless his brain was flooded with cerebellum to raise fish, and his head was kicked by a donkey.

The King Hunter snorted softly and said, "Young people today just can't endure hardship."

Co-authoring can you suffer?

I'm sorry, what you eat isn't bitter, it's shit.

Jiang Lin murmured in his heart, but did not answer the Hunter King's words.

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